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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 748 KB, 844x548, baldbeard.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11054332 No.11054332 [Reply] [Original]

Does /fa/ endorse the "shave ur head n grow a bear" approach to balding?

>> No.11054339

only for negroes

>> No.11054361
File: 467 KB, 1280x720, exmach-1422026632377_1280w.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oscar isaac in ex machina definitely nailed it, though i don't think he's balding

>> No.11054402

Jesus Christ, most men get larger hairlines as they got older. It's not balding. Balding is when you start to lose the hair on your crown. You need to be in the 5% genetic pool to have a flat hairline at an older age.

>> No.11054417

if you want to look like a crazy homeless man a la MC Ride

>> No.11054442
File: 22 KB, 300x400, Foucault-Leather-Jacket.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Foucault core or bust

>> No.11054467

worked for me

>> No.11054625

op said balding i was just trying to complete the assignement

>> No.11054654
File: 453 KB, 800x600, 34846935.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well it 100% works if you have great thick beard.

>> No.11054660

This looks so fucking retarded

>> No.11054727
File: 382 KB, 914x653, 716431f148c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it has been the standard recommendation for years. Which means that people are strting to get tired of keeping that look. The counter-trend is to to let your hair on the sides grow out, but DON'T try to hide your bald spot. Own it.

>> No.11054739


This, too many people fall for the "if you start balding just shave it off" meme.

Bald is a look very few people can pull off. Honestly getting tan and /fit/ and just growing everything out to a stubble (Statham style) is probably your best best for remaining "attractive"

>> No.11056315
File: 89 KB, 306x306, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No it doesn't kid
The whole shavehead/growbeard approach is Reddit as fuck. I say, if you're up in your thirties, let the top fall out and keep the sides for that experienced man look.
Pic not related

>> No.11056380

see but those people are all older.

It looks acceptable on them.

If your like 27 and have a hairline like any of >>11054727 you can't "own it"

No one on /fa/ asking about whether or not they should shave their head is a 40+ man with a weathered face whose just started balding. They young adults that still look like they should have a full head of hair.

I say go for it op. but don't grow your beard out like >>11054654
keep it neat.

>> No.11056391

looks like an egg with pubes glued onto it

>> No.11056425

yes!!!! love you foucault

>> No.11056429

fucking hell

>> No.11056443

Haha oh shit if Lord Voldemort was a Viking

>> No.11056511

Larry David is so fa

>> No.11056537

wtf I hate Chomsky now

>> No.11056546

Foucault core or gtfo. Beards are for gay bears.

>> No.11056559

i dont get it.. but I have considered reading him, watched some of his interviews only. thinking about buying media control, good intro to him?

>> No.11056579

This is good advice.
I actually recommend a neat stubble beard with a buzz if that's still an option, you can do something thicker but ymmv.

The long beard bald head look is actually very reddit.

Also the generic 'go to the gym' advice actually matters here. Yes, you have to be skinny to be /fa/ but if you go full bald you'll never look good if don't have any weight on you.
Also try not to be pale.

'Headshape' and features like ears and nose don't matter that much especially if you can grow a beard a little, they're mostly things you will notice yourself, not others. (Unless they're very out of the ordinary of course, but this is rare)

Just my two cents.

>> No.11056706


>> No.11056718


>> No.11056750
File: 1.26 MB, 1360x963, buzz.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Slightly unrelated.
I buzzed recently.
I don't grow much facial hair.
I posted this in the other Balding thread but its almost 300+ so I figured I'd post it here for feedback of some kind.

>> No.11056752
File: 163 KB, 1080x720, Photo on 3-13-16 at 8.42 PM #2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't grow a good beard so I just go with the stubbly look :(

Pray you have good head shape

>> No.11056759

receding hairline is just as bad if not worse

>> No.11056785

you don't look that bald.

you look fine.

in what universe is a receding hairline worse than bad thinning on the crown?

>> No.11056996

I hope for people younger than me that balding gets truly cured at some point.

