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11090478 No.11090478 [Reply] [Original]

How is it possible for so many women to be unconscious of their facial hair?

I live in a huge metropolitan city in the US and I've been around my fair share of young women, and it never ceases to amaze me how many of them are totally ignorant to the presence of a fucking stache growing on their upper lip.

Fuck, it grosses me out so much.

>> No.11090484


You sound like a whiny insecure teenager

>> No.11090487

I think a lot are aware, but the processes for removing upper lip hair on women either lead to stubble that's more obvious (shaving cutting the hair shaft bluntly instead of the natural taper) or irritation a lot of the time (waxing and hair removal creams) or don't remove it just try to make it subtle, which doesn't always work (bleaching) or are expensive (laser removal).

So a lot of the time it's easier for them to leave it because it's not a huge thing to be bothered about

>> No.11090491

im a guy and i cant even grow a stache wtf

>> No.11090501


Not really, I just don't want to kiss something that looks and feels like a dude.

I put in effort to look the best with what I'm given and I expect others who interact with me to do the same.

>> No.11090523
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>> No.11090558

A little denial, a little of the fact that it has to be pretty outstandingly bad to be a serious problem. Like someone else said, shaving has drawbacks, waxing and plucking are only slightly better, and bleaching makes it less obvious but not invisible.

>> No.11090572

Bhaha alright, you cuckie
>I dont like pizzaface girls
>>you sound like a little bitch
>I dont like unkept oily hair
>>grow the fuck up

>> No.11090582

Whenever I see arm hair on a women makes them automatically disgusting

>> No.11090605

u dond understand kiddo

>> No.11090642

>Not kissing dudes
ahahahaha what are you a faggot?

>> No.11090979

Natural body hair doesn't make people disgusting if they don't have bad hygiene.

>> No.11092377

I've been hairy basically since elementary school and let me tell all you morons that we, as hairy women all know that we are hairy.
plus none of that lasts long enough to be worth it.
tfw paranoid about hygene because i can't afford to smell bad or have dandruff or anything like that

Which one of you annoying teenage fuckwads wants to pay for my 8 sessions of laser hair removal or invent a drug to change my hair growing genes?

>> No.11092512
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cause women are fucking stuped OP

you need to realize this now since youre questioning why girls do dumb shit

>> No.11093332

I regularly use an epilator on mine, since I have turk-tier genetics that cause it to be pretty dark and stand out. I'm pretty self conscious about it and always look at other women's upper lips.
However, you have to be pretty autistic to notice shit like that >>11092512

>looks and feels like a dude
If you're a dude (not underage) and your facial hair looks like that, then even I feel sorry for you

>> No.11093536

Whoa these sasquatch

>> No.11093554

Shaving it off creates stubble which makes kissing much more like kissing a dude. You'd know if you weren't a highschooler. Either way, I don't give s shit. To be honest, I don't even care if she shaves her armpits, a hot chick is still hot, with hair or whatnot.

>> No.11093564

Most women aren't taught how to do these things growing up, and only know how to lather on make-up and skin creams from watching YouTube tutorials.

>> No.11094017
File: 102 KB, 800x1180, Hirsute Sandra the hairy women (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hairy women are my top tier fetish, nothing better when a pussy and other body parts are hairy!

>> No.11094021
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>what is plucking hair

>> No.11094037


>> No.11094040

>many of them are totally ignorant to the presence of a fucking stache growing on their upper lip.

what do you point it out to them or something?

fuck dude you sound like such a tool

>> No.11094060

I'd like to see you pluck a whole moustache mate.

>> No.11094094

a) painful as hell
b) takes like a fucking hour
c) only lasts a week till its too noticeable again; some hair grows back in a few days.

literally if you think a woman having hair (as in being a mammal) is fucked up you should try to graduate high school soon cause youre probably a lonely 17 year old

>> No.11094122

Well you sound mad

>> No.11094130

I don't mind hairy arms, peach fuzz or hairy legs, but women with hairy armpits are fucking gross. Honestly I don't really like how it looks on guys either.

