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/fa/ - Fashion

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11087126 No.11087126 [Reply] [Original]

Which drugs are the most effay?

>> No.11087132


>> No.11087133


>> No.11087236


this was established long ago my mane

>> No.11087270


>> No.11087273


>> No.11087364

obscure research chemicals

>> No.11087439

Microdoses of LSD

Creativity and optimism are /fa/

>> No.11087444

ketamine, good weed, heroine and small doses of amphetamines

>> No.11087579

Cocaine and prescription amphetamines. Benzos and opiates as long as you aren't a retard.

>> No.11087609

weed baked goods like brownies

>> No.11087619

are u 13? european or asian high quality street amphetamines is the bomb man
reported for underage

>> No.11087632


>> No.11087641

ketamine so you can spend your whole weekend at a techno club in berlin without ever leaving

>> No.11087682

lol have fun with your drugs full of impurities you fucking europoor loser. How hard is it do get an amph script there?

>> No.11087712

drugs aren't fa u piece of clit

>> No.11087730

Probably marijuana or alcohol

>> No.11087737

just fake adhd not hard

>> No.11087865


>> No.11087871

cocaine has lost any status it once had. it also kills your heart and puts holes in ur nose. not fa

>> No.11087873


Lmao @ ur life

>> No.11087875

Only right answer. Secret research shit noone's heard of with a high chance of a kafka-esque transformation.

>> No.11088196

prozac imo :(

>> No.11088209


>> No.11088227

I'm not /fa/ myself, but I know a lot of them. They mostly do ketamine and mdma as well as shrooms.

>> No.11088239

Hi Andy French.

>> No.11088267


>> No.11088355

all the ines

>> No.11088361

Those are so bap. They're pills for people who wanna say they pop pills

>> No.11088374

Alcohol, Kush, Molly
In that order.

>> No.11088386

Weed, any other one makes u a disgusting trash.

>> No.11088389

Opiates or nothing. Oxycodone is the best.

>> No.11088423

this basically
coke and addy
stimulants make you feel really good and powerful plus you lose weight

i dont think cigarettes and alcohol really count as drugs desu because they're so common and prevalent. they kind of lost their prohibitive aspect imo.

>> No.11088425

prescription drugs and vitamins

why hurt your health for a small high that affects you long term?
get high on life

>> No.11088466

>tfw not a human trapped in a monstrous vermin's body

>> No.11088565

Hallucinogenics and caffeine. That's about it.
Weed is not effay in the slightest but neither is letting some retard tell you how to live your life.

>> No.11088587




and a preferred taste in booze but not that hipster tier shit

>> No.11089217
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>> No.11089221


>> No.11089226

>makes you study hard
>stops you eating
>makes you cum loads

Any other answer is irrelevent

>> No.11089230

Good Coke>Modafinil>Addy> Shit Coke

>> No.11089239

MDMA for sure if you've taken magnesium beforehand, to prevent chewing your jaw off and getting all fidgety~

Can anyone give me the low down on what speed is like? Scored some for this weekend and the dealer talked it up about having a shit load of pseudoephedrine in it. What's the high like?

>> No.11089252

Whatever you do don't look at porn. Also don't get addicted, the withdrawals are fucking cancer.

>> No.11089260

>Whatever you do don't look at porn

lmao why?

>> No.11089274


pseudo is an intermediary used in the process of creating speed

if your 'speed' actually contains pseudoephedrine in the end product then you're literally buying cold and flu medicine from him. if your dealer was actually boasting about this fact hes a complete idiot and you should find a different dealer

>> No.11089282

Heroin and vodka
Maybe ketamine and mdma if you're in the right scene

>> No.11089300

The extra dopamine increases your libido and before you know it you're 6 hours deep into the darkest corners of pornhub.

>> No.11089326

Well said

>> No.11089584


>> No.11089606

Weed, alcohol (type matters), lsd

>> No.11089610

You can't be serious

>> No.11089645

HEROIN is the purest and most direct expression of drug use.

microdosing is for people with self esteem issues, and so not effay. i feel you though, acid is pretty slick.

yep, nope and yep. weed is too mushy and has a shit image.

+1 vote for 3-MeO-PCP, the strangest and most hardcore drug out there.

>> No.11089656

got some 4 meo pcp coming in the mail, gonna be a fucked time at the club

>> No.11089683

truuuuuuuu. doesn't have the magic that 3-MeO does though. 5/10

>> No.11089688

kill your life

>> No.11090014


>> No.11090087

This is a board about dressing well - take whatever drugs you want, do whatever you want, and stop aspiring to some made up lifestyle aesthetics that just make you a poser

>> No.11090089

Doesn't all of /fa/ have low self esteem though?

>> No.11090676

Discretely smoking high quality weed and xanax. Really any drug besides maybe meth as long as it doesn't literally kill you and you aren't obnoxious about it. Being discrete is key.

