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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 676 KB, 750x1333, 20160302_164725(1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11018273 No.11018273 [Reply] [Original]

I've got sunshine on a cloudy day
When it's cold outside, I've got the month of May
I guess you'd say
What can make me feel this way?
My pants, its my pants guys.
Ive tried my damndest to make somethin Im proud of, outfit wise that is.
Had to walk around with my Bass today, so I had that too
I think the biggest issue was the shoes, but I didnt have other options at the time.

Hope it looks alright to you guys, I like what I accomplished here.
But these are my opinions, what are your's?

>> No.11018349

why don't you just keep your retard-tier fits in WAYWT

also try not eating like a fucking cow

>> No.11018352

this is definitely a weird step back, big guy

>> No.11018362

How so? Why is it bad?
And I have stopped eating like a cow :(
Whadidi do

>> No.11018370


>> No.11018372

I don't know if you're just yanking my leg here or are just autistic. What are those X 1000. Buy a decent fucking pair of jeans. This whole fit is very school shooter core.Fuck

>> No.11018377

You may be onto something with the pants.
Found em at the bottom of my jean pile.
Wasnt sure how they looked, Im getting the feeling theyre garb.
Consider em gone

>> No.11018388

What are you trying to achieve or express with this look OP?

>> No.11018392

Ditch the shoes too, get a pair of converse or some nike skate shoes or something fuck, just about anything but those ugly ass hiking shoes or whatever the fuck they are

>> No.11018396

My recs big guys. This gloves-like things from hoodie look stupid, better don't wear them. BEanie is too huge, looks like mooshroom. So better wear a normal cap (not baseball cap, but oldschhol dadcap). Jeans are okay, length is good.
Imo jacket clashes a bit due to being colorful. But I'm not so good at color theory.
You make progress with your body though, already in better shape than before! Keep goin'. My advice is to not wear prints or camo or something similar, but concentrate on solid colors. Darker indigo jeans, some cheap Vans and grey/white/olive/black any other solid color (look at tuxbell, they have chart for solid colors) are pretty easy to wear and mix.

>> No.11018397


kill yourself

>> No.11018399

you have to be 18 to post here

>> No.11018410

>jeans are okay
Idk m8 they look pretty garbo 12-year old mom bought to me.

>> No.11018414

im the guy that told you to kill yourself, just wanted to say sorry, i feel bad about what i said, i didn't read the text i thought it was a bait, keep trying man you will make it

>> No.11018415

oh, another advice. It isn't an insult like people believe there, but for complete beginner you should at least read some basic warderobe guides on reddit/r/mfa. They are pretty solid for giving you a starting point. I guess you don't swim in parents money like kids on this hong kong cartoons board, so my guess is to spare like 150$ and buy three things.
>Levi's jeans (501, but I would suggest to just try them on in store and find best fit)
>Vans or Converse (often on sale, search on the internet)
>Some basic hoodies and sweats from Uniqlo for the rest of the money
It should be enough for the beginning pal.

>> No.11018417

You got a lot skinnier since I last saw you post or it might be the layers

Definitely looking school shooter core now though

>> No.11018421

You didn't saw how he began. Guy doesn't have money and actually managed to do with so less a good job to improve his fit. This one is weak I agree, but he already improved himself previously.

>> No.11018424

yeah my b, I have no idea who this dude is so I just thought he was another aspie, keep going dude

>> No.11018430
File: 699 KB, 750x1333, 20150928_103415(1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To be honest, Im not too sure.
I was lookin at some 90s inspo and a lot of it had hoodies and plain jackets.
I found this hoodie with holes in the arm so that you use it as gloves.
I kinda dug the way it looked, so I thought Id try it.
Fair, Ive gotten this comment quite a few times.
I usually dont wear them, but I kinda needed a decent pair of mud runners today.
You can see the result...
Ill ditch em
Yeah, that hat was for the blizzard this morning.
Should have put it away when it ended
Well, hmm. No, no I dont think so
Thats alright man, I get it a l8t. I mean a LOT
21, man. Plenty old enough
Got all this stuff, I was just experimenting.
Ive rejected the null hypothesis.
Beats when I use to wear a trench coat, dropped 30 pounds too.
Daww, I have fans. Here, have an older picture

>> No.11018435

Are you a school shooter or something?

>> No.11018438

You think you're being funny, don't you?

>> No.11018455

Sneakers would work much better in this fit. These slip on shoes rarely look good, really try to invest into some Converses or Vans.

>> No.11018464

I like it

>> No.11018468
File: 676 KB, 750x1333, 20151001_081912(1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How so?
Ive got some converses, here have another!

>> No.11018470

You look like the average Texan in winter. Were you trying to go for that?

>> No.11018472

If only your pants fit.

