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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 34 KB, 600x600, fb-emory.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11109108 No.11109108 [Reply] [Original]

Where do you go to uni fa?

>inb4 trump meme

>> No.11109113

I'm in Cornell Uni. There are too many boat shoes here. I assume it only gets worse where the weather gets warmer.

>> No.11109116

ETH Zurich, not /fa/ at all...

>> No.11109120


It's shit

>> No.11109122

trump aside, 99% of people ive met from emory are dogshit.

>> No.11109129

my girlfriend went there. she said it was aids due to cold weather and assholes. how accurate is this? also a s i a n s

>> No.11109133

yea they are fucks. I can't stand the people but the campus is pretty and the professors are nice enough

>> No.11109134
File: 483 KB, 1000x938, UniversityofEdinburgh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How's Emory?
It's one of the choices for my course's year abroad.

>Edinburgh, btw

>> No.11109137

Cold weather yes, we have like a 5 month winter or something. November-March. It's only nice first and last two months of school.

The people there are generally nice. A bit superficial but that's everywhere you go no?

>mfw I'm an a s i a n

>> No.11109155
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>> No.11109231

Where my Hawaii /fa/gs at?

>> No.11109238

Lonestar Community college

>> No.11109239


>> No.11109251
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Juridicum, Vienna

Some shitty 70's asbestos building, could be better

>> No.11109274
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>> No.11109287
File: 53 KB, 939x630, Radboud-University-Nijmegen-logo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nijmegen, the Netherlands.
regular shit, could be worse.

>> No.11109432
File: 714 KB, 1751x1764, uom-pos_s_cmyk_new.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

did a semester at Monash too. UoM is better in almost every way though

>> No.11109443
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>> No.11109446
File: 30 KB, 500x500, NYU_Stern.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

alone out here senpai

>> No.11109454
File: 35 KB, 279x107, University-of-Minnesota-Twin-Cities-School-of-Public-Health.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11109467
File: 92 KB, 750x749, Large_university-of-texas_seal_rgb(199-91-18).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lots of spergs. Greeks wear their typical uniforms. The few who do attempt to dress nice are successful. Business majors are effay.

>> No.11109494
File: 591 KB, 2000x2318, University_of_Cambridge_coat_of_arms_official.svg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11109545


>> No.11109555
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Glasgow here
fite me

>> No.11109606
File: 371 KB, 650x643, tsu-logo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11109612
File: 81 KB, 1807x1411, 60e0fa_3614834d6d6047fc983c43c8bd2f5ccc.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tech here

you're a faggot

>> No.11109652
File: 1.65 MB, 1920x1080, 203750_20160315185210_1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you slacked off in HS
>tfw when you have strict parents so college was your only choice for a social life
>tfw when 2.8 gpa and 26 ACT
>tfw when all my out of state choices are gonna reject me

>> No.11109659

Ayyy north houston?

>> No.11109676
File: 70 KB, 341x208, Swarthmore_College_218841.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11109699

Passaic county community college

>> No.11109700
File: 9 KB, 480x482, Berklee-Stacked-knock-LOGO-15.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11109779

>implying I'm not swimming in pussy

lmao enjoy your low female to male ration you gt autist

>> No.11109789
File: 100 KB, 246x376, UVic_vert_4c_rgb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hate it here

>> No.11109793

did you expect to get accepted?

>> No.11109803

>buying into the college scam

>> No.11109812

cornell is decently /fa/ for a university

>pretty surroundings
>nice architecture (generally)
>not Columbia
>not Brown

yeah the people could use work but it's alright out here, I like it

>> No.11109823

Here, but not in Stern

>> No.11109829

>being poor

whats wrong with brown and columbia? Just curious

>> No.11109846

Love UVic baby, what's wrong with it?

>> No.11109847
File: 210 KB, 900x535, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lots of dykes

>> No.11109863


>> No.11109865

It's tumblr: the campus, the parties are weak. Maybe if I lived on res it would be better though

>> No.11109867

Brown is reddit university, it's the leftiest ivy league with the worst public perception, no business or law reputation, and not really part of the ivy "culture"

Columbia is actually not that bad, I was picking between Columbia and Cornell. It's just kinda average looking in my opinion and has a reputation for turtleneck hipsters. Can't argue with living in NYC being /fa/ though

>> No.11109872

Senpai, I'm transferring there for next academic year. Any tips?

>> No.11109894
File: 10 KB, 300x200, University_of_Kent_logo.svg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Campus is kinda ugly and just full of French students lol. City is beautiful, though, but way to small and quiet for my liking, and is also full of French people.

>> No.11109900
File: 20 KB, 248x160, logo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can I be cool too ?

>> No.11109948

Ah yeah I can see that, so many dipshits. I in cluster tho, 3rd year, its a good time

>> No.11110120


>> No.11110124
File: 41 KB, 650x264, cardiff uni.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Graduated from pic related last summer but heading back to do a masters in September.

>> No.11110128

>tfw was just rejected from my first choice
Now I'm stuck between Fordham and a school in Portland, they cost around the same but I don't know which city would be better to live in. I've spent some time in Portland and enjoyed it but I've also always wanted to live in nyc.