It ruined my life and I'll probably be alone forever because of it, and I wouldn't wish that on anyone.

Having your youth and charm robbed by some genetic disease is awful.

>> No.11056999


you slimming down fantano?

>> No.11057008


jesus you sound like such a manchild. lots of guys go bald fairly early in life. move on. it's not keeping you from getting a girlfriend or "ruining your life." I know plenty of guys in their 20s who are balding and very successful.

>> No.11057054

I doubt many people think high of or respect people in their twenties who are bald or balding.

You're a genetic mistake when you are.

>> No.11058431

Holy shit dude we love you
Now step away from the ledge

>> No.11058884

Well, you're wrong. Go see a shrink. Maybe they can help you with your self confidence issues.

>> No.11059033

>listens to action bronson once

>> No.11060180

I shaved my head and was actually called ugly because of it, multiple times.

It doesn't fit my head, this is not something I can fix either so being robbed of something completely out of your control is very very demoralizing.

Now I could of course learn to live with myself and how to enjoy life while being alone but I don't think it's fair I have to go through that just because I lost my hair.

It just makes me wish I wasn't born because I cannot blame anyone for this but I also cannot fix nor deal with it.

>> No.11060186

Who /lumpyskinnyuglyhead/ hear

>> No.11060194

I would say grow out the length of beard stubble and head stubble a bit more. To the point that it matches the darkness of your brows if possible.

Other then that pretty good m8

>> No.11060201

>my whole life revolves around having hair

>> No.11060250


>Being this much of a cuck

>> No.11060284

Fucking this. Also, who the fuck cares if shaving and growing a beard is "reddit" as fuck. You're balding. There's not much you can do with that.

>> No.11060290

Not him, but are memes literally all you think of?

>> No.11060344

man my hairs starting to get pretty thin at the front i'll probably have to shave within 2 years. can't grow a beard at all though so cancer patient core seem likely

>> No.11060364

>not having a full mane

i shiggy diggy

>> No.11060379


balding made people not want to be your friend anymore?

cmon son. it's not the serious.

>> No.11060546


I have friends, but I'm too repulsive to ever have a relationship.

Now I know that I was obviously ugly before I went bald too but the comments and extreme drop in any sort of interest from others when it comes to dating came when I shaved my head.

You instantly gain 10 years if you're balding or bald, you HAVE to be fit or well-build, a lot of clothing suddenly doesn't look as good anymore, it's just a pretty shitty all around situation.

So yeah, I have friends, I have hobbies, I probably won't get in a relationship and people will feel awkward around me because of my looks.

All because of genetics.

>> No.11060590

I know what you mean pal. Im in my 20s and and balding ( i have a buzzed head). It's very depressing. I always think if only I had my nice hair back maybe that girl would like me or w.e. It's a constant gnawing anxiety and I wouldn't be surprised if it pushed me over the edge. I feel like I will never be loved. I also cant really grow a beard lol

>> No.11060596

Quit being a fag some girls like it, usually black and Hispanic chicks mostly

>> No.11060597

Im a uk fag there's few blecks here

>> No.11060599
File: 543 KB, 833x960, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I started balding at 19. Shaved my head by 21/22.. I joke about it with older people, my girlfriend would obviously prefer Harry Styles' receding hairline than my nothing but hey you make the best of what you get. If anything good has come of it, definitely look and feel manlier. It's not the end, sounds like your just woefully self conscious.

>> No.11060614

just finished watching that holy shit. Oscar is /fa/ as fuck in it for sure

>> No.11060723


Try being gay, it's a worse hit on your appearance if you are.

Seriously, girls are a little more understanding when it comes to flaws in looks than a lot of gay guys are.

>> No.11060727

not even CLOSE to bald though.

>> No.11060742

ive seen skinny gay bald guys fucking left and right
this happens outside the internet ofc

>> No.11060769

who do they fuck though, from what I know it's usually other bald guys or bears.

