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File: 71 KB, 500x359, 1459136641801.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11130130 No.11130130 [Reply] [Original]

are liberals /fa/?

>> No.11130176
File: 202 KB, 1056x705, libs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you tell me

>> No.11130308

anarchists are the only effay ones

>> No.11130364
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>> No.11130399

Of course not. They embody everything that isn't /fa/ and dress like complete shit. none of them smoke or are angsty introverts who think they dress better than everyone else so not effay at all

>> No.11130431

what's wrong with liberalism ? i always thought they're the kind one. the opposite of them (right wing) are always depicted as racist, old, and secretly bi. plus trying hard to be dominant.

>> No.11130441

>the opposite of them
the opposite of right wing is socialism, and liberals are also right wing.

>> No.11130453

oh okay. so liberals are the racist one and socialists are the diverse and loving one ?

>> No.11130463

Liberals have just gone too far recently, though rings wings have too.
It's just the funny /pol/ meme that the high school kids love to repeat that make it seem like liberals are ruining everything nowadays.

>> No.11130472

socially and fiscal differences
socially liberal means freedom of decision and expression
fiscally liberal means supporting higher taxation for govt programs, increased govt spending or to put it more simply demand focused economics.
socially conservative is traditional and focuses more on Christian values
fiscally conservative is free-market based, little to no govt intervention. or supply based economics.

>> No.11130473

they are not racist, because mostly extreme right can be racist. likewise, socialists don't advocate communist terror, etc.

>> No.11130491

this can be noted as well. Trump is a direct reaction to the radical left feminist, blm, pro-Bernie groups. Bernie is more of a reaction to people believing everything they read on the internet and social science majors thinking that they can solve the world's problems by throwing govt money at "oppressed groups".

>> No.11130496

this is true to an extent, but the slippery slope isn't a complete fallacy in regards to the socialist -> communist -> totalitarian dictatorship trend

>> No.11130501

Trump is the epitome of liberal though

>> No.11130543
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Why else do you think her smile looks backwards

>> No.11131335


They think they are morally superior to you.

>> No.11131411


What does this word even mean anymore? The american meaning (which has also penetrated the international political debate on sites like 4chan) has absolutely nothing to do with the actual political ideology. I'd call myself a liberal because I'm a firm believer in liberalism, and liberalism has fuckall to do with absurd moralist censorship and regressive left insanity.

>> No.11131416


J.S. Mills is something many 'liberals' of today would hate, while worshipping Marx.

>> No.11131444

>J.S. Mills

my freedomer. Though some of his ideas are very much a product of the times (and he recognised this to some extent), one cannot deny how based he was.

>> No.11131479

>international political debate on sites like 4chan
Mainstream websites are American by default.

/pol/? Overwhelming dedicated to American politics
r/politics? Overwhelming dedicated to American politics

>> No.11131482

You're probably more like a libertarian then.. Words and their meanings change anon, language is a living organism.

>> No.11131555

the dregs of society

>> No.11131592
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>> No.11131635
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Fascism is better in everything
It's about unity and working for the best of your own people

>> No.11131638

how do i ask my barber for this haircut if hes a jew?

>> No.11131651

print it and put your thumb over the swastika when showing it
Alternatively simply dont give a fuck

>> No.11131714


That face on the right. She looks as if she is in a delirium of absolute self-righteousness. Literally a smiling maniac of her cause and crusade - there is absolutely nothing but self assurance, violence, and loathing behind those eyes. Even the Nazis didn't look so passionatly indoctrinated about their cause. That is the face of: "I would put a bullet in the face of every cis white male to stop the patriarchy".

>> No.11131725

crop the picture so it only shows his haircut?

>> No.11131779

the greatest symbiotic parasite the worlds ever known isnt microbial its linguistic

>> No.11131795

wrong. it is more than that.

Trump is a reaction to establishment democrats like clintons, who masquerade as leftists by promoting social justice positions (while selling out the working class with trade deals and pro-corporate economic policies).

>> No.11131797

fuck off skullface

>> No.11131802

not in america man. American fascism is Nazi fascism but without the dedication to fitness. look at a Trump rally and tell me how /fa/ they are.

>> No.11131819

>I was born in a small village

>> No.11131821


anyways if youre going to cherry pick people that support X obviously there will always have retards and bad looking, despite being more frequent in socialism supporters since its the scum that benefits from socialism.

