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11107143 No.11107143 [Reply] [Original]

Why are poorfags the worst? their best fits are H&M and most likely underage.

>> No.11107155

i honestly think the rich kids on here buying memes with their parents money are the worst posters. at least poorfags have some creative constraint to work with

>> No.11107201

wubba lubba dubs dubs

this guy gets it, you dont need to spend a whole lot to look good

>> No.11107903

the poorfags if they can dress is fine. just the ones always looking for "affordable yohji" or a specific obscure shirt from one picture that's affordable.

>> No.11107930


i own rick, ann d, margiela, common projects, damir doma, our legacy, alexander wang, etc.

my wardrobe is basically all designer. none of it is second-hand.

guess what? i only make $12 an hour and pay my own rent and bills and i live on the most expensive peninsula in California. i have insurance and a retirement account that's on schedule--so it's not like i'm cutting off necessities to buy designer.

it's called having a job and knowing how to budget. you don't need to be rich to own nice things. half the battle is having no dependents, the other half is working and knowing how, when, and why to spend your money.

if i can do it where i live, you can definitely do it.

>> No.11107935

i don't know why you're answering seriously, op is a moron trying to troll by shitting on poor people

>> No.11107943


i mean, even poorfags can afford designer shit eventually. it's just a matter of saving/working/personal finance.

I have had absolutely no support from my parents. I have part time jobs at Nike and Ross, and I get a little bit of a refund from my financial aid.

Creating a wardrobe is so much more fun when you slowly buy designer stuff that you saved up for. You just have to work

>> No.11109507 [DELETED] 
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I'm underage and some of the shit I buy is cheap second hand shit

>> No.11110876

pls teach how

im p much stuck with the same pair of black uniqlo skinnies and a rotation of sweaters. Tried thrifting but i live in the middle of nowhere so its all farmer core

>> No.11110882

Can you lay out your budget?

>> No.11110967



primary monthly income:
40x4x12 + ~12x4x18
= 2,784 - taxes
= about 2,1 or 2,2 monthly take-home

let's say 2,100.


rent + utilities (900)
retirement contribution (400)
student loan payment (400)
groceries (220)
transportation pass (60)
phone bill (20)
spending / play money (100)

when i was still a student, before i had to pay back my loan, i used that money to create a savings account for if i ever lost my job or whatever. it can support me for almost a year.

i also supplement my income by selling shit, but it's infrequent and i just add it to my play money. $100 a month spending money may not seem like a lot, but i don't waste it on bullshit like fast food or going to the movies. most of the time it just rolls over to the next month, and then i use it to buy siq grails or go to a michelin restaurant when there's enough.

my phone plan is cheap because i use one of those shitty prepaid drug dealer phones. i just put $20 on it every month because that's about the amount of minutes i use. i wish i didn't have a student loan payment, then i would use part of that money to get an iphone and a data plan.

>> No.11111012

Thats impossible unless you work massive overtime. Shit, rent in a crap neighborhood is around 800-1400 for a studio in San Diego.

>> No.11111039

Everything above 200$ on a piece is stupid.

>> No.11111048

buttblased jelly poorfag detected

>> No.11111050

Have fun wearing plastic shoes made in China then. Any shoe made in the first world out of full-grain leather is going to be at least $300. Any blazer or sport coat made in the first world out of wool or linen will cost at least $500.

>> No.11111061

what is your monthly income breakdown, because i don't understand what else there could be besides 40x4x12

>> No.11111079

So this lifestyle works only if you have no friends and no car

>> No.11111103

>Any blazer or sport coat made in the first world out of wool or linen will cost at least $500.

have you really never been to good second hand shops? you go regularly it's the only way you'll get something good that fits.

>> No.11111151

>makes $12/hr
>student loan payment $400
the fuck did you major in?

>> No.11111172

middle eastern studies.

>> No.11111177
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>> No.11111185

>oh yeah I forgot to mention my $18/hr second job

>> No.11111208

you've had $100 of disposable income for long enough to buy multiple thousand dollar pieces of clothing?

I dunno sounds stagnant and depressing. I like going out occasionally.

>> No.11111215
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He has a transportation pass.

>> No.11111269


it's the same job.

i work between 50 and 55 hours a week. i get 1.5x overtime for everything after 40.

>> No.11111276

see >>11111269

>> No.11111298

When the average person says "$12/hr job", they don't mean with 12 hours a week of OT a week.

>> No.11111314


well sure ideally we'd all be like europe and have 32 hour a week economies.

but i'm young and i live in burgerland. until i get some sort of salarycuck job, i have to hustle to make it. and i'd say most people my age can relate to that.

>> No.11111352

Joke on you, you're still going to feel empty even with all of those material goods. That's why you're on this fucking board. lol

>> No.11111362


i don't rely on my material goods to make me feel whole. i have a personality and human relationships for that.

siq cops are just an added bonus in life

>> No.11111367

i have a classmate who is dressed head to toe in top designers every day, i've yet to hear someone compliment him. then there's me in my fucking 80% american apparel wardrobe, and needless to say i'm beyond gassed. he gave me cut eye the other day good times

basically invest in plastic surgery. however for the surgery to be successful you must already have a good foundation, so some of you are fucked either way.

>> No.11111381
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>Tfw poor
>RLP black leather jacket for $10 at thrift store is higher tier than any of the shit graileds in ur puccboi closet

Eat shit OP

>> No.11111419
File: 188 KB, 1080x720, Photo on 3-27-16 at 8.13 PM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

plastic surgery is so beyond taboo in the united states. Getting a Rhinoplasty might as well be getting a sex change over here, you've basically gone beyond any legitimate attempt of retrieving your manhood once you get work done.

sucks because I've wanted one since puberty,

>> No.11111438

tfw clear 3k part time as a bartender and gf pays rent for the apartment


rent 0
phone 30
car 170
insurance 150
booze 500
gasoline 200
health insurance is covered by employer

I also model for side cash and take some money from the profits on my investments

>> No.11111439


>I've wanted one since puberty

I'm assuming you mean a sex change since your nose is fine?

It's 2016. Get a sex change if you want.

>> No.11111446


aw that's cute how you call your mummy your gf.

does she make tendies?

>> No.11111479
File: 136 KB, 1080x720, Photo on 3-28-16 at 7.50 PM #2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's honestly not that bad, but people used to roast me for it calling me a crow and shit. People never do that to me now, nothing but compliments for a good while now. I was considerably fatter when i was getting those putdowns, so perhaps it looks better now somehow.

>> No.11111488
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>> No.11111504

yeah you got a crooked nose but you look good

>> No.11111511

hooked i meant>>11111504

>> No.11111527

ok i know americans are brainwashed to fear PS and many have a general lack of understanding but it's not that dramatic. you can be discreet anyway, getting a nose job won't turn you into a member of the jackson family

ps is something you should want. even if you're getting compliments every day if there's still something that REALLY bugs you then yeah do it. just don't overdo it obv

>> No.11111594


No love for the workingfag, oh wait I'm 30.

>> Fuck.

>> No.11112409

Come to Europe bro :(

>> No.11112421

lame, think how much easier your life would be if you used all that money you spent on being a fashion victim and used it for everyday necessities. You dont have to spend a lot of money to dress cool if you are broke. And you don't need to buy fast fashion either. I have no fast fashion and not one piece of clothing in my wardrobe was over $100(with the excetption of sneakers). And I still have a few designer pieces and about 5-6 Cav Empt pieces.

>> No.11112473

poorfags are fine. it's the mfa posters and fuccibois.

>> No.11112477

and people who add -core to everything and are insistent on naming everything.