>> No.11110140

corpus here, but i dont believe in god!!

>> No.11110153

Fordham is a great school imo, but obviously it depends on your preference.

>> No.11110154


/manchester/ here?

pretty /fa/ if you avoid all the super try-hard fallowfield kids, it's painful to see how much they're trying to cover up the fact that they're silver-spoon fed since birth

>> No.11110155

Lmao $ going down the drain for those traumatized by Trump and now need to go to CAPS. This shit is almost as annoying as that black student union email.

>> No.11110161
File: 176 KB, 852x856, ReedCollege.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Planning on going here if I'm accepted/can afford it. Thoughts? Would this be a good choice in preparation for law school?
Also, I know this school has a reputation for being leftwing/full of sjws but I
>am bi
>voted for Sanders
>am vegan
>am generally liberal in my politics

>> No.11110173
File: 38 KB, 300x300, FIMOpvK7_400x400.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll be going here next semester. Anyone go here?

>> No.11110201

Normies do.

>> No.11110205

Buy a warm winter coat. Use the free University buses. Live on the West Bank Campus if you're not dorming.

>> No.11110248


>> No.11110258

reddit is not "leftiest" tho

>> No.11110265

Lol yep

>> No.11110267

Don't come to UC Berkeley.

>> No.11110270

Ayyy lmao cheap education

>> No.11110281
File: 52 KB, 1080x720, 11639190_10205823694967006_1632001593_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lol there was a guy exchanging in my Uni from Emory and he was a dumb american that bought all my shitty non-sense notes for 2 classes for 50 euros. I wonder if he passed the tests lmao

>> No.11110297


modern american universities are shitpits of degenerates and retards, they're only good if you want to continue getting brainwashed by cocksucking marxist pieces of shit

>> No.11110300


>> No.11110303

>I have a friend that got into berklee this year, it is his first choice- any tips/observations?

>> No.11110307

It's perfect for you

>> No.11110324

is there a good uni nowadays which is not a sjw-ridden hell in the USA? I'm from europe and I'm curious

>> No.11110326

can't you just get admitted for some law firm based on some quotas?

>> No.11110339

>>am bi
>>voted for Sanders
>>am vegan
>>am generally liberal in my politics
you should shoot yourself and take a few reed students with you
you and your ilk are everything anybody with a sense of decency despises

>> No.11110450

Great school. Felt like a vacation for 4 years.

Now have cozy job and nice downtown apartment.

>> No.11110455

/pol/ get out

>> No.11110471


have fun wasting your parents money and/or taking on massive amounts of debt so you could be spoonfed your education at a lame ass school

>> No.11110474

Someone sounds jealous

>> No.11110478

Ayy houston meet

>> No.11110488
File: 3.02 MB, 300x169, saban-negotiations (1).gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

University of Alabama

The weather is nice. The people are kind (Locals are sorta shitty) but holy christ the Greek Life and lack of fashion here makes me sad.

>> No.11110492

ur right. i'm super jealous that he gets to spend ~60k a year on school

>> No.11110499


Adore it

As many upper-middle class Art History bitches with flats in Kensington as you can fuck

Plus my rooms are so decent

>> No.11110506
File: 140 KB, 265x283, wmseal.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

starting at william & mary as a freshman next fall

>> No.11110570

such a hostile little man

>> No.11110576

>ETH Zurich, not /fa/ at all...

pretty fucking good school though.

>> No.11110577

I don't watch game of thrones

>> No.11110586

I plan on working for a non-profit actually
Also none of these things would give me any career advantage

>> No.11110632

Ignore him. Good on you for saving money. I went to a cc before I switched to a good uni

>> No.11110639

Fordham university in da Bronx
I like it desu

>> No.11110651

This is one of the two universities that I'm considering. Would you recommend?

>> No.11110655

I go to fordham
It's a good school and I love it
You have an opportunity to explore nyc: the most /fa/ city in the world
Choose the rose hill campus it's better and the women are beautiful

>> No.11110660

Literally go back to r.eddit

>> No.11110664

check out evergreen and lewis and clark if you are looking at reed.

all three good schools, reed is the most expensive and preppy, followed by lewis and clark. actually, if you wanna get into law school evergreen is probably a bad bet, but if you wanna go straight to a nonprofit it might be the best bet. def most beautiful campus. highest quality education too despite reputation, provided you work your ass off and build relationships with profs.

>> No.11110673

(My reply)
Yes I love it... the area is pretty safe too because the Belmont neighborhood where fordham is located is protected by the Albanian mafia

>> No.11110686
File: 16 KB, 250x250, 105437240.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>any opinion that may agree with /pol/ us not allowed on any other boards

>> No.11110691

I hate to be >tips fedora but how much influence does Catholicism have on campus? I'm aware of the required theology classes and that's a nonissue for me, just how much does it effect social life on campus and other classes?

