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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 123 KB, 598x599, realfriends.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10813737 No.10813737 [Reply] [Original]

>tfw no real friends

>> No.10815093


>> No.10815099
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>> No.10815107

Being a lone wolf is /fa/

>> No.10815118
File: 141 KB, 640x640, emotions.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

only in movies. you can only bear the crippling loneliness for so long...

>> No.10815127

get a job that causes you to meet a lot of people, also you could meet people online.

>> No.10815130


nothing is /fa/ without others to observe it

>> No.10815145

/fa/ only real when shared

>> No.10815147

Someone explain this meme that blew up on fucking FourPins?

>> No.10815160
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>tfw a handful of close friends with strong bonds

>> No.10815177

This 2bh, feels really good

>> No.10815195

>also you could meet people online
worst advice ever

>> No.10815200
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>tfw have close friends during school but then break comes and everyone drops off the face of the earth

>> No.10815215

True friends stab u in da front

>> No.10815221

who the hell spends more than 15 dollars on a haircut

>> No.10815319

Shut the fuck up you Supercuts faggot

>> No.10815325

where the fuck do you get your haircuts from?

most salons and good barbers are at least 25+tip

maybe this is why you have such a shitty haircut m8

>> No.10815357
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going on 3 years

>> No.10815378

>has too many 'friends'
>many different groups
>its nice when they're around
>still emotionally unfulfilled

currently seeking a higher physical plane

>> No.10815379

ive been involved in (irl) communities and stuff. Meet countless people. Endless friendly acquaintances, but never friends.
Of the few friends i do pull, none last more than 5 years before we just never talk, and ive never had a close friend the way i see some people have where each person is super important to each other and theyre really close.

i dont often think about it because i dont know what im missing really, but since i lost my job over the summer and my wife is at work all day, i havent been around all the friendly acquaintances that kept me from realizing how alone i am.

>> No.10815380

anyways my tip is just to go out i guess to social places
even if you don't have friends
just go
talk to the person behind the counter
or talk to your parents
just talk
don't be picky
don't waste your youth

>> No.10815381

ask them to go do something with you
also, MODS

>> No.10815383

Unless you are a metrosexual (read homosexual) with no self respect, your hair should never cost more than 15 dollars to cut.

Jesus Christ, what a faggot.

You should be able to cut your own hair with just clippers and a mirror.

>> No.10815387

you do realise you are on the fashion board right?

>> No.10815388

actually that's not exactly right either because when i was doing that i was pulling people that just used me etc.
the point is to know yourself and find people who you enjoy being around, and most importantly who love being around you.
and learn and grow as a person i guess like if there's something you do to make people hate you that can be discarded, let it go

>> No.10815402

not even using supercut but i know for one fact that people spending that much on haircuts are bent

>> No.10815407
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Yes I am, which is why I thought I'd point out that if you care about how you look and how others perceive you, you'll get a proper haircut like a proper man

i.e. short back and sides and neat on the top

Not looking like some degenerate Japanese JPOP embarrassment.

>> No.10815411

Why do all the american hair stylists I've ever seen look like this?

The fob asian ones are always scantily clad women who probably give handjobs in the back.

>> No.10815422

yeah get a boring haircut that will make you look like every other person on earth who knows nothing about fashion
great idea
>b-b-but muh masculinity
if you are that insecure about your manhood then you might aswell not be on this board, because you will never be fashionable

>> No.10815435


yeah, get an 'interesting' haircut that makes you look like an edgy 14 year old girl who has daddy issues and listens to shit music like every other edgy faggot in the world who gets bullied for good reason

great idea
>b-b-but muh originality
if you are that insecure about yourself then you might as well not be on this planet because you will never be functional

>> No.10815438

There's a difference between looking good and looking like a fuckhead.

If you spend more than $20 on a haircut I can guarantee one of two things

1.) You live in a really expensive part of London/New York/Paris and this is just the going rate

2.) You look like a fucking moron and your parents are probably embarrassed whenever they see you. Cringeworthy.

>> No.10815439
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can you show us your superbly original unique 15+ haircut anon?