>> No.11131827


>> No.11131830

I couldn't get though half of the first sentence of your post.

>> No.11132353

The problem is that socialists call themselves liberals, so people who claim to be liberals are actually socialists.

>> No.11132378

You are so retarded, it hurts

>> No.11132858


sans lingua franca

>> No.11133006
File: 60 KB, 500x338, Freidman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not him, but you're a retart pal
when someone calls themselves "fiscally liberal" they don't mean classical liberalism

alternatively, take a look at https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fiscal_conservatism

>> No.11133068

In many ways, the left has become the new normal, and the right has become the new counter culture. You pretty much see beliefs and values that are considered leftist everywhere now a days. For example, if you flip on the TV, you'll see a character in a show that is gay for no reason other than to be progressive, almost all channels talk shit about the GOP in some shape or form, etc.

>> No.11133096


Depends on what you mean by liberal

Modern usage of liberal refers to a white person whose only political concerns are about racism, sexism, feminism, evil wall street bankers, and homosexual marriage.

Most self proclaimed liberals are actually right wing, but think that gay marriage and abortion defines the ideology.

>> No.11133212

gas that kike and do it yourself

>> No.11133230

>having anything to do with modern liberalism
Explains why theyre so effay

>> No.11133236

I don't know dude. I'm like 95% liberal but I fucking hate liberals. They praise minorities as if they were disabled and then claim minorities are no different than anyone else.

>> No.11133268

Modern liberal by the american definition is super different from classical liberalism.

>> No.11133301

This, when you really examine the modern left, the shit they believe in is more synonymous with totalitarianism than liberalism.

Censorship of anything deemed remotely insulting or controversial, the stratification of society based on race, thuggish subgroups like Antifa violently confronting dissenters, the seizing of wealth by the state and pervasive groupthink that stigmatises anyone in the out‐group, if not publically shaming them.

I especially love the objective morality enforced by them, and the adoption of original sin.

>> No.11133381


>> No.11133719

antifa or the autonomous leftist wing is the best. Great girls, great ideology and great aesthetics.

>> No.11133736

Thing is, not all the left believes in that shit. Only a vocal and admittedly powerful group.

>> No.11133749

Kasich is the most /fa/ candidate easily

>> No.11133754


been a liberal all my life. but Sanders is a joke, and fuck Hilary

>> No.11134035
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>Great girls, great ideology and great aesthetics
filthy degenerate dreadlocked girls, naive and destructive ideology, average dresscode is cheap, second hand trash

This is what fascism looks like, uniform, beautiful, strong, hard as nails. Scum like you will die in a pogrom

>> No.11134157


>> No.11134194


>> No.11134508

Top of the line projector you've got there. How much for it?

>> No.11134522

This, I myself am socially liberal, fiscally conservative.

>> No.11134539

>Because one group can be racist means another can't

Sure, mi amigo.
>Don't advocate communist terror
One Democratic Socialist running for president sure does love communism



>> No.11134577
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>> No.11134584

That's funny because the free market is a cornerstone of liberalism. Don't fall for the american media's inability to understand political ideologies. The guy you responded to got half of his definitions wrong.

>> No.11135280


what swastika?

>> No.11135371
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>tfw liberal
>mfw these electoral candidates
>mfw everyone's a radical

>> No.11135453

(right wing) are always depicted as racist, old, and secretly bi.
>always depicted as racist
>always depicted as
>always depicted

Jesus fuck man. Read something other than liberal propaganda.

>> No.11135493

I (and those I speak to of the subject) use it in a mocking fashion. These 'liberals' actually describe themselves as liberals, despite being absolutely opposed to freedom of thought. I have noticed that the irony of calling them such is lost on many, however.

>> No.11135569

>americans think liberals are left
LMFAO it aint 1800's no more

>> No.11135576

liberals are as vile and evil as any sort of right wingers desu

>> No.11136085

>Preachy moral authoritarians on both the left and right are vile

FTFY famille

>> No.11136114

They're on his medals. On the left and middle one, they are towards the bottom, and on the rightmost one it is smack dab in the center.

>> No.11136123

This is just an american phenomenon, everywhere else people know what "liberal" means.