>> No.11110709
File: 2.70 MB, 5000x4796, 1388042001949.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I tried to ask in the last thread but do any of you go to Albany and Iona? I'm going into communications (inb4 enjoy no job) and I wanna know what the schools are like. I'm still waiting on Ithaca and FIT (FIT is where I'm ending up if I get into the film program.)

Pic unrelated.

>> No.11110779
File: 157 KB, 674x966, UTS_Tower.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

end my life

>> No.11110784
File: 91 KB, 917x1023, Wesleyan_University_Shield.svg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got in to Wesleyan after a gap year, really excited

>> No.11110795

I slacked off in high school, got a 3.7 (senioritis)
a 34 ACT and a 2280 SAT and didn't get into any of the schools I wanted to because I slacked off and didn't get a 4.0 or perfect ACT/SAT (I didn't do any sort of test prep at all for them)


>> No.11110801

>tfw got rejected from Vassar

>> No.11110807
File: 66 KB, 226x227, Skidmore_logo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Skidmore College. Eh I'd say average of 7/10 for the fits of people here, so not bad.

It's good.
You'll fit in pretty well I think. From some of the people I know there, It's not to different from Bard or Oberlin, except more academically intense. My school (Skidmore is like a step down in terms of insanity as we have a small but vocal athlete population). As long as you ram the LSATs hard you'll be in a good spot. I should warn you that Reed has a pretty high drop out rate for a school as selective as it is. Don't dive too fast into the drug scene, popular as it is there. Focus on keeping your GPA 3.5+. Also, as a rule, much easier to keep a good GPA than to bring one up.

Also, on the bright side, you're not pre-med like me!

>> No.11110810

applied to one school ED1 so i absolutely can't complain

>> No.11110817

lol 34 ACT and 3.7? Did you only apply to schools with sub 30% acceptance rates?

Look, try something like UMichigan, SUNY Binghamton, or one of the UCs that is not LA or Berkeley

>> No.11110834
File: 669 KB, 2048x1536, Lund_University.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lund University in Sweden. It's great. And it's free.

>> No.11110841

Well my school was small, my graduating class was 60 kids so 3.7 was pretty bad, I should have been rank 1 in my class (nobody else got >2100 SAT or even took the ACT).

I wanted to go to MIT or Harvard cuz muh elitism but obviously didn't get into either and got waitlisted at LA and not accepted to Berkeley. One of my friends, with a higher GPA but like a 1950-2050 something SAT got into Berkeley. fuck admissions

Ended up going to UCSD.

>> No.11110846

this thread is...


>> No.11110851

eyy I'm thinking of putting my deposit down this week. Other thoughts? there are dykes everywhere

>> No.11110853

what year are you?

>> No.11110854


how hard is it to get enrollment though?

>> No.11110859

GT reporting in

>> No.11110867

UVM reporting in

>> No.11110978

For international students or Swedes? It's among the harder to get into universities in Sweden but as long as your grades are above average you can at least get into some programs. For the higher prestige programs you have to have almost perfect grades and all the merit points. I got in with the högskoleprov where I needed to score in the top 2% to get accepted but that's for the medical program, which is the toughest to get into.

For international students I have no idea. It's probably harder I would imagine as they want mainly Swedish students taking advantage of our welfare and shit.

>> No.11110984

fuk u m8 i'm like 5'5" who u callin little ya fukkin manlet

>> No.11110987

ayyyy i used to live in zurich, I go to university of York though

>> No.11110991
File: 15 KB, 220x280, pton.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Campus can be effay but some of the newer buildings (mid 20th century onward) are horrendous. Student body is not particularly effay.

>tfw no Take Ivy aesthetic crew

>> No.11111028

Eyyy welcome bro B)
What're you doing for gap year?

>> No.11111075

second semester freshman here. food is terrible, there's nothing to do, and the campus is fucking tiny. have fun with the freshman housing btw

>> No.11111130

I have a choice between Berkely and ucla, and then Santa Barbara lmao what are the pros/cons of each? I trust you with my future senpaitachi

>> No.11111150

lmao at least you got a nice new building

>> No.11111170

How hard would is it to get accepted to the engineering programs at the better schools like Caltech or MIT or something? I never applied.

>> No.11111175

> Berkely and ucla
both sound cool
>santa barbara
lmao very uncool

I would go to berkeley

sounds very cool

>> No.11111189

I'm European and I would choose Santa Barbara. People over here have shirts with UCLA and Berkeley on them and those people are fags.

>> No.11111212

What kind of grades did you have? SAT score? Program? I'm thinking of applying to them.

>> No.11111226

Hey, Princeton 2020 here, recently committed. What's life on the Street like?

>> No.11111238

Berkeley is full of nerds and Asians but is probably the best if you're going STEM. Good location in the Bay Area for that. UCLA is in the most /fa/ city, tho.

>> No.11111247

4.4 gpa with mediocre as fuck SAT, but rowing definitely helped me get in, as well as a good essay/active in the community. Apply everywhere, regardless of how small of a chance you think you have.

>> No.11111255

Damn, 4.4 gpa. Thanks for the reply. Definitely will apply to as many as I can.

I hope my SAT score can carry me a bit.

