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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 873 KB, 1024x768, Low_Memorial_Library_Columbia_University_NYC_retouched.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11125888 No.11125888 [Reply] [Original]

Use this for
>finding other effay students at your university
>incoming freshman asking for advice about campus/admissions/etc.
>r8ing other universities

OP here with a question

I got into Iona and Albany and am waiting on my replies from Ithaca and FIT (I'm a communications major hoping to break into TV). I went to Iona today (it's close AF to my house.) and the program there seems dank AF but on the other hand, I want to be far from home for obvious reasons. I'm gonna enroll into FIT if I get in, and I like Ithaca because I've been going up to the town for years and the program seems cool.
tl;dr Can anyone tell me what each of the unis are like and are the programs/interns in each good?

>> No.11125894

anyone go to upenn or drexel?

>> No.11126239

University of Barcelona reporting in

>> No.11126570

is McGill /fa/? I'm an American student but I'm looking into it.
How hard is it for an American to get into college in England?

>> No.11126584

How should I dress as a 24yo grad student?

>> No.11126589

It's a long shot bit any Stockton students here?

>> No.11126598

You'll need lots of money, a visa, insurance etc. And it's shite for what you could get in the US for the same money, not even counting the rent, overseas flights and other expenses

>> No.11126603
File: 10 KB, 469x280, UEAlogo2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anybody /uea/ here?

as you would normally, of course

>> No.11126605

I thought overseas college was less expensive than American? My friends brother goes to McGill and apparently its really cheap

>> No.11126621

incoming freshman at Princeton, will I have any /fa/mily there?

>> No.11126773

i got into ucsb and waitlisted at berkeley, if i get accepted there idk what im gonna do

>> No.11126809

Ithaca is good for park school and weed

>> No.11126822

incoming freshman at University of Michigan. Is it really all Jewish lesbians?

>> No.11126886

I'm at mcgill right now. Arts students are fa but most of them are Tumblr or mfa core. The Koreans are fucking fa ofc. The campus itself isn't bad, living is a bit expensive but apartments are dirt cheap. Tons of Americans come to study here so you'll fit right in

>> No.11126892

What up /fa/m, Princeton 2020 here too. Thinking about BSE COS, you?

>> No.11126895

>Incoming fresman


>> No.11126932

Oswegonians here?

>> No.11126946
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>> No.11126989
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Anyone here go to a Swedish uni?

Pic related is the best one btw.

>> No.11127005
File: 15 KB, 400x400, Tulane.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Incoming freshman at Tulane

Any other New Orleans /fa/milia here?

>> No.11127011

Who else here /fordham/?

>> No.11127017

>Indiana University B
Greek life is awful here, but the rich Asians keep it pretty fresh. The actual town of Bloomington used to be more arts-focused so it is reasonable. Seriously though, this place is kind of a cesspool.

>> No.11127045

im at GU
was at chalmers but fuck that shit

>> No.11127047

shit uni mate

>> No.11127053

why do yu say so? I think it's alright and I like Norwich

>> No.11127058

Why don't you like Chalmers? It's one of the unis I looked into before choosing Lund. Seemed pretty good.

>> No.11127062

I am a New Orleanian since birth I hate it here but you will have fun since you're a Tulane student. I have never seen a fashionable person on Tulane's campus though. I'm the anon trying to go to McGill>>11126570
If you want any advice about the city you can feel free to ask me

>> No.11127063

What the hell.

University of Delaware
So much basic prep here. I wouldn't rate it highly at all.

>> No.11127079

I'm on the waitlist, realistically a high possibility of getting in since some kids can't afford it but I might also stick to in-state.

I'm completely stuck between Drew, UCF, UWf & Fordham

>> No.11127157
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Nah I've also been here since birth. It is pretty shit but at least there's Mardi Gras (which, come to think of it is also pretty shit). And I was going to go to Portland State University (I know, I know) but I got accepted here for my outstanding grades. So why not.

>> No.11127168
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>tfw you never wasted 5 figures to have some hack professor tell you how to read a book

College is a scam

>> No.11127170

Does anyone else here actually go to a top-tier uni? All I see in these threads are fucking USA state colleges or Russell Group red bricks

Oxford mustard race, lifestyle is basically champagne + coke &/or mandy five nights a week whilst blagging essays. Lots of black tie, lots of balls and parties

>> No.11127182

No one cares about your antiquated school Ahmed.

>> No.11127183
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And I bet you look exactly like the guy in that picture huh?

>> No.11127188

What's wrong with PSU? Sure it's not Lewis & Clark or Reed but it's a decent school in a nice area.
Which campus? I wante to be at LC but they didn't offer my major

>> No.11127197

i respect the work that oxcam puts out but desu the culture sounds horrid
I feel at my shitty school i have a bit more freedom to make my own fun is i guess what i'm saying.

I think he just means that it sounds like tumblr: the school

>> No.11127199
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No I wanted to go to PSU (It was my second choice after Berkeley) but since I live in New Orleans and got accepted into Tulane (which is a NOLA private college, pretty revered too, ivy of the south) I thought it would be easier to just stay than move all the way to Portland.

>> No.11127210

I've never been to New Orleans but Portland is almost the perfect college city. The culture is kinda >tumblr but that means that generally people dress well plus a lot of good music comes through here

>> No.11127225

Trinity in San Antonio TX?

>TFW it started as a Christian school but now is just another feminist mess

>> No.11127241

the education that i studied (electro engineering) for a while was fine! i just really(!) didnt care for the students and their student culture, which penetrates basicly everything.

>> No.11127243
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Lille, France here. Anyone? ;_;

>> No.11127268


I'm at Queen's but got accepted into McGill. McGill is definitely more effay than most schools, especially the Koreans/Japanese.

Like Queen's, there are a few effay people and a TON of tumblrcore faggots, but probably better than most universities. McGill has a lot of Americans.