>> No.10815449

not saying theres nothing wrong with that haircut, im saying that your an idiot for thinking there is anything wrong with going to a salon to get a haircut you want that isnt masculine or functional
since when the fuck has fashion ever been about function, if you want function then you might aswell go buy walmart clothes and save your money, but dont come and post about it on this board because it isnt and never will be fashionable

>> No.10815459

>never be fashionable
Daniel Craig is literally one of the world's biggest fashion icons and the fictional character of James Bond is probably THE most fashionable and stylish man of all time.

>> No.10815462

literally every barber/salon near where i live that isnt some budget tier crap where they will mess it up if you give them a picture costs $20 or more

>> No.10815467
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>tfw you will never wear a $10,000 outfit

>> No.10815474

If you go to a 'salon' you're already 80% on your way to homosexuality.

>mess it up
It's really not difficult to get a simple, straightforward men's haircut. I'm not sure how it's possible to fuck it up.

I've never paid more than $15 and that's usually with a 3-5 dollar tip.

>> No.10815479

talking about cheap clothes, not daniel craig, because you seem to be so obsessed with functionality

>> No.10815492

you do realise there are salons made for women and men, because thats literally the professional name for any hairdresser that isnt a barber

>> No.10815493

But that's wrong, you can easily get a very good look from just walmart clothing.

Besides, cheap clothing usually uses cheaper materials, that's not applicable to haircuts and it's certainly not applicable to plain, traditional styles that are not complicated to achieve.

>> No.10815495

No man goes to a salon. Salon is literally a shortened term for 'Beauty Salon'.

It's a place where women hang out and get manicures, facials and put slices of fruit on their eyelids.

Any man that does any of the above is a raging faggot.

>> No.10815509

yeah maybe if your living in the middle of redneck america, most decent places to get your hair cut that cater to both men and women are called a salon

>> No.10815514

No, it's called a barbers.
If you go to a salon you are a faggot. Sorry to be the one to break this news to you.

>> No.10815521

>large group of friends
>only close to few
>everyone else could die without me caring
> :)

>> No.10815522

no, salons are for womans and faggots who get highlights and such in their hair

barbers are for typically developed men who take less than 10 words to describe what they want and less than 10 minutes to get cut

stop trying to justify your metrosexuality

>> No.10815525

barbers cater exclusively to men you fucking tard, the only reason i go to a salon is because they do a better job than any of the barbers around my place, you literally could not get anymore insecure about having to portray to everyone that you are a man, no one gives a fuck where you get your hair cut anyway

>> No.10815533

>i go to a salon
Confirmed for gay.

>> No.10815535


>you could die without anyone else caring

what now anon

>> No.10815538

ebin :^)

>> No.10815541

No, you go to a salon because you get stupid, cringeworthy haircuts which you think look 'fashionable' and 'trendy'.

The sort of thing that most barbers would laugh at if you asked them for it, and rightly so.

>> No.10815546
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aspire for more you peasant

>> No.10815549
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>> No.10815590

dude, i go to a chain barbershop in a town with a population of 100k in finland and that shit costs 30 euros. and it's not a salon either, everything is just really expensive here. the only way to get a haircut here for under 20 euros is to have friend do it for you.

>> No.10815609

>tfw you have friends but they aren't /fa/ so you can't take them to clubs and shit

>> No.10815730

Käy etnisissä mestoissa. Turkkilainen leikkaa 15 täällä.

>> No.10815746

This, i do go to the club with them, but fuck they are akward sometimes.. But hey, they are my good pals so w/e

>> No.10815758

This so much. I'm a terrible person to stay in contact with.

>> No.10815769

At least you're never alone.

>> No.10815777

I feel ya

Glad I met new people, but they can be lame af.

>> No.10815809

Keep in touch with your old friends though

>> No.10816014

Persona doesn't count.

>> No.10816068

Since when did the place you get the filaments on the top of your head chopped off, determine your sexual orientation.

Your opinion is ass, dude.

Like, even if traditional female behavior was the equivalent of faggy behavior (and it isn't), it still wouldn't make you a fucking fag to go to a women's hairdresser.

>> No.10816107

>going on 3 years

Casual. I'm going on 22 years.

>> No.10816130

b-big brother

>> No.10816204

>live in a small uninteresting town
>dont have a lot of money
>lost both my gf and best friend this summer
>all my friends are un/fa/ and boring
>they only drink and do drugs
>i only hang out with them so im not alone all the time

>> No.10816223

Meh I'll try, but they have turned into fratbros and recluses.