>> No.11111279

Doesn't matter.
A school name won't help you if you're fucking retarded. I known successful people that went to San Jose state and I known dumbasses coming out of Berkeley. And no getting into Berkeley doesn't mean you're smart, example is all the Asians at uc Berkeley. Smart at taking tests, practically useless in a job setting unless they get word for word instructions on what to do. And even then they just go on stack exchange and just copy paste. Go to where you will like to be. Santa Barbara if your outgoing and like to meet people. Berkeley if you're a liberal hippy and ucla if you want to live in a shit city with shit people.

>> No.11111288

Ayy neighbor. How does it feel to be stuck in fuccboi ville?

>> No.11111323

what are u studying?
bcomm studying for jd. international students swarm my tutes/lects

>> No.11111336

Who else here /studentloans/? I'm looking to take on $5,500 each year at best

>> No.11111356

me2 man fuck it

>> No.11111384

too late to apply to them but thanks for the advice

>> No.11111398

Thanks man, I really appreciate the reply. I'll probably kill myself soon anyway.

>> No.11111399

Any advice for getting more $$$ from the office of financial aid? I got a decent amount in need based but zero in merit and was planning on calling this week. Hell, NYU even gave me more merit aid than Fordham

>> No.11111420

Ayyy UQ elite reporting

>> No.11111423

oh shit why
got waitlisted, thinking about giving it another shot

>> No.11111440

fucking insane as far as caltech goes they take like 300 kids or something
you have to be the best and also be unique

>> No.11111457

Graduated from there 7 years ago. I thoroughly enjoyed it. Still go back to visit when I can. Beautiful campus, m8.

>> No.11111470

You have to work for NASA already.

>> No.11111495

wait i havea 3.7 rn
and i got a 2330 on sat
am i gonna get in anywhere

>> No.11111520

i want to apply to cornell, columbia, brown, ucla, uc berkeley, umich, yale, do i have hope

>> No.11111524

i think you were joking but having work experience at places like NASA really is what it takes.

>> No.11111560

I forgot people like you only care about name.

>> No.11111575

we are on /fa/ after all

>> No.11111583

Haha literal worst school in thread ~ uw madison most lit desu familia

>> No.11111587


>> No.11111590

You could probably get into umich and UCLA. the rest are reaches

>> No.11111591

mcmaster uni

>> No.11111592

of course, personal and academic achievement is paramount, but you'd be naive to think employers don't care about where you went to school as well.

>> No.11111624

oldfag alumnus here. Go Tribe!

>> No.11111626

The food is terrible? Try Pierce's Pitt Barbecue newfag. Food of the Gods. Go Greek if you want something to do.

>> No.11111630


>> No.11111721

posting my acceptances, tell me which is most effay?

Boston University

waiting on responses from Princeton and Upenn.

leaning towards duke rn, I can deal with the normie southern boatshoe/vineyard vines uniform. Help me out?

>> No.11111735

>all these /fa/ggots going to top 50 schools
Are we the smartest board? Or is it voluntary response bias?

>> No.11111737

Largely lies. Impressive though even if 60% of everything in this thread is an outright fabrication. Only believe the people willing to post their student ID.

>> No.11111746

Who has been to any of these schools?

>Florida tech
>Georgia tech

>> No.11111753


If you don't live in Fallowfield you aint doing it right, all the areas around Fallowfield are worse for 'super try-hards'. Atleast Fallow is live area.

And I'm /manchester/ from birth.

>> No.11111759

University of Victoria, BC, Canada.

The campus is full of trees, and occasionally you'll just walk into a cloud of toke-smoke.
Student Union is a bunch of corrupt SJWs and I'm majoring in a social science, but the school is lovely.

>> No.11111790

go to bed, charles

>> No.11111792

go to bed, ricky

>> No.11111819
File: 1.05 MB, 2448x2448, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hey it's the sternie

1) the tuition only seems outrageously high because it includes nyc rent
2) my parents don't consider money spent on my education/career/development to be a waste
3) average starting salary for my school & major is $150k

oc pic from my office on Madison ave

>> No.11111844

you're in mfrat, aren't you
1 more year left in this hellhole famiglia :-)

>> No.11111845

Not him but the total cost itself isn't that much more than other private schools of the same caliber on the east coast, what bothers people is the shitty financial aid. Other schools within the city are much more generous with aid and scholarships.

>> No.11111859


>> No.11111866

r u that kid with the medium-tier bowl cut?

>> No.11111905

Columbia, Brown, and Yale all have sub 10% acceptance rates, very reach no matter what your stats are.
Cornell is a little easier 14% still a reach though.
UC Berkeley and UCLA are almost even now, around 17%, upper end of your range I'd say.
U Mich accepts 32%, is well in your range.

Other schools you should look at are:
Northwestern, Rice, JHU, Washington U in ST.Louis, Emory, Tufts, Georgetown, USC, Notre Dame, Carnegie Mellon, UNC Chapel Hill, University of Virginia, William & Mary, NYU, BC, and BU. These schools vary in acceptance rate from 13% to 35%.