As for price, its a lot better if you have a relative inside quebec you can cite so you can get in province tuition. Otherwise it jumps up a lot. Montreal is also expensive as fuck to live in.

The good thing about Canadian universities (and virtually all places other than the USA) is that all universities are public so you don't have this stupid Private vs. Public debate and even the best schools in Canada (probably McGill, UofT main, UBC, Queen's, Waterloo, and probably a couple more) still accept 10-15% of applicants, compared to like 1%> at Stanford and Ivy Leagues.

>> No.11127275

>le stanford has a tiny acceptance rate meme
It's not like they are accepting less people, it's just that every year more and more people apply so they have to turn more away holy fuck end this meme

>> No.11127277

Nope, Canada, but looks cool famille

>> No.11127278

Probably what I figured, but I still think its harder at top US schools. I got into basically every top university in Canada at just under 90% average (fuck GPA).

>> No.11127280

I've got a few friends going there, one is kind of effay

>> No.11127282

Colorado School of Mines, can't wait for nerdy kids with sweatshirts and asics

>> No.11127285
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I'm trying to decide between PSU and SF State. Any thoughts? Which is more like pic related?

>> No.11127287


Sounds nice, honestly. I fell into the "big name school" meme and now I'm studying geology among a bunch of hippies in Film and Gender studies.

>> No.11127289

Boulder? My choice was between Boulder and Mines but I couldn't afford Boulder so here I am

>> No.11127292

Portland is a much better city than SF. But if you are from California don't come here, people will hate you for it.
Fucking Californian normies get out of my city reeeEEEEEEEEEEEE

>> No.11127300

>tfw you left uni and now you miss posting in these threads

>> No.11127302

I am from CA but I lived in Texas and Nebraska for my formative years, so I don't think I have the attitude everyone hates.

Is that enough to get by, or is just having a cali license plate enough to make people butthurt?

>> No.11127305


>> No.11127309

ew dude come on why would you live your whole life here and then go to Tulane?

>> No.11127318 [DELETED] 
File: 15 KB, 447x447, 12122542_1616343161960917_4255923118819594429_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

International Business at University of Edinburgh

great city campus and it's a good course but it's full of english wankers like upi

>> No.11127324
File: 72 KB, 960x541, 1434091190975.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who /PITT/ here? Incoming transfer student here for the Fall 2016. Eager to go. Not tryna see pic related

>> No.11127326

Huh, what's wrong with it?

>> No.11127329

>black tie

lol menswear faggot

>> No.11127332
File: 3.52 MB, 380x219, trump.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

International Business at University of Edinburgh

great city campus and it's a good course but it's full of english wankers like you

>> No.11127335

What year?

>> No.11127351


>International Business

Literally filled with posh cunts f.am. The freshers at least. What year are you in? I'm in UoE as well

>> No.11127353

Tell people you are from Nebraska and you will get more respect than someone form California. Ever since SF became too expensive to live in many of the people in Northern Cali move to portland and in turn are ruining the culture and driving up rent. Not to mention the amount of cars on the road has gone up exponentially despite how easy Portland is to bike around/to take the tri-met

>> No.11127372

>ruining the culture

I've heard a lot of people from one place or another say this about a lot of other people from somewhere else.

It's almost always code for, "they go to my favorite bar and sleep with the girls I went to grade school with, and I'm insecure about it."

>> No.11127400

Je peux venir famille senpai desu?

>> No.11127467

Go to Berkeley you mong.

>> No.11127478


ETH Zurich. Research is impressive af here but the undergrad programs are just hell unless you're an autistic fucker

>> No.11127492

He got waitlisted which is basically getting rejected you mong

>> No.11127496

>if i get accepted there idk what im gonna do
If he gets in you double mong

>> No.11127500

Why don't you sit on my face then faggot?

>> No.11127517

Who /UC Davis/ here?

>> No.11127521

eff off Sean

>> No.11127523

Temple gave me the President's scholarship so I'm going there from out-of-state. I don't expect much but I've heard Philadelphia isn't a bad city.

>> No.11127525

Not anon but a fellow Gothenburger. The feeling I get from Chalmers is that they try really hard to be cool party animals that drink piss tier beer with a thick layer of awkward pretention smeared ontop. Think stereotypical high school nerds trying to do american college culture. I seriously get the feeling that they don't genuinely enjoy it either; they just do it because "it's muh student culture". Admittedly I know several really decent dudes that go to Chalmers, I just dislike the culture.

Personally I hope to get into med sometime next year in either Stockholm, Gothenburg or Lund. Wish me luck /fa/m

>> No.11127630

What do you study /fa/milia?

>> No.11127656

Just graduated in May 2015

LC is effay af.

If ur effay at RH people are gonna assume you're gay cause its just tons of jocks wearing underarmour gear.

>> No.11127663

honestly fuck Stanford. It used to be a place of genuine innovation, but the days of FM synthesis, PageRank, Ken Kesey are way gone, replaced by a bloated endowment and a culture which turns everyone into CS bros. Ofc there are some really awesome labs and people still around, but all in all the place is a cancer on society.

t. Stanford student

>> No.11127672

LC didn't offer a biology major, only a "natural sciences" one. I'm stuck at RH for my first year. Are there a lot of gays there?

>> No.11127683

Fair amount. LC seems to have more.

>> No.11127684

>paying 9k a year for a non-Russell Group

>> No.11127698

How was the campus "vibe" at LC? It seems like it would feel very commuter like the cuny schools compared to RH's more typical campus

>> No.11127720

It definitley is more commuter-ish. But if you're really social and artsy, there are tons of really, really interesting people you'll meet there.

RH is more like a typical college scene, and its very cliquey since there's no greek life. That said, RH was awesome for my freshman year and although i stayed there all four years, most of free time during my last three years and especially my last two was spent in Manhattan

>> No.11127742

Can you blame him? If somewhere like Abertay or Buckinghamshire New is charging £7k still and you can't get into a Russell group he didn't have much of an option.

