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/fa/ - Fashion

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11099565 No.11099565[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

is social justice /fa/?

>> No.11099580

/pol/ is not effay

>> No.11099591

If I woke up looking this bad I'd kill myself 2bqh.

>> No.11099592

But neither is being a male feminist

>> No.11099598

Not participating in political discussions unless necessary is effay, of course if you discuss shit like that it has to be objective.

>> No.11099606

being a cuck is not effay

>> No.11099610

participating in political discussions is effay as fuck, just not when its with commoners. politics is my thing- its what i study. i only have serious discussions with faculty members.

when i talk to plebs i just say whatever i think is most likely to make them vote/behave the way i want them to.

>> No.11099611

Fascism is the only political ideology that is effay, not an opinion it's a fact.

>> No.11099617

w2learn politics

I can't really express myself politically speaking at a high level, just decent enough to convince other people and speak at average level

>> No.11099623

>wow why am i so much better than everyone
>why am i so much more politically enlightened that other people my age
>i wish everyone was a smart bernie sanders voter like me...

>> No.11099637

Political aparthy is the only effay choice. Openly discussing or caring about politics is nothing more than an easy ego masturbation for pseudo-intellectuals.

>> No.11099639

>ego masturbation for pseudo-intellectuals

like what you're doing now?

>> No.11099643

honestly just read important works of philosophy/history for the political messages. learning/knowing about contemporary issues won't help you understand anything.

Max Weber, Marx, de Tocqueville, Hobbes, Locke, and Rousseau are all good starts. After that I'd look into the Greeks (Thucydides/Plato/Aristotle/etc.) and then the Germans (Kant/Hegel/Nietzsche)

Develop opinions on things like positivism, empiricism, historicism, global justice, the end of history. You'll start to understand yourself a lot better too. Also you should probably have a working knowledge of the old and new testament.

>> No.11099646

>implying i support bernie sanders
i'd say more, but you're probably already voting the way i want you to


>> No.11099670

i think there's nothing less effay than feeling threatened by feminism and social justice. if you have anything to lose from the advancement of those movements you probably deserve to

>> No.11099673

Posting thinly veiled liberal vs. conservative / /pol/ vs. reddit / SJW vs. stormfront / cuck vs. alphamale/ threads is NOT effay.

>> No.11099683

shut the FUCK up

>> No.11099684

>how to be completely irrelevant in any and all political discussions

>> No.11099691

Knowing about politics is /fa/. Having an opinion on politics is /fa/. Talking about politics in a non-political environment is for uninteresting faggots who've watched a few Noam Chomsky videos and think they know enough about foreign policy to disguise their uninteresting personalities.

>> No.11099704

caring about shit is about as non /fa as you can get. It's all about that jaded apathy

>> No.11099727

its /fa/ to be informed, and its /fa/ to have an opinion, but

>not when its with commoners
>politics is my thing- its what i study.
>i only have serious discussions with faculty members.
>i just way whatever i think is most likely to make [plebs] vote/behave the way i want them to.

this is the type of person that actually talks about politics regularly.

i rest my case

>> No.11099756

>Le voting for Bernie face

>> No.11099760
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if you arent white nationalist you arent fa

>> No.11099764

>damn, I left the stove on

>> No.11099765

this pretty much

>> No.11099768

>when i talk to plebs
Being condescendent is not effay, if politics is your thing you should inform other people and make them want to know more, not making them behave the way you want to.

>> No.11099780

>being a highschool rebel is so cool

parents are lame

>> No.11099794

kill yourself you stupid faggot

>> No.11099799

Kill yourself

>> No.11099803

literally kill yourself irl

>> No.11099804
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>> No.11099805

wow i guess he should have put a trigger warning huh?

>> No.11099806


>> No.11099807
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Trump supporters can never be fa

>> No.11099810


feel kinda bad for aids skrilly desu but is gud meme

>> No.11099816


Great strawman. Please make more assunptions that make you feel better about yourself.

>> No.11099825

Trump isn't a WN so there's that

>> No.11099828


It looks suave af to be informed about politics and be able to defend any positions you take. What makes you looks like a tryhard neckbeard is always bringing it up in conversations to try to look like a pseudo-intellectual. Let the neckbeards bring it up in conversation, and just be ready and informed for when it does.