>> No.11090939


>> No.11090945
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>> No.11090977

in oder
Cocaine (cocaine hydrochloride powder)
Prescription Narcotics
--- scumwave barrier ---
Crack Cocaine
---- hobo/nekbeard barrier ---
All OTC drugs (dmt, cough syrup)

>> No.11091452

Any drug is effay if you aren't obnoxious about doing it. Except, like, meth.

>> No.11091464

>Over the Counter

Pick one.

>> No.11091499

LSD is not effay. lsd feels best when you're wearing cargo shorts, no underwear, no shoes and a sleeveless shirt, drinking cans of beer. you will inevitably look unfashionable on lsd.

anything that is plebian is not effay; lean, dxm, marijuana.

the most effay drugs are: heroin, cocaine, and amphetamines. next, xanax. finally, ketamine and mdma, but only if you're doing them, alone, at your desk, before university starts that morning. ketamine or mdma at a club or party is plebian as fuck.

(speaking as a former drug user.)

>> No.11091517

Prolly meant dxm

>> No.11091548


>> No.11091659

meant dph sry

>> No.11091675
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is ms paint /fa/

>> No.11091689

>ketamine and MDMA at a club are pleb AF
go to a real club pleb

>> No.11091758

yeah, i bet you're from the midwest or california.
and if you're from new york (like me,) that's even sadder that you do k/mdma at clubs.

clubs are shit. williamsburg spots are shit. festivals are shit. bars are shit. every music venue is shit.

>> No.11091766


>> No.11091857

where I am from only low-class minorities and trailer trash use blow so.... not /fa/ imo

>> No.11091867

well you sound like a blast to be around

>> No.11091885

>pardners thinking they know anything about clubbing
O I am laffin, you probably haven't been to a club that isn't some shitty edm superclub that plays recycled garbage trap and ladhouse, you should try getting out of America sometime

>> No.11092021

underrated post

>> No.11092291


>> No.11092693

Weed is only acceptable in joints, anything else is high school tier

>> No.11092698

definitely MDMA confidence/10

>> No.11092770


>> No.11092782
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>not having a Substance D addiction

c'mon, /fa/.

>> No.11092785

> makes you study hard
>Makes you cum loads
>stops you eating

I've been taking it almost daily for months. I experience none of these things.

>> No.11092792

Combined X and speed last weekend

Withdrawal is far worse than XTC, 4FMP or MDMA. It gave me a lot of energy though but I was still affected by it on my way home so I would not advice taking it if you have to travel afterwards

>> No.11092796

You obviously mean crack and not the proper stuff

>> No.11092797

>tfw can't take hallucinogens because I think I may have dormant schizophrenia


>> No.11092802


did your mum tell you that lmao fuccboi

>> No.11092826

coke or molly probably

>> No.11092827

So where do you advise taking mdma/x? Ive only done house rolls

>> No.11092853

How about a fucking minimal techno festival/clubnight

I'll garuantee you will enjoy your socks off

>> No.11092859

>He doesn't go to Berghain or Trésor

Your opinion goes into the trash

>> No.11092888

no I have some of the symptoms

or at least I think I may have

>> No.11093395


>> No.11093425

crack is used by the bums and crackheads.... coke is used by those with slightly more money, but not much

>> No.11093560
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amphetamine, cigarettes. someone said micro doses of lsd. Depends on if you want to be this thin rick owens-inspo kid or someone with a bit of color

not my pic

>> No.11093562

Holy shit does Tresor still exist? That's kind of amazing.

>> No.11093569

>self-diagnosing to feel unique.

Let's play a quick game of how to spot the highschooler.

>> No.11094570

i like them both, but they are definitely not /fa/ at all

>> No.11094598

Just moved to chicago and I'm trying to find my all-time favorite (and very effay) drug, Ambien. Anyone have any suggestions on how to go about that? I live in a sketchy neighborhood and I was thinking about asking some of the sketchy dudes on the street where to but drugs (while smoking a blunt to not look sketchy) but I don't want to get mugged. Anyone have ideas?

>> No.11094769

Youre kind of a shithead

>> No.11094983


Why would you say such a thing?

>> No.11095085


>> No.11096691

in the 80s, maybe. it's definitely not anymore

>> No.11096696


ketamine wears of after like an hour though? literally puzzled by this post. do you keep redosing? asking cuz im literally in berlin rn

>> No.11096704

fuck you leave dxm alone. dxm+cannabis>> ketamine as a club drug

>> No.11096705

you just keep on doing bumps of it, or better yet, get one of those snuff capsules do you can do it on the dance floor
lol dxm would be horrible at a club

>> No.11096707

effay downers
not effay: uppers
neutral: psychs + dissociatives

>> No.11096718

yes but dxm *with* cannabis. inhaling a tiny bit on top seriously it makes it a completely different experience. it's kind of like 2c-b, but better. and it last for hours unlike ket. although I should admit I never tried ket at the club, kind of feels like a waste to me but I guess I could give it a go...

