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File: 398 KB, 800x1200, Gosha-Rubchinskiy-Menswear-SS16-Paris-5440-1435157188-bigthumb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11092943 No.11092943 [Reply] [Original]

Why is this guy's russian hooligan-chav style blowing up on the scene?
Isn't this the shit we are trying to move away from? Something with no accepted artistic merit - not even 'edgy' or 'unique' or 'retro inspired', just contemporary chavy and uneducated, social services-tier trash.

Why pay 500 for something which can be literally found cheaper (and better) in a fucking thrift shop. (NOT retro, just poor).

>> No.11092963
File: 933 KB, 1200x1803, gosha-rubchinskiy-autumnwinter-15-body-image-1421932629.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> just contemporary chavy and uneducated, social services-tier trash.

why is taking influence from different parts of society such a bad thing?

stop being such a close minded fuck and hop on the soviet supreme bandwagon comrade

>> No.11092973

idk it really is shitty.

>> No.11092984
File: 229 KB, 590x1008, 11216pitti0660web2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To me at least fashion is about representing an aesthetic which is accompanied by an idea or concept and making it visible to the outside world. Finally it is also about standing out as something 'special' in society.

What is in this chav style that represents a 'unique' idea or concept? Walking around like this is central Paris makes you look like a HLM outcast who beats up cars all day.
>I literally want to look poor and pay a lot for it. wow.

>> No.11092987

Can confirm. It really is shitty.

>> No.11092988

>Walking around like this is central Paris
In russia too. The only people who wear GR in russia are mid and high schoolers.

>> No.11092998
File: 117 KB, 960x630, ukraine-002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>how can normal high schoolers afford Gosha?
>why do rich highschoolers want to look poor and on (hard) drugs.

>pic. Ukrainian but related.

>> No.11093001

>what is aliexpress

>> No.11093007

fake Gosha = literally thrift shop tier

>> No.11093025

Because rappers like asap rocky wore it and endorsed it

>> No.11093114
File: 134 KB, 401x383, CKkgNAm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>live in a post soviet country
>can't even wear adidas pants without being called a gopnik

>> No.11093152
File: 30 KB, 450x370, Gopnik.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But also critically approved. People go to his shows.

Well then do not wear them outside your yard.

>> No.11093213

Because instead of katakana this time its Cyrillic. Its wlso "easy" to wear and the soviet imagery gives it some edge.this sort of thing will probably happen with all exotic alphabets

That being said id still shamelessly cop some logo tees. I have nothing against russsain supreme

>> No.11093259

Gosha will past away soon, because he's not a real designer, he has no education, he never learned how to make clothes. He's just a grown-up skater who revived fits from his teen years. You can't make a career exploiting just one idea.
Compare him to the grands like Dries, Yohji or Rick, he will never be that professional.

>> No.11093260
File: 6 KB, 183x275, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It isn't an the script which annoys the hell out of me. You can use Hiragana, Hanzi or Khmer writting on your clothes.

It is the terrible fit. If it where a 'retro' style which has been rewived (see hipsters) it could be seen as a form of nostalgia, a yearning for the old and forgotten.

But that is not the case. Go to Berlin Kreuzberg and you will still find a fuckload of Russian trash walking around like that.
Also he is not playing it of as a 'critisism of modern (russian) capitalism' akin to Dada in the '30s - NO he is playing it straight.

>> No.11093262

>You can't make a career exploiting just one idea


>> No.11093268

I feel like, in term of bringing sub cultures unto the catwalk, he's doing what raf did for post punk in Belgium. Beware, I'm not comparing rag to gosha, because raf brought so many sartorial innovation, whereas gosha is riding the 'normcore' wave in term of fit and styling. Just saying what's the appeal. It's undeniable that if raf hadn't exploited( bad word I know, not first tongue) youth culture for his shows would be less remembered

>> No.11093287
File: 129 KB, 2835x1772, 132-5-issey-miyake-springsummer-2014_8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well i do hope so.
>he did not revive anything.
That Gulak core is still an everyday wear for russian shit around the world. It draws direct parallels to that social class.

Using a singular idea is not bad as a designer. It gives you credibility in your vision and ideology.
Look at (imo one of the best designers) Issey Miyake. He has also been using 'one idea' - pleating - for the last 30 years but it has not gotten boring because he literally innovates in the field he chose to persue.
>Now compare Miyake to Gosha
>pic related

i don't jump on the Rick hype train like many others here, but i must agree that he follows a the grunge aesthetic as his reference. But he also mixes it with a kind of ninja/cyber core aesthetic.
Still to much using the outrage-tactic to get attention, but he at least seems to be indeed that weird.

>> No.11093293

Out if all the labels that collab with adidas im surprised gosha isnt one if them.

Maybe he thinks its too obvious

>> No.11093294

Eastern European culture is the last vestige of white civilization. With the continued downfall of western europe the eastern european ideals will be embraced more.

