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/fa/ - Fashion

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11104799 No.11104799 [Reply] [Original]

How /fa/ is your dad

>green eyes
>gold beard
>high test
>big forearms

>short tempered

>> No.11104808

Being smart isn't effay

>> No.11104823


>> No.11105032


>> No.11105635

My dad is one of the most /fa/ people i know.
>impeccable jawline
>good tan
>wears tailored suits all the time
>big house
>owns a bentley and a jaguar


>> No.11106107

I bet my dad could beat up your dad

>> No.11106211

> well educated
> very humble
> buff as shit
> great hairline
> solid jaw
> green eyes

> somewhat short for his build (only 6'1" but he's 230lbs)
> fucked up ankles because he's played soccer for like 30 years
> brownish (We're Iranian, make of that what you will)

>> No.11106270

>he had long hair
>green eyes
>he was pretty

So yeah my dad was /fa/ in his days.

>> No.11106276

>good hairline

>> No.11106533


>Muscular, strong as fuck from doing carpentry for 40 years or so
>Long luxurious hair, isn't balding even though 60
>A smart, logical man and good conversationalist
>Feel the Bern

>Pretty heavy
>Basically only wears tattered rags because he lives in Florida and works all the time
>Probably pretty depressed

Oh well. I'm glad he left when I was 12 ;)

>> No.11106547

thick full head of hair with no visible receding, I'd call that a pretty good hairline.

>> No.11106554

Get your dad to hmu

>> No.11106944

Quality thread

>drug dealer
>new truck
>dresses like an american chav
>uniform repertoire
>tons of invasive plants in house
>lives in greasy beach town
>house 100+ years old
>bangs rich milfs left and right

>over 50
>bernie supporter
>completely fucked
>listens exclusively to Devo, The Cure, Violent Femmes and garbage local bands
>broke as fuck

>> No.11106993
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>> No.11107001

check yourself before you wreck yourself please.

>> No.11107174

Is being dead effay?

>> No.11107186

>dad was a couturier/tailor for musicians during the 70s
>brown hair
>white mexican
>5'4. I'm 5'6 :(

>> No.11107194

Your Dad sounds like a hero.

>> No.11107228

He has GOAT hair genes and is voting Bearnie? he is pretty rad.

>> No.11107359

>not a jew


>> No.11107465

>implying any of those are bad

>> No.11107468

ur dad's a faget

>> No.11107500

This thread is useless without pics. Come on guys post pics of your daddy

>> No.11107589

next time I'm home I will since he and his friends were fresh as fuck, anybody into 80s revival shit would rip them off in a heartbeat
awful father but funny to watch him start trouble
I hate the cure and bernie, I guess everything else can be pulled off

>> No.11107601

>nice smile
>still a full head of hair
>has a very good memory
>good driver
>doesn't drink or use any substances

>has depleted my self-worth, even as an adult
>self centred
>only buys new clothes for work
>none of his old clothes really fit well
>obsessed with image and buys things out of our means in order to look better
>lies to people regularly, often for no reason
>probably has PTSD but will not ever acknowledge it

>> No.11107613

this sounds like future me.

>> No.11107631

devo is GOAT

>> No.11107633

sounds like my mom desu, not effay in the traditional sense but effay lifestyle and personality

>> No.11107638

>impeccable taste in clothes and luxury goods
>lives in france

>horrible spending habits
>constantly in debt
>monetarily fucked my mom over in divorce
>tax evasion suspected
>benzo addict
>smokes dunhills (come on pops)
>speaks french with the gayest sounding american accent

can't find a pic on the goog otherwise I'd post it.

>> No.11107644

I know but he listens to weird shit like Smooth Noodle Maps and one-off demos. Saw them twice though, pretty sure I was conceived at one of their concerts tb.h

>> No.11107648

>>monetarily fucked my mom over in divorce
how, asking on behalf of all of us

>> No.11107665

took all the money and moved to france, mom got a foreclosed house, pretty much.

also promised to pay for my college since I was a kid and now I'm paying my own damn debt like a sucker.

>> No.11107715

I had the same thing happen, was promised that I wouldn't have to worry about money

>> No.11107744

>not a pashtun
disgusting fire worshipper

>> No.11107745
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>nicest dad anyone could ask for
>good tempered
>rich and generous. (Refuse to take back the supplementary credit card he gave me for college, told me to keep it in case I need the money)

>alcoholic but fuctional. Can't go a night without two bottles of beer.
>afraid to show affection.

>> No.11107752

nothing wrong with this dad. this looks like a higher tiered dad imo.