Also consider some smaller schools if you think that might suit you.

Claremont Colleges (Pomona, Claremont McKenna, Pitzer, Harvey Mudd), Amherst, Bowdoin, Swathmore, Middlebury, Williams, Colorado, Washington & Lee, Davidson, Carleton, Vassar, Wesleyan, Haverford, Kenyon, Bates, Colby, Colgate, Lafayette, Oberlin. These range from 13% to 33% acceptance rates. Most of these tend to be either very hipster or very preppy, with less diversity as the campus and student body are smaller. The Claremont Colleges are kind of an exception as they are all essentially able to interact with one another, so it's somewhat bigger.

Do your research, and keep your GPA as high as you can for next year.

>> No.11111942

I lost my virginity in highschool to a qt currently at berkeley

>> No.11111972

>UCLA is in the most /fa/ city
westwood is fucking boring
what are you going to do, eat diddy riese at 1 am and then hang with your asian friends at habibi cafe after?

>> No.11111987
File: 600 KB, 1280x841, the life aquatic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm going to one of those shitty schools you go to when you want to save money. Their website boasts "highly accredited" programs and a recently built bridge that crosses the campus that's supposed to be super impressive. I'm not a trust fund baby so my options were limited

>> No.11112445

I'm in first year

>> No.11112495


>> No.11112503

Anyone else at sussex?

>> No.11112536

definitely not! my numbers were good, but yale is weird about who they accept. i figured i'd give it a shot, nothing much to lose. are you applying?

>> No.11112557

What is with the circlejerking around this university? I've been going there for 2 years, and I still haven't found anything to write home about. Facilities are old as dirt, lecturers are nuts, and tutors are either great or completely and utterly useless.

Also, if you're not an MSD student, get out of MSD. There aren't enough places to study as it is, and we don't want you stinking up the place with your degenerate studies.

>bcomm studying for jd.

You and everyone else who studies commerce/arts/whatever are applying for the JD. No need to tell us, we know.

>> No.11112559

Actually, as long as you're a EU or Nordic citizen your it doesn't matter where you come from. If you're outside of said country you need an admittance fee or something, but the admission requirements should still be about the same.

>> No.11112567

what was your atar fampai, i wanna know how much u needed to get into melbourne

>> No.11112655

i admit anyone who goes to melbourne who wears it as a badge is a remarkable cockhead but there isn't anything much better. monash is garbage, and anu is really just poor mans unimelb. it's unlikely going to get any better from here on in, with the internationals swarming in. unimelb is a cash cow, but you should already know that by now

dunno why u mad about 'degenerates' studying in msd tho looooool

>> No.11112659

not this sadboy but i got a 97

>> No.11112664



>> No.11112665

What course are you looking to do?

>> No.11112666

im still in vce rofl

>> No.11112676

You're gonna need a minimum of 96; good luck

>> No.11112687

ty <3

>> No.11112706

RMIT anyone?

>> No.11112714

visited kent uni this weekend had a pub night in canterbury, love the streets around the cathedral great places to eat and get boozy

>> No.11112744

lads lads lads

>> No.11112921

Not too different from other colleges I reckon. Lots of drinking, "hookup culture." Gets pretty monotonous after a while.

>> No.11113135

That's really not the case these days.

>> No.11113161


>> No.11113173
File: 82 KB, 612x444, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're all pansies. UGA Athens here.

>> No.11113197

I applied to some of CUNYs back in February but still haven't heard back

>> No.11113233

Nobody cares

>> No.11113249

University of Western Australia. Everyone looks the same but it's nice enough. Gets too warm in summer though.

>> No.11113286

doing bcomm as well, so I know that feel of being surrounded by 90% chinese kids in lectures. Can't complain too much though since I'm international as well (Norway).

not circlejerking, just stated that UoM > Monash. And I didn't realise everybody flocked to MSD. It's been where I've studied since I started a month ago. Just assumed most other places would be just as crowded. Any suggestions on other good places to study?

>> No.11113289

first time ive ever seen my uni in these threads. sup

>> No.11113294

I've been to UW and Gonzaga

If you live in WA than UW is really worth it. Great school, campus, and area. I don't know if I would pay OOS tuition though.

Gonzaga is shit, spokane is horrible, and it is really expensive. Not worth it.

>> No.11113298

>not loving salt stains on everything for six months of the year

Are you really effay?

>> No.11113367

YOOOOOO I'm here too familia

Fuck my life and fuck everyone here

>> No.11113420


>> No.11113478

>he goes to a state school

>> No.11113514
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>tfw mine ranks lower than every one ive seen in this thread

>> No.11113519

not memeing, i go to the same school trump did

>> No.11113548
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These anons are stupid
I mean they're essentially the same school. Madison is further from my hometown. UMN has a better BME program. Same thing for UMich. I don't think the differences are significant, especially for undergrad programs. I got a 34 but I had a 3.4 in HS so I couldn't get into Berkeley/UCLA level schools, but I'll still almost certainly get into Hopkins for my BME grad, which is way more significant.

>> No.11113593

Any UK pals /leeds/ here?