>> No.11093305 [DELETED] 

>driving Lada
>No innovation (in some cases only oil)
>No education
>Mutual hate among slavic cultures
>want to be taken seriously as a region let alone cradle of art and culture

>pic best example for the 'up and coming' London/Paris/Tokyo/Seoul/NYC

>> No.11093312
File: 15 KB, 263x191, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>driving Lada/broken VW
>No innovation (in some cases only oil)
>No education
>Mutual hate among slavic cultures
>want to be taken seriously as a region (let alone cradle of art and culture)

>pic best example for the 'up and coming' London/Paris/Tokyo/Seoul/NYC

>> No.11093314

Not sure what you are trying to say to me with that Rick statement. Again, sorry but I'm not mother tongue

>> No.11093320

I laughed my ass off the gosha/reebok collab, which is just a basic reebok sneakers with branded heel. So creative.

>> No.11093356

confirmed frustrated fashion design student, "BUT HE ISNT A REAL DESIGNER REEEE"

>> No.11093360

gosha has literally only done like 4 collections, give him time

why are fashion snobs so obsessed with everyone having to redesign the wheel with every collection

>> No.11093362

You'd think gosha would have faced the same problem as the yeezy ranges, overpriced for their market. Who (outside of high school) could wear gosha in any situation outside of their own home, i don't mean just a logo tee but an actual fit.

Not a poor Slav/football hooligan - "a-are you okay anon? You know you can always reach out to me for help if you're facing some issues?"

A poor Slav/football hooligan - "nice gosha senpai good luck not selling it for krokodil in the next 12 minutes"

>> No.11093371

Simply because fashion goes in circles.
5 years ago this "chav" style was frowned upon and considered disgusting. It has been avoided so much that people started to embrace it (just like rafdidas). It's popular simply because something else was popular before it and that "something else" is the complete opposite of what is popular now. Don't worry, it'll pass soon.

>> No.11093388

I wish he would do a collection with more focus on all the russian orthodox christian stuff. That or prison tat prints

>> No.11093396

It's not uncommon to see a romantisation of a certain genre or aesthetic in fashion world. Hedi does that shit all the time; The spaghetti-western ponchos and the crunge-stuff complete with the Cobain-glasses are things that spring to mind at first.
Gosha's doing the exact same thing. Seeing the collection makes you long to the soviet-era Russia although you've never even been there and it was a shit heap to live in. You just want to do petty crime and sip vodka with your comrades, free of responsibility and worry of what's about to happen.

>> No.11093431
File: 102 KB, 1024x682, gosha-rubchinskiy-2016-fall-winter-reebok-collaboration-3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol have you seen his FW16? It's obsessed with orthodox theme.

>> No.11093433


>> No.11093443
File: 1.77 MB, 1148x631, cccp-suspenders.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I found a pair of suspenders (pic related) 3 years ago. I decided to keep them since they seemed interesting.I thought it would never be a time to wear them, but I guess I was wrong...

>> No.11093465

Another fine example of Gosha's "originality".
You can easily sell them for $150 to the hypekids.

>> No.11093476

come to think of it

that's a great idea

>> No.11093479

Meme clothes for meme kids

>> No.11093594
File: 304 KB, 640x478, gosha-rubchinskiy-2015-fall-winter-collection-0sad_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You mean:
Bihac, Singapore, Milaaannnooo

I am simply saying that Rick is
a) better than Gosha
b) more varied
c) still to reliant on 'outrageous' marketing

not more needed to make it 'authentic'

Well even giving him the benefit of the doubt, with such a weak start he really has to reinvent himself and create some 'elegant-gopnik' evening attire.
Even accepting his style as 'design' (which i personally highly doubt), I want to see him get out of the 'artistic' dead-end he was born in.

Also I never said anything about 'reinventing the wheel' - I am talking about subtle front and back-end innovation. Coming back to Miyake, he invented a new form of creating clothes from only one piece of cloth - A-POC. Now that is actual creativity, not just taking your russian chav friends, putting them on a stage and paying them with vodka and cheap STD pussy.

I personally respect Yeezy more than Gosha, simply because he has a persistent aesthetic (apocalypse, earthy, oversized....).
I hate that it is West and think that it is simply overpriced high school b8, but at least he seems to have a minimal amount of thought into what he wants to do.

Well Hedi at least reinterpreted the poncho and making it palatable with new colours and shapes. Gosha, as stated above, just rounded together a few of his bros and put them on a stage.

>I am not hating due to popularity only.
>This is a proper smaller scale designer (with seemingly only 2 collections and no online store): http://www.amynguyentextiles.com/index.php/collections/category/shibui

>> No.11093611
File: 193 KB, 886x540, new_meme___i__m_a_fuckin___genius_imo_by_brolysupasayajin3-d4wz6u8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


While you are at it, go to your local ghetto, pay a few quid to those children for their clothes and sell them unwashed (+1 authentic) to your high school plebs. A few people on hypebeast should also fall for it.
BOOM you made cash, made some meme kidz happy and helped some poor russian immigrant kid finance their next bottle of vodka.

>> No.11093626
File: 101 KB, 600x900, SilentDamirDomaFW12-nickalvarez5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he has a persistent aesthetic (apocalypse, earthy, oversized....).
Come on, it was done by Damir Doma in 2012.

>> No.11093629

I respect Gosha's freedom to create whatever he wishes. If kids are eating it up, good for him. It's not easy to make it in Russia, especially in fashion.

Having said that, as someone who migrated to the US as a kid to get away from the ultimate plebdom that was (and still is) post-Soviet Russia, I can't help but feel repulsed by his bottom of the barrel slav shit aesthetic. It's absolutely dreadful. Before my family left, my friends and I grew up wearing this shit - not because it was a choice, but because it was the cheapest and most accessible shit to wear. This style is a major signifier not only of poverty but of a serious lack of intelligence - gopniki are essentially Russian rednecks, vulgar, violent and stupid as hell.