>> No.11127747

>tfw I can get into any university in the country based on my own abilities rather than wallet

feels good, man. I feel for the rest of you, /fa/mily.

>> No.11127790

Nice troll, retard

>> No.11127801

>he doesn't know about europe

oh no

>> No.11127856

and frat stars!! have fun lmao

>> No.11127946


>> No.11128026


>> No.11128043

who /binghamton/ here?

>> No.11128054

anyone VIENNA here? TU? WU? BOKU?

>> No.11128074

Oh, that sounds pretty shitty, yeah. That's part of the reason I chose Lund. It has great student culture and loads to do at any given time.

If you don't mind me asking, why are you interested in Stockholm? It seems student culture isn't that great there either.

>> No.11128095

ITT a lot of armchair strategists.

Guys, I'll level with you: no amount of Internet research is gonna guarantee how your college life went. I tried that stuff back in the day and it didn't work - as much as I had planned for a certain type of social life, shit spun on its head, and I changed radically as a person such that my plans became useless. You shouldn't pick a school based on image or your idea of what your life will be like there - pick one that's highly ranked and hard working and you'll find a social life for yourself there. Similarly, don't pick a school based upon the city it's in - sometimes it's nice to be in a bubble for four years, you develop deeper social ties with great people.

(PS: As a general rule, the coolest people you'll meet are some of the hardest working and nerdiest. Even though your PhD candidates tend to be a little wonky, they tend to be great people, especially in schools that foster their intelligence. Never, ever go somewhere for the ~social scene~ - there's always gonna be a cut of people you'll enjoy being with in virtually any school in the country).

>> No.11128097

Karolinska, basically. It's ranked very highly internationally, though to be honest, that's mainly because of its research. It doesn't necessarily produce better MDs than any other university in the country either (infact, they're all pretty much equal), but the possibilities for getting into research are greater. I guess it's slightly more prestigious because of that, but it's nowhere near the prestige craze you see in the US with it's Ivy League.

That said, I wouldn't mind going to Gothenburg either (good university, hometown) or Lund for the reasons you mentioned. I'll probably end up ranking them KI > Lund > GU, but at the end of the day it's not a big deal.

>> No.11128101


Juridicum. Does that count?

>> No.11128109

What college you at?

>> No.11128114


>> No.11128116

Thanks bro. Currently making my decisions and that really helped.

Hope you're happy wherever you are?

>> No.11128120

Karolinska reporting in

>> No.11128123

Oh, I thought you were talking about Stockholm University and was a bit confused, as that's not a better school than Lund or Gothenburg and it lacks student culture.

I really wish Sweden had some really prestigious universities like in the US or Britain. It motivates the top students and really makes a difference in how well educated the top percentage of students are. I notice here a lot that the students aren't really trying as hard as in those countries and the gymnasieskola is really lax. Sorry for the rant but it's just something I think about from time to time.

>> No.11128126

My pleasure!

>>Hope you're happy wherever you are?
I've gone through multiple programs, undergrad and graduate, and still am. Very happy with all of them, even though some weren't even remotely what I expected.

One thing that also might help: while reputation of a school does matter, what you do there matters more. Not getting into your dream school is not a death sentence - in fact, it's sometimes better to be a big fish in a small pond than to be a mediocre fish in a pond filled with Asian sharks cheating their way through STEM classes.

>> No.11128130

This guy wants to go there. >>11128097
Tell him how great it is, Anonym.

>> No.11128156

I'm getting an English degree man, no employers give a shit anyway

I don't like the people who ended up at Russel Group unis anyway, for the most part (huge generalisation but whatever, I know a couple Oxfordriends and they're all the whole 'I'm clever and I know it' type). >>11127170 sounds like a fucking awful lifestyle for me, I just want to be comfy and write/read nice things all my life

>> No.11128162
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>Asian sharks cheating their way through STEM classes.

i know this feel, i fucking hate those off the boat chinks with their Mercedes AMGs and $20k tasteless wardrobes

>> No.11128180

I go to a grande ecole if that counts

>> No.11128183


Yeah. I've heard a lot of varied opinions about KI, luckily nothing that's even remotely damning. It'd be nice to have a decent idea if the move is worth it since the housing market in Stockholm is absolutely abyssmal and is the big thing that's stopping me from really going for it.

>> No.11128186

So, I fucked up a bit in high school, and ended up getting into only one university that I applied to, which was a >big10 safety school that I really didn't want to go to.

I've been here a year now and I've been considering transferring - I really dislike it here. The social life is entirely dominated by frat life, classes are easy as piss and I'm not learning anything.

Has anyone had any experience with transferring? Was it difficult making friends / meeting people coming in a year or two after most others?

I have the GPA / resume to have a decent shot at most places I'd apply to now, so I was thinking of reapplying for a few of the schools I actually wanted to go to in the first place.

>> No.11128193

I know plenty of people who transferred up. They found it nice, apparently. They seemed to refer to their first/second year as a sort of trial period, with their real social life occurring at the school they transferred into.

Do it.

>> No.11128195

Where did you go to school bateman, if you don't mind me asking?

>> No.11128197

I'm a transfer, it sucks cock desu, granted they put me on the antisocial ghost-town substance free floor and my roommate is a fucking turbo autist so i really haven't made any friends at all

i doubt your luck is as shitty as mine so you'll probably have a better experience

>> No.11128204

Sorry, I keep all schools I attended a secret, kinda like photos of me/etc.

But broadly speaking: I've attended classes at about 2 different private universities, 1 ivy, and two public universities, as well as a Japanese university. I spent time at all of them, to varying degrees. It's a bit of a goddamn mess and it's become hell to get transcripts for shit (thinking about applying for an MBA).