>> No.10816246
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>try to fit in with best friends' social group but everyone has their own cliques and won't accept you
>been going on for 2 years now

>> No.10816268
File: 11 KB, 424x417, 1411864273419.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>friend keeps messaging me on phone and facebook
>don't want to respond because he has his shit together and i literally have no clue what to do with my life
>have to read messages he posts in a whatsapp group we are both in
>"what happened to anon, i tried to reach him and he's not responding on any channels"
>"maybe he's dead"

i wanna die

>> No.10816272

why do they look like no more heroes characters

>> No.10816284
File: 72 KB, 1008x758, 1448326366051.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I may be ugly and a virgin but I do thank god everyday that I have at least a few people in my life that I truly trust, certainly one friend who is not a blood relation that I could call my brother

>> No.10816327

Just tell them. They obv care about you. Just tell them that even though you're happy for them and their success, you kind feel likenshit because you're not really where tou want to be in life.

>> No.10816330

hood barbers start at around 15 but the better ones are usually 25
hood barbers cut hair better than anyone, as long as the cut doesn't need scissors lol

>> No.10816340
File: 61 KB, 640x640, sammigood.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw I have senpai and friends that are cosmetologists/barbers and get cuts for free

>> No.10816762
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its a special kind of quiet hell

>> No.10816850

same here man

>> No.10816856

>tfw no ___ ___end_

>> No.10816878

Hahaha this is actually me wtf, I've made some new friends but they're all kinda lame and have a way different style(if any style at all) than me. They're fun to hang with but I can help but think there's way better people I could be spending my time with

>> No.10816961
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>€19 after discount :9

>> No.10816969
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>> No.10817031
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r u me

>> No.10817045

on second thought ive been feeling better lately. just find some people who have similar interests to you and spend a lot of time with them

that's not to say you shouldnt have any other friends, but theres always that group that you can go to and know they got your back

>> No.10817272

Meeting people online is one of the top ten worst things you can do in hard times.

>> No.10817290


I don't plan on meeting people online but I would like to know about your reasoning

>> No.10817299

I spend 50 dollars for a haircut, but its a really fancy hairdresser with massage chairs and stuff

Kek, tipping your barber, wtf america

>> No.10817425

My life was unbelievable before I started talking to people on the Internet. If anything good happens to you, don't tell anyone you have no idea how bitter people actually are.

>> No.10817434

What coat is this? Where & how get

>> No.10817458
File: 11 KB, 251x250, eggscellnt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mfw this is gilfoyle in silicon valley

>> No.10817790
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>4 friends that always wanna play games and do nothing else
>2 of them trying to be /fa/ but not trying hard enough
>Don't wanna hang out with them that often because they get boring
>Best friend is in school and we're slowly drifting away from each other
>Have an older group of friends that only wanna drink and get high

I hang out with them once in a while but it doesn't feel so good in the end.

>> No.10817839

who the fucks tips their barber

>> No.10817841

joe is that you?

>> No.10817849

A person that is plans to return there often.

>> No.10817858

Source on the picture?

>> No.10817922

getting high and drinking is quite effay, socialize with that group of friends and eventually find your way into the millenial "intellectual" underground scene

>> No.10817958
File: 124 KB, 648x595, _tfw_tits.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be 16 yr old me best friend meets Russian immigrant gf slowly lose contact cause she is possessive
>become NEET
>be 18 yr old me chasing girl
>ends up going out with one of my only friends
>2 yrs later things start getting sour girl is always hanging with me
>breaks up with her cause suspects her cheating
>Spill spaghetti admitting my love
>previous friend now hates me
>Become NEET for 4 years
>be 22 yr old me
>grow a pair of balls start trying to meet grills again
>date 3.14 cutie, she knows me better than I know myself, happiest I've ever been in my life
> She's been living 6 months at my place we spend all of our free time together
>Lose Job
>Breaks up with me
>Spiral of depression
>Meet old Oneitis from 5 years ago
>She's gotten fat
>Only friend I have

>> No.10817993

I don't mind drinking and getting high, it's just that these guys only wanna do it at their houses and It's only 4 of us. That isn't very fun.