>> No.11093673
File: 203 KB, 800x1200, ah nuuu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A нyyyyy, чики-бpики и в дaмки!

>> No.11093684
File: 59 KB, 600x450, tumblr_n6z4ynnxQS1tndrp7o1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>gosha has literally only done like 4 collections, give him time
holy fucking shit, you cant be serious...
im actually laughing

Great thread boys

>> No.11093685

god all the people here with barely experience in fashion commenting on gosha.

gosha is shit and is part of the ironic, 90s resurgence, fashion hipster trend we have now along with vetements and balenciaga. give him a few years and he'll be as relevant as hba is today

>> No.11093686

I think you shouldn't be so self loathing. Russian kids like this shit hence why they're buying it up and why they wore it in the past. Most of the youth didn't wear it because they had no choice, they wore alternatives/fakes that they could afford.

>> No.11093687

Palace x adidas did gosha better than gosha t b h

>> No.11093693
File: 501 KB, 1024x685, download (12).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am well aware of that. Which is why I said did not say
>revolutionary or innovative
just something with at least a minimum of aesthetic merit.

I can imagine this kind of fashion to bring back negative associations or being almost hurtful?

>On the plus side you can take your old clothes and be effay as hell now. *sarc*

>> No.11093720
File: 2.46 MB, 1148x1498, Screen-Shot-2015-06-18-at-12.51.27.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

problem is theoretically it is supposed to be a 90s reinvention. Problem is that shit still is contemporary as hell.
Telling apart a Gosha rich pleb from an ACTUAL gopnik is virtually impossible.

I also don't like or support Vetements (their hoodies are partially even worse than Gosha), but at least they can/have put out some decent stuff.
>Compare silhouette Gosha vs this Vetements

>> No.11093722
File: 249 KB, 1600x1131, 6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>distinguished taste and elegance

>> No.11093726

why would you compare the silhouette between the two? now i know you don't know what the fuck
you're talking about

>> No.11093729

Good for you mate.
Well there is a certain reason that made tracksuits a meme, they were cheap in the first place but what made them accepteble in the everyday wear or even in formal wear is that connection with the criminals. Organised criminals naturally were born in the underground gyms and later used gyms and sport sections as cover and recruiting spots. Power sports like boxing or wrestling attracted physically capable people who got used to act boldly thus they were proper material for the organised gopnik gangs. Mr. Poo by the way came throuh this whole "sport section" thing, raised by the wrestling coach, who was centenced for 20 yrs in sum and ambused-killed thereafter, he brought his wrestling friends along to the top and placed them in the influental positions. Literally it's a 90's organised criminal gang lucky enought to get to the top.
So this is a story of success, one of the many, which were admired by the youngsters and Gosha as like in the 90s, criminals become the superheroes glorified in media and the kids tried to emulate them by wearing that tracksuit criminal uniform and behaving like gangsters.
Dressing in the tracksuit here makes you look like unintelligent criminally behaving lowlife.

>> No.11093733
File: 41 KB, 422x563, vetements9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11093743

posted wrong pic from phone.

Also I am indeed not a fashion designer. But to me at least the point still stands.

>> No.11093748

I still don't understand why you would compare the two silhouettes

>> No.11093757
File: 88 KB, 625x938, AdrianneHo_SweatCrew_GoshaRubchinskiy-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am simply saying that Gosha brings less 'innovation' or inspiration to the table than even Vetements.
As I said a number of times above
>Gosha could literally put his gobnik friends onto a stage, AS IS and be done with it. No so much Vetements, partially yes, but not as bland as Gosha.

>> No.11093812

it's not every designers job to bring innovation to the industry. he's making what he wants to and people like it

>> No.11093826

in a way it's appropriation, end of soviet and post-soviet/communism teenage culture. but nobody cares because us slavs aren't relevant like that. gosha is just smart to put it out to clueless western european kids who eat it up. if I wore gosha around here everyone would think I'm gopnik scum.

>> No.11093869
File: 181 KB, 750x1122, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw i just took this picture
>mfw today I received a gosha shirt i ordered like 5 days ago
>mfw it fits pretty nice
Idk comdrae, I love freedom but also. love russian aggression and style

>> No.11093955

Why not? Seriousy, there is no deeper meaning in this. All these pseudo fashionistas will eat it up, just because they can show they are part of "the new hip thing"

>> No.11093959


>> No.11093965

gosha isnt that expensive anon. most of his shit is affordable by your run of the mill fuccboi. its a key reason why its so big right now

>> No.11093968

>blowing up on the scene
is this 2013?

>> No.11093974

This thread made me feel horrible about having bought a Gosha shirt :(

>> No.11094075

Don't worry anon, I have 5 tees, a sweatshirt, a scarf, a pair of socks and a pair of the reebok collab shoes and I feel great ;)

>> No.11094089

I understand hype around Gosha in the US and Europe, but I absolutely can not understand hype him in Russia.
It is gust inexplicable

>> No.11094101

cannot wait until this is released

>> No.11094106

>not wanting to look like straight out of la haine

>> No.11094115

Pic left is an /fa/ poster, his insta is lolsmokeweed or something

>> No.11094127


where do you even cop this online

>> No.11094175

prison tat prints would get him killed by russian mob probably. it's very disrespectful to take that shit and use it for those means. it's a thing people 'respect' about criminals here in a way.