>> No.11128206
File: 232 KB, 700x300, glasgow.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any Europeans going to school in another country?

I'm from mainland Europe and I'm thinking of studying in Scotland, is this a good idea?

>> No.11128207

I love patty bates :)

only good tripfag on /fa/ and not even because of his fashion advice- because of his education and occupation advice

>> No.11128208

LOL don't go to Glasgow.

>> No.11128210

lel, I got stuck with a pubefaced shitsucker of a roommate as well which I'm sure has contributed to me hating this uni

I'll likely spend one more year here seeing as I've already signed a lease for next year, but I'll look into it some more then. Thanks

>> No.11128217

Hah, I'm not thinking of going there but it's just a pretty uni to use as pic.

And why shouldn't I go there? I've never heard anything too bad about it.

>> No.11128222


>> No.11128225

Probably because nobody survives long enough to tell the tales of its horrors

>> No.11128226

is there anyone from University of Oviedo, Spain?

>> No.11128232

Huh, what have I missed? It's a pretty prestigious school so I figured it would be ok?

>> No.11128245

cornell freshman here

>> No.11128248
File: 1017 KB, 200x200, 1315677953882.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've mislead you sorry, I'm going there this summer. I'm in the same position as you.

>> No.11128256

Oh shit son. You'll probably end up in the year above me since I won't be applying till next spring (assuming it's where I end up). What are you studying?

Good luck on the real estate market aswell, it's fucking ridiculous.

>> No.11128257

It's free for you, it's bretty good.
>tfw being English and having to pay to go to school in Scotland

>> No.11128261

fuck you anthony you nigger

>> No.11128266

I don't get why they won't let english people in for free. Do they hate you that much?

So would you recommend going there over Sweden or something?

>> No.11128290

Because the Scottish are freeloading fucks who vote to stay in then only want the benefits of being part of the UK and get off on thinking they have one over on England.

It's basically uk and EU relationship on a smaller scale.

>> No.11128299

Anyone got advice for moving out of the US after university?
Getting a bachelors in engineering, and a masters in business this May from a top private engineering school in the US, and I've been looking at getting a job outside the US.

>> No.11128304
File: 274 KB, 800x1067, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone at cornell?

>> No.11128410

I'm the opposite. How do I into America?

>> No.11128421
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anyone else? not very /fa/ at all desu

>> No.11128444

Did you transfer from a public school to an ivy? What was that process like?

>> No.11128447

2017 BSE COS here, what do you want to know?

>> No.11128452

fuck off stanfordfag

>> No.11128475
File: 17 KB, 800x210, 2015046_fd_university_of_the_arts_london_logo_low_res_large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone else at art school?

>> No.11128544
File: 8 KB, 340x155, logo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All these art unis with their shitty logos.

>> No.11128556

stockholm what the fuck are you doing. That logo is terrible.

>> No.11128596

>stoc khol dr hogs ms amat kola iska
I want to be a student of dr. Hogs too!

>> No.11128617


Not sure how it is in France, but I once fucked a girl doing a Phd in Cambs who was at Ecole Normale Supérieure. She loved Wagner - stands to reason

Tbh Oxford life is equal parts hell and heaven. World class, but everyone knows it.

>> No.11128663


>> No.11128675

fit nyc b

>> No.11128779

This one

>> No.11128790
File: 50 KB, 600x600, berkeleyLogo.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who the number 1 public University in the US here?

>> No.11128815

Who /shitty cal state/ here?

>> No.11128817

I'm at jeu. VA state schools are absolute shit its just frat stars from northern va

>> No.11128820


>> No.11128830

SJSU here. It doesn't deserve the hate. I'm happy with it. Sure it has some problems and it's not as good as UC but it's not as bad as it's made out to be.

>> No.11128923

My campus is p shit, csulb. The student body is toxic for the most part but i have met some cool people and the instructors are alright

>> No.11128939

At a community right now but will probably transfer to CSUSM
Feels meh man.

>> No.11128950

I'm at the top school for philosophy in my country so there's that.

>> No.11128959

I don't mean to pry but what country

>> No.11128980

Classes are ultra impacted tho, especially for engineering I hear. I got accepted but I don't think I'll go.

>> No.11128987


>> No.11129112

quelle sorte de question soit-cela?

>> No.11129130
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I'm guessing not, but anyone else here?

>> No.11129139

anybody else at columbia?

>> No.11129141

Thinking about going for grad school. What's it like there?

>> No.11129152

>its another "half of fa are underage high school seniors and the other half are at ivy league schools with top grades in engineering like the rest of 4chan and partying and fucking all the time" thread

>> No.11129159

dc may be the least fashionable city on the east coast

which sucks b/c the architecture is so good

>> No.11129223


>> No.11129228
File: 180 KB, 1280x853, aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone at Vic Uni of Wellington in NZ?

>> No.11129245

How's the workload and who are the great professors? Also, is it possible to do CS research as an underclassman, like in a lab? If you're doing a certificate, how easy is it to integrate that into your senior project? I was thinking about doing a humanities certificate too.

>> No.11129253

im an international student at UBC myself, but why would an american want to go to canada for fucking university studies is beyond me. what you have in your country is much better, both academically and in terms of living best years of your life somewhere. except maybe you want to abuse current USD to CAD exchange rate or something.

literally everything is better in the US.

>> No.11129263

Is there a good way to contact you outside of /fa/?
I'm on the undergraduate council for the department, so I can give you the dirt.

>> No.11129265

Transferring there next year m80

>> No.11129316

Just shoot an email to wcdavis at princeton

>> No.11129329
File: 220 KB, 792x719, big dick.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm trying to decide on a tee shirt for biology class. We go hiking and I can't wear anything more than a tshirt without overheating.

It's between this...

>> No.11129339
File: 11 KB, 522x488, bubsy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


and this

A white tee is optimal because it's fucking hot outside.