>Beckett fag reporting in

>> No.11113613
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Almost nobody dresses well here and Berkeley goggles are real unless you are a part of the frat life. It's worth going for if you are academically gifted, but if you think that you aren't strong on that end, don't even try.

>> No.11113626
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Vad var intaget för läkarlinjen året du kom in?

>> No.11113685

what the fuck, were all of us waitlisted? I'm starting to think we all have less and less of a shot.

>> No.11113711
File: 120 KB, 620x388, UCL_1913875b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

probably going to ucl next year
doesn't seem very effay

>> No.11113723

What year

>> No.11113732

Shoulda gone to A&M

>> No.11113742

UCSC student here. Any questions?

>> No.11113769

i'm off to university of manchester next year to study history of art. outside of london, manc seems like a great place to be, v excite

>> No.11113803

Manc :(. Have fun getting robbed

>> No.11113805
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PhD, Modern languages.

Palo Alto is beyond redemption.

>> No.11113867
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d-don't say that!
i've lived in newcastle and blackpool, i doubt it's worse than those places

>> No.11113875

Rumor has it that we will admit alot off the waitlist this year. Good luck.

>> No.11113884

No, but I know exactly who you're talking about.

>> No.11113905

2nd, going to 3rd

>> No.11113911

don't listen to them senpai, manc is a great city

>> No.11113916
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>> No.11113919

I'm going to try to get into Tisch for a MFA in film after I finish my undergrad. Seems like a decent school and I loved NYC when I was there for a week or so

>> No.11113920

another one!

>> No.11113935
File: 49 KB, 504x504, 10384466_10100357932492565_1617752402820361327_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thoughts, senpai(ily) ?

>> No.11113958


I'm Princeton '17 my cover photo is literally the picture from take ivy

>> No.11113968

Sitting in mystic rn on the verge of ending it all

>> No.11113981

My sister is there for a BA in Drama/Theater. She likes it.

>> No.11114003
File: 255 KB, 1024x1024, 1024px-Formal_Seal_of_Connecticut_College,_New_London,_CT,_USA.svg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got accepted ED2

>> No.11114025

Do you still have sit down dinners on tuesdays?

>> No.11114040

i have a friend who goes there. it's filled with girls.

>> No.11114044

I'm aware. 65% i think.

>> No.11114064
File: 67 KB, 300x300, seal.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i saw a She Brings The Rain jacket the other day. Mostly chinese kids flexing on each other. Lots of cringey HBA Off White stuff.

The chinese girls also flex with Helmut and Acne.

Entire apartment complex is like a flex zone. There's a dude across from me who's a hard core YSL apologist.

>> No.11114066

Most effay uni in London desu

>> No.11114196

How's Ithaca and FIT? Those are my top 2 for communications major.

>> No.11114368

1.85 för högskoleprovet. Jag hade 1.9. Ingen aning vilka betyg man behövde.

>> No.11114459

where did you go for undergrad

>> No.11114480

I was accepted to their honors college w/ a presidential scholarship so I'm probably 2020. What's it like up there?

>> No.11114528
File: 77 KB, 250x252, Slippery_Rock_University_of_Pennsylvania_Seal.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

smaller state school. once when i posted it on here, someone replied saying that it sounded like a school that a television series made up for it's main characters to go to to end a series that should've ended two seasons ago. which is not extremely inaccurate.

>> No.11114529
File: 129 KB, 680x684, 1454880595788.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any NYU fags here? I just got accepted and it seems alright but I don't want to end up some unemployed art student surrounded by hipster fags and drowning in debt. I'm getting a semi-real degree though (political science or economics, maybe) so I wouldn't be throwing all my money away. My other options are GWU and Temple.

>> No.11114561

I hope you're not the type who put Blair Arch as their cover photo as soon as they got in.

>> No.11114567


What kind of job do you get with polsci again?

>> No.11114570

lol. I go to UGA too. but why post a pic of a sub par sorority? lol

>> No.11114573

I don't know, how much can I get paid to fuck your mother?

>> No.11114580


Who is going to pay you?

>> No.11114636

im waiting for the crushing disappointment of ivy day before i submit my waitlist confirmation shit but you should just go for it regardless familia

>> No.11114639

that 4.7% undergrad acceptance rate (':

>> No.11114643

hard to cop?

>> No.11114660

98. Most of the courses only need a 85 now, so feel free to aim low.

>> No.11114671

would 90 be hard to cop?, im already a nerd so how much effort would be required?

>> No.11114706

I go to ic, it's a great school like it a lot, what are you interested in?

>> No.11114784

Can you afford it anon? Unless you are naturally gifted, charismatic, and do well in Stern the 100k+ in loans you are gonna have to take out will burden you for the rest of your life. Unless you're rich already, then go for it. It's a great way to "experience" nyc especially if you're spending someone else's money

>> No.11114879
File: 240 KB, 808x1023, 808px-QueensU_Crest.svg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

where my fellow gaels at?

>tfw never any canadian schools in these threads

>> No.11115062

try growing up in palo alto it's a staggeringly terrible place

>> No.11115102

I was there last summer visiting Stanford for a couple of days. Palo Alto seemed great. What am I missing?