>> No.11094132

wtf dude are you srs?
leave em be women literally don't care about you - you aren't important

>> No.11094143

Im a lgirl that struggles with this and I don't think it is too much trouble. You just have to be deligent and attentive - the same with eyebrows (i am northern European american though Idk about minorities). Bleaching my upper lip for 5minutes 1x a month and then trimming the hair does the trick for me (the texture is downy hair and not actual mustache hair like a man's and grows slower than pubic hair). I also tweeze any errant hairs in between or as an emergency (like if I notice some and I'm not home). I do get a couple legit black hairs on the underside of my chin, but it's like 4-5 hairs and I remember where they grow and just check 1x a week and tweeze if they're there.

But anyway the hair doesn't grow back that fast and it is totally manageable. I don't know why other women don't take care of it.

>> No.11094180

Why are you acting as if I was doing anything but agreeing with everything you said.
Reply to the guy I was replying to. I'm on your side.

>> No.11094188


>hairier legs than me

jesus christ what the fuck fampatchi

>> No.11095145

>I am twelve and what is stache

>> No.11095150

It's fucking annoying and puts me right off. Similarly with hair round the anus.

>> No.11095158

She's a fucking dyke anyway so she might as well be a man. Most dykes look and dress like Johnny Vegas, her being an exception.

>> No.11095162

Have you considered that maybe they're aware of it and simply don't mind it? People don't live their lives by your standards, you know.

>> No.11095174

The same reason they let their vaginas become stinking cesspools. Ignorance, laziness and muh body tumblr twatiness.

>> No.11095266
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20 year old male and she makes me look hairless in comparison.

>> No.11095303

>how is it that even in this metropolitan area, women aren't doing everything in their power to be sexually appealing to me?
they're probably too smart for you anyway

>> No.11095315

c a n a d a

>> No.11095319

grow up

>> No.11095330

Cause you are hairless mate

>> No.11095332
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Me on the other hand...
I'm certain I'm part wookie

>> No.11095494

I don't like being hairy either but it's just something I have to deal with (although I'll never shave my privates, I don't want to resemble a child)

A lot of women are aware but most men don't make a big deal out of it because it really isn't.

>> No.11096067

Im a guy
I pluck my stache, the whole goddamn thing
it hurt a lot initially
but now I spend less time than I would shaving it doing just maintenance plucking the new hairs thar crop up

>> No.11096264

>although I'll never shave my privates, I don't want to resemble a child

You could have just said "I'm too lazy" and saved yourself a few seconds.

>> No.11096344

Why not just wax the stache?
Why the fuck is everyone here an idiot?
It's not an expensive investment, it takes very little time, and the effects last awhile.

>> No.11096374

I justt use an epilator twice a week at night before I go to bed. It's a long enough time for the redness to fade before I wake up and start the day

>> No.11096641

A lot of people have reactions to waxing facial skin and will end up with a swollen red area above their mouth with waxing

>> No.11096746

Anyone here pluck out the hair on their scrotum? I do it sometimes, feels so satisfying to get each hair out one by one roots and all. Takes a lot of time though. Should I just upgrade to waxing?

>> No.11096755

Ure gonna traumatize ur balls bro

>> No.11096780

My girlfriend has some fluffy facial hair but as it is blonde it is not as evident. I think it's kinda cute.

>> No.11097594
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>how DARE women have hair on their bodies

>> No.11097623

Not true. It doesn't take a long time, but it's super uncomfortable while it grows back. And yeah, I don't wanna look like a child.
Not that anon btw

>> No.11097654

You speak like it isn't utterly disgusting

>> No.11097707

It really isn't

>> No.11097757

Maybe it isn't to you in particular, but me and quite a large amount of other guys find it to be nasty as fuck

>> No.11097762

why do you find it nasty? it's just hair. you have some too

>> No.11097766

Because pedostaches are disgusting on everyone, particularly girls

>> No.11097777

why are you so associating the presence of a few hairs with pedophiles? it's natural and not inherently uncleanly

no need to make a thread about it and be this upset homie

life is good go do something fun

>> No.11097778

>quite a large amount of other guys
Given the amount of time on here spent criticising women's appearances and the rarity of this coming up I'm going to say that you're noticing it far more and find it a bugbear far more than a lot of others.

>> No.11097800

>no need to make a thread about it and be this upset homie
I didn't make the thread nor am I upset, I just agree with the OP on that facial hair on girls is appalling.
At least where I live girls with facial hair is quite rare but I've had a few experiences where I've cringed at a ladystache closing in, it's not an astronomically large problem since it's quite rare

>> No.11098098

Girly stache or especially chin hairs will knock any girl down a couple points. And by a couple I mean they are now sub-5.