>> No.11060803

Guys, women understand that men go bald, they're still perfectly capable of being attracted to a bald man. That being said, baldness can be your only shortcoming. Hit the gym, acquire a position of power, command the room, and dress well. Confidence gets the panties more wet than hair does.

>> No.11060929 [DELETED] 

i mean true but his whole look in it is a blueprint for how you can pull it off, if you're like, not extremely pasty and have decent facial hair

>> No.11060932

This is honestly pretty accurate. While my personal experiences only go so far, most women I know only give a shit if a man is balding when he tries to hide it.

>> No.11060934 [DELETED] 

yeah he nails it especially in comparison to the other guy. most depressing moment is that fuck ugly broderie anglaise/lace peplum dress she wears at the end with white platforms fr fucks sake. such a dissapointment

>> No.11060947

yeah but i think his whole demeanour and look, and even his house n shit are a blueprint for how someone who is balding can do it, just shaving the hair a little closer. i think it probably wouldnt work if you were a shit weedy pasty cunt with bad facial hair but if you got some Mediterranean or middle eastern genes in you go for it

>> No.11060952

I've been thinking of getting a hair transplant anyone got any experience?

>> No.11060979


nah, it leaves scars no matter what (strip or FUE). Just look at the back of Joe Rogan's or Bill Burr's heads, shits ugly. Accept you're balding and shave it

>> No.11061034

there's some great options, mostly dutch based from what I remember, however that costs up to 12k+ depending on how bald you are.

and spending 12k(excluding retouches, which you will always need) on your hair probably means you're either old enough where shaving it is a good option, or you're rich enough that you wouldn't be asking here.

>> No.11061035


this makes me happy I'm straight.
gay guys are fucking savages when it comes to looks, holy shit.

>> No.11061304

either you're balding but your hairline is staying thick or you're just not very good at shaving it. next time try go over your hairline in multiple directions to get all the hair.

looks gud tho

>> No.11061327

wow he is handsome

>> No.11061523
File: 1.27 MB, 1252x794, image2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What a fucking faglet.
>tfw bald
>dont give a single fuck, have gf and some attention from random girls
>selfconfident and have no any worries

>> No.11061572

you will look like a real life meme
>le bearded bald guy xD just like reddit told me xDD

>> No.11061576

looks like shit, youre too soft and feminine for it, eyes too big


>> No.11061632

Try being an actual faggot AND being a bottom while balding.


>> No.11061643

is it a challenge or an advice?

>> No.11061720

it is really great advice senpai. works out great everytime

>> No.11061733

If you want to compensate for being bald

>> No.11061744

definitely not advice, not the same poster but balding sucks when you're gay lol.

>> No.11062484

Well nobody forced you to be a fucking degenerate

>> No.11064060

Yeah great advice.
Every guy is objectively uglier without hair.

>> No.11064071

Not really, there is people who look equally or even better bald.

>> No.11064080

Only bald people think that.
But yes, bald or buzzed ALWAYS looks better than BALDING but it'll never look better than a well styled full head of hair.

>> No.11064095

No, really, ever heard of Kurt Angle? the guy looks better bald than with hair

>> No.11064450
File: 39 KB, 650x366, wlkurtangle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11064456

He's old as shit now,(also a fucking druggie) look at him when he was young.
A bad ass motherfucker I tell you

>> No.11064463
File: 850 KB, 1683x1615, KurtAngleSs05.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot pic related

>> No.11064469

>bald guy with full beard + golf hat
>bald guy with full beard + golf hat
>bald guy with full beard + golf hat

maybe stubble or close trim can save you

>> No.11064483
File: 23 KB, 630x420, hi-res-9364a530f8652ff52d0543ac99c5231b_crop_north.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now that we are talking about wrestlers,just be like Cesaro the crowd fucking love this guy,

>> No.11065608

How about Latinos with olive skin?