>> No.10818033
File: 137 KB, 1170x923, feeling all over the world.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I went on the website expecting something like facts but the intro of the instrumental brought immediate feels without the lyrics even beginning
>tfw i havent stopped feeling since

>> No.10818043

Show us you UNIQUE haircut then

>> No.10818047

what a complete degenerate

>> No.10818083

>and eventually find your way into the millenial "intellectual" underground scene
it's not as great as you think

>> No.10818653


>> No.10818676

I'm actually in a very similar situation. My good friends from "back in the day" are now in their fucking late 20s and still doing the "game all day" thing.

The guys have not changed in the last 10 years at ALL. Most are still living with their parents, drinking a lot, getting obsessive over video games, and just not improving their life situation beyond what they did in highschool. I've offered to pay for them to take certification tests to get into IT work in their area - they don't even bother fucking studying and complain I didn't help them make a study schedule for them. Some have girlfriends who just sit in their room and futz around on video games with them, very little sex. A few live in literal fucking shacks or tents just so they can spend more money on video games. None have any solid job prospects (or, in most cases, a job at all), and every single one of them has given me shit for not spending 5+ hours playing goddamn MMOs with them. I can't stand doing that, even though I sometimes have the time on weekends - it's goddamn boring.

I'm now in this weird position where they think I'm gonna be hanging out with them like this for another 10 years, but they also expect me to bail them out when they do dumb shit like get a bunch of credit card debt. It's real weird to be buddies with someone who owes you two grand but who just blew a bunch of money on goddamn anime figurines.

Don't get in my position - cut ties NOW.

>> No.10818812

and i love it

>> No.10818860

Holy fuck Bateman, this is exactly the path I a large group of my old friends(in the town where I grew up) are heading off in. Down to the complete stagnancy since highschool and the lack of effort towards anything.

Do you have any advice for someone that doesn't want his friends to fuck it up like that. I mean, I'm not affected by it in any material or social way, but I'd like to see the people I grew up with succeed at not ruining their life somewhere down the line. I do care about them.

>> No.10819005

>Do you have any advice for someone that doesn't want his friends to fuck it up like that. I mean, I'm not affected by it in any material or social way, but I'd like to see the people I grew up with succeed at not ruining their life somewhere down the line. I do care about them.
I'm gonna be honest here and say that I have no good answers.

I've tried a lot of shit that didn't work. You can't domineer over them and make them do stuff because they'll resent you, halfass it, and eventually quit. You can't try to encourage them with the idea of money/girls/etc. because instantaneous gratification is going to trump that. You can't get parents involved because they're mostly to blame in the first place. The only time it DID work was when I just did everything for them - I literally did every bit of schoolwork for a while just to keep their GPA afloat enough for highschool graduation.

Don't get me wrong, if your friends are like mine, they're gonna talk a big game and promise a lot. The effort is just not gonna be there. I've bought people shit to kickstart them in various ways, it's never done anything but languish after one or two days of feigned effort.

Not trying to be flippant about it, I promise. I've been in a bad mood about this shit all week. I hung out with my old buddies for NYE and realized how fucked the situation is with their lives and how big the difference is now. It's fucked that some of these guys literally have $12 to their name and their game plan for survival is waiting on goddamn unemployment from their shitty summer temp jobs.

The correct answer for us is to distance ourselves, the problem is that in my case I'd lose all my close friends. I'm hoping that's not the case for you.

>> No.10819064

Damn. Thing is, my inner circle of friends is actually in the same boat as I am, they're actively working on their lives but feel a little lost.

It's the folks that fall just outside of that radius that seem to be unable to keep anything going for longer than two weeks of slacking and weak-willed attempts. Sometimes it feels like the only thing that separates me from them is that I've decided to move to another city, because the atmosphere seemed too unhealthy.

It's just disappointing to see loved ones waste their potential and their opportunities in favour of the short-term stuff.

Man, I wish you good luck. You're one of the few trips that's worth keeping around.