>> No.11094186

I don't think so. All his models are from http://lumpen.msk.ru

>> No.11094268

I don't think fashion is about looking "special, necessarily. Different people have different tastes and reasons for dressing the way they do. Some want to look on-trend 100% of the time (fast fashion consumers for example), some are obsessive about silhouette and tailoring, some dress to fit into a subculture, some buy what's cheapest.
High-end clothing can be pretty plain, despite its high cost or reputation in the fashion world.

>> No.11094288

i just copped the fake flag tshirt a few weeks ago

got here the other day aha

looks perfect

>> No.11094293

No, the guy himself confirmed it. Search lolsmokeweed on warosu

>> No.11094381

a) Do not really think that is true. In the same way that a scientist's job is to discover new things, a designer should strive to advance his art.

b) >He makes what he wants
That is the issue, he doesn't do anything at all. No reinterpretation, no mixing with other styles. Just plain old uneducated poor alcoholics.

>> No.11094388

his art is his aesthetic, if he's comfortable with that, so be it.

>That is the issue, he doesn't do anything at all. No reinterpretation

his reinterpretation is making this stuff readily available to the general public, who else is doing what he's doing?

just like hedi and his core aesthetic, I like it because i know the quality is great and the fits are consistent, working together with any season.

>> No.11094643

It's a flash in the pan. Nothing interesting about it, Just an ironic hipster throwback to early 90's east European nationalism. Shit in every way. Let it burn out. Brace yourselves for a "thank you for your support" tweets when it shuts down in 2 years time.

>> No.11094672

I'm not a massive Gosha fan but if you think his stuff is 100% the same as the clothing it was inspired by you're wrong. Also, wanting your art to advance may not apply to everyone and is definitely subjective.

>> No.11094720

>Gosha fan but if you think his stuff is 100% the same as the clothing it was inspired by you're wrong.
Lmao, just look at this: >>11093443

>> No.11094741

wow literally one insignificant piece, good job anon

>> No.11094749
File: 100 KB, 1000x1500, Vive-Vagina-2014-AW-011.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He sure must be happy with the amount of money he is making from his 'creation'.

>Making it accessable to the general public.
If this were so, where do our gulak kidz get their 'fashion' from. Go to you local thriftshop - there you will find 'Gosha' in baskets of a dozen for 5 quid a piece. Everyone can go there and get himself some nice and authentic sovietcore.
>so to me your point is completely and utterly void.

- Some designers choose to create elegance and iterate on classic designs - - Some designers choose to be edgy and advance what is considered 'good taste' by their contemporaries.
>Gosha does neither.
Therefore is only markets a social classes cloth. And he doesn't design his own marketing company. Thus i must assume he does NOTHING at all.

>> No.11094758

come on post and argue what makes Gosha so inspirational to you...come on we are waiting.

>> No.11094761

>Go to you local thriftshop - there you will find 'Gosha' in baskets of a dozen for 5 quid a piece. Everyone can go there and get himself some nice and authentic sovietcore.

not where I live you won't. and even if I do, how do I know it'll fit me, be in good condition, that I'll like the construction/detailing?

>Gosha does neither.

this is your opinion

I don't know if I find him inspiring but I like what he does

>> No.11094788
File: 70 KB, 300x450, Gosha-Rubchinskiy-Menswear-FW15-Paris-0389-1421858894-thumb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is Gosha lined with a kevlar+cashmere hybrid on the inside? I think not.

Come on I want to see that detailing. Post some macros of the intricate handmade copper rivets and Kobe leather patches.

>My opinion.
Sure. Prove me wrong.

>Like what he does.
Sure you do. Now give me some arguments in which you detail in a clear consise manner why this soviet aesthetic speaks to you.
History, Experiences, Heritage

>> No.11094811

>Is Gosha lined with a kevlar+cashmere hybrid on the inside? I think not.

still better than some 30 year old rags that I'm gonna find at goodwill

>Come on I want to see that detailing. Post some macros of the intricate handmade copper rivets and Kobe leather patches.

did you happen to notice the picture you posted lmao, where am I gonna find a hoodie like that?

>Sure. Prove me wrong.
I don't see how you can say that "true" designers iterate on classic design or and then try to act like Gosha doesn't

>give me some arguments in which you detail in a clear consise manner why this soviet aesthetic speaks to you.
History, Experiences, Heritage

I really don't have to have examples from those topics to explain why I like something, why are you so hellbent and autistic about this shit? I like it so I fucking wear it, it's just clothing.

>> No.11094817

U should shut the fuck up because you sound like a faggot

>> No.11094839
File: 79 KB, 960x640, 1455384968100.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's meant to be a celebration of the values that are associated with that style.

I lived half of my life in Russia before I moved to western Europe, so I can compare the two mindsets in hindsight

Gosha's vision is that of sincerity that has it's roots in post-soviet poverity and the Russian Soul (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Russian_soul)) in general

Thrift clothes and rejected western artifacts collide with glue huffing homeless children and stray dogs

It's hard to explain this to

Documentary on Moscow's homeless children in the 90s (Oscar nominated)

Everybody dies but me
Great movie, get's the whole melancholy feel of contemporary Russian subrubs across

Cult film, criminality in the 90s, great fucking soundtrack, the single best thing that came out after Tarkovskiy died

>> No.11094842

Awesome argumentaton pal

>> No.11094849

>I like it so I fucking wear it
Sorry but your explanation is too pleb

>> No.11094854

link please!

