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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 597 KB, 2048x1536, longwood-university-virginia.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11098419 No.11098419 [Reply] [Original]

Which University has the most effay campus? Remember to consider the architecture and history, not just the students for your response.

>> No.11098432

campuses aren't effay, living on your own is

>> No.11098667

Yale, Stanford, UChicago, Princeton and Occidental all have pretty cool architecture. Harvard's isn't bad but the campus has too much traffic. Wish I could've seen it when that was a more rural area.

If you've seen a campus in a movie, odds are strong it was Occidental.

>> No.11098896
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Hard mode:no ivies/no ivy alternatives

>> No.11098901
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University of Bologna, because it's the first one

>> No.11098910
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pleb aluminium roofing instead of ardosia or copper.

>> No.11098926

No safe space for special snowflakes

Trump 2016

>> No.11098951

That's a picture of Glasgow University, fucknugget.

>> No.11099199
File: 98 KB, 1024x595, Quad_fall_10_JA_272_edit-standard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Most effay liberal arts school

>> No.11099293

>live in Boston
>check out Harvard's campus in while visiting some museums
>it's shit

I've seen state unis with better looking facilities desu

>> No.11099301


fuck you aluminum was probably the most expensive metal at the time the building was originally constructed.

>> No.11099311
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wherever this one is
nigga looks like an ancient temple

>> No.11099320
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>> No.11099377
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>> No.11099390

Lmao this looks like some Maze Runner shit

>> No.11099431
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just kidding

>> No.11099447

usyd law represent

>> No.11099499
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>> No.11099561

That's Louis Khan's Salk Institute in La Jolla, CA. It's a research facility that was constructed in 1962. It's not part of a school, but UCSD is literally across the street

>> No.11099578

Took a visit to NC State and although the campus itself is far from fa, the library is absolutely incredible. Holy holy shit

>> No.11099589
File: 3.26 MB, 2816x2112, umich law.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pic/filename related

>> No.11099593

thats the salk institute, its fucking dope.
had to do like 10 drawings of it for a visarts class

t. ucsd student

>> No.11099594
File: 70 KB, 600x400, fordham_keating.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fordham's in the Bronx which is a shit hole, but the campus is an oasis of nig

>> No.11099698

tfw go to a non G08 uni JUST

>> No.11100050

>that many black people
>polo shirts
>cargo shirts

Get the fuck out OP

>> No.11100094

holy shit i could imagine mcride scaring people there and living in one of those holes after a nuclear disaster

>> No.11100347

The pic i posted is lehigh

>> No.11100374

So who had this incredible bad idea, paying more for something worse and less durable than copper/ardosia?

>> No.11100399

Fordham University

Not even kidding

>> No.11100401

My fuggin nigga

>> No.11100411

>usyd law
wow fk u guys nerds
macquarie represent

>> No.11100415
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Loyola University Chicago for sure

>> No.11100461
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>> No.11100492

Is it worth the cost? I got accepted but would need to take out 10k a year in loans to attend

>> No.11100562

lol that's glasgow's main building

>> No.11100563

guys ucla or berkeley? I was accepted to both but I can't choose!!
which is more /fa/?

>> No.11100564

obvs berkeley

>> No.11100566

what do u study

>> No.11100680
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syracuse university

>> No.11100704
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Came here to post this. University of Washington is the most effay public school campus in the US. It is consistently ranked as one of the most beautiful campuses in the country. It sits on the water, in Seattle, with mountain backdrops on the east and the west. The campus is an oasis in a metropolitan environment. Also, few black and brown students.

>> No.11100887

Which can you afford?

>> No.11100931

>living upstate
>being /fa/
pick one

>> No.11101108

Can confirm

>> No.11101549

never been to ucla but berkeley is a full of wavy people. go there

>> No.11101574

SU sucks dude, it's too open.

>> No.11101578

what school is that

>> No.11101701
File: 240 KB, 500x333, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Duquesne University

>> No.11101754

melbourne uni

>> No.11101780

>being effay

>> No.11101802

>tfw you only get one life
>tfw wasted it going to an ugly university

>> No.11101814

None of them, universities are breeding grounds for the worst way to dress imaginable because college kids are lazy, unimaginative, faggots

>> No.11101821

It's a lot of work, the bars get boring after freshman year, and the signing in policy is outdated and a pain in the ass. But, the people are awesome, the food around the campus is great (food on campus is shit).

