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File: 1.85 MB, 2848x4272, IMG_3805.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11025024 No.11025024 [Reply] [Original]

Any way I can wear this without looking stupid as fuck? I really like the idea but I feel like it's too much though.

>> No.11025029
File: 596 KB, 1396x2784, IMG_3807.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shitty fit pic, a better angle would make it look slightly better but I'm not at home right now

>> No.11025050

When will people realize that in order to wear stuff like this, you need to have a really interesting face. Not necessarily attractive, btw. Having a very athletic or skinny body helps as well.

>> No.11025056

jedi cosplay

>> No.11025080

you don't look terrible but this would look way better if you lost weight.

>> No.11025096

this is advice anyone should take regardless for fashion

>> No.11025155

dont try goth ninja unless you're the definition of "tall and black". stick to pale weave and lunarcore if you're pale and blonde.

>> No.11025163

no you cant especially not with how it fits you

>> No.11025273

Tbh I know I look fat here but I'm actually skinny I can post pics but it's just the angle the thing drapes on me badly and makes me look fatter than I am

>> No.11025280


>> No.11025296

Found it at h&m randomly, was $35. Looking up the style code I couldn't find anything on the site and it seemed like it was the last one in stock. So idk man

>> No.11025303
File: 3.32 MB, 5312x2988, 20160304_141105.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's the tag good luck

>> No.11025305

Then good find?
I wouldn't spend over $25 on H&M shit.

>> No.11025310

I agree but it was interesting in my size and I thought it looked cool. So worth it for me besides that the only thing I get from h&m are there shit when they go on sale.

>> No.11025314

Thanks anon. I'll be on lookout.

>> No.11025317

Maybe if you layer it with something heavy and black, such as a long Rick/julius coat , with some large fitting cropped trousers and boots/geos
Basically you can't be "middle of the road" ie you have to go either full goobyninja or throw it away imo

>> No.11025318
File: 744 KB, 1441x2695, IMG_3809.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Updated fit pic with it head on and me not loooking slightly overweight

>> No.11025321

thanks I can see this.

Ignore pants didnt change into pants that work with it

>> No.11025323

jesus no. stop pushing goof ninja/rick on people

>> No.11025324

I dig it

>> No.11025327

you seem like you're skinny but yeah the draping is making ya look thicker and flabby.

>> No.11025333

No. With the right photo filters and scenery, you can take a good looking picture in it, but no living person who sees you in it will think you don't look stupid.

>> No.11025339

>no living person
not true

>> No.11025355
File: 384 KB, 1280x960, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does this face work?

>> No.11025383
File: 75 KB, 466x750, tumblr_nwxyhiJLJJ1uj9freo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

id cop that shit in a heartbeat, but i wear cyberpunk and goth ninja shit 24/7 so im used to people thinking i look retarded. >>11025050
is kind of right, but its not so much just an interesting face as it is you need to go all in. black on black on black with makeup to bring out the right features and hair that suits it. its a good fashion, but its completely alternative.

>> No.11025398


Well, you don't look exotic, although you've got big eyebrows and lips, that's something. Come to think of it, you've got that tom hardyesque thing going, I dig it. Could be worse. But when it comes to goofninja, I have something different in mind. Rick is a good example - people rarely look good in his clothes, but he does - and he isn't what most people would consider attractive.

>> No.11025402

this looks pretty decent desu

>> No.11025410

Op here, I dunno maybe I think you would need to look confident in it and make sure the rest of the fit looks good. I wear whatever I want but I always try to look confident whenever I wear something more "out there" confidence is key to making it look good

Thanks I think so too but I'm afraid of being mocked by friends lol

>> No.11025413

>but he does
nigga, seriously. dude looks like a joke just like any other asshole wearing that stuff.

>> No.11025414

>could be worse

Best compliment I've received all day—and I've received A LOT.

>> No.11025427
File: 1.36 MB, 2592x1936, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I wear whatever I want

Same, that's why I bought this ridiculous Alexander Wang jumpsuit for $700. The ladies love it.

>> No.11025433

This a vague insult?

>> No.11025445

looks good imo

>> No.11025450
File: 159 KB, 1024x576, rick-owens-michele-lamy-matthew-stone-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Just my opinion, famiglia. I find the look very "whole" aesthetically, with just the right amount of kitsch, not something I would wear, personally.


You're welcome, I guess.

>> No.11025457

I feel you mate, I am blonde only 6' and this is the kind of stuff I want to wear but it just looks odd on me. If i had black hair or were super gangly (6'3 or more) I feel it would work better

>> No.11025474

just dye your hair, or grow it out. and 6' is tall enough, you just need to lose weight.

>> No.11025519

Not at all, more like tongue-in-cheek self aggrandizement. Not trying to put anyone down—people deal with enough shit. Anyway, I just agree that people should rock with they do with unadulterated swagger.

>> No.11025524

Don't get mallninja garms. This looks black mannequin tier.

>> No.11025531

gotcha, sorry man

>> No.11025544

>dude looks like a joke
But family, why? Don't you appreciate aesthetic variety in your social milieu?