>> No.11129344


>> No.11129347

Is dropping out and being a self-taught freelancer artist effay?

>> No.11129352

which one family?

>> No.11129389

only if the entirety of the $50 you make per month goes towards heroin and tobacco

>> No.11129456

Anyone at UCSD or UCLA? If so, how is it day to day in those areas for you guys? Somewhat interesting I hope

>> No.11129464


Hey, I also go to Indiana University, Bloomington. What's up. I second all of what, except the rich Asians are literally the worst part about this school. Fuck them. And Bloomington is a nice little town

>> No.11129488

Thinking of going there next year (I'm on a gap year ). Is welli expensive senpai?

>> No.11129546


>> No.11129574

Applied as a classics major. Might stick with that or go for politics or history instead. Who knows. We should try to catch up on campus though.

>> No.11129579

it's hard but it's rewarding, nyc is great when you've got expendable income and the desire to go try new things

people here are generally interesting and it's not hard to find people with similar interests who are just as passionate as you are

>> No.11129583

Its not too bad if you stay in a cheap hall or flat, just make sure you dont go to helen lowry if you are halling it, im staying there this year and its literally the worst, ive been sick off the food for a solid month

>> No.11129616

You at Palomar rn?

>> No.11129909
File: 93 KB, 426x640, 1441470323270.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a friend at SD and he hates it. Such an antisocial campus.

Everything I hear about LA is good though. I sort of regret not going there (I'm at Cal).

>> No.11129946

those are the two main demographics of this board desu

>> No.11129959

We meet again. I'm here, sophomore engineer. It's kind of nice, base fashion isn't horrible but their are lots of trends towards frat/sorat things. Seen some nice dressed people. I'm still too poor to go all out myself, paying out of state.

>> No.11130072

Sup cunt I am

>> No.11130101

is this UoM?

>> No.11130111

Nah mate


>> No.11130202



>> No.11130245

this is the cringiest tee i've ever seen. would only work if you're already very popular in the class and this big dick thing is a running gag in the class

>> No.11130257

>tu dortmund here
anyone down?

>> No.11130282

Russell Groups by definition are top tier unis you wasteprick.

>> No.11130307

>being this insecure

Good morning Leeds

>> No.11130316

any RMIT homies? there was one last thread

>> No.11130466

aus unis aren't as heirarchical

>> No.11130514

Any effay scottish unis? Because they're free for EU citizens I'm thinking of applying.

>> No.11130594


>> No.11130601

St Andrews or Edinbruh

>> No.11130617

Those are almost impossible for Swedes to get into thanks to our new grading system. Getting all As is close to impossible.

>> No.11130624

Don't go to Iona. New Rochelle sucks.

Source: I'm from New Rochelle

>> No.11130630

I'm this >>11130617 guy and if you have any questions about studying in Scotland I might be able to answer.

>> No.11130638

st andrews is not fa

edinburgh or glasgow

>> No.11130651

What's wrong with that?

>> No.11130675


Not to everyone apparently

>> No.11130685

Sent you an email, thanks for reading /fa/m.

I'd be up for that, which preview are you going to? I signed up for the 4/20 one. History at Princeton sounds dope, I'd like to do a certificate in it.

>> No.11130698
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>> No.11130744

Is it really that bad? I don't understand like why. I mean they don't have D1 sports and stuff, but still. And yeah, I'll likely go to LA I get off their waitlist.

>> No.11130824

well I personally go to edinburgh, but glasgow is a big city with a lot of culture -st andrews is like 3 streets with no train station

>> No.11130901

I go to a Russell group and I wouldn't consider it top tier. It's not even in the top 50 worldwide.

>> No.11130909

Actually went to an ivy after undergrad.

To be entirely honest, shit's tough to get into nowadays. I'm white as the pure driven snow, straight, and otherwise pretty normal, so I was told - explicitly, by one of the guys evaluating applications - that I "lost points." Thankfully, my academics (and some careful recasting of myself through essays) helped, but not much. Suffice to say, I'm still salty about it: it genuinely angers me that the fact that I was born in the goddamn south to a normal white family made me automatically less "compelling" as an applicant before even exiting my goddamn mom's vagina.

My personal opinion is that ivies are overrated. The professors are amazing, and so are many of the students, but the delta between those and other schools isn't much. I know a LOT of guys who went to an ivy who aren't doing jack shit with their lives - their parents pushed them hard in highschool, they "made it" into an ivy, and they promptly fizzled out. Conversely, I know people who went to low-tier universities and made something out of themselves. A fancy name does not make you better, especially if you anticipate struggling in your major anyway.

Don't be one of those people who obsesses over status over quality. I know way too many people who - in their late 20s - still brag about their school despite having barely made it through with some shitty liberal arts degree. People like that get made fun of.

>> No.11130917


Same I'm in Newcastle, Russel Group doesn't mean your University is amazing in the slightest.

>> No.11130924

UNSW here. It's full of dull people, idiots and ugly people. Seriously this semester made me cherish all the social/well presented or fashionable people I run into at uni. It also made me realise I hate the public for the same reason liberals hate the conservative elite. Damn I hate unimaginative fucks.

>> No.11130930

This also applies to private schools. I tell many young parents that it all depends on how the family raised the kid at the end of the day. Most families are just fucking lazy and expect tutors and schools to teach kids everything REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

>> No.11131106


I'm very popular and I've got a big dick.

>> No.11131131
File: 36 KB, 320x177, 320px-McMaster_University_logo.svg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is a top tier university in its country and the people in it all look like white trash

>> No.11131286
File: 34 KB, 600x600, Emory.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What you all think of Oxford College at Emory University? I plan on going to law school so I think the small, liberal arts environment would serve me well. Also, cost of attendance would be lower than going to my state school. (Not interested in your opinion on the Trump chalk drawing controversy, it's a college campus, shit happens)

>> No.11131296

Bateman I want your opinion.