I'm not sure if it's worth 10k in loans, I'm blessed enough to not need loans for schooling, but it's an awesome place all in all. Being in NYC is also a major plus

>> No.11101822
File: 541 KB, 1858x1233, _rhus_25-05-2011_1H_546097a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Aarhus Universitet

>> No.11101823
File: 3.78 MB, 3776x2520, L1100034.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Florida State has an incredibly effay campus, almost entirely brick, lots of palm trees and live oaks. It's the student body that is extremely un-effay though.

>> No.11101826
File: 409 KB, 1024x683, Georgetown-University-Campus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Georgetown is pretty sexy.

>> No.11101833

yeah no

>> No.11101863

UFag here, I agree

>> No.11101886

both are grimey
if u wanna do science/math go to la, if u want to do humanities go to cal

>> No.11101912

Which campus are you on? I'd be at Rose Hill

>> No.11101962
File: 1.87 MB, 2592x1936, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Deep Springs College, I took this picture from the hill overlooking the campus

>> No.11101985


>> No.11101996
File: 125 KB, 899x600, 0x600.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

UCLA is a bit better, imo. I've visited Berkely before. However, the best college in the entire L.A. area is actually Pomona college which is one of the highest ranked schools in the entire nation but hardly ever gets talked about.

>> No.11102013

We out here

>> No.11102024

Hm, I just realized that my only aid was need based, I wonder why I wasn't awarded any merit scholarships. I had a 3.9gpa and 30 act

>> No.11102031

Do you go there!?

>> No.11102043
File: 1.45 MB, 2816x2112, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Moscow State bitches

>> No.11102051

I'm an applicant, made it past the first round so I got to go out for 4 days to interview and shit- I'll hear whether I got in this week.

>> No.11102066

What's the appeal of this place?

>> No.11102078

Alumni from UW it's a horrible place and it ain't effay.

>> No.11102091

I go to Berkeley. Go to UCLA if you want a really clean, nice campus, Berkeley's is half shit. Berkeley the city is a more interesting place to live though in my opinion. If you're doing CS come here because getting internships is easy as fuck due to name+location otherwise they have generally pretty comparable programs.

this guy has absolutely no idea what he's talking about, disregard his opinion

>> No.11102101

you're autistic as fuck

>> No.11102102

do u do cocaine

>> No.11102106

More than likely it was USC, actually :^)

>> No.11102125
File: 218 KB, 1025x768, KingsCollegeChapelWest.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cambridge fucking plebs

>> No.11102133

There is nowhere else like it. Unparalleled academic, student, and physical environment. Even if you hate it- for two years of your life it is a totally unique and life-changing experience.

>> No.11102226

hue hue hey guise check out my cargo shorts and t shirt with an ironic saying on it!! Lol I'm on a gondola isn't that so random?? XDXD hi dad let me row row row you on my dumb little boat thanks for paying my tuition btw :D:D:D

>> No.11102276

Wheres the campus?

>> No.11102313

Sorry Durham

>> No.11102349

Which University of California campuses should I apply to for my exchange year? I can choose three.

>> No.11102427

>tfw georgetown was your top choice
>tfw you were just denied from there today

>> No.11102438

ucla, stanford or cal

>> No.11102455

shit, that sucks. sorry anon. maybe try uni of chicago? it seems like an incredible runner up

>> No.11102473
File: 99 KB, 825x619, RobartsLibrary.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


literally rick owens - the library.

>> No.11102484

What kind of environment are you looking for?

the two strongest academically are UCLA and UC Berkeley
the strongest socially is UCSB I think

>> No.11102544

I was actually going to apply to UChicago but its harder to get in there than georgetown. As of now I am waiting only for NYU and if I dont get in there then I'll be stuck at University of Maryland

>> No.11102554

Hey usyd friends.
Where's the most /fa/ spot on campus

>> No.11102707

I am not *that* concerned with the academic prestige of the one I go to; mostly just want to go somewhere where I can make the most of my time living in Cali for a year. I kinda like the look of North California more than South from the limited knowledge I have but idk

>> No.11102789

Good luck anon, I got into NYU ed but had to turn it down because of the cost. I find out monday if I got into Vassar, if not I'm torn between Fordham and Lewis & Clark in Portland.