>> No.11107756
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>someone dumb enough to post an actual picture of their dad

>> No.11107760

>your son is saying nice things about you on the internet haha what a fag

>> No.11107764
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>> No.11107769

>posting pictures of people you know, especially people you supposedly care about, online without consent

top kek

>> No.11107774

I wish I had a dad

>> No.11107777

do you have two moms? that's cool too

>> No.11107780

my dad died in a tragic gas fight accident

>> No.11107781

Yeah. Sometimes I wish I wasnt sun a huge dissapoitnment though. I'm pretty sure dad feels the same but care enough not to tell me about it.

>> No.11107787

Like literal gas fight? Two men fight to the death using only gas?

>> No.11108170

Most Dads I know aren't as insecure as you faggots

>> No.11108715


> tfw pashtun

Ma nigga

>> No.11108735

>amazing smile
>good hair
>still fit
>looks good with or without beard
>takes great pictures
>suport me in almost everything

>love football
>spends a lot with marijuana

>> No.11108746

my dad isn't a doctor but he is 6'9 ft and bearmode

>> No.11108763

Your dad gave you a credit card to go to college?

Damn son that's some luck. My parents told me to get a fucking job the first time I asked them for a hundo to pay my phone bill.

>> No.11109101

Sucks to be you then.

>> No.11109198

Good: N/A
Bad: Died when I was 6

>> No.11109243

So no bad

>> No.11109271

Yeah, its dor basic nccessities, rent, tuition, groceries, car payment, fuels and stuffs.

One time i used it for some 300$ shoes, he didnt talk to me a week once he got the statement.

>> No.11109358

>long, 6´2
>well built
>well educated
>humble and understanding
>always positive and mindfull

>sometimes weird
>starting to develop a big belly
>bad job, teacher
>always wear functional clothes

>> No.11109399
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>> No.11109440

Full head of hair
Rich, owns his own company
Married to a surgeon almost 15 years younger than him
Green eyes

Getting fat
Eastern European

I'm an abject failure compared to him desu

>> No.11109906
File: 6 KB, 443x527, disgusted feel.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>kinda funny
>very knowledgeable
>doesn't use substances other than the occasional beer
>looked pretty alpha in his younger days
>used to be a singer
>built our house

>balding since he was a teen
>wastes money on the stupidest things
>very bad temper
>has treated me, my siblings and mother poorly
>insults everyone, mostly his family
>has no friends
>probably has early stage alzheimer's
>doesn't understand half of what others say and others don't understand half of what he says
>smells seriously bad
>has just a few clothes that he doesn't allow to be washed, doesn't accept new ones
>falls for every scam and is a member in million casinos
>lazy, manipulative liar, poor conversationalist, arrogant, extremely jealous (which kind of saddens me since mom has been forever loyal to him)
>horrifyingly shit with kids, hit and cursed my brother and me when we were small, never took any part in raising me or my two siblings

i pretty much hate him but since he is my dad i sort of can't

didn't inherit much else than his looks thankfully, mother gave me thick straight hair and raised me properly

>> No.11109932

>sometimes he actually seems to wear fashionable stuff
>made me have large chest and shoulders
>usually he doesn't wear anything /fa/
>will make me go bald by 35

>> No.11109958

Not very
>Tesla-tier autismo
>curly black hair
>shit teeth
>approaching 65

>> No.11109977

Fucking faggot Bernie is terrible

>> No.11109982
File: 74 KB, 430x640, me16.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All of your dads will always be more /fa/ than you guys. This thread is vile. You should all feel autistic and bad for talking about how /fa/ your dads are. Jesus. Also I guarantee I could beat the shit out of all your dads, maybe even a couple at a time.
pic related. I've been working out for a while. Seriously this thread annoys me.

>> No.11109998


HAHAHAHA dude you look like an action figure

>> No.11110003
File: 285 KB, 1200x1600, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your dads are lame as shit. Check mine on the right rockin his mafia boss style with his russian and turkish friends.

Effay as fuck

>> No.11110005
File: 251 KB, 1600x1600, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also a pic from when he was young
Right one
I'll never be this authentic

>> No.11110043
File: 94 KB, 640x640, SECRET.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11110051

my dad can finger your dad and wont think its weird

>> No.11110099

I don't know my dad.

>> No.11110115

D*d? What is that term you use?

>> No.11110147

>Well traveled
>impeccable genes that make him look 20 years younger
>successful business owner
>6 ft, 160 pounds, very lean
>loved by everyone
>perfect hair

>Had me

>> No.11110330
File: 34 KB, 552x536, 1449450534070.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>comparing dads

who fucking cares? how is this even remotely related to fashion? how do you come up with the idea, and even more so how do you decide to participate?