Somewhat related: reading newspapers looks effay as fuck

>> No.11099849
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t. bjorn cucksson

>> No.11099855

yeah, if your idea of a political discussion is talking about how Ted Cruz must have cheated on his wife because you read it in the National Enquirer

>> No.11099865

Das tru, could always be worse m8

>> No.11099872

>if i put what he wrote in front of a meme arrow he will look dumb!

>> No.11099881

What is a WN?

>> No.11099904

>has vested interest in it
>proclaims it to be effay

>> No.11099911

Friendo, it didn't need meme arrows to look dumb. the post was dumb on its own. I just took the dumbest parts and made an autism highlight reel to illustrate my point.

>> No.11099924

>and made an autism highlight reel to illustrate my point.

though tbf 4chan itself as a whole is an autism highlight reel

>> No.11099929


>> No.11100022


>> No.11100097


>> No.11100100


>> No.11100110


>> No.11100111


>> No.11100124

not caring about things is so cool and shit. we got a real smooth cat over here. i bet you blurt that shit out all the time.
>"yeah im like so a-political"
>"yeah i just dont care about politics at all"
>"i care about telling you how i dont care though"
>"its not try hard because im just explaining how hard i dont care, im not actually putting any effort into being this effortlessly lax about politics"
>"its pretty much subconscious at this point even if i bring it up everytime we talk about politics"

>> No.11100125


>> No.11100135

Study real science, not arbitrary philosophical opinion wankery

>> No.11100152

What's the point in being engaged politicaly when there is no absolute truth in anything but stem subjecects since the media distoreted reality beyond recognition and taking side in a political debate is nothing more than an appeal at your ego, the ideology that one is oblivious of?

Not only is it the most effay, but simply the most sane solution to resignate from political discourse once and for all.

>> No.11100170

please pount out to me where i said it was effay

>> No.11100175


>> No.11100181

>Not only is it the most effay, but simply the most sane solution to resignate from political discourse once and for all.

says the man 50 posts deep in a political based thread

>> No.11100189

Nope. /fa/ is all middle class (uk, whatever the equivalent is, u.s) kids who don't have to worry about stuff so there's no need for them to bother with things of consequence / things that would have a negative effect on proper people

>> No.11100203


>> No.11100209 [DELETED] 

this thread is metapolitical
bye hater

>> No.11100212

The most /fa/ political opinion is being pro-American

>> No.11100213


>> No.11100214

this thread is metapolitical
a discussion on the worth of political discussion and I have not delved into political issues in my post

>> No.11100217


>> No.11100220

>i refuse to discuss politics
>im happy discuss how satisfied i am with not discussing politics

absolutely embarassing

>> No.11100227


>> No.11100233

It's not a satisfactory experience, rather a last resort. Political discussion is a back and forth of arguments that get's polluted by the uneducated masses, supporters of the opposite ideology, the news ect

Read a book, stop talking in memes

>> No.11100236
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Wow you surely are Hitler's second coming familia

>> No.11100263

not the guy you replied to but if someone asks x and you answer y and another guy replies to you with z you have no ground to pose such questions

>> No.11100274


>> No.11100282
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>> No.11100296
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so fucking /fa/

>> No.11100300

How big do you think this guy's dick is ? Do you think his balls hang low ? Alpha chads' packs are always a surprise.

>> No.11100310


>> No.11100312


>> No.11100316

Yes it is, the nazi are pretty effay

>> No.11100321


>> No.11100349
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>> No.11100353
File: 161 KB, 219x354, 1458259035677.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

being opposite /pol/ re: race, sexuality & gender is even less effay

>> No.11100362


>> No.11100370

>i'd say more, but you're probably already voting the way i want you to
>tanking an entire country to serve your own self-interest
Fuck you

>> No.11100385
File: 553 KB, 1147x621, Corneliu_Zelea_Codreanu_archive_Legionary_Movement_Romanian_Christian_Nationalists.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Far-Right, from their uniforms, dress, and iconography is usually pretty /fa/.

This Romanian guy had lots of girls after him, and even men considered him handsome as fuark.

>> No.11100417

You are subhuman

>> No.11100440

No. Collectivism is not /fa/ -- and neither is identity politics.