>> No.11136141

Liberal means they believe the government should be applied 'liberally' (aka LESS government).

Liberals in America believe in a bigger government, and more regulation. The ONLY two issues liberals want less government on is marijuana and abortion - both of which libertarians also believe should not be regulated by government.

Government is bad at everything it does, we don't want it more involved in our lives. I wish people would realize this.

>> No.11136143

my nigga

>> No.11136441

Name all of those in the fashion industry who consider themselves to be "liberal" and then look at all of those who consider themselves "conservative." That will give you some kind of answer.

>> No.11136445

Gay people make a lot of movies too, that doesn't mean everyone who watches movies is a leftist faggot.

>> No.11136449

How would liberal application mean only a small amount? Generally when someone says that they would mean be generous with the amount you use.

>> No.11136454

One of the definitions of "liberal" is to "use or apply sparingly"

That's what the liberal party USED to stand for.

>> No.11136480


Yeah, a cuck.

>> No.11136486


If by gay you mean gay jews, or jews in general then you would be right.

>> No.11136489

Hollywood has a gay mafia and a jewish mafia

the more you know

>> No.11136538

they are

>> No.11136613

You got that wrong m8

>> No.11136620
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Time for some white nationalist QT's

>> No.11136624
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>> No.11136627
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>> No.11136631
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>> No.11136635
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>> No.11136637
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>> No.11136641
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>> No.11136644

Nah it's right

>> No.11136650
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>> No.11136656
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>> No.11136662

Ex model here and Gf also was also a model, both Trump supporters.

I know a few people from the "in" crowd right now and would never share my political views in a public context. Many people are staying quiet right now in the same way we are.

>> No.11136663
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>> No.11136685
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>> No.11136688
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Na. Liberalism is derived from the latin word for "free" (liber). In the context of applying something, applying it liberally would be the opposite of applying it sparingly.

Even then, you're not entirely wrong. Liberalism is about freedom of the individual and depending on which side of the liberal spectrum you stand you could either be for or against large government. John Stuart Mill who's generally considered one of the most important liberal philosophers in history (he basically founded it) was a proponent of utilitarianism; ie trying to maximise the happiness of everyone involved which you can interpret however you want. Ultimately his main point was this; the greatest possible personal freedom of thought and action, and happiness without infringing on other people's freedom and happiness, and THIS is the foundation of liberalism. By the way, don't mistake the part about happiness for something that legitimises the regressive left's attempts at censorship in the name of feelings. Mills was a firm opponent of censorship and maintained that freedom of speech is integral to the wellbeing of society.

He also had killer cheekbones.

>> No.11136701
File: 3 KB, 474x30, liberal.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I knew I'd have to pull the old dictionary for you retards.

>> No.11136718
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Pretty much this. Liberalism and conservatism are like salt and pepper. They aren't opposites, but rather complimentary of each other.

Progressiveness is the real foe.

>> No.11136735
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>> No.11136743

>They aren't opposites, but rather complimentary of each other.

Correct. Though liberalism and conservatism have clear diffrences, especially in terms of social policy where conservatism leans on moralism, often of religious nature, with liberalism being far less rigid. I think the most annoying thing is that modern conservatism of the non-religious kind has more in common with classic liberalism than what you would usually call conservatism. Of course, it doesn't exactly help when conservatives in Europe start drifting towards neo-liberalism which is an entirely diffrent beast altogether.

>> No.11136746

>conservatism and liberalism compliment each other

>liberalism is pro-censorship
>conservatism is anti-censorship

I don't see how anyone could be for censorship.

>> No.11136751

Liberalism is not pro-censorship. Liberalism is the original anti-censorship ideology. The american media's usage of the word has corrupted its meaning and I definitely understand the confusion.

I'm gonna be a douche and refer to my previous post >>11136688

>> No.11136755


Well then here you go!


>> No.11136758

Censorship is not 'less government' or 'freedom'

>> No.11136760

>>liberalism is pro-censorship
>>conservatism is anti-censorship

>> No.11136784
File: 211 KB, 640x640, 1456976324166.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Should I keep posting white nationalist qt's?

>> No.11136792

There are a lot more that probably claim that they agree with "left" viewpoints, but are actually not leftist in their view or daily life. If you say something or do something wrong, it could be the end of your career, since people who disagree with your views can destroy you.