>> No.11018482

This one is miles better than first fit you posted there. But man, you really should taper your jeans. Search for tailor, immigrant ones can tailor jeans for 10-20$, would do you good job. Also belt looks a bit childish and silly because of star. I think you can find normal belt for 10$ in every store.

>> No.11018494

Not sure if joke...
Nope, kinda went a bit of utilitarian though didnt I?
Hoodie for warmth, fatigues for weather protection.

>> No.11018503
File: 987 KB, 2560x1440, 20160224_115426.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I do have some better fitting ones, have yrt another!
Thanks, got a couple new belts.
That was one my first issues that I addresed.
Got a plain black one, and a plain brown one now.

>> No.11018506

I'm at PSU bro, what frat are you in?

>> No.11018513

Sorry man, just a fan.
I live in oswego ny

>> No.11018519

bullshit, that's a Penn State dorm

>> No.11018530
File: 32 KB, 2162x1080, 1453136098316.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hey man seeing dat weight loss, keep it up bro!
Also where abouts are you? Suburby sleepy kind of place or city? If you're anywhere sort of city like theres normally good thrift stuff around for cheap. I hope It's not bad to assume that you probably don't have a lot of money floating about for clothes, so a good idea is to look out for vintage/ reclaimed stuff that'll be good to get a few decent items.

>> No.11018533
File: 723 KB, 2560x1440, 20160302_181357.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry to dissapoint

>> No.11018536

which chromosome wasn't properly made there huh buddy?

>> No.11018551

Thank ya thank ya.
I live in both, Oswego is a college town a lot of city kids. And within earshot of a pretty big city.
And dont he sorry, youre right. I dont have a lot of cash and thrift shops are very much my place to shop.
I go weekly for the new stuff!
Im not sure, you tell me. Youre the expert on missing chromosomes.

>> No.11018552

Well, that's a good fit. I mean, for this one I'm proud about you, looks good to people around you and makes you look better too. These pants are also better fitting. You see, you don't need dad jeans, simple slim jeans work pretty well and do you huge favor. Two belts is good and enogh. JUst don't forget to wear brown one with brown shoes and black one with black ones. Simple and old fashion rule.

>> No.11018558

Best fit from you I've seen yet

>> No.11018569


ayyyyy suny lmao

fredonia grad here

>> No.11018570
File: 16 KB, 512x384, KE9jWoo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ug, so many errors. Too much vodka. Sorry
That was one that I experimented with too.
Took a lot more opinions than the original post.
Brown and blue are my colors.
I know the shoes to belt rule, thats why I got both of em

>> No.11018577

Ayy, got some buds from out there.
Valentines was my shit for a while

>> No.11018579

This is a decent fit, but as far as casual/streetwear goes you def need some work. I think your problem is you buy into the memey shit too hard when you really need to get down the fundamentals before you get into the "high fashion" stuff

>> No.11018582



>> No.11018584

not bad tbqh

>> No.11018587

High fasion?
Im wearing camo and hoodies.
Im gonna agree with you on the basics though.
I think Ill post a base tomorrow on the waywt

>> No.11018595

Yeah, I cant really smell butterscotch without throwing up because of them

>> No.11018601

do you know a girl named lindsey

>> No.11018605

I know a few

>> No.11018609

>us army
>red army belt buckle
Go get the SS field cap to complete the look.

>> No.11018612

let's all love lain

>> No.11018619

Ha, yeah.
Im not that kind of stupid.
It was the only belt I had at the time.
Buckle was one grandparents, the jacket was anothers

>> No.11018747

I get what you were trying to do with this fit. I'd get some better shoes, I've seen you wear some converse they would be fine. Definitely remove the beanie and gloves. Get some tapered or better fitted pants. Just my 2 cents Big Guy.

>> No.11018862

Shoes, check
Beanie, gone
Jeans, vamoose

>> No.11018921

You were making much progress. This is a step backwards though. Keep trying, I really believe in you Big Guy.

>> No.11019007

Daaaamn, Daniel. Seriously, find more shit that fits like that. Good progress on the weight loss. Keep it up. OP fit is trash, but this is actually preddy darn nice, especially taking into account where you started.

>> No.11019026

That text is cringy, you're ugly as Fuck and the whole fit Is below a 0/10. Honestly you could stunt in a 10k Euro fit and still look like shit. Some people should just stay away from fashion and you're one of them.