>> No.11100448

ITT : being racist especially if you're white, is effay as fuck

>> No.11100464


>> No.11100474


>> No.11100483


>> No.11100486


>> No.11100491

>just got out of mom's basement to study politics
not effay

>> No.11100502


what's your tumblr bru?

>> No.11100518

Exactly. Even the huge majority of people that think they know shit about politics, don't. They are somewhat informed in a few mouvements they like and that's it.

>> No.11100523


>> No.11100531


>> No.11100540

Caring too much is never /fa/.

Libertarianism, fascism and marxism are relatively /fa/ because all require indifference to public opinion.
But: libertarianism is usually too practical and too folksy, while marxism is too mainstream and too fussy.
Fascists give the fewest fucks of all.

>> No.11100552
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>> No.11100572


>> No.11100594

You're a white male

>> No.11100599

Speak at average level just means say what liberals agree with so they don't argue with you....don't do that.

Most political science degrees start off with a good understand of political philosophy so a lot of Hobbes, Kant, Nietzsche then the second year is a lot of contemporary philosophy and game theory

>> No.11100605


>> No.11100608

For example of you read Locke's natural law and see the Federalist papers written on them you will see how these posters don't really know what's going on.





What they're saying has no basis in reality of what is said in the political realm. Reading cold war game theory we know that these people are non-players reacting to propaganda

>> No.11100721

the far right wing is /fa/, not left wing

>> No.11100729
File: 196 KB, 1211x1259, 1458271245823.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can someone please explain the carl the cuck meme to me? /pol/ wouldn't tell me shit, they just told me he was a cuck.

white nationalist

>> No.11100743

Studying politics is not very /fa/

Good luck having trash employment after college since the odds are you're not very likely to become an elected official of any importance

>> No.11100765

Edgy /pol/ cross-posters fawning over a military uniform is not really /fa/

Fascism is blind and aggressive nationalism. Communism has no potential for success in the real world, and is just a pipe dream. Being shitty and racist isn't very /fa/ especially in the edgy ass way this board is.

It's really not hard to just be nice to people. Sure hold liberal or conservative principles, just don't be an asshole about it or be overtly judgmental of other people. Fanaticism is cancerous.

>> No.11100767

Who are these people? And why should anybody care?

>> No.11100776

How is being uninformed about people's whose livelihoods revolve around machinations to regulate your income, actions, environment a good thing? Even the illiterate colonials understood the paramount importance of civil awareness in an advanced society

Political apathy is a habit of hill people and ascetics and I doubt that you my friend are either

>> No.11100782

>le if u are right wing u r literally worse than hitler u r major scum like what the fuck 2016 black lives matter r u racist lmao what the fuck xDDDdd

>> No.11100844


>> No.11100855

actual nazis from the 30s-40s =/= inbred rednecks

>> No.11100858

I didn't say being right wing or being conservative was an inherently bad thing. If you're aggressively fascist, that's shitty. Being blindly and aggressively left wing is also shitty. Read what I fucking said.

Legitimately being enamoured with nazi ideology is shitty, and a good amount of people on this board that do this to be edgy are really just trying too hard on an anonymous Siberian silk screen print image board. It's really not that hard to not be a shitty or racist person and still hold conservative principles, just like it's not hard to be a Christian without being an aggressive fundamentalist to the last breath.

Again, fanaticism is cancerous.

>> No.11100870

basically, yeah

>> No.11100879

Fanatics crossed mountains and built temples and castles and bridges.

Maybe you're shitty.

Also most of the political shitposters in /pol are fascists not Nazis

>> No.11100890

And it's not hard for a liberal to hold terrible ideas either - you know - that blacks/women are so inferior that they need affirmative action?

>> No.11100895

that isn't what affirmative action is for

>> No.11100900

Yeah it is. If blacks and women were equal on their own merit they wouldn't need help. That's liberal ideology for ya.

>> No.11100910

No it's because there's institutional racism right? Which would imply that there are institutions which have enshrined racists principles. Which do not exist as legitimate entities in the west. AA functions implicitly on the idea that minorities are possessed of 'hypoagency' or that they cannot take agency for themselves and thus require assistance. The subtle aside being the express implication that the majority possesses full agency. A flawed idea based upon groupthink.