>> No.11131317

psu is garbage, my professors are awesome though. only going here cuz poor and /noscholarship/

impling all colleges aren't more or less the same fucking thing

>> No.11131323
File: 5 KB, 329x153, BU.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anyone else?

>> No.11131333

pitt boys :^)

>> No.11131356


Emory's a solid school. No idea how it interfaces with Oxford. I'd definitely confirm that you could say you got a degree from "Emory University"

As for law school? My usual rants apply here: not a good idea, but if you so choose, definitely try to avoid just doing liberal arts. There are way too many law school applicants with Political Science/Comm/English/Economics/etc. backgrounds, for instance. A small school is an excellent choice (in some instances, it makes you unique), but keep in mind that it might be a bit more difficult to "sell" in the law school application process. There's apparently some sort of list of the importance of various schools w/r/t law school admissions, no clue how Emory fits in.

Assuming you're not shooting for T14 or some other crazy shit, I can see it being a solid choice: get good grades, swing for a scholarship in a good but not crazy law school, and live relatively debt-free doing decent legal work.

(If I were you, I'd shoot to double-major in four years in one BS and one BA. Emory offers dual topic majors, so you could technically extend it into a triple major. For example: you could do Mathematics and Comp Sci as Major 1 and double-major in English and History. Or, if you felt antitrust-y, Math/Econ).

>> No.11131486

I'm stuck deciding between here and UVA for electrical engineering. I know tech is ranked higher but is it really a better education there?

>> No.11131508

filthyfrank core

>> No.11131521
File: 77 KB, 1050x1203, App.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I always see folks posting their pretty private universities and here I am at boring hufflepuff cs/teacher school. Should I transfer?

>> No.11131543


>> No.11131968
File: 598 KB, 3000x1277, home-uvic-edge-2016.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

School ends Monday, and yet everyone here is still retarded

>> No.11131977

I'll likely be going to the preview the day after yours. I take you you probably won't stick around though?

>> No.11132092

Why are so many people here on /fa/? We're tiny lmao

>> No.11132097

Michigan tech checking in, almost nobody here dresses consciously

>> No.11132130


>> No.11132382
File: 1.81 MB, 230x250, 1457731347987.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah but at least you guy's don't feel a pang of shame when you admit to being poly-scum. I go to Sunderland incidentally but I only ever really go out in Newcastle and stay at my mates, meeting people while im out is a nightmare.

"Hey! do you go to Newcastle or Northumbria?"

>> No.11132440

Thank you so much man

>> No.11132443

Of course they do. Have you been into Hamilton? It's a shithole.

>> No.11132452

amen, everyone here looks like shit

>> No.11132454

Is your main opposition to law school due to the over-saturated job market or are there other reasons as well?

>> No.11132479

Which campus?

>> No.11132690

I'm from NJ so I might be in the area. Probably going back to school, though :(

>> No.11132700

How the fuck am I going to afford this POS

>> No.11132760

Having a gun locker is pretty effay though

>> No.11132825
File: 258 KB, 973x536, universityofminnesotalogo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ww@ familia

>> No.11132862

Rose Hill

>> No.11132889
File: 69 KB, 1280x845, gmu_logo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gov't & International Politics w/ Intelligence Analysis here.

Going to be a senior next year and my wardrobe has gone from sweaters, wool pants, button ups and oxfords freshman-sophomore year to sweatpants, hoodies and tees now. Idgaf.

>> No.11132925

>Montreal is also expensive as fuck to live in.
where are you from that you think this?
it's cheap as fuck as far as big cities go

>> No.11132930

mcgill is ok but montreal is amazing
don't live in the fucking anglo bubble and you'll have a blast
i wasted my second year in the student ghetto and it's one of the biggest regrets of my lfie

>> No.11132992


im just finishing my first year at mcgill. Where would you say is the best place to live in montreal for students?

>> No.11133380

not the anon you're replying to but i'm at place des arts right now and its a good mix. There's not too many students here so

>> No.11133398

Do you find it /fa/?

>> No.11133402
File: 39 KB, 340x340, 1419056016580.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw trying to get in to GMU from nova for biology
>tfw 23 years old

pls jut let me in

>> No.11133544

>Is your main opposition to law school due to the over-saturated job market or are there other reasons as well?
Mostly that, but there's more. The debt load is insane and very difficult to manage. Law firms are not responding to the tech boom proportionately, resulting in more unreasonable pressure on associates to do more (e.g. review millions of documents in a week). This also means an expectation of 24/7 availability, remote or otherwise. The whole damn market is also getting a lot more price-conscious, meaning cost-cutting - and the stupidity that comes with it - is getting ridiculous and is making it harder to do good work. It's become one big goddamn boondoggle where old attorneys with little tech knowledge expect to throw money and technology at a problem and see it fixed the next day. I can't count the number of times I've been chewed out because some server in the middle of nowhere isn't able to move heaven and earth.

Even beyond the market itself, being a lawyer is rarely a satisfying thing. I get a lot of satisfaction from my pro bono work, but even then the satisfaction is minimal and anticlimactic. I can't think of a single client - even the ones I've worked for, for free - who thanked me in any way. In fact, for one client, I'm going off to an undisclosed location in the Middle East soon, and it's pretty goddamn likely I'll be strapping up into a warzone. Does anyone care? Fuck no. It's expected I go, keep my mouth shut, and dodge bullets while doing law.

Let's put a fine point on this: I pulled multiple 15-hour days last week and got yelled at for not working more. No-one gives a fuck that I don't have a social life. I've been chastised for pulling all-nighters at home, rather than in the office. I work 150% of the normal work hours of an associate and almost had my goddamn hours bonus ripped from me because ~structural changes we need more money for partners okay~. Fuck Law and Order, fuck Suits, and all of that.

