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File: 328 KB, 1600x1067, 3-IMG_5462.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10809424 No.10809424 [Reply] [Original]

Prepcore/Fratcore General

We back boys. Bean Boot edition. How are my fellow WASPs rocking these classics this winter?

>> No.10809425
File: 173 KB, 490x735, Justin-Chung-Lawrence-Schlossman (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10809430

>tfw live in New England
>really no better functional boots for our dismal winters than the classic Bean Boot
>can no longer wear it because stupid MFA fucks and college hoes buy them by the fuckin boatload no matter what climate they live in

fuck you people

>> No.10809474

We've got an edgelord over here men

>> No.10809494
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>> No.10809499
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>> No.10809504

bro you haven't even seen pics from the sequel to Take Ivy, have you?

>> No.10809506

Drop em senpai

>> No.10809535
File: 47 KB, 500x481, 5a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't have it
But I'll order it and scan the pics that aren't already online....eventually

>> No.10809543

are these the new cw's for the 950's?

>> No.10809549
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>> No.10810168


thank me later

>> No.10810185

hey you saved some of the Japanese pics that I uploaded

>> No.10810186
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>> No.10810207


>> No.10810214
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Ware two cop jacket

>> No.10810252

Harrington Jacket dude

>> No.10810263

This is noice

>> No.10810335

yeah everytime I see some cool pics I add them

>> No.10810344

Those boots are fucking disgusting.

>> No.10810359
File: 56 KB, 736x439, 6cc1bad56018dc46e551e42b30a9d33d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They look much better after they've been worn for a few years
Also Maine hunting shoe > Bean boot

>> No.10810401
File: 42 KB, 391x500, l_p0048306744.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just got the February issue of Free&Easy and actually have a second copy; if you want it email me and we'll work it out.

>> No.10810417
File: 89 KB, 640x640, tumblr_nh1iljRk8q1t14nbjo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would wear them if it wasn't for that shit heel. If they were like this I would wear them.

>> No.10810436

fortunately they can be resoled
but it'd cost a LOT
wedge soled shoes are way cheaper to make than lug soled shoes so any shoe repair shop would have to make a lot of changes

>> No.10810526

no hes right though.

not when you wear them like that

my dad has a pair of lug soled bean boots actually. things are like 40 years old and have been sent back like 4 times for new soles and leather.

>> No.10810544

They're the same boot they're all duck boots

>> No.10810547

nuh uh

>> No.10810551

>duck boots
i hate when people call them the ll bean duck boot, they were around before that term was even invented

>> No.10810571

this t b h

>> No.10810577


>> No.10810661
File: 846 KB, 706x748, what the fuck.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Someone told me Burberry is preppy
>Go to their site
>This is what I'm greeted with

>> No.10810731

Every time I see bean boots I think "oh hey they look better than I remember" and then I notice the soles

why the fuck are the soles like that
just why

>> No.10810745

for grip. desu i dont think they look that bad. not as good as regular black lug soles (my dad has been boots with a lug sole) but the heel is the worst part imo. if they are meant to have grip and everything, whats with the heel? the heel really is only applicable for horse riding, right?

>> No.10810764

There are people that willingly try to look frat?????????????????????????

>> No.10810803

kill yourself

>> No.10810817

it's almost like they're designed with function prioritized ahead of fashion!

>> No.10810902

why not use a fucking lug sole

>> No.10810914

>low top duck boots
this is seriously the dumbest shit

>> No.10810924

lug soles (vibram) were first patented in 1937. ll bean as a company was founded in 1912, and iirc bean himself was already selling the boot before he founded the company.
why dont they have a model with lug soles? who knows. they did at one point, the israeli army boot. a little digging will find a few references to ll bean supplying the israeli army with a few pairs of boots a bit ago, but nothing about selling a boot named after that, and no pictures i could find. but my dads got a pair, and thats what he calls his bean boots with lug soles, so presumably at one point they did sell at least a limited run, even if it was just the excess that the israeli army didnt need.
why dont they sell them now? presumably hipsters didnt buy them enough because muh heritage. fair enough. lug soles dont help in flat mud that goes up several inches, or on ice, which is what these boots were designed for primarily. maybe they will sell a pair at some point though. seeing as old leon leonwood bean is dead, and his successor, leon bean, is dead too. the guy, mark iirc, who took over, might not care quite as much.

>> No.10810949

thanks for the info
I'd love to see a pic of those army boots but I can't seem to find any

>> No.10810982

Youre a disgusting unoriginal faggot and youre not a wasp.

>> No.10810985

ill try to remember to snap a pic, but just picture really really old beat up bean boots (really old dry cracked leather) with lug soles, its got little metal loops instead of eyelets or speed hooks, im sure youve seen what i mean on other boots, i dont know the name. and its got a little leather pad running along the top of the upper which is still on some model of bean boots. i should be meeting with him tomorrow morning for a short hike so if the thread is still up later in the day ill try to post a pic for ya

>> No.10811004

much appreciated

>> No.10811020

dont thank me yet, famalamadingdong

>> No.10811044

theyre hard to wear.
My legs are so skinny that I end up looking girly unless I balance it out with a boxy coat.

>> No.10811066

lol not everyone has little twink legs, hit the gym tiny

>> No.10811381

Can't grow calves by going to the gym bro

>> No.10811388

D rings?

>> No.10811411

they didn't sell because the types of dudes who buy heritage work wear buy it if it has a GODO heritage

being a tool used by the zionist israelis who commit mass acts of genocide agaisnt muslim people to the point where barrack obama is still funding the effort to eradicate the nation-state of Palestine.....good idea not to wear them

>> No.10811600
File: 225 KB, 1000x1294, carlyheitlinger20110917_0010a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i want to fuck carly heitlinger's extra tight asshole so bad

>> No.10811890


>> No.10811900

by 'preppy' they mean prep the bull

>> No.10811913

Do the world a favor and end your life.

>> No.10811970

check out this retard

>> No.10812142
File: 791 KB, 1456x2592, IMAG0581.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here ya go

No it's like a flat piece bent around and rivited

Fuck off sieg, get the fuck away from me

>> No.10812148
File: 1.19 MB, 2592x1456, IMAG0582.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's the label on the back senpai

>> No.10812162

What a retard!

>> No.10812844

thanks breh

>> No.10813984
File: 2.58 MB, 1220x902, df.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What does everyone think of chubbies?

>> No.10813996
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>> No.10814017
File: 1.42 MB, 782x841, effay.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Not accepting your lord and savior "overpriced-badly-made-meme-shorts" as God

I wear the fuck out of them but for $50 a pop they're made like shit.

>> No.10814032

that's why they're called bean boots, cause the soles look like a lot of beans

>> No.10815286
File: 473 KB, 2000x2000, 10_BH5434-51_7DZ_24.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this preppy?

>> No.10815329

not at all

>> No.10815350

They're too-tier for very casual wear, but under no circumstances are colorful shorts actually preppy or wealth core. I love mine because I have huge legs from playing rugby.

>> No.10816333
File: 130 KB, 493x613, 43 - VGGPJQY.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yes absolutely

>> No.10816400

I wish they did non-US themed flag shorts. Like Norway, Azerbaijan, or even fucking Micronesia. Tired of seeing stars and stripes all over

>> No.10816406


Pre Fourpins Schlussmann or however you spell that shit

>> No.10816670

g9 baracuta :)

>> No.10817812