Either way it's racist, either minorities are more valuable to society and thus deserve free stuff, or they lack the ability to secure for themselves, and thus deserve charity.

0/10 your arguements and your discourse unrigorous

>> No.11100911

>it's literally impossible for a system to be stacked against a group of people

>> No.11100914

Politics hasn't been fashionable since after Kennedy.

>> No.11100919


>> No.11100925

thinly veiled political shitposting is still political shitposting

>> No.11100927

>so putting people's money in the hands of fewer and more powerful people is the solution

Which still carries the problem thinking that non minorities don't experience the same hardship. And yet one group is assumed to be without responsibility while the other is at fault

A unemployed black man with a criminal record is poor due to slavery apparently

But a white man who is laid off because government spending and taxation force small businesses to close is poor because of his own choices, you see?

>> No.11100928

it has to do with almost all higher-ups currently being white, which means they are very likely to have a bias toward other white people. affirmative action is kinda shitty at first but do it for a short time and it'll level the playing field long-term

>> No.11100934

Kind of right, however often times the reason assistance is necessary is because the evironments that minorities are coming out of have much less access to resources or decent education, which makes it much harder to succeed later on and advance in society. Not that white people cant have the same struggle, but on the whole it is much more likely for a minority to be in that situation that a white, as well as the fact that white people haven't been restricted in their opportunities or rights. People are still alive right now that were there when segregation was and that sort of racism was in full force, and it's effects still haven't fully dissipated.

>> No.11100936

an unemployed black man with a criminal record isn't poor due to slavery, but he'll have a harder time finding employment than a white man in the same position

>> No.11100944

White people on average are much less likely to be economically repressed, living in areas of subpar education, which is often the result of districting and property values which are much lower in predominately black areas that have stayed prodominately black since segregation. As well there is very little tangible bias against white people. Not saying that there aren't people that don't go around thinking "kill whitey", but white people dont have racial bias in much of any form placed against them in their day to day lives.

TL;DR: white people can and do face as much hardships as minorities, but in much reduced numbers because of historical reasons that have held them at the top of the food chain

>> No.11100959

Basic human in-out group formation does not warrant massive wealth redistribution. People suffer from adversity. Koreans, Chinese and Japanese suffered thorough and ubiquitous discrimination through the mid and late 20the century.

The Irish existed as debt slaves and refugees of famine and epidemic in far greater numbers and experienced a far lower quality of life than slaves. They more often relied on their employers for food and shelter than their negro counterparts because their wages were peanuts whereas slaves who lived on land were often granted a portion of it. Also many negros lived to see freedom by expedience. An old slave is a poor mule and workboy, and bitter one a poor house servant. Many were freed, given credit preference and bought slaves.

A horrifying number of Irish debt slaves would not live to see the end of their servitude.

Up until the 70s and 80s the Irish were heavily discriminated against as we're Catholics in general.

The first and only Irish, or Catholic president we've ever had got shot in the head. And his brother too.

I'm a poor white and Italian boy who grew up in one of the poorest and most violent cities in America. I get nearly 25% of my income taken in taxes for this social welfare shit. Where the fuck are my reparations?

>> No.11100972

Blacks also have a statistically sound reputation as both more likely to be violent and more recurrently violent.

It has been shown that white college age males are the most disadvantaged in attaining a college education.

Blacks commit most of the interracial crimes in America, against all races both more and less numerous making them hands down the most racist demographic.

These cycles of poverty are caused by blacks within the community. It is caused by the poorest and the most ignorant.

How do propose subsidizing these people will help American necrosis?

>> No.11100976


Seriously, it's frightening how people that are of sufficient intelligence to articulate well and independently analyze a situation are incapable of putting two and two together. It simply shows how people have a tendency to enter a discussion with a predetermined opinion that completely ruins any chances of constructive dialogue.