>> No.11102793

Don't worry. You can make an okay college into an amazing one with the right amount of effort. Georgetown is a bit overblown for a variety of reasons.

I had some issues getting into a good undergrad back in my day for a panoply of reasons, but I managed to pull myself out of the shit pretty quickly through sheer effort. I'm sure you'd be able to do the same.

Yes, U.Md. is huge, and definitely doesn't have the prestige, but people still respect it enough. Doing well there will get you into a grad school just as well as in Georgetown, especially if you focus on an actually useful major (i.e. not liberal arts bullshit, which Georgetown specializes in). College Park is really kinda nice, there's a wide variety of girls, and you have two major metropolitan areas (Baltimore and DC) to look for jobs in, rather than one.

The only real caveat to Maryland is I get fuckin' lost every time I go there because all the buildings look the same to me.

>> No.11102802

>tfw all the public schools in my state are trash and weren't even an option
Too bad I didn't grow up in Washington or Michigan

>> No.11102823

What state? Even trash schools have merit if you prove yourself. In fact it's sometimes easier - the competition is weaker, the personal attention is greater, and the opportunities (scholarships, ventures, etc.) are easier to snatch up.

>> No.11102830
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>> No.11102831


>> No.11102940

Get your ass to Seattle or something. It'd be just far away enough to be outside of your parents' reach, just close enough to visit, and chances are they can get you as an in-state resident if you eat the extra cost for the first year or so.

>> No.11102951
File: 911 KB, 1143x1600, 14229062397_8c432cdc1b_h.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can appreciate my Uni going all special snowflake on their building designs. I'm glad I have a class in here because the interior is amazing

>> No.11103231


>> No.11103232

Just north of Death Valley

>> No.11103256

Patty Bates I have the opportunity to do Columbia law, is it worth it?

>> No.11103280
File: 132 KB, 600x398, Evergreen aerial.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

evergreen is p effay imo

>> No.11103283
File: 128 KB, 452x308, 4692.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the campus at least

theres a decent amount of weird effay internet kids but its mostly hippies and sjws

>> No.11103313

haha brosef don't show them the ugly ass brown on tho

>> No.11103316

Columbia is situated in a great place/setting but it's definitely not /fa/ architecturally or aesthetically

Very shitty place apart from Academics, it's a severely overrated Ivy League

I got wait-listed at Fordham, it's one of the only top colleges I've got that I was NOT fully denied at,

Financially it's not much of an issue to afford as my parents are somewhat wealthy (4 business owners), however my family is like 6 people and my parents are telling me at that price point they'd rather buy a mansion and live on the beach in an already shit-hole infested city below water level in South Florida. The rest of my colleges are Drew, and shitty in-state colleges like UCF

>> No.11103326

No law school is truly worth it because the market sucks and you'll be buried under debt.

If you want to be miserable for the next 10 years, sure.

Also lol "opportunity." If you have an offer letter, you've taken the LSAT and gone through the process of applying. You obviously wanna go. Congrats on getting into a T14, but make your decision carefully.

>> No.11103386

I asked because I knew you are very pessimistic about the prospects of Law, what would you propose as an alternative?

>> No.11103421
File: 458 KB, 940x600, oggb2large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Surprised no one has posted the big bad OGGB.

University of Auckland bros ww@?

>> No.11103653

I'm here
This is the nicest building at UOA (to work in, anyway) because of all the loud indians in the science faculty computer rooms. People in the OGGB computer rooms are silent. Though I wouldn't really consider it much of an architectural marvel but its nice by new zealand standards.

>> No.11104109

But as far as law schools go, Columbia has prestige and you will make invaluable connections there if you try. Plus being a student in NYC is great.

>> No.11104140
File: 80 KB, 900x600, scientia12.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

UNSW squad we out here

>> No.11104160
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Local university has some reasonably nice looking segments.

>> No.11104162

If you're talking about the student body on campus, tokyo university. Tokyo is /fa/ as shit.

>> No.11104165

My upstanding nigga

>> No.11104166

ayy, what course you doing?
campus isnt really /fa/ though tbqh
lots of gooks wearing tasteless rich kid shit like zanotti, givenchy, raf stans etc

>> No.11104256

Civ Eng, and yeah the fucking cash flow from the internationals is insane. Swear they just spend cash on shit like gucci/lv backpacks like it's nothing.