>> No.10819098

the instrumental is gorgeous. been stuck in my head and put me in a weird mood all weekend

>> No.10819108

Unrelated but do you mind me asking what you do for a living? You said you've helped people out financially and stuff. I'm 18 years old and graduating from high school in May and I'm terrified about going to college and not being able to find the right major or not making friends because I don't trust people for the same reason you and the other anon are talking about. I feel like nobody that I'm around has any real goals and I'm starting to fall into that same path. I don't put effort into things like I should, I'm always disappointed in myself, and I hate that about myself.

>> No.10819170

Thanks! You should definitely be proud of your own stress, current issues notwithstanding.

I'm a lawyer.

Go to a really good college and things will begin to fall into place. Trust me, there's no hard requirement that you know what you want to do now, but you should prioritize moving upward and opening doors. The whole point of Freshman curricula is to expose you to things you might be interested in studying and then subsequently pursuing as a career.

>> No.10819259

It's mostly one friend who just wants to play video games exclusively, and sorta trying to be more /fa/, the other two just wanna play games when we hang out but they're always out an about and it annoys me that they never wanna go out and just chill with me. And I just wanna get them to get out more instead of playing games every time but it isn't working as much.

I don't mind keeping the friends and helping them through shit. Like I want them to change their ways instead of just playing games, but making new friends is kinda difficult for me. I can socialize perfectly fine except I can never initiate the conversation.

>> No.10819662

I go to oregon state university, a mediocre state school. What can I do to ensure my success? I am a freshman studying business and math and I have a really good relationship with my business teacher who is a dope lady that's been in business forever and has ton of connections. I don't really know what to do though.

I know it's hella random but I'm in an introspective mood thanks to kanye.

>> No.10819691

Good one:^)

>> No.10819822


>> No.10819847

I wish I had friends who would help pay for certs

>> No.10820302

how to friends /fa/,
kinda feel like my "friends" are drifting off (mixed feelings but I think for the best)

where to find people; i know they're out there but just not sure how

>> No.10820308

*how to find friends fa
*I think its for the best

>> No.10820458

Ah, I gotcha. Maybe pull them to some sort of event or something? I've had success getting some of my more normal friends to join a social club I'm a member of, you might be able to do something equivalent.

Sorry for the delay.

1) Oregon State isn't mediocre. No school is as long as you push yourself. The only real exception are fake schools like DeVry. People on here trying to show off the name of their school are usually 17 year olds holding acceptance letters, nothing more.

2) Math is a solid major, Business maybe slightly less so, but the combination is solid if you want to go work as a quant or something. Don't obsess over that too much, particularly if you are talented at both - you should be studying what you're good at.

3) What you SHOULD do is load up on solid/useful extracurriculars. Get involved with local startups - there are bound to be some, and it's good business experience. Go grab a bunch of other students and start an investments club. Go do at least one thing athletic, both for your health and to show you're well-rounded.

You're a lot more on the right path than you think, but I understand the concern.

We're talking stuff like the CompTIA tests, MSCEs, and the CSCS. Not too expensive or fancy.

>> No.10820533

go to things that relate to your hobbies/interests and just try to get to know people there. i finish college soon and head off to uni and honestly i'm so close with my group of friends atm that i don't think i've made a genuine new friend in well over 5 years, i've no idea how to become friends with new people anymore

>> No.10820565

Kanye released new music

>> No.10820609
File: 988 KB, 3600x3600, GR005-BirthDefects-Cover-Web.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Friendships are comprised of two things it can be both:

A mutual perspective, outlook, or taste -- an all encompassing vibe.

A mutual situation, lifestyle, or social ecosystem.

But boy oh boy do I have news for you, you happen to be a few introductions away from people that very likely have a similar lifestyle and very OBVIOUSLY have similar tastes and outlooks as you.

Seriously guys, mods aren't going to burn to at the stake for dropping a tinychat url in every once in a while if you'd like to talk in real time... So long as you aren't flooding the board with impertinent shit. In fact setting up rooms is preferable to this.

>> No.10820763

I tip my barber mainly because we're a small town and it's 3 generations and they don't get a lot of revenue. They're really good and I feel like since they're not exactly packed all the time and exist in a farther out part of region of town I like to just give them a small tip the off-times I go there.

>> No.10820833

Thanks man. I actually just sent in my resume to the investment club so hopefully that'll work out. I'll try to join a sport and see what start ups are going on.