>> No.11094861

cool, do you put this much thought into every piece of clothing you wear?

>> No.11094889

Come on, it's /fa/. People here have to put their minds on why they live certain clothing. Imagine Fantano who would be like: Hi everyone, this is Goshtany Rubchano and it's time to review an album from a promising russian band. I gave this album 10/10 because I fucking love it. Thanks for watching.
I mean you have to figure your reasons since it's /fa/.

>> No.11094895

>why they like

>> No.11094964


this is the kind of person that fell for the gosha meme.

although, to be honest their vans sk8 hi collab and socks are nice

>> No.11094996
File: 333 KB, 600x600, 0000000066.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You see this dude >>11094839. He gives some sources instead of saying
>well cause i like it, fuck you.

As you do not seem to understand what I am asking, here an example:

>Why do I like raw (Japanese) denim?

Denim was originally created on old looms which now only remain in Japan, where the upkeep of these 100 year old machines is expensive and often difficult (parts shortage). Yet these looms produce high density selvedge denim which is superior to many of today's mass produced denim. It lends the end product a certain rigidity and heritage which you can simply not replicate on newer looms (even those which produce selvedge for Uniqlo and co.) This is further emphasised by the use of often unique rivets which identify the make and age with time.
This brings me to the second point, the raw aspect of this kind of denim.
Raw denim ages over time and takes on characteristics of the wearer, his daily habits and his everyday carry all become part of this garments, for the world to see. This also (can) also become an token of a part of your life.
For example: Buy a pair when you enter college and wear it persistently until you graduate and it will tell the story of this chapter of your life: your keys, phone, pens, etc. will become part of the denim. Your jeans will tell a story about the biking you did, the times you got into a fight. It becomes a part of you.
And this is why I cherish Japanese denim.

It is like an old leather bound diary which was hand made by a craftsman, telling the story of its creation, the person who made it and finally also your story.

Do you see this. It is NOT very hard.
Now i challenge you.

Thank you anon. I won't have the time to look at all the sources you supplied. Therefore I do not yet know whether I agree or not, but I surely will review what you have supplied when i find the time.

Until then would you like to give us some more insight and experience? Thank you for seemingly being reasonable about this.

>> No.11095018

nah I find that all waste of time, I find it visually appealing and so I put it on. superficial, just like the clothing. the end.

>> No.11095043

>took me not even 5 min to write.
>this doesn't take 'time' it is something you do with things you genuinely like and pursue.

>like it, buy it, put it on
Well my friend, then you just follow marketing without any willingness to think for yourself.
You are not the first one, but i do hope you do find something within you which will kindle your interest.
As a human without interest is a human without a reason to live.
>If that is the case for the rest of your life, just kill yourself, you are wasting resources on this planet

I hope you did understand what I wrote in my example.

>> No.11095047

Don't you notice something? Your posts are full of judgement. You attach "social meaning" to outfits, and like/dislike them based on that, but in the end it's just clothes.

Do you think just because you have some money, you want to wear business/prep all day every day? Have you considered that people enjoy wearing a tracksuit, and that Gosha gives them an opportunity to do that in a more expensive way?

People say "hurr durr, it's just Adidas with Russian flag, it's not innovative", and they're mostly right. But at the same time, it fills a market gap, it sells people what they desire. Maybe if people were less uptight about "looking like some 'lower' social class", they would just wear Adidas and there would be no Gosha.

That's what judgement does.

>> No.11095054


it's okay to not hyper-analyze thing, not everyone gets a kick out of that

it suffices for many people to say "I like it because I like it"

the reasoning is there on a subconcious level, squeezing it out of the rocks isn't needed

>> No.11095059

did you just copy that from MFA or something lol

>> No.11095062
File: 1.18 MB, 1200x800, craftmanship-peter.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and BTW. If you do not have any interest in the things I described in my denim example.

NEVER use the terms
ever again in this context, as I you have no appreciation for craftsmanship and heritage, let alone fashion as an form of self expression.

Thank you.

>> No.11095065

tell me about the construction and detailing in your fedora now

>> No.11095066


>> No.11095093

I'm not good with putting this into words since this is a very specific feeling that is tied to a specific time and place, a feeling that nonetheless I believe many people share
Thus I associate this whole post soviet feel of the brand as something that goes beyond nostalgia, while a westerner just sees a homage to the lower social class. So semiotics, basically

What's also important are the people who wore those kind of clothes, kids without internet, trying as hard as they can to dress western, ie what one can see on the tv or pirated vhs tapes. So these kids want to dress western but there is a deficit of western clothes and no real reference points for how to dress properly

they smoke cigarette butts and run around the city all day, school interiors look like they haven't changed since the 50s and they get into fights over stupid reasons

Watch Brat to get a feel for how the major cities looked like back then. The movie is set in St Petersburg, where I come from and it's spot on. Even the brown tint of the image is not an artistic exageration and subject matter is very much imitating life

>> No.11095146

i want to cop the vans

are they better quality than the "originals"? they seem to fuck up on the sides

>> No.11095202


Slightly better quality, but not enough to consider it a major selling point

>> No.11095215


make sure to size up one

i.e. if you wear an M, order an L

and you'll probably want to choose ePacket so it'll cut down shipping time in half for only like $1-$2

>> No.11095248

eh might go for it then

I love vans, just dunno what colour to cop

>> No.11095249 [DELETED] 
File: 146 KB, 660x425, osharewalker.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, as fashion is something, people naturally attach a societal importance to them. Even people with little money aim for better clothing.