>"hey i feel like i should tell 4chan about my dad and compare him to others"

go to >>>/soc/ or some other shithole and compare your dicks instead

jesus christ get a grip

like seriously look at this kid
>"owns a bentley and a jaguar"

the way it's presented is so obnoxious it's comical

>> No.11110631

Sounds like someone doesn't have a dad

>> No.11110675

>Sounds like someone doesn't have a dad

feels dad man

>> No.11110678
File: 159 KB, 1023x675, 1451627307771.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Completely correct.

>> No.11110684

I like this post

>> No.11110865

Awww nerdy daddy is best daddy.

>> No.11110878


its funny when /fa/ complains about girls with daddy issues because everyone in this thread clearly wants to fuck their dads

>> No.11111287
File: 2.29 MB, 4160x2340, 20150509_004512.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Was he effay?

>> No.11111697

-Buff af
-Good hairline
-Very intelligent
-Very successful in the Australian Submarines
-25 year old girlfriend who is hot af and also very successful in Australian Submarines
-Sings like an angel and plays guitar really damn well
-Has a bordercollie and a kelpie
-Shitloads of money

-Dresses like shit
-Manlet 5ft7"
-Abusive af
-Hates me because I am a lot taller than him
-Family tree is filled with mental illness

>> No.11111709

you are retarded and i'll show you why lmao
post a pic of your dad for me :^)

>> No.11111776

Why are dads mostly wealthy but dress like shit?

>> No.11111804

You might want to hop off /fa/ every once in a while, kiddo.

>> No.11111812


>> No.11112284

he was a dad, that's what matters

>> No.11112302

True.anyone can be a father, not everyone can be a dad.

>> No.11112346

but he was very effay as well

my father pretty much just kicked me out of the way when i was that small

>> No.11112348

Being a libcuck isn't effay

>> No.11112364
File: 185 KB, 2000x1200, 1455260020597.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>extremely nice and hard working
>believes in spawn
>full head of hair, greying slightly in a cool way
>sharp eyes
>spooky skeleton in youth
>gained weight over the years, but is trying to get into shape
>extremely young looking

>has shitty spawn
>dislikes clothes that fit, prefers baggy bandshirts

>> No.11112640

Its mot fair how the male baldness gene is cause by moms, the uncles on my moms side are mostly bald, but my dads side have luschious thick black hair. Im 26 and is already almost completely bald.

>> No.11112671
File: 7 KB, 300x225, noxSquare.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What kind of thread is this?

Of course my dad isn't an anorexic hippy, like /fa/

>> No.11112691

>blue eyes
>gave birth to me
>incredibly smart

>has the worst case of OCD I've seen in my life... At least his house is spotless.
>will spend about £15k buying 3 different hifi systems just to test his favourite one

>> No.11112705

>buys things out of our means
Underage or just mooching?

>> No.11112715

God you're fucking pathetic.

>> No.11112719

Worst thread ever

>> No.11112720

>red hair
>did meth
>committed suicide by Ritalin overdose and carbon monoxide poisoning

Not very, I don't guess.

>> No.11112755

Effay fit m8

>> No.11112761

how so? my dad worked hard so I don't have to. his words not mine. it just asian culture where parents support their children financially throughout college.

>> No.11112781

4chan faggots brings you the new 2016 model. Limited edition. Now in extra faggot pack with a more compact dick. Collect them all.

>> No.11112813

How fucking old are you? Your dad looks like my grandfather

>> No.11112872

yeah my mom didn't have enough money for cancer treatment but he said don't worry about it

so i didn't pay for it lulz now he's dead god i'm smart jajaja

>> No.11112873

i hate how everyone always talks what they did with their dad or what he gave them and compare them

mine hated me and i hated him

are daddy issues /fa/

>> No.11112994

Probably the least /fa/ person i know

>> No.11113039

>Toned/ottermode at 52 (triathlon junkie)
>Silver fox hair/facial hair
>top tier mixed race genes
>solid jawline
>All clothing quality tailored
>Ducati and Triumph cafe racer bikes
>Neat scotch drinker with aging cellar
>hazel to green eyes

>Wears nice sunglasses, but has a habit to keep them on inside stores and shit

Dunno how I became a huge fuck up, oh well

>> No.11113043

only /fa/ if you channel it into art

>> No.11113052

Literally looks like an actor

>> No.11113191

I don't get this picture

>> No.11113209

>my dad's better than your dad
Are we actually having this thread? This shit is kindergarten tier.

>> No.11113308

this thread is making all my pent-up daddy issues resurfacing. :( why do some people have great dad, whereas i'm stuck with a shitty dad

>> No.11114192
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That's a shame, anon.
Have you buzzed off the side tufts?

>> No.11115893

yeah, have been doing the allover #1 shaved for years. It doesnt bother me that im balding, just that sometimes i wish i can join in all that hairstyle meme.