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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 902 KB, 1306x1108, Berghain.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11134547 No.11134547 [Reply] [Original]

What are some good set of clothes to wear when going to this place?

>> No.11134556
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>> No.11134563
File: 246 KB, 1000x1333, vuilniszak.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this going to get me inside?

>> No.11134566
File: 24 KB, 600x600, 273-1234042618-artwork-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

clubs are for degenerates, go home and be a family man

>> No.11134570

You realize this is /fa/, right?

>> No.11134580

Yes, if you dress like youre into gay fetish bondage type stuff they you are likely to get in

>> No.11134582
File: 229 KB, 1280x853, 1458251805974.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw no friends to go to bargain with

Also the answer as always is Rick

>> No.11134583

if you're the kind of person who would make this thread on /fa/ you're not getting in to berghain

>> No.11134586

You wouldn't get in dressed like that, basic poser shite

>> No.11134588

I dress like this and get in every single time fuckboy

>> No.11134589

Just because you have secretive crippling issues doesn't mean you can't have a functioning social life.

>> No.11134590


>> No.11134595

probably all-black, rick owens, boris bidjan saberi, damir doma, alexandre plokhov etc. look like you fit to the music that's played and it's probably wise to actually know about the artists that are playing.

just look up whatever they sell at darklands but don't try too hard. just look confident in what you're wearing and don't look like an obvious tourist (polo shirt/dress shirt, navy jeans and all-stars or whatever) will not get you in. a lot of tourists hear berghain is the best club in berlin and think they'll get in because they look like they'd be able to spend inside but it doesn't really work that way with berghain nor with most clubs in berlin.

>> No.11134603

In what language do you have to adress the bouncers to get in?

>> No.11134608

German ofc

>> No.11134609

>all-black, rick owens, boris bidjan saberi, damir doma, alexandre plokhov

why are you people perpetually stuck in 2010? give up the black drapey aestetic, it's getting embarassing. shit was played out YEARS ago.

>> No.11134617

Wear a dress and lip stick or at least look as gay as possible. They let in all the gays.

>> No.11134619

Does it matter if you have a heavy accent?

>> No.11134626
File: 40 KB, 1050x591, 1459541570206.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>giving a shit what is "in"
oh wow get taste kid

>> No.11134628

probably helps if you do speak german but probably not wise to come up to them and speak hesitant german. otherwise english but don't be overly loud or excited, just be cool like you normally would. a 'guten abend' probably is all you need though.

also don't stress it if you don't get in, there are so many great clubs in berlin that have a much less strict door policy than berghain. berghain's strictness is part of the image.

>> No.11134635

ok dude you try and get in wearing pin-rolled raw jeans and stan smiths. also those brands do not always have to mean black and drapey

>> No.11134636

that whole style is based on trends that were actually trendy 5 years ago

you look like a literal clown wearing that shit in 2016

>> No.11134637

Just one more question, does height play a role in getting in? I'm like extremely tall and not very good at not drawing attention to myself.

>> No.11134643


>> No.11134646

ok so, people who wear Rick Owens don't care about what is "in", but also don't have any personal sense of style since they wear clothes almostly entirely by the same brand, and copy that look. Everyone wearing rick looks the same, it's not personally style its taking someone elses (awful) look. Whether it is/isn't/was fashionable at some point doesn't matter

>> No.11134651

i'm not some dadcore faggot you stupid fuck, i just don't wear clothes that were trendy 5 years ago

people on /fa/ only likes rick owens because the clothes remind them of their favorite anime/videogame character anyway

you're all nerds and will never get in to berghain

>> No.11134658

who fucking cares

i understand that you're some nerd who is afraid people on the internet will think his style is not 'trendy' anymore but i don't give a fuck about this shit. I buy ricks clothes because i think he's the only good designer out there and i will continue to wear his stuff the next 10 years for sure.
wow don't you have more important stuff in your life than fucking clothes?

>> No.11134671

>I buy ricks clothes because i think he's the only good designer out there

you don't have any real interest in fashion and shouldn't tell anyone else to "get taste"

>> No.11134673

I do have taste though. Rick Owens as a brand really resonates with my own believes about clothes and what looks good.

If you tell me i can't wear something because it was frequently posted on a cartoon board 4 years ago i can tell you to get taste and mean it.
baka fuckboys

>> No.11134679

Also i don't have an interest in fashion because it's fucking gay. Also i'm not a fucking consumerist i just like a few basic rick owens clothes and i have the money for it.

>> No.11134689

who the fuck cares about five year old trends, if you're trying to argue that the stuff rick owens produces right now isn't contemporary you don't know shit. i honestly don't wear rick but I still respects his artistic vision and the garments he creates. also for what it's worth I've never watched and anime and the only game I play is NBA 2K maybe once a week. stop projecting, I'm from Berlin and go to Berghain (amongst other clubs) very often. I don't drape myself in full-Rick but I see countless people who do so in similar fashion.

>> No.11134694

>don't you have more important stuff in your life than fucking clothes

spends hundreds of dollars on black t shirts because a man has convinced him he knows what looks good

>> No.11134699

I only buy rick outerwear and shoes though.
I have one Tee and it was wasted money imo.

>> No.11134704

ok have fun with your naruto clothes

>> No.11135808

try to look like a gay tourist

>> No.11135944


>stop liking what I don't like.