For me it isn't about only about societal acceptance though. It is also about design, the things Gosha outputs can also be done with an H&M tshirt and a visit to your local print shop.

I hardly wear preppy or business. It is not about looking, classy or smart everyday. It is about representing something to yourself and others. You can wear vaporware all day, knowing that you wear it due to...
>Should somebody ever ask you why you wear what you wear, you should be able to explain why and make it sound plausible.

This guy >>11095093 (if what he says is true) gives reasons and explains why he holds a certain opinion. First guy in this thread to at least give the semblance of thought.

I am well aware that 'thinking' is not always fun. But with some people I feel that even being high is too tiring for them.
I am also aware of the neural pathways which lead to certain reactions and that they are not always controllable. That imo doesnt excuse anybody from not being able to perform basic introspection and reasoning.

I do not look for rationality, I am looking for a bit of refection.

You people have apparently never set foot in a university because:

>study soc/nat science = you will have at least basic reasoning as a course ((null-)hypothesis ie thinking systematically)
>law / business / marketing = arguing eloquently / learning about supply and demand and explain Gosha on basis of marketing and target demographic etc.
>lib art = reasoning about aesthetic (more or less) coherently
>computer science = not on /fa/ or has many hours of logic classes

therefore you people have never actually gone through any type of higher education.
>wow, shit makes sense now.

So Gosha banks on a form of nostalgia for a 'simpler' life full of yearning? So where is the appeal for westerners?

>> No.11095252
File: 146 KB, 660x425, osharewalker.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, as fashion is smth public, people naturally attach a societal importance to them. Even people with little money aim for better clothing.

For me it isn't about only about societal acceptance though. It is also about design, the things Gosha outputs can also be done with an H&M tshirt and a visit to your local print shop.

I hardly wear preppy or business. It is not about looking, classy or smart everyday. It is about representing something to yourself and others. You can wear vaporware all day, knowing that you wear it due to...
>Should somebody ever ask you why you wear what you wear, you should be able to explain why and make it sound plausible.

This guy >>11095093 (if what he says is true) gives reasons and explains why he holds a certain opinion. First guy in this thread to at least give the semblance of thought.

I am well aware that 'thinking' is not always fun. But with some people I feel that even being high is too tiring for them.
I am also aware of the neural pathways which lead to certain reactions and that they are not always controllable. That imo doesnt excuse anybody from not being able to perform basic introspection and reasoning.

I do not look for rationality, I am looking for a bit of refection.

You people have apparently never set foot in a university because:

>study soc/nat science = you will have at least basic reasoning as a course ((null-)hypothesis ie thinking systematically)
>law / business / marketing = arguing eloquently / learning about supply and demand and explain Gosha on basis of marketing and target demographic etc.
>lib art = reasoning about aesthetic (more or less) coherently
>computer science = not on /fa/ or has many hours of logic classes

therefore you people have never actually gone through any type of higher education.
>wow, shit makes sense now.

So Gosha banks on a form of nostalgia for a 'simpler' life full of yearning? So where is the appeal for westerners?

>> No.11095274

>That imo doesnt excuse anybody from not being able to perform basic introspection and reasoning.
It's not about an ability to perform inspection and reasoning, it's about them not having to jump through the hoop because a stranger on a mongolian shadow puppet board wants them to

Your points are generally pretty good, but you have to keep in mind that most people just don't give a shit

polite sage

>> No.11095309

Yes, simple, sincere, dead-end life
It's an excuse on the creator's behald, justification for fellow Russians

the western appeal is purely superficial I guess. Another visual library to butcher and sell for obscene amounts of money, just like Marc Jacobs did with grundge

>> No.11095360

nice fake yeezys

>> No.11095709

is brat 2 worth watching, just finished the first one

>> No.11096016

Yeah it's great.

>> No.11096072

>people naturally attach a societal importance to them.

"What people do" is circular logic. You yourself are free to do whatever. In fact, you are people.

>the things Gosha outputs can also be done with an H&M tshirt and a visit to your local print shop

That's not true and you know it. It can be said for anything fashion related, if your senses are dull enough.

>why you wear what you wear, you should be able to explain and make it sound plausible.

Why is that? Doesn't it suffice that you want to wear it?

You are deluding yourself. I truth, you can't explain anything, you can't even explain why you exist! Let alone why you wear a certain piece of clothing! Everything else is playing pretend.

People invent a rationale for every thing they do, because they are afraid to be judged. If something "goes wrong" they hope to hide behind their rationale. But in truth the spectre is imagined, no kind of judgement in the world can really harm you. You are either survive something or you don't, and in the end we all die anyway. In the conscious sense, you even die every time you fall asleep.