>> No.11133552

>one big goddamn boondoggle

thank you patty bates

>> No.11133559

Thoughts on getting a Law degree and then not pursuing Law?

Politics, Lobbying, Sheriff, etc.

>> No.11133579

ayyyy whats up senpai

>> No.11133589

SF state mang, it's alright

>> No.11133773

What's yo program?

>> No.11133782

UCLA here. Happy to answer any questions, I'm a chem major btw

>> No.11133793
File: 33 KB, 300x300, ChamplainLogo-square.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone here from: Champlain, UVM, CCV, or Middlebury College?

>> No.11134315

Yeah. As >>11133559 said what's your take on lobbying?

How would I work my way into being a lobbyist for any of the preponderant lobbying sectors like Pharma, Insurance or Banking?

>> No.11134320
File: 83 KB, 880x622, QUT-Logo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Brisbongs what the fuck's up

>> No.11134370


someone who actually went to oxford would know how different every college is and how very few actually do that shit

>> No.11134386

ACU here

>> No.11134389
File: 31 KB, 591x709, UCLlogo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if everything goes right

>> No.11134394

which grande école?

>> No.11134425

You must have a really shit GPA. Just sayin, NOVA and GMU have a transfer agreement do they not?

>> No.11134468
File: 17 KB, 400x400, best uni eva.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Monash is the fashion capital of Australia. Be here or be a casual

>> No.11134493

only the caulfield campus tho - I think because the classes are less STEM/difficult.

>> No.11134552

Good luck getting a job
caulfield has too many rich fucking slanty eyed gooks driving euro cars to be be cool.

>> No.11134555

me!! i'm from Poland, hopefully going to UCL
anyone else? opinions? i kinda want to kill myself at the thought of living in london

>> No.11134564

It's true. There is so many rich gooks here that wear the most gaudy ugly shit to show off their cash. They're all ugly skinny manlets that'll never get laid so flexing with their parents money is the only way they can show off.

Clayton has too many STEM courses to be /fa/ though. My computer science class is basically a collection of how not to dress.

Can't wait to finally bring out my coats and woollen pants starting Wednesday when it cools down.

>> No.11134567

I'm >>11134389 and from France. For which course are you applying? I'm not sure about living in London either, but UCL has a great reputation and, well, I have an offer. I'm still considering staying in France though.

>> No.11134573

I'm from hicktown Ontario, studying at Queens. Its way more expensive than Toronto or Ottawa

>> No.11134600

philosophy & history of art. and you?
I'm not really considering staying in Poland, I hate this country. If I don't meet my offer's conditions (probably will tho) then I'll have a gap year and get away somehow
I'm stressed about finding/choosing the accomodation. have you gotten into it yet?

>> No.11134634
File: 34 KB, 540x960, cya later space cowboy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ayy my nigger

come to a CCA uni club event and lets chill

whisper to the president that youre looking for mr big dik C

>> No.11134638
File: 87 KB, 584x600, 1356488685970.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>way more expensive than Toronto

>> No.11134642

I have no idea what a cca event is

>> No.11134654

Dude, that's awesome. I'm going into Arts and Sciences so I can do both Maths and Philosophy.
What are your conditions? I need a grade of 15.75/20 at the French Baccalaureate. I think it's doable. What are the final exams like in Poland?
Shit I haven't looked at accommodations yet haha maybe I should be stressed about it but I've been focusing on making applications for French universities lately

>> No.11134719

ooh great! My friend studies Math and Philosophy at St Andrews and she says it's a fantastic joint course to study.
I have to get 85% on the advanced levels of polish exams, and in my case that's super easy because I won a national competition and was awarded a 100% score in the Philosophy exam.
where are you applying in France? I thought about applying to Ecole Normale Superiéure Paris but decided my french isn't good enough for them.

anyway i'm really hoping i'll get some chill flatmates and that no one will rape me

>> No.11134743
File: 352 KB, 798x717, Screen Shot 2015-12-16 at 12.11.21 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

r u a jaffy?

well you know where to find me.

>> No.11134752

Uottawa senpai. Not effay, do not come

>> No.11134787

that's so cool, I applied for St. Andrews too but I wasn't accepted ;_; Scotland's unis are ridiculously selective
as for french unis, I've applied for a few good prépas (or preparatory classes for Grandes Écoles, basically required if you want to get into schools such as ENS) but I don't know if I'll get in since they look at your grades throughout the 2 last years of HS and not just those of the final exam (and I totally slacked off last year)

so yeah still on the fence

I think you'll be fine London's not a shithole is it

>> No.11134821

>anywhere other than the pacific northwest

>> No.11134860

same with Scottish unis - St Andrews and Edinburgh rejected me straightaway, while Oxford invited me for interview lol.
and Glasgow gave me an offer more difficult than UCL. they're really selective because of the money i guess

>> No.11134897

are you scottish? I think it's actually easier to get into a scottish uni if you are (despite the financial burden). Since you can get in with just highers. I got unconditionals from all the scottish unis based just off my higher results

>> No.11134917

it sucks, Scotland seemed like a cool place to be a student

it's free if you're from the EU (non-UK) that's why they are so selective

>> No.11135171

anyone looking at york uni??

>> No.11135177

this is my insurance choice, apparently it's really cool there but i never visited
are you firming it?

>> No.11135213
File: 31 KB, 300x300, 20151029123608!Logo_Politecnico_Milano.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Politecnico Di Milano (Italy)
There are design and architecture sections where people dress nice

I study nanotecnologies engineering and everyone dresses the same

>> No.11135219


>Scotland's unis are ridiculously selective

Edinburgh gives straight BBB offers, sometimes BBC for 4 year courses...

>> No.11135227

No fucking way I'm at Tech too. What year are you?

>> No.11135321

sitting in finnertys considering ending it all

>> No.11135379

I'm a bio major, yourself?