>> No.11025564

"aesthetic variety" is a nice phrase but I wouldn't be so bold as to apply it to this particular piece.

>Why don't you like eating dog shit
>Do you not like a diverse flavor palette

It has to be a good form of diversity to make this argument work.

>> No.11025589

Which piece are we discussing, OP's or the jumpsuit?

>> No.11025606

looks p good senpai

get new friends lmao

oh man i mean if you've got the cash i guess but how would you even begin to style this

go pls

>> No.11025620
File: 1.04 MB, 3200x2264, stagepersona4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Different guy, but I have relevant questions, I'm working on creating an aesthetic for playing live music. I like taking inspo from the drapey black type of aesthetic, (The outer layer on top is a number (n)ine piece) but in terms of pants, I thought the cargo trousers would give the look a more masculine edge since my body type is more solid I figure I would look silly if I tried to go for a look that's too feminine. I will eventually cut down the excess weight, but I want to build a bit more lean muscle before I do that.

I guess I'm just interested in any second opinions. The image marked as number 2 is kind of the best one I think, 1. is too minimalistic and three looks too clashing, but I feel like 2 could sitll be optimised (the shirt is way too big on me, even the angle trickery I've tried in the photo doesn't really hide that. I was wondering if anybody had any suggestions in terms of different shirts, shoes, thoughts on whether or not the jacket and pants clash.

>> No.11025645

>the shirt is way too big on me

Lol. Your clothes fit like a condom. You could start with correcting this part. Fabrics look shitty, the pants are just horrible.

>> No.11025687

You reckon all the fabrics look shitty? I feel like they're quite decent, I mean none of the pieces are cheap shit, pants are CDG mianline. I kinda get what you mean by the condom effect, but IDK, maybe I have weird proportions seeing as how the clothes are tight in some areas and loose in others. maybe its worth me looking into more tapered fits.

>> No.11025703


They might well feel decent, it's just how they look to me. The fabric of the pants seems all right, I just really don't like the cargo thing. Your fit looks like a random collection of darkish items of clothing. I'd try much thicker rugged clothes if I had a similar built.

>> No.11025739

or you know he could just return it cause it is very odd looking regardless of who wears it looks like chinadress

>> No.11025755

Jumpsuit guy here.

I jwear a white shirt underneath and some low top sneaks, usually white Achilles. But desu, I almost exclusively wear it to party in Brooklyn—nothing like grooving to deep house on Molly in a smoke filled warehouse surrounded by hip and attractive twentysomethings

>> No.11025770

>implying shit equals food
>implying palette and style are analogues
>implying your analogy isn't what it talks about
>implying there are good types of diversity
>implying an objective 'good' exists at all

What are you doing guy

>> No.11025813

hell yea dude

>> No.11025847

can u post fit? really interested how it looks

>> No.11025870
File: 1.54 MB, 2592x1936, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yuhhh—don't mind the iPad

>> No.11025874
File: 79 KB, 1280x720, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My sides

>> No.11025876

Post fits

>> No.11025886

You look a bit like a mechanic or janitor but I dig it, If I saw that in public I would be like "did you see that guy in the sweet jumpsuit"

>> No.11025904

Even without seeing your face I can tell that you have an extremely generic face

>> No.11025923

Would cop.
But only for larping

>> No.11025999

Hey thanks man—and oddly enough, it was this jumpsuit that made me realize how little the average person pays attention to what some random stranger wears. The first time I wore it was at an extremely typical college bar in Dallas. Being the gregarious guy I am, I expected the majority of people I spoke to to comment, but only 3 people out of probably 50 did. Also, you can usually tell if a crowd takes notice of you, as they might a hyper-tatted biker in a Red Lobster, but I dont really get that impression whenever I wear this, even outside of raves. Anyway, I just find it interesting how much time people (including me) put into something like fashion that others hardly ever acknowledge, be it vocally or at all. That being said, most won't notice an exceptionally fresh outfit from one minute to the next, but everyone knows if you look like shit all the time, hence "dress to impress"

>> No.11026030
File: 441 KB, 847x988, 20160304_183939-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Eh I mean it's not great but it's not terrible either idk

>> No.11026043

You pull that off I was skeptical but it's actually great

>> No.11026044

Nice dress

>> No.11026057


>> No.11026067

V dope. Wish I was in a cool city to groove with qt twentysomethings

>> No.11026072

Everything about your image exudes excessive normie fuccboi radiation.
That h&m top is absolutely not right for you

>> No.11026079

>u look to normal
>stop being so normal
>wear skin tight clothing

>> No.11026115

Fuck you sorry my face isn't fucked up out different

>> No.11026144

Insults: ignore or embrace them.

>> No.11027165

Don't tuck the tee into loose cargos. Especially if you are stocky. It looks terrible. The fabrics look Zara tier maybe it's just the photo. If you,re looking for something to wear while playing live you can try sleeveless with those cargos. A blazer live is gonna be a nightmare.

>> No.11027171

lose weight. only skinny people should tuck in tees, looks way too boxy of a silhouette on beefy boys like u