>> No.11115238


>> No.11115257

enjoy your worthless music degree

>> No.11115293
File: 8 KB, 340x195, concurso-docenteenla[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lil` Brooklyn

>> No.11115402

shit unless you like jam bands and dumb white people. Fashion is phish-core or asian hypeboys, the school is greenwashed as fuck and the programs suck unless you're STEM or nursing.

Find a house in L/L that's cool and chill with them, or go to Slade if it's still around. If you're in HCol, UHeights is a nice dorm in terms of amenities, but it always pulls the rowdiest and shittiest trust fund kids in the school. Not a good environment at all.

Source: just withdrew from groovy uv last semester.

>> No.11115403

don't listen to this guy, most minimum entry scores for guaranteed entry range from 90-95 ATAR

>> No.11115416

Lol fuck off, all posh unis are just full of cunts

>> No.11115499

90 is easy, you'll be fine

>> No.11115518
File: 32 KB, 1317x562, Tufts.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Most effay NESCAC. Fight me fuckers

>> No.11115524
File: 192 KB, 1531x848, williams-college-logo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Going to the worst NESCAC school
>Going to a school ranked under UMN on ARWU

Williams here, wondering when you're going to pull those shitty rankings out of your ass and go to a real school.

>> No.11115530

>implying i give a shit about the school's athletics

>> No.11115535
File: 32 KB, 512x362, Kek.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw you're surrounded by hick degenerates
enjoy your gender studies degree

>> No.11115543
File: 31 KB, 229x300, fedorameme.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I unironically enjoy /pol/ memes

>> No.11115708

gentrification to the point where only the filthy rich can afford housing, toxic silicon valley memes everywhere, children killing themselves every other week because of absurdly difficult and self-serious public schools and tiger mothers. Completely the opposite of what it was like in the 60s and 70s very sad really

>> No.11115715

>ITT: kids that haven't learned that college isn't your life plan

>> No.11115941

williams 2020 but no $$$
how's life up there?

>> No.11115979
File: 18 KB, 480x345, 12920539_239838276364401_4018630058256627002_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


It's not that bad. UVM is a great school. The area is really nice and only some of them people suck. Fashion is Patagonia core/ TNF core.

>> No.11115982


>> No.11115987

enjoy your diplomas

>> No.11115988

Hey there. I'm here on a full ride so no debt :^)

>> No.11116064

1st ;'(

>> No.11116171
File: 140 KB, 768x1024, photo-3-3-e1456701324319-768x1024.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fallowfield is shit
This guy knows

Manchester is decent but yeah the students try too hard.
>pic related

it's sheepskin bullshit, ugly tracksuits and pretending not to be middle-class

>> No.11116220

90 isn't hard at all, you'll be fine.

Go look at the 2016 entry scores, most of them are in the 80s, barring biomed/comm. Melbourne Uni isn't some world-renowned institution, get over it.

>> No.11116222

where should i do a masters lads

needs to be in london and needs to be /fa/, im not going to any basic ass uni

>> No.11116251

Not Asian

>> No.11116265

Lads, should I go to Manchester or Glasgow? Got offers from both schools of art.

>> No.11116278

me too. semper eadem

>> No.11116304


I've attended a public European university.

>> No.11116315

jacarandas blooming during exam time is amazing

>> No.11116350 [DELETED] 
File: 5 KB, 523x91, slogan-logo.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>RUN: Nice Campus, Ugly City
>UM: Ugly 'Campus', Nice City


>> No.11116371

me, RMIT

>> No.11116392

masters in what?

>> No.11116396

I used to live in Newcastle, it's way better than Manchester
Manchester is shit and full of utter cunts

>> No.11116400
File: 14 KB, 660x137, logozm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>RUN: Nice Campus, Ugly City
>UM: Ugly 'Campus', Nice City


>> No.11116403

some sort of humanities/social science

>> No.11116563

if you have ambitions LSE > UCL/KCL >>>> rest, otherwise I heard goldsmith is fun

>> No.11116568

>semper eadem
lel you must be a first year

>> No.11116585
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>> No.11116644

Hey brother goes there, he's a skinny econ fag who wears a lot of nautica

>> No.11116649

What's Manchester like?

I got my application to them rejected but if I end up smashing my exams I want to try again for them because I fucking loved it when I visited.

Is it like super posh there or something?

>> No.11116659

Any mans go Leicester, Swansea or Kent?

Can't make my mind up.

Feeling a bit iffy about Kent because Canterbury seems like a fucking dead town but maybe not I dunno.

Manchester and Leeds were my top choices but got rejected from both so I'm a bit lost now lel.

>> No.11116725

At least you have options, im gonna end up going to a shitty commuter school and miss out on the college experience

>> No.11116733

tfw 3.5 GPA 34 act. hoping someone will ignore my GPA

>> No.11116737

Try having a 2.8 because you slacked off as a 14 year old

>> No.11116753

My choices are:

Any advice from anyone at those unis?