>> No.11019032


>> No.11019034

Just stop this is embarrassing

>> No.11019039

Nothing looks good on you

>> No.11019073


>> No.11019078
File: 85 KB, 300x300, 10c65289-c4ef-4c3a-8c98-488ea6bf4d21.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This entire thread

>> No.11019086

Positive as always, that's why I love you Big Guy

>> No.11019119

Every hypothesis needs testing, Im just trying to fail to reject.
Thank you James

>> No.11019121

Big Guy, congratulations on making huge progress. Originally you dressed like absolute garbage but >>11018503 is a good fit in comparison to where you started. Keep focusing on the fundamentals before trying to get into more avant-garde fashion and keep focusing on your weight. Once you get to understand proper color theory and silhouettes you'll be be producing some pretty good fits.

>> No.11019137

You look like the kind of guy that appears on Fox News for slaughtering minorities with a grammarly incorrect manifesto about white supremacy.
And then you look like worse version of charlie kelly from always sunny which is saying something.
Stop shopping for clothes at thrift stores and wear Walmart cloths like pasty white Texans should be.
Also, why the f would you bleep out your face when your first pic is unbleeped lol

>> No.11019149

>grammarly incorrect
not sure if b8

>> No.11019303

Come on man, at least try to read the numbers in my filename.
Most of those were almost a year ago when I first started
And grammarly, really?
I may be half cocked, but even I know thats wrong

>> No.11019483

You are my most hated human being, Big Guy.

Your fits are R/mfa tier trash and you genuinely don't listen to anything anybody has to say.

You are the embodiment of /fa/.

>> No.11019490

I'm sorry Big Guy. That was bitter.

I love you.

>> No.11019550

bait af

>> No.11020395

I honestly can't telling if you're baiting anymore, but this is hands down the best fit you've ever posted

>> No.11020416

I always wanted a Spitfire cap! .... awwwwww :(

>> No.11020420

now unless this is bait

its a strong confirmation this board fluctuates from complete shit to decent threads daily

with that said this kid needs to get off a computer and work a job for decent clothes

sell your xbox or something

>> No.11020449

i want some backstory, how did you become the meme you are nowadays?

>> No.11020539


/fa/ actually giving helpful advice. Haven't sten this since '09

Sorry got something in ma eye...

>> No.11020550

why don't you just show us some photos of a style you like, and if it suits you i will go online and find you some cheap fits in that style, so you're not always posting on here getting called b8?

>> No.11020601

lmao what are you doing with your hands

this is better but you still look fucking awful

get a shirt that fits and some nicer trousers and a pair of decent shoes

>> No.11020677

Well thats alright, Ive gotten worse
No, its not
Why thank ya
I know right? Gotta clean that one so I can wear it more.
Got it when I was in 7th grade, god its nine years old.
What do you think I do when Im not posting?
Jerkin off all day?
I wish I could be paid for that
Wanted to improve how I looked, moved from some other boards to here.
Its been a long time
Thats why I love my threads
Genuine threads where people dont just say its shit and move on.
Criticism, its wonderful!
Because I like damn near everything, I dont really have a style pinned down
Yeah, that was pretty early on.
Had no idea what to do with them.
Ended up getting a load of plain white shirts after that

>> No.11020682


if you're ever in the area, find someone in delta chi and you'll eventually find me.

i'll buy you a pint

>> No.11020739

Much appreciated friend

>> No.11020763
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>> No.11020781

is this real or some next level rusing
i am not sure anymore, but poes law still holds

>> No.11020798

"Hey, do you guys go on 4chan?"

Come on man, you're setting this dude up for failure.

>> No.11020801
File: 268 KB, 1050x570, mensweardogevis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey man, that last outfit actually looked pretty good! Please don't fall for the /mfa/ ocbd, khakis, brown dress shoes meme, but it's a good place for you to start out. I'd say you've got a solid 7/10 grasp on dressier clothes, meaning it's passable to anyone who isn't into fashion at a level more than the average person. Your casual, however, seems a bit off base, so I'd advise looking into maybe a mix of streetwear (don't fall for Dick Ovens meme for the love of God) or other casual wear to get a start!

>> No.11020839

way better

>> No.11020901
File: 1.41 MB, 280x210, tumblr_inline_nld83aWJBO1t3gy7z.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic related
Itd be quite the ruse wouldnt i4?
Itd be a year in the making
Plus that winky is funkin dumb
Thank ya, street wear was never something I never grasped.
Use to wear fin suits everywear.
I now realize how fedora that was

By the way, new day new outfit.
Im wearing that spitfire cap.
Is it still douchey to wear it backwards?

>> No.11020920


yeah i thought of that outcome as well.

I mean I could have him say "can you get a hold (insert my last name here), and tell him a guy from a Cambodian basket waving club is here; he'll know".

but then my last name is on 4chan and NOPE

>> No.11020924

Post it? I'm curious

>> No.11020928

Give a fake name?

>> No.11020931

Lets be honest here guys, Im never going to take him up on the offer.
Just as he would likely never admit to being that anon.
Its mostly just courtesy

>> No.11020933

Post wut?