>> No.11096728

nah try ket at the club, youll never want to leave the dance floor, you can go all night, especially if you are going to longer events where md would wear off after a couple hours

>> No.11098531
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where to cop senpai

>> No.11098539
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Psychedelics are not effay but they're the only drugs worth doing.

>> No.11098544
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Seriously, why are cigarettes so shit and so effay?

>> No.11100078


literal poverty core

>> No.11100128

no mixers, if you drink eat less

>> No.11100592

fucking this

same shit as /lit/'s "literary lifestyle" or /mu/'s "/mu/core"

>> No.11100598

I hope to god that's not your pic because it's fucking trash

>> No.11100610

I've been on benzos and weed for the past week. I'm living in a constant haze. Gotta watch out to not get skinnyfat though. Am I /fa/?

>> No.11100737

Alcohol, dxm maybe, amphetamine salts, benzos maybe

>> No.11100788
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fuck allergies

>> No.11100809

>drugs are only drugs if they're prohibited
>drugs are only /fa if they're illegal

Heroin is not /fa. Opiates arent the most dangerous thing on earth but watching someone bleed their neck to not waste dope is not /fa.

Coke is retarded. Powder cocaine is inherently dangerous because it is by nature a copious amount of cocaine. The leaf is non addictive when steeped and good for you to boot. Blow just turns you into a douche bag. Like being drunk minus the honesty and antics.

Most /fa is for LSD. Balance of utility, experience and aesthetic

>> No.11100825

Lol PCP is basically non-existent in 2016.

>> No.11100828
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Tramadol. Synthetic optiate. Near impossible to OD on, not very addictive, very pleasant sedated feeling close to morphine. Lasts all day. Don't eat much whilst on it. You'll only go into withdrawal when you stop if you're irresponsible with it. I like it a lot.

>> No.11101112

someone give me some info on coke

how bad is it?
my friends seem to be doing it sometimes but 30 mins later they want another line so that shit is, and I'm almoost 99% sure, some scam or shitty coke.
I mean 40-50euro for 1g from bouncers eh

>> No.11101121

I love tramadol ever since I got them after breaking my arm, but like all painkillers they are addictive as fuck. I dunno about ODing but it causes potentially violent seizures in (not very) high doses

>> No.11101138


I should qualify that by mentioning I had no problem regulating my use, but everyone should be aware that it is potentially very addictive. Also it's def. not a party drug. Was very weird being in a club high on tramadol, and drinking is NOT recommended

>> No.11101160


pricewise that does sounds like bunk, but constantly wanting to redose is indeed one of the main effects of coke. unless you're rich stay away.

>> No.11101201

I'm perpetually on the highest prescribable dose. It is dangerous in some aspects but it's near impossible to OD on even with alcohol or cause much damage, trust me I've tried and taken 4g doses. It's a very strange sensation and it takes some time to get used to. As far as usage goes to prevent the seizures and withdrawals I don't take it anymore than 2-3 times a week unless I really need to medicate more often. Have no problems with addiction either I think it's something to do with its synthetic nature or maybe it's just me.

>> No.11101311

I'm taking naprosyn, i think its a painkiller too.

sometimes it makes me feel really dizzy like the beginning of getting stoned

>> No.11101322

blue meth

>> No.11101349

just snorted 20mg xr ritalin and plugged 20mg. first time experimenting with this. let's see how it goes

>> No.11101396

Fucking retard

>> No.11101417

Would be great for candy flipping or rc's like the 2C family, mama by itself is best for high energy EDM on the peak, and trance on the comeup/comedown

>> No.11101421

Holy fuck. You must be new. You do know caffeine is a drug, right?

>> No.11101591

cokes fun and all but the next day ie today i feel horrendous

heads all tight. limbs keep going numb. nose is running. feel tired af but dont feel in the mood to sleep either


>> No.11101607

poppers because gays are fa

>> No.11101973


>> No.11102029


>> No.11102057

in principle, yes, taking a drug to ease the process of getting a dick in the butt is the epitome of /fa/. but don't forget /fa/ is still in the closet, officially the /fa/ preferred drug cocktail is vodka, cigarettes and coke

>> No.11102074
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>officially the /fa/ preferred drug cocktail is vodka, cigarettes and coke
yeah its seriously fkn /fa/ at the time

the next day is torture

fuck this the party is over for me i think desu i quit

>> No.11102081

cigarettes are easily the most /fa/ drug

>> No.11102104
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I'm not a fucking retard, you are

>> No.11102119
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current mood-


>> No.11102616

coke highs only last 20-30 min and 1g around that price is pretty standard.

>> No.11102639


>> No.11102657

this my dudes

>> No.11103451

Bromo-dragonfly for sure

>> No.11103457

Drugs keep you sleep

Stay woke

>> No.11103919


>> No.11104110

this right here