>> No.11116815


lol basic af

just go manny its the /fa/est

>> No.11116824

Yeah I really don't want to go there cos it seems pretty basic and v expensive, but also my lowest offer.

Manny is my highest offer and definitely my firm, just need to choose insurance.

>> No.11116841

I'm going to Duke in the fall but it's expensive as hell man

>> No.11116875

>tfw got rejected from manny because of predicted grades

My teachers fucked me over I'm definitely gonna do better than what they put.

>> No.11116888

Unlucky man feel bad for you

I got BCC last year, sucked enough dick to get ABB prediction and got an offer of AAB

Think I have a reasonable chance cos I'm doing a few resits

What are your choices?

>> No.11116898

Go to UNC to get laid, m8. Duke girls don't compare to UNC.

>> No.11116908

How much will my social life suffer if i go to a commuter school (NJIT)

>> No.11116925
File: 374 KB, 1126x1091, 1434662054381.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

only 1 answer famm

>> No.11116932

>needs to be /fa/
oh sorry i thought that by 'im not going to any basic ass uni' you meant you wanted a good uni not a fashionable one lol. LSE is very not /fa/.

>> No.11116959

Are you me?

>> No.11116962

lots of london kids come up here

dont call it manny

>> No.11116966

I go to one of those schools

Also UCLA and UCBerkeley get significantly more selective if you're out of state.

>> No.11116969

>All these people going to great schools
>Having fun getting laid
>I'm stuck in community college
>Living with parents
>Strict eases curfew
>They religious AF
>No fun or parties or late nights hanging out with friends
>At least they pay for bills and food so I can waste money on clothes and vidya

>> No.11116986

Got BBD, resitting the D and one of the Bs was literally a mark off an A.

Manchester's offer would've been ABB.

Choices are Leicester, Swansea Kent. All ABB.

>> No.11116990

>dont call it manny

That's what Boogzeh calls it though la

>> No.11116992

Ah that's shit man, my insurance is gonna be Leicester or Liverpool

What course you doing?

>> No.11117002

Yeah I reckon I'll firm Leicester.

I'm doing a gap year to get work experience though so if I end up getting AAB or above I might just reapply and go for Manchester again because I fucking loved it when I visited.

Doing economics.

>> No.11117007

Sounds like a plan mate, and yeah Manchester seemed like such a sick place.

Good luck man

>> No.11117009


Skidmore guy here. You've got about the same gender ratio we do. It's fine, you notice it less than you think you will as a guy.

>> No.11117015

I went to community for two years: Do well, transfer somewhere good, and move on with your life. The college experience is still there if you want it but honestly I think it's over rated.

>> No.11117039

Damn, is it really that bad? What are the toxic silicon valley memes?

I guess I missed this stuff because I was only visiting and the people I met seemed pretty happy.

>> No.11117045

That sounds horrible holy shit

>> No.11117080

Life is good up in Williamstown. The town is small af but students don't really leave campus too much and the social scene is almost entirely on campus so it's all good. Make sure you're prepared for a shitload of presentations during the first days and try to make it to previews if you can. Anyway, congrats!

>> No.11117091

newcastle is just a bigger blackpool in my experience, full of chavs and some fat wotsit impaled her heel in my thigh so fuck newcastle

>> No.11117178


>> No.11117207


>> No.11117249

I got to Kent, man. Canterbury is a beautiful city; I wouldn't say it's a dead town at all but it is very isolated from everywhere else. Feel free to ask me any questions!

>> No.11117493

Kings seems kinda dead tho

>> No.11117505

yeah. and its more like LSE > UCL > Kings tbqh, speaking academically

>> No.11117612

So outside of arts unis UCL is the /fa/est yeah

>> No.11117674

of the good london unis (LSE, Imperial, UCL), UCL is by the far the most /fa/, i say this an an LSE third year

>> No.11118043

Shit such as completely unoriginal startups with lots of funding that they waste on aesthetics and silly google-esque offices for their employees, literally nothing but incredibly expensive and gimmicky food shops on every street, STEM or die mentality, distasteful techy motherfuckers everywhere. But it's probably great if all you do all day is write code and watch star trek

>> No.11118051

I'll add on that the surrounding bay area environment and nature wise is the single greatest place on the planet and I'd highly reccommend living in a different city here. The tech bubble shit has just destroyed the more genuine culture we were the center of in the 60s and 70s though

>> No.11118060

I go to Emory, too, and the people here are definitely assholes. Lots of spoiled rich kids. But the professors are great.

>> No.11118210

Almighty trips

>> No.11118483

Ah, thanks. That seems pretty shitty. What culture did it destroy? Wasn't it just another minor Cali city?

>> No.11118496


Are Scottish unis any good? I'm in EU and I'm considering going there to study as it's pretty cheap. What uni should I check out except for Glasgow and Edinburgh?

>> No.11118548

I go to Oxford College, and most of the people I've met from the Atlanta campus are kinda weird. But we have a a lot of weirdos too

>> No.11118568

Is it really that bad? Planning on going there next year.

>> No.11118689

That's because it's harder to get into Duke