>> No.11135382


>caring about russel group in 2016.

do you research you ignorant peeps.

how many russel group unis are classed super low. Yes polys are and always will be shit but just because a uni is russel group means fuck all in 2016.

>tfw Cardiff (russel group) repping 31st

>> No.11135386

got a friend that goes there. Full of private school wanabes that are years behind the normal teen popuulation but thats the same for all good unis. Overall i think he loves it. Good choice imo.

>> No.11135394

>can't spell Russell right
Opinion discarded

>> No.11135402

no I'm polish with polish qualifications only. life is hard

>> No.11135418

ah okay then, yeh i've heard that there are a lot priv kids or try hards...im from se london so idk how well i'd fit in there lol
where do you go if you dont mind me asking?

>> No.11135426

loyolas better senpai

>> No.11135437

Starting Bocconi next september

>> No.11135444

im at Loughborough. Good uni but so un effay

>> No.11135445

Why were you replying to some people who are agreeing with what you're saying as if they're not agreeing.

>> No.11135451

discard if you wish. There is no discussion with the statistics though

>> No.11135454

i was letting them know that they were correct

>> No.11135455

They're rich kids who were too stupid to get into a Chinese university, so their parents pay their way in a less competitive American program. With the exception of Ivy league schools, the FOB kids you see at American universities are the dumbest kids in Asia.

>> No.11135456

OP back from the dead
>waitlist at ithaca
>reject from FIT (I applied for a 25 person program wasn't expecting to get in)
So basically my choices are Albany and Iona.

>> No.11135461

I live 3 minutes from Iona breh I know everything passed the high school is full of nigs and spics. I just know the communications program is dank.

>> No.11135488

ayy me too senpai

graduate in July

>> No.11135497

hahah fuck off serious? What course? I'm so fed up of the sheep there. Wish it was more creative

>> No.11135502

Politics mate, currently stressing through my dissertation, what about you?

yeah I know what you mean pal - thing I dislike most about this uni is the wank little town attached onto it. Wish I was at a city uni Tbh there's fuck all to do around here

>> No.11135512

Ah sheet. Im doing materials engineering. Haha best of luck with it. Do you wana talk more or anything? Would be cool too meet some cool peeps at Lboro?

>> No.11135521

wew, a proper degree. Pisses me off when I tell people I go loughborough and they're like "oh what sports do you do?" when it's a fucking engineering uni

In all honesty mate I'm not sure it's worth your time, I'm going to be a shut in until I get this work done, then after that I'm pretty much done work wise

>> No.11135525

Haha proper degree but im struggling. Haha yeah although tbf i was on the rowing team for my first two years so cant complain. Alright mate thats cool, i tried the music soc but so many coldplay lovers like shiit. Good luck with your diss anyway. 2 weeks left now

>> No.11135532

oh for real? nice one. You doing a 4 year course? if there's one piece of advice I could give it's do a fucking internship/placement

I wasted my time travelling rather than getting experience and I regret it so much

>> No.11135544

Repping rick in lund

>> No.11135551

Nah man i was ill end of second year lastyear so didnt take my exams so have to do a permitted repeat of it this year. So heading into 3rd year in sep. Ah i wish i was travelling instead desu, im done with this uni. I wana meet musicians and art peeps desu cant wait to finish

>> No.11135560

Any /Reed/ or /Occidental/ here? Deciding between the two- I was waitlisted at Deep Springs

>> No.11135567

fair dos, good luck with it lad

>> No.11135575

and you brother

>> No.11135584

Talk to a student advisor not 4chan

>> No.11135591

UCSB is a party school

Berkeley is a feminst studies school despite what people tell you (working off of knowledge from the 70's)

>> No.11135599

This and I have the degrees to prove it. I could have been driving a 2007 Ferrari 360 Modena to my shitty job rather than a 2012 accord.... If I skipped college

>> No.11135709

University of Wolverhampton :^)

>> No.11135814
File: 55 KB, 1706x1703, fDpWogGp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kill me. At least I get a full scholarship.

>> No.11135821

>I need a grade of 15.75/20 at the French Baccalaureate
En s ou es ?

>> No.11135826

Are you going to visit Fordham /NY soon cause I might by the end of April or sometime soon

Rose hill is the best correct?

>> No.11136071


incoming student here. what can you tell me about cornell, is it /fa/?

>> No.11136154
File: 56 KB, 400x400, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

deciding between Clemson and clarkes 3/2 engineering program with Columbia. will I regret going to
Clemson to have fun over getting Ivy League degree?

>> No.11136174

If you can afford the cost of Columbia and the cost of spending four years in NYC then without a doubt go to Columbia. Even disregarding the Ivy League degree, the faculty will be much better and conducting much more impressive research at Columbia. You will have so much more opportunity to do cool things within your program and meet people who are very very driven. You can still have fun at Columbia as well. The downsides are the cost and the fact that you will never be the most impressive student you know.

Congrats familia

>> No.11136866

I agree with >>11136174 100%. The name of the school you went to matters a surprising amount. Sucks, but that's how it is.

>> No.11136890

Nice, gl with exams. I'm in poli sci and history

>> No.11136991
File: 64 KB, 900x900, nyu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know some of you go to NYU

any advice for an incoming freshman? any fellow incoming freshmen?

and no I'm not taking out major student loans, I ended up with a solid scholarship and will graduate about $10k in debt.

>> No.11137108

Ayyyy my boi. What major? CS reporting.

>> No.11137140

Would I have a significantly better quality of life post-college if I had a Columbia engineering degree vs a Clemson one? My family is dirt poor so financing isn't really a problem anywhere thanks to the federal government.

>> No.11137338

There's no way to say really, but having that name on your resume will pretty much guarantee it gets read. It isn't something that's going to make or break the rest of your life really, but it's going to make things a hell of a lot easier.