>> No.11020937

The new fit

>> No.11020974

Oh, well sure.
I will in a bit.
Doing something

>> No.11021009
File: 806 KB, 1001x823, happyfeels.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

saw your first thread a while ago
you gon make it

>> No.11021024

You posted my favorite feel image :')

>> No.11021045


how would one of my brothers know who he's referring to though?


pretty much this. although, you could come to our fredfest party. still prolly wont admit to Laotian cucumber farming though.

>> No.11021096

Don't you have some nickname? Wouldn't that work?

>> No.11021125

Just wear this everyday. It works

>> No.11021295


>will the real slim ginger, please stand up?

thats my official nickname. our nicknames aren't so much nicknames as they are humiliating titles from stupid shit we did while pledging.

beats one of my fat ex-pledge brother's..

>i wonder what my dick looks like

>> No.11021394

dad-core suits you

>> No.11021403

Nike skate shoes? Loser

>> No.11021862

I think I'm falling in love with your autism

>> No.11021870
File: 684 KB, 750x1333, 20160303_164130(1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bleep bloop heres todays, also gonna throw it in the waywt

>> No.11021902

This wasn't awful, I don't dig the frames but the rest of it is okay. Are those your cowboy boots?

>> No.11021947

Nope, theyre in the closet til the snow stops being a issue

>> No.11022004

Still slimmer pants senpai.
Best of luck from Denmark

>> No.11022009

What did this board correct "senpai" to senpai??

>> No.11022023

I like it
not being sarcastic

>> No.11022040

Thank ya, one day!
Pretty sure its f a m senpai

>> No.11022141

No homo you're the coolest guy on this board. Hope your fits become the sickest

>> No.11022537

I appreciate it man, I hope so too

>> No.11023851

Toss that shirt out

>> No.11024409
File: 357 KB, 1280x960, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You give me courage that one I'll be able to post my face, but here's my bust, big love, big guy

>> No.11024835

You are so fucking pathetic that i strongly urge you to take your own life. Seriously, fucking kill yourself. You do not have ANY redeeming features and i can almost guarantee that no one with an IQ over 70 is your friend. Please fucking end your life and do yourself a favor.

>> No.11024845

Based on occasionally seeing his posts, I'd say he does have a redeeming feature. The desire of self-improvement. Best of luck bud, keep following people's advice.

My personal advice? Don't be too adventurous. Don't take risks. Dress modestly; focus on how things fit as opposed to following trends. Wear muted colours and don't wear anything "extra" like caps - just basics.

>> No.11025814

jacket and hoodie are fine

lose the beanie either completely, or for something that doesnt make your head look like a fucking shroom

lose the school shooter tier gloves

get better pants and shoes that match your jacket/hoodie

>> No.11025829

Legit looks like a different person, way to go

>> No.11027259

Rawr, kitty's got claws
You will, honestly showing your face doesnt matter here much

>> No.11027268

damn edgy as fuck but he/she is right please an hero there is nothing redeeming about you're inbred ass

>> No.11027533

How rude!

>> No.11028015

how come this guy is such a cuck....
your fits are shitty, and your shoes are laborcore
<stop posting tripfag>

>> No.11028053

Jeez man, its the first step back Ive had in a while
Sorry for trying to better myself.
Also, fuck off with inappropriate use of cuck

>> No.11028099

>trying to be better by asking others for validation

>> No.11028123

How often do you play D&D

>> No.11028136

>Trying to improve because I know I look trash in general.
Its one thing to believe in yourself, its another to know when you need to improve.
I need to, and I need people who know better than I do to get to a respectable point.
Its called humility, fuck off
Ive never played. Looks alright, just not for me.

>> No.11028165

>Being that lazy

The part about being yourself went way over your head.
Look at some fits, study color pallets, get some cheap cloths and play around with them


>> No.11029670

Grat moves, keep it up

>> No.11029694

Jesus fuck the army jacket is so small on you

>> No.11029717

Is that cum on your left leg?

>> No.11029723
File: 33 KB, 310x394, 1454850056032.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why does this autist think he needs a whole thread to show off his shitty fits
there's enough fucking advice and waywat

>> No.11031215
File: 255 KB, 432x426, 1449215680911.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hope I do
Grandad was a bit smaller when he was wearing it
Nope, white paint. Cant get that shit out
Because the advice and waywt threads are cancerous.
Best opinion that I get there is that my 'fits' are shit, or that I should kill myself.
At least in my threads Im told why theyre shit or why I should kill myself

>> No.11031420

you just look like a kid, kid
not bad, just like some kid

>> No.11031432

this literally triggers me

>> No.11031443

Ru ro