>> No.11104668

jesus christ thats dope

>> No.11104722

European here, does it feel isolated living on a typical American or British university campus, and what is there to do in your free time? My uni is located in the centre of the country's capital, and the faculties are spread around the city. It's pretty nice being in walking distance to both school and all the cool places, so I was just wondering how different (if at all) it is from your college experience.

>> No.11104759

It depends on your skillset. If you're particularly talented at something (e.g. engineering, writing, etc.) that someone would pay you for, it arguably makes more sense to refine that skill.

Most people who go to law school - myself included - don't really have a lot of skills outside being generally okay at working to death. Some eventually develop argumentative and writing skills, but that's surprisingly rare. This is why lawyers tend to be so fucking obsessed with prestige: it masks what is, at its core, a lack of utility. Pretty much any numbskull with decent organizational skills could work as an entry-level associate in an M&A transaction, the high-end degrees are somewhat unnecessary.

My recommendation: if you have a STEM degree or something useful, consider getting yourself into a Ph.D program with a decent stipend and keep your costs down. The Ph.D world is over-full, but you could easily leverage it into law school or even MBA (most MBA schools waive the GMAT for terminal degree holders) if you needed, and the "Doctor" title isn't going anywhere. This also allows you to wait out the shitty job market.

Even if you don't have a good STEM degree, consider getting into business for a few years. The GMAT is piss easy, so you could always take that and see if you couldn't swing your way into a near-full-ride into a mid-tier MBA school (don't discount places like Illinois, they have good programs) and get your way into making ~$100k in finance. This would give you a resume boost that you could leverage into a better job or into law school down the road.

As a third alternative: if your LSATs are good, take one of the full rides offered to you by lower tier law schools. There's no shame in it, and it'd take away the core caveat to law school ($$$).

True, but keep in mind that connections aren't super relevant to applying to big firms. Most schools - Columbia included - still HEAVILY rely on OCI and shit.

>> No.11104778

Cooper Union bitches

>> No.11104947
File: 1.06 MB, 1600x1178, towerofknowledge.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pitt boys

>> No.11105094

WE out here boi

>> No.11105380


As a UW grad, I would have that "school" shut down if I ever got the opportunity. That school is the anti effay. It is essentially an ugly, communist indoctrination center.

>> No.11105386

Inb4 Harvard, that looks like my backyard tbqh

>> No.11105403
File: 624 KB, 930x488, Cat-HOME-Fall_2012.CC096-CROP_0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Really? nobody?

>> No.11105442
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>> No.11106089

somebody sounds mad they had to do general ed lmao

not effay in the slightest but its a pretty cool place with nice people imo

>> No.11106218

hey I just got denied from my first choice yesterday! try to keep your head up, you can always transfer anyway

>> No.11106272

No shit

>> No.11106312
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Can we turn this into a uni thread?
>tfw waiting on FIT/Ithaca to get back to me (those are my top 2 choices)
>already got into Iona and Albany
Any fags from Iona/Albany tell me how it is?

>> No.11106320

I'm a senior in hs and I want to be a public defender. Am I fucked?

>> No.11106383

Anyone here go to Vassar?

>> No.11106391

Financially, yes. Take only free rides - and keep in mind that even public defender jobs are hard to get nowadays, ESPECIALLY those in nice areas.

Your best strategy:
- Go to an undergrad where you assume no debt at all.
- Go to the best law school that offers you a full ride or anything close to it.
- Prepare to move to bumfuck nowhere.

>> No.11106399

Get out with your <30 atar

>> No.11106467

Thanks for the advice. It's something I'm really passionate about so hopefully that will outweigh the obvious financial burdens. I can go to a decent state school (UVM) and graduate with little/no debt (+from the honors college) or I can go to BC and graduate with significantly more debt. My parents don't believe me that law schools care more about your GPA and LSAT scores than where you went for undergrad. Is this generally true? Also, what major(s)/minor(s) would be best preparation for law school? I'm thinking about double majoring in English and Economics (If that's even possible)

>> No.11106501

also looking into international human rights law / civil rights work / lobbying for non-profits

>> No.11106860

Did you apply to GW or AU?

>> No.11106867

Cathedral of learning is great.

>> No.11106873

I think GW decisions are coming out tomorrow.
Applied for biological anthropology lmao

>> No.11106888

I kind of just assumed you were majoring in something political. Lots of political science and international relations majors in DC

>> No.11107113

I'm not the guy who applied to Georgetown. Just a random /fa/g who applied to GW.