Just look at how many companies now have "naturally sized" women as models just because some landwhales got mad. Look at how they did to Dov Charney. They managed to get him fired, even though there was no evidence to prove that he actually harassed the women suing him. They also managed many companies to not work with photographer Terry Richardson, because they felt that he was "misogynist", and once again, they used a completely bogus lawsuit against him to do this.

>> No.11136826

Sure, but preferably none that misuse germanic runes. Hate it when nat soc types just take anything of historic significance and claim it for their own

>> No.11136836

that fucking thing in the purple jacket makes me so mad

>> No.11136853
File: 51 KB, 600x600, AzhhAfq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's channeling her inner Lennon.

>> No.11136899


Every time I read petty complsints about the left there's always arguments appealing to emotion and vast generalizations all over the place.

"Censorship" isn't a cut and dry concept. Nor does it always imply infringement of one's rights. What 4chan may view as "censorship" such as intolerance of racial epithets, controversial views and the like is in part due to those affected gaining power and saying that they're not going to put up with it anymore. Right wingers tend to view shifts in power as persecution directed at them. in fact conservatives tend to seek out things to feel persecuted by, for some reason. I guess to justify their defensiveness.

>> No.11136917

Censorship is censorship.

If you choose to censor 'hate speech' then the government gets to define what 'hate speech' is.

Do you really want the government determining what it is and isn't okay to say?

>> No.11136948

I try to avoid radicals of any nature, but I doubt there's enough people to ascribe people being against freedom of speech to liberals.
'Freedom of speech' doesn't mean freedom of consequences.

>> No.11136956

>'Freedom of speech' doesn't mean freedom of consequences.

But it does mean freedom of consequences from the government.

When people say dumb/racist shit in the past they just get cast out of their community. That's the way it's supposed to be. Not the full power of the government coming for some 15 year old that said nigger on twitter.

>> No.11136957

Hate speech has a tendency to sort out itself since it more often than not breaks the norms of society. What the state could make laws against without fucking with freedom of speech is incitement to violence, be it in general or directed as a specific group. There's a huge diffrence between saying "moslems are shitters" to "kill all moslems" - the former is a unsavoury thing to say but should still be defended by freedom of speech whilst the latter is a clear breach of the utilitarian aspect of "freedom and happiness aslong as it doesn't ruin other people's freedom and happiness", happiness not necessarily being someone's feelings but their actual well-being. That sentence was far too fucking long but whatever, you get my point.

>> No.11136958

"Kill all Muslims" is a threat. That's not hate speech. That's a threat, and it's against the law.

We shouldn't let government define what 'hate speech' is. Period.

>> No.11136964

Exactly. Problem is that people interpret what they percieve as "hate speech" as threats when in fact it's just really fucking rude. No one should make laws against being an asshole.

>> No.11136975

I have to agree with>>11136958. Now it would be completely different if you ran into a bar screaming "that Moslem is trying to take that woman. Let's go best him up" when he's just minding his own business. Now that's actually inciting violence.

>> No.11136990

I'm just arguing from liberalism's perspective. I'm not actually disagreeing with any of you.

>> No.11136994

>Not the full power of the government coming for some 15 year old that said nigger on twitter.
That's fucked up, when did that happen?

>> No.11137005

A few cases in Europe, one in Norway and one in Britain if I remember correctly. I don't think it was 'nigger' - over in Europe they've got the whole Muslim problem so I think it was something bad against muzzies.

>> No.11137010

I'm not sure if he's talking about a real case, but similar things have happened in Britain, with the most recent one being some man getting arrested and having his computers confiscated for criticizing Islam on Twitter.

Facebook has also teamed up with the German government to censor any speech considered "hate speech".

>> No.11137016

Thanks bro, didn't have the exact source. There have been at least 5 of these types of cases in the past 2 years and it's frightening.

Just a few steps away from ending up like China, full censored google searches, can't go on youtube, instagram, etc.

When you give government more power, you lose freedom. Always.

>> No.11137053

Is that Slavic sun an obviously racist symbol? Looks pretty good desu

>> No.11137816

so so wrong


>> No.11137947


"I'm gonna kill Trump"

Someone actually made a song about. Time to lock those fuckers up.

But on more important matters; >>11131635
My bf's going to look hot as fuck when I cut his hair this afternoon.