>> No.11065618

Started balding at 20 and now at 25 I'm bald as fuck. Never stopped me from getting laid, playing sports, or being the center of attention in certain interactions. And I'm not even some alpha guy either. Just confident. You're looking for an excuse to blame the rest of you as a failure

>> No.11065619

What a cuck. My girlfriend prefers the bald /fit/ look.

>> No.11065622

I'm not skinny I'm bald and fat and I constantly land 7/10 Asians and one turn a 8/10. Best with white women a 6/10. The problem is you guys in /fa/ are naturally too beta.

>> No.11065623

I want to grow a bear

>> No.11066113
File: 1.68 MB, 2592x1944, buzz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Buzzed it a yesterday for first time. It was 2spooky4me when i saw this thread.
Thoughts and criticism much appreciated.

>> No.11066186

trim your beard a little and shorter buzz in head
it looks good tho

>> No.11066202


Looks good. Having a good head shape with thick eyebrows/beard helps you pull it off. How old?

>> No.11066212

Cheers lads. I am 26.

>> No.11066254


>forcing the meme

>> No.11066606

look gods t.b.h with you sen.pai

>> No.11066736
File: 46 KB, 500x700, bruce-willis-pulp-fiction.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm balding pretty bad but thanks god I've got masculine features so I can pull out a die-hard bruce willis style

>> No.11066895
File: 1.55 MB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_2016-03-09-03-49-47.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11066906
File: 5 KB, 221x140, images(2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Who else is ready for Sturgis?

>> No.11067165

Kek'd so hard

>> No.11068704
File: 23 KB, 320x480, Julius_Caesar_Based_On.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why not follow the style of the king of balding men and wear a glorious laurel weath erry day.

>Girls fucking love it
>You get more respect from other men
>Older men look at you with obvious respect
>You get paid more

>> No.11068727
File: 188 KB, 724x425, hunter-s-thompson.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do the Hunter S Thompson look

>> No.11068964
File: 209 KB, 1230x716, larrydavid.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He made a guest appearance on the finale of The League and all I could think about was how well he was dressed for his age and how natural it looked on him. pic related

>> No.11069420
File: 310 KB, 480x556, Peukku22.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11069465
File: 2.43 MB, 4160x3120, IMG_20160317_121808.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shall i buzzcut? Im starting to go bald in the crown

>> No.11069477

sorry man.

Anyway, I'd buzz just because it'd look better than what u have atm

>> No.11069797

Looks good man, I might suggest letting your moustache grow just a bit longer over your top lip or even just angle the cut a bit different, but you have nice lips so it's all good.

>> No.11069861

ud look sxc buzzcut nohomo

>> No.11069945

you should

>> No.11071164

Another baldy here,I think I will buzzcut anyway

>> No.11071498

You guys need to see a shrink or something

>> No.11071923

> I don't think it's fair
life never was and never will be fair.
work hard, get as rich as you can focus on creating andmaintaining friendships.
If you desperately want sex, fuck prostitutes. Eventually you get over it.

>> No.11071926

>few blax
you live in Midsummer or somefin?
If you wanna get laid move to an actual CITY

>> No.11072031
File: 180 KB, 960x1280, IMG_20160318_123651.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11072071

Actual homo

>> No.11072677
File: 64 KB, 396x594, Elias+Koteas+Maxim+Hot+100+Party+XCq6q6mRx9pl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11072682
File: 45 KB, 395x594, Jean+Marc+Barr+52nd+Monte+Carlo+TV+Festival+2TpBnG6vN8Gl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11072690
File: 231 KB, 1440x900, cbea-jason-statham-eb-hair-30693c4d708e0ac4dc7e813cf4b09597-large-86414.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11072707
File: 30 KB, 1025x605, perceval.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's possible to be bald and to look nice

>> No.11072711
File: 61 KB, 620x410, jeroen-perceval-geeft-1-200-downloads-weg-van-hiphopdebuut_100_1000x0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

same perceval guy

>> No.11073310

you look like a damn geography teacher

>> No.11073323

The only downside of buzzcut+ beard is that you look older so that might be an pro/con when trying to get a gf