>> No.11096214

it's popular because of Slavaboos. I mean, I'm from fucking Ukraine and I think this is the ugliest shit but show the kid on the block who hangs USSR flags in his room this stuff and he'll go ga-ga over it

>> No.11096219

cause its like russian or something idk who gives a fuck holy shit kys baka

>> No.11096285
File: 157 KB, 807x1080, auzFW09cCPc[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How you like it?

>> No.11096294
File: 103 KB, 956x1280, yOQI7eozKu4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Made by someone from russian imageboard.

>> No.11096305
File: 1.06 MB, 656x878, Screen Shot 2016-03-25 at 2.44.21 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can come out of your shell Gianni

For a sec I thought you were the faggot that made the "I think about you sometimes" meme hat

>> No.11096311

Its hilarious, w2c

>> No.11096342

those fake ass yeezys rofl

>> No.11096402

You're a retard eastern europeans are dog-people.

>> No.11096518

>contemporary chavy and uneducated, social services-tier trash
tell me what's wrong with those things

>> No.11096523

nobody dresses like that in eastern europe anymore, get with the times you fuckhead

>> No.11096532

i imagine fashion school just being a place where no one gets anything done because of constant disagreements

>> No.11096534

eastern europe has suffered from the majority alpha male syndrome. every one is a king, no one is a servant. empires are built on slave labor. america is built on the sweat of lesser specimens. eastern europeans are too proud to serve anyone. plus the inherently small land and population has rendered them weak against larger invaders. they are however, the god specimen, the true alpha male. the albanian mafia is the single greatest underground force in the world, the sicilians were dethroned two years ago.
they will never see the advancement of "first world countries" precisely because they dont have the neanderthal beta male slave classes required to build empires. every one is a fucking nigger before the illyrian master race, the irony of lesser advancement proves this.

>> No.11096577

Fucking lol. Submitting to lifetime dictators and working for the state for over 50 years with 0 focus on entrepreneurship apart from criminal organizations leeching off western countries while the best educated drain out to the west.
> this is the product of all alpha.
Get the fuck out.

>> No.11096603

You're so fucked up

>> No.11096608

Please post the imageboard and/or w2c

>> No.11096689

why do you think israel is one of the most powerful nations in the world? the nature of the jew was long observed, the protopical beta male, slave morality was indeed a jewish product. and then you wonder why they are successuful. people must obey, its a pre-requisite of greatness, too many chefs spoil the pot, too many leaders fuck up a country. such is the albanian fate.

your fucking naivete LOL

>> No.11096763

lol he's a result of letting /r9k/ and /pol/ warp your world view

>> No.11096776

>not niggers
I must regretfully inform you that you may only pick one my olive skinned friend.

>> No.11096783

>olive skinned

>> No.11096787

The Ottoman empire raped and muredered every last bit of your original genetics over half a millennium, you deluded, uneducated product of troll propaganda.

>> No.11096819

2013 tier meme bullshit

>> No.11096838


>> No.11097002

sadly, you're right... more than 85 percent are muslims. i'm from the northern catholic minority. my ancestors fought against the ottomans for 500 years to retain our culture, and we did. my lineage can be traced to the nobility faction formed in 1444 in the League of Lezhe, alongside based skanderbeg
i dont go on pol or r9k. could you tell me what's wrong about what i said or why im fucked up?

>> No.11097028
File: 308 KB, 2000x2000, cITAKhKHVWA-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's self-made.
btw, here is the original image

>> No.11097156

Because I'm from Russia and I find all your "savior of white race" and "no one is a servant" ridiculous. Read some history man and you will learn that slavery in Russia was annuled at the same time, literally the same year it was done in America. But the thing is that when America kept niggers as slaves, Russia kept their own people as ones, the enslaved were the same slavs as their masters. However was declared the enslavement continued in the Soviet era, peasants were force gathered in the collective farms, stripped out of rights, out of property, out of passports and legal papers and bounded to farm without an option. The whole history of Easten Europe is literally a history of enslavement. So stop listening to uneducated dumbheads at /pol/ and try to learn things by your own.

>> No.11097365

What website did you use to make it?
Pls respond

>> No.11097416

are russian people actually offended that gosha is culuturally appropriating their youth culture

>> No.11097899

meanwhile in Russia fashionable youth either dresses like western hipsters or hip-hop negroes, beautiful cultural exchange

>> No.11097985

what color in the reeboks
ima wear them with some slim adidas track pants

>> No.11097992

Yup he seems to equate production, profitability, entrepreneurship and just plain hard work with slavery and inferiority. Sounds like someone's never had a well paying job or understood what real economic freedom means. Enjoy staying with your genetically superior parents in abject poverty until you are 40.

>> No.11098816 [DELETED] 
File: 826 KB, 2136x3201, ISSEY MIYAKE PRE FALL 13 (32).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I politely disagree. To me every action needs (and is) to be justifiable on a rational level. As this is what differentiates us from animals.
The statement
>I see pussy - I want pussy
(extrapolateable to >I see Gosha - I want Gosha)
Is a natural reponse, which is perfectly understandable. But still we should at least try to know why something personally resonates with us.

I am not asking for a psychopharmacological breakdown of the reponse.
Just something like:
>It makes me feel...
>It reminds me of...
>I associate it with...

This is to me, NOT a tall order by any stretch.