>> No.11100979

Negroes not necrosis

>> No.11100984


>> No.11101005



>> No.11101018

The Irish also weren't in that sort of servitude for more than a couple generations, and we're not savagely abused for any small reason. However, I do agree with the fact that we're was clear and obvious discrimination against the Irish, or the polish, or Italians, or anyone who wasn't really "white enough". I'm of mixed race, Irish Catholic and Hispanic, so I get it. But the difference between persecution or Irish or Catholics in this country is that it's been a much more rapid and smooth acceptance than minorities have had. Imagine in this day and age someone being aggressively biased against Italians for example. It's really really hard to see at all. It may exist in very small forms, but it's not very present at all. In regards to your situation, sure I agree that those in impoverished situations with lack of proper access to resources and education should be supported enough until they can sustain themselves, this is just more prevalent with minorites than it is with whites because their experience with discrimination was relatively short lived and almost entirely irrelevant at the present time. It is still much easier for white people, or those who seem to sound white, to be hired over minorities. Ideally in another 25 years society will have reached a point where biases are much more irrelevant than they are right now and we can be done with AA type policies, but we aren't quite there yet.

>> No.11101026

if you grew up in america you're not italian lol
you're white american

>> No.11101035

they're statistically more violent because they're poor and have a much harder time getting out of poverty than non-black people

people who can't get out of poverty often end up resorting to crime. what a surprise

>> No.11101061

No.God no.Just look at those people,do they look effay to you?

>> No.11101062

Not that there isn't any truth to statistics, but it's important to think about why the statistics are the way they are.

Correlation does not equate to causation

Yes, statistically speaking black people are more likely to commit crime than whites. Why though? Black people are more likely to be less wealthy and live in impoverished communities. In these areas, upward mobility is very limited and escape is very rare. Often they have immediate needs that are very hard to meet. Given the option of going through employment processes after completing high school or focusing on studies to get into college, it is often more appealing and beneficial in the short term to turn to crime of some form as a source of income so that immediate needs can be met. Even though drug dealing and theft often pays much less than a minimum wage job would per year, it's not taxed income, requires less time input, and is much more immediate. Impoverished communities and countries all over the world show this kind of behavior regardless of race, it's just in the US most concentrated areas of poverty are predominately black areas. Education and access to resources is important in these areas because the more educated people can be and the more realistic college and employment seem, the less likely they are to turn to crime. There will always be burn outs and shit heads that will be shitty and stupid regardless of access, but it can be reduced.

>> No.11101071


And in the US the enrollment of whites overall sits almost exactly at the proportion to the population, same as blacks, but that is ignoring that fact that make enrollment and graduation is below 50%, while girls now comprise a large portion of white enrollees. A simple Google search can confirm that.

Slavery was impelled upon blacks by blacks. Africans invented the institution of chattel slavery, the first man in America to legally own a chattel slave based upon the color of his skin, was a black man. And make no mistake Irish and Chinese workers were beaten. Severely. You must not know much about coal and ore mines? The Transpacific railroad? Obama has not been shit yet.

Your words weave a narrative and when reality doesn't comply you resort to immaturity and insults.

The Irish existed under the boot heel of the British for like 700 years friendo. Debt slavery was very real and very severe. If you were pressed into a sweatshop or to be a ditchdigger for 6 years in conditions where you had no value to the people working you, you'd beg for slavery.

There is still that racism. I've seen people mocked and harassed for being Swedish up north. I've seen white kids get fucked up by blacks or Mexicans, for being white. You're belittling these injustices and pretending the multitude of injustice faced by blacks from blacks is both, the fault of whites, and more severe. I grew up in the neighborhoods where this shit happens, Milwaukee is segregated as hell. I skipped going to schools days because I felt alienated. I was younger then.

You take my money and give it to a kid with an iPhone and Jordan's because he's still feeling the affects of slavery, which he's not hint hint, and tell me to suck it up while I'm still living with the effects of my actual upbringing in poverty?

>> No.11101090

My wife's son told me that social justice and anyone who supports it are automatically cool.

>> No.11101092

I agree wholly and completely. My life is my own the circumstances defining it do not extend beyond those that I yield to

Glad there's someone else here who agrees that AA is unreasonable

Oh wait

No it's because they choose so. You choose to sucker punch your teacher. You choose to rob a convenience store.
You choose to smoke crack.

You also choose to fill out a job application. You choose to quit a drug. You choose to collect cans if you have to. To keep your dignity and moral character by walking instead of begging for bus fare, abiding instead of stealing.