>> No.11107266

I'll be majoring in finance and I'll be in the scholars program so I know I will be getting a decent education it's just that UMD is basically my highschool part 2 since I'm in state. If I go there I plan on either transferring after my first year or, like you said, go to a more prestigious grad school

>> No.11107292
File: 709 KB, 1016x686, 00000049_lrg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just fuck my shit up famalam

>> No.11107302

colorado is a dope place to live regardless. looking out on those mountains every morning is a dope feel.

>> No.11107305

Sure it's no McGill but Montreal is a pretty effay city.

>> No.11107314

Very nice!

Honestly, the jobs you want aren't gonna care about the distinction between UVM and BC. That matters with higher tier jobs, but those clustered in the public defender world aren't exactly staffed with T14 kids. Also consider that BC feeds into Boston, which is saturated with HLS kids, whereas UVM has its own little territory that's barely bothered by any other school's graduates.

I'd definitely pick UVM. I know guys who went there, they loved it. Small town values, good education, easy market to get into (i.e. not NYC public defender work), etc. Could make a nice life out of it.

As for a major? I usually recommend STEM or something unusual. Don't do political science. I did English as one of my majors, but definitely double major, and definitely pick something unusual. Economics might actually be a good call. Either way, load up on interesting extracurriculars, avoid being just-another-kid-with-decent-liberal-arts-grades.

>> No.11107319

its ugly af on the inside though

>> No.11107321

Ayyyyyy where from.

>> No.11107322

>Just a random /fa/g who applied to GW
If you end up going to school in D.C., an evil pro-tip: American University girls are dumb, hot, and kinda easy.

Ugh, I know that feeling.

UMD is way too big for that, but I totally understand the concern. Have you considered UVA? Not that much further away, and 300x the reputation of UMD.

>> No.11107334
File: 411 KB, 1280x828, Stanford 3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11107352

uw is very /fa/. the whole surrounding neighborhood is beautiful as well.

>> No.11107354

yeah I love my city but UdeM is pretty shit tier and filled with international students from France

>> No.11107357
File: 608 KB, 1922x650, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11107390

I actually am really wishing that I had applied to UVA at this point. My parents wanted me to apply there because we have a lot of very successful family friends that went there and love it, but I didnt really consider it until it was too late to apply. It will definately be on the list of transfer applications though.

>> No.11107423

>I am at Rose Hill and I'm a sophomore if it matters

>> No.11107449

the cathedral and everything else on that campus are so nice
that rejection letter killed me senpai

>> No.11107458

How is it? Is the food and gym as bad as everyone says?

>> No.11107603

Fuck UVA they just ruined my bracket

>> No.11107757
File: 2.50 MB, 1815x1500, Rutgers Campus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rutgers is pretty gangster.

Whenever I read Lovecraft; I imagine Miskatonic University looking something like it. That, or possibly Brown univ

>> No.11107779


>> No.11107890

Graduating ucla soon
Great research opportunities for STEM kids and really good dorm food

Incredibly not effay student body but if you get off campus and into downtown you can find some cool people

>> No.11108158

Cal poly.

>> No.11108583

Nobody cares, faggot

>> No.11109149

>nerd schools

>> No.11109296

fuck, i consider applying to their law school

i thought it wasnt shit tier ;_;

>> No.11109316


>> No.11110118

>avoid being just-another-kid-with-decent-liberal-arts-grades
This is my greatest fear. Thank you so much man!

>> No.11110170

Where did you go to school Bateman? If you don't mind me asking. Thanks for the advice!

>> No.11110175

Except the rest of Pittsburgh is shit amirite?

>> No.11110188
File: 476 KB, 1280x460, E14_accommodation_ziggurats_1_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Idk if it's cool or not that part of our campus is the SHIELD base in a bunch of the Marvel films lol

>> No.11110194

Also interested in knowing desu.

>> No.11110197


there's even a guy wearing a kilt

>> No.11110253
File: 409 KB, 800x562, 3591_800x600_chernovcy-univer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What you think about Chernivtsi National University, guys?

>> No.11110340

>Hey anon, you live around here... whats the best place to eat at in this town?
>This town doesn't have good food, Paris does
>...Thanks for your help, anon.