>"What people do" is circular logic. You yourself are free to do whatever. In fact, you are people.
I disagree on the basis of numerous theories of social psychology. Look up 'social identity theory' or basic evolutionary psychology.
Fashion is smth public and representative of our position in society. Therefore we attach societal importance to it.

>That's not true and you know it. It can be said for anything fashion related, if your senses are dull enough.
It is. Taking a tshirt and printing a prc and russian flag on it is not hard. His hoodies and pants are equally easy to replicate.

Why is that? Doesn't it suffice that you want to wear it?
No. Look at my explanation above.
The ability to rationalise and explain is what makes us human NOT animals.
If you actively refuse to so, you are no better than a worm and are not worth any resources on this planet.

This is very sad I must say. It is good when designers take inspo and bring a culture into focus.
But why it needs to be done in such a bland and (even to me as an outsider) almost insulting manner is really beyond me.

>> No.11098833
File: 826 KB, 2136x3201, ISSEY MIYAKE PRE FALL 13 (32).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I politely disagree. To me every action needs (and is) to be justifiable on a rational level. As this is what differentiates us from animals.
The statement
>I see pussy - I want pussy
(extrapolateable to >I see Gosha - I want Gosha)
Is a natural reponse, which is perfectly understandable. But still we should at least try to know why something personally resonates with us.

I am not asking for a psychopharmacological breakdown of the reponse.
Just something like:
>It makes me feel...
>It reminds me of...
>I associate it with...

This is to me, NOT a tall order by any stretch.

>"What people do" is circular logic. You yourself are free to do whatever. In fact, you are people.
I disagree on the basis of numerous theories of social psychology. Look up 'social identity theory' or basic evolutionary psychology.
Fashion is smth public and representative of our position in society. Therefore we attach societal importance to it.

>That's not true and you know it. It can be said for anything fashion related, if your senses are dull enough.
It is. Taking a tshirt and printing a prc and russian flag on it is not hard. His hoodies and pants are equally easy to replicate.

>Why is that? Doesn't it suffice that you want to wear it?
No. Look at my explanation above.
The ability to rationalise and explain is what makes us human NOT animals.
If you actively refuse to so, you are no better than a worm and are not worth any resources on this planet.

This is very sad I must say. It is good when designers take inspo and bring a culture into focus.
But why it needs to be done in such a bland and (even to me as an outsider) almost insulting manner is really beyond me.

>> No.11098856


For alot of brands like Gosha and SLP whose primary inspiration are youth subcultures, much of their success comes from the fact that it IS contemporary.

Why go thrifting etc. When you can just buy the Gosha jacket and get an easy pass into the look and hopefully the subculture?

Nothing really wrong with it but point is that they're goods that make it easy for people.

I like what Gosha does, I think it's authentic and also manages to spice it up to be just the right amount of commercial.

But yeah, I do agree that fashion is becoming "easier" by the day and I'm just waiting for a revolution against this, I can already see it happening with the rise of opulence and "super luxe" elements, masterful maximalist styling, etc. Shit that actually takes some effort, shit that the next instagram fuccass can't just "buy" into in 3 easy steps, nahmean??

>> No.11098939
File: 175 KB, 937x565, maison-luxe-modelos-leyenda-lujo-modaddiction-moda-fashion-lujo-trends-tendencias-issey-miyake-plisados.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Very interesting.

>spice it up
I would be very interested in hearing some concrete ways Gosha spiced up this gobnik conteporary style and made it palatable as real 'fashion'.
To an onlooker this is not directly apparent, seeing that he doesn't seem to work with texturing or material choice, only printing (which is not original imo).

>Why thrift
As mentioned above, I personally do not see Gosha's input into the style which elevated it above and beyond a poor people attire.
Thrifting would therefore (again to an onlooker) yield the same result and save money. Also it is often more easy than buying it online (local ghetto thrift shop at the other side of town or around the corner)

I personally have more respect for the old guard of designers who actually still 'designed' and experimented with their garments.
Even if the houses bank on heritage (see Burberry) it still alludes a certain higher end nostalgia.
>>11095309 Gosha seems to do smth similar but without the high end and for many deomgraphics even without the nostalgia.

I can also not understand how the fashion media can endorse this sort of fashion sincerely and honestly.
That 2000 hiphop baggy wave was also never actively endorsed by the fashion media as far as i can remember.

>> No.11099666


>> No.11100377

god bless you

>> No.11100388

youve been indoctrinated by a shitty website board that doesnt understand shit

>> No.11100431

Well this thread turned into a shitshow. I like his windbreakers with the Russian flag and his reebok collab is pretty cool. His t-shirts are just overpriced memes though. Like come on $100 for a white t shirt with Cyrillic writing on it?

>> No.11100661

Yes, his Soviet theme is screaming too much, it looks more like caricature than actual Soviet heritage. I mean every heritage revival should be rethought in some way to fit the modern world, he's taking stuff as it is and just reproduces it regardless the changed semanthics. A person waving soviet imaginary nowadays looks equivalent to redneck, communism revivalist irony aside. To say more, in Poland, Ukraine, and Baltics you will surely be punched in the face and charged by authorities for the hammer-and-sickle prints and "It's just Gosha, ironic clothes designer" won't help you. This stuff is like swastika there.

>> No.11100922
File: 205 KB, 600x600, supreme-box-logo-t-shirt-white-1-600x600.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Like come on $100 for a white t shirt with Englando writing on it?