You presume I speak solely from numbers and I don't. I've lived in the rust belt my whole life. I've seen the circumstances that you're talking about. And racial wealth redistribution does not help and it's not the answer.

>> No.11101130

I sell drugs too I'm just not a violent thug.

Theft is not a legitimate response except in situations of literally life or death. I've been hungry, I've been homeless I've been cold. And I'm still no thief. If I need cash to get me through I get seasonal work. And drug dealing doesn't pay of you don't hustle buddy. Any drug dealer that makes their money is not as well off as the media would have you believe. These people resort to glorified lifestyles in a pursuit of ease and comfort and in the course of their violent disruptions they collect public funds for the service. And everyone, mainly other blacks feel the consequences

>> No.11101159

i presume you speak from the perspective of a white american and you do

>> No.11101164



>> No.11101172
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>> No.11101176

And thus you presume that the color of my skin defines both my experience and my reaction to it

Thus you are a racist

My perspective is that of a poor, disenfranchised working class male

And my perspective and experience make it obvious that AA does not help the disenfranchised. It does not help the poor. And it does not help the working class.

You prejudicial sheltered idiot.

>> No.11101184

you don't have any relevant experience lol you just have a shitty life
point is it's easier for you to get out of it than any black man in the same position

>> No.11101186

If that's how you see it then that's fine, you can hold that opinion and I'm not going to really have any problem with it unless it's really becoming racially aggravated. I personally try to the the reasoning why certain people make those choices, and the fact that most people whether you like it or not will choose the path of least resistance.

Again I'm just saying, I do believe that anyone in impoverished situations should be helped out to some degree, whether that's providing welfare for a period of time, improving education in poor communities and programs to help those struggling find employment or support for people who make the decision to complete their education to have connections that they would not have naturally based upon their environment. And I think that this should happen regardless of the race and while I believe AA is a temporary solution because these issues are felt more widely by minorities. Hopefully AA can slowly be diminished over a period of time whether that be a decade or two. But that's my personal perspective, an opinion that's based upon my own analysis of facts and information and experience.

These kinds of discussion can happen without antagonizing or belittling people, and understanding others view points and experiences are critical in compromise and progress. What's absolutely awful and not /fa/ by any means is becoming red in the face and making things personal or trying to be edgy and using biases against groups as sources for argument. I'll always respect people's hard work and drive to succeed despite having the odds stacked against them.

Discuss, learn, work together to create solutions, and move on.

>> No.11101210

You're a white male

>> No.11101212

Not the guy who you're responding to, but you're essentially just doing>>11099806 this now. You're also disregarding the fact that blacks have a lot more opportunities to get out of these situations than it appears, such as affirmative action and other diversity quotas that give them a fast pass.

>> No.11101222


Grades and merit mean far more than skin color in business in my experience, and if one of the most segregated cities in America isn't some watermark for that I don't know what is. I've worked hard and avoided theft and violence to get where I am and I've overcome far more adversity than some retard with a smartphone and state funded kicks who got accepted to law school but can't write a coherent sentence. I'm working my way through school on my own and I would even if I didn't have to cause I'm not a piece of shit who's only method is one form of parasitism or another.

You're a fucking moron and you think your binary little social dichotomy and intro to civics knowledge base explains the mechanisms of the wide world.

But the fact is you're wrong on an intellectual level and in real life. And I don't even care if you don't believe me. I've seen the shit you learn about and it doesn't matter if it's in a poor city or a rich city, or the middle of the woods. Whether I'm up or down on my money, whether I'm learning or graduated, I'll still be right and you'll still be fucking stupid.

>> No.11101247

lol ok, keep believing that and blaming others for your failures

>> No.11101255

You assume that the fact that these people deal with these issues is because they are externally inflicted. They are not. If every nigger stopped killing innocent little black kids at bus stops and thieving tomorrow, violent crime in America would end tomorrow. Or at least, like 65+% of it anyway. People's kill most blacks. Blacks rob most blacks. Blacks tell other blacks not to go to school. Most people would call me a racist. I support the NoI, I support the original BPP ideals. What I don't support is some kind of society wide racial guilt complex encouraged and legitimized by things like societal reparations

I'm not implicit in these people's sufferings and yet I'm expected to pay the way of those who do the most damage. It's the nature of the system. The good and the responsible will get by on their own for their own sake, while the predatory exploit what and who they can, when and where they can. I wish to be a virtuous person and in some degrees I succeed and on other days I require a great deal of chaste effort to be so. But I will not make myself a creditor to debtors, nor prey to a predator, and certainly not against my will.