Holy shit dude you're poor, jealous, and autistic. The unholy grail of /fa/ shitposters.

But you, I, and the Rick guy you are talking to, all know that if you have the money - you would fucking clamour over Rick's clothes. Because they're good - and no matter how many times you try to tell your broke self that 'you don't like them' and 'it's played out' - it's not going to change the rest of us from enjoying good clothing.

Run along now.

>> No.11135984

Aren't they trying to keep the tourists out?

>> No.11135995

yea normal tourists, but read again what >>11135808 said

>> No.11135997

is berghain expensive to get into? and is it even worth the night out?
i feel like such a strict door policy only really attracts the posers so i dont get how they decipher between who goes in or not

>> No.11136042


>> No.11136084


Its fairly random, there are lots of german regulars who go with groups though.

Tattoos, piercings etc will make a difference. Lots of techno artists wear streetwear.

Its obviously overrated as fuck but yes theres gay areas where gay things happen.

If you roll up in a wavey vintage Tommy shirt and a ralphy cap you'll probably be turned away as it screaks tourist.

>> No.11136086


>> No.11136094


Wasn't expensive to get in, dont remember how much but it was less than 20 euros I think, and you can stay till it closes on the third day.

>> No.11136108

so the more piercings you have the more likely you are to get in or the other way round? i take it anything that proper edges up the look makes a positive difference

>> No.11136116


Edgier the better yeah, but if you dont speak German its gonna be hit and miss.

>> No.11137474

13€ when I visited in 2013/2014

>> No.11137499
File: 4 KB, 275x183, jacques.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what most people dont realize is that they dont let anyone who looks under 20. they rightfully deny entry to people who look younger because theyre simply not mature enough yet to fully understand the scene and what goes on inside berghain. dont go if youre young. if youre of age, here are some tips :

Dressing all black helps, but not if you dont usually dress in all black. meaning they will notice if you tried to gather the only black t shirt and only black pair of pants you own and will most likely know youre a tryhard poser.

Don't go in a giant group. 2 or 3 people is fine, alone is best. (seriously, going to berghain alone is the best)

Don't be loud in the queue. You're probably going to be drunk or rolling while waiting in the queue but try to stay calm and not draw attention to yourself. Last time I went there was a group of young brazilians in the queue ahead of us and they were being loud as fuck screaming in portugese or whatever language they were speaking, dressed in brazil soccer t shirts, shorts and umbrell shoes. they were instantly denied entry and tried to argue with the bouncers. (dont do that. the bouncers NEVER change their minds and youre wasting your time and look like an idiot)

If you don't know any german dont try and speak german to the bouncers in broken german. if they ask you something in german just say "Sorry I dont speak german".

this brings me to the final tip; Go with someone who speaks german or speak german yourself. they try to keep tourists out and not knowing german will instantly highly increase your chances of not getting in, obviously.

enjoy being disappointed. unless you actually like techno or whatever is playing the night you decide to go you wont really enjoy it.

>pic not related

>> No.11137727

is true sven is racist and discriminates against a shitload of people

>> No.11137739

This thread is fucking ridiculous
You are discussing this like it's some sort of status symbol to get in a club
How about you fucking go there because you actually enjoy the music and the mood
More than likely if you are in to that kinda scene you already look the part
Jesus christ what is even wrong with you people

>> No.11137842


What most people don't know is that Sven collects those little bonus hearts you get when you buy at Kaiser's. Give him like 50 and he'll def let you in.

>> No.11137850

you wont get in if you're foreign and are with your friends, you're better off going in alone and wearing a more basic outfit, that shit is way too try hard

>> No.11137895

My foreign friend got in with her friends without a problem

>> No.11137899

>tfw got into Berghain

good feel, good club

everywhere was strict though, Suicide Circus, Tresor

>> No.11137904

here, I got in wearing a black H&M t-shirt, black topman skinny jeans and black Wolverine 1k miles so don't overthink it too much, just go in all black

like >>11137850 said, we were a group of english lads and split up into groups of two, make sure you know who's playing that night and how to say some basic stuff in German, have a contingency plan where to go if you don't get in

>> No.11137905

everything is racist and discriminational today S.M.H... it's their club so they can decide for themselves who they want to let in and who not. L M A O

>> No.11138361
File: 56 KB, 604x453, nska.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can shitskins get in? blacks? asians? I heard hilarious story from someone, about a group of indians INSTANTLY denied. the bouncer gave them a look of 'are you fucking kidding me'

>> No.11138392



>> No.11138787

do you even know what berghain is?

>> No.11138911

Vuilniszak. Daar moest ik nu eens van kekken, hoor je?

>> No.11138937

I hate this fit.

>> No.11138942

i'll bargain with you anon

>> No.11138966

Just be yourself

>> No.11138998

The irony is that poo in the loos would fit in as Berghain bathrooms consist of people pissing in each others faces.

>> No.11139006

literally what?

>> No.11139012

it's an epic meme from the most autistic board on 4chan, /int/

>> No.11139029

Any good Russian brands to check out?

I only know Anteater and Sputnik 1985. I want a hoodie with Cyrillic on it

>> No.11139067

I think Sven doesn't discriminate on purpose, if an Indian guy looks the part of a techno drone they'd get in. However, this is pretty doubtful as you can imagine. Techno is kind of white people music.

>> No.11139322


Kanker harde kek

>> No.11139374


>> No.11139926

Show up in full Gosha