>> No.11101269

Lol what failures? I wasn't homeless because of a personal failure hence why it did not persist. I have good grades at a decent school for a working technical profession and I work my ass off, walking miles to and from work so when I have a family I've got something to give my child besides a leased car, a partially owned house and some shitty opinions

I am well read and I indulge multiple hobbies which I can because I work hard and don't thieve or assault convenience store clerks.

I see no failure in that. If you do then woe unto you, you blind soul

>> No.11101281

Politics is important you fucking idiot, it affects your life so there is no room for "I don't care" unless you want to be thrown to the curb.

>> No.11101289

JFK wasn't the only president of irish blood, just the only one of complete irish blood. true that he was the only catholic though.

>> No.11101316

I don't feel as though that detracts from my point desu. A great number of Americans whose family has been here longer than 3 generations have negroe blood, previous presidents likely included

>> No.11101329

neither are but good response to this thread

>> No.11101353

you're really fucking stupid if you can't see those things as being the symptom and not realizing the problem

if you think they havent been repressing black people for the last 150 years you're just a dumb fuck desu

>> No.11101359


>> No.11101361

autism is not effay,

>> No.11101368


You caught me.

I'm repressing blacks. I made Trayvon Martin assault a neighborhood watch member. I made Mike Brown strong arm rob a convenience store. I even framed OJ! For the past 30 years prominent members of the black community have identified a problem of victimhood. From pop culture icons as disparate as Chris Rock and Bill Cosby, to men like Lois Farrakhan. MLK warned against it.

But I suppose they lack the relevant experience too.

I have had no hand in the long past repression of blacks nor have I gained anything from it (inb4 you hit me with 'blacks built America'). I am fined for existing as a person with white skin, and the beneficiary is the most statistically violent and uneducated demographic this country has to offer.

But congrats you've really backed me into an intellectual corner on this one with those hot opinions.

>> No.11101622


>> No.11101631
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>> No.11101644


>> No.11101683

this if you dont let de jamalseaniqua cuck you and impregnate your wife with his superior black bull seed then you're the problem #deeznuts #gottem #blacklivesmatter #freegucci

>> No.11101713


>> No.11101721

the problem with the social justice type of people is that they believe the beautiful and aesthetic is oppressive to the ugly. go to any sjw rally and you will find fucking filth everywhere, those people are disgusting to look at and have equally disgusting personalities.

but they're generally harmless compared to the reactionary scourge plaguing america. trump supporters are the sjw equivalent of the right, but not only are they fucking disgusting they are idiots as well, wealth is moving away from them as society progresses and they are too stupid to change, compete, evolve and keep pace with society and the modern economy. this is also why you see so many memes around trump, he is literally a joke and his supporters don't even realize it.

watching sjw types fight trump supporters is fucking hilarious though, and i can't wait until 2017 when clinton nominates obama to the supreme court for maximum jimmy rustling.

>> No.11101735


>> No.11101742

where were you when western civilisation was kill

i was in colombia getting too fucked up and having no money and constantly pretending to my mum that i just havnt been paid yet so she will give me some more and constantly having phones broken/stolen and raw dogging iffy girls and being about to be evicted and cant move into a new house until april 1st and speaking no spanish and maybe just wanting to go home because im not sure i can do this anymore

>> No.11101749


>> No.11101761


>> No.11101765

this dude is legendary, i wish he was my brother

>> No.11101835

You're a white male

>> No.11101841



>> No.11101894


>> No.11101908


>> No.11101947


>> No.11101999


>> No.11102036
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>> No.11102069

The two party system removes all true choice so fuck it

>> No.11102137


>> No.11102177
File: 119 KB, 1280x720, 1458686936751.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


At this point it's not cool anymore. I think it's more /fa/ to be called racist and shrug than a complete pussy

>> No.11102214

You're thinking about the pic you saw somewhere here , no you don't look nearly as good as him , and yes , you're a faggot