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File: 112 KB, 1280x853, 1451235735158.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10808669 No.10808669[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

is it effay that i never had a gf even if i'm 19 ?

>> No.10808675

20 here, worse boat, pretty sure parents think I'm gay

>> No.10808676

I'm 24 soon and never had a gf
I don't know why the fuck would you give a fuck honestly

>> No.10808678

Being gay is pretty effay, you're good senpai.

>> No.10808684

Not caring about whether or not you have a gf is effay

>> No.10808691

19 here, same

>> No.10808695

same desu

>> No.10808700

look at how hard that cunt is trying to hold that exact stupid little face. lips slightly duck faced out, jaw clenched, eyes strained. holding her stupid little cig which she obviously doesn't smoke, and half empty bottle of vodka that she obviously doesn't drink, and thinking about nothing more than wanting this picture of herself to turn out perfect. what would it be like to go through life knowing this was the peak of your worth?

>> No.10808707

almost 25 here and no gf no sex

>> No.10808710

>never had a gf
>dress well and take care of myself

worst combination f a m

>> No.10808724

21, almost 22 and never had a gf either.

I keep getting told I look good but, tbqh, I just dont see it.

>> No.10808729

I'm 23 tomorrow told i'm handsome by girls they flirt, add me on instagram, even get my number and dates but i'm too autistic or too afraid to make a move and in highschool when a girl pulled down by pants in her room i ran away or when girls tried to get my numbers i would tell them i had a gf already but they knew i was lying i think they all think im gay including my parents because im not into sports, very skinny, take care of my appearance, am gentle, a vegan, and very sensitive and artistic and not macho at all

>> No.10808737

Haha, are you me in 3 years?

Vegetarian thinking of going vegan, skinny as fuck, not into sports, big on ceramics, though. My parents probably think I'm either straight or bi, since I have been on dates before, they just never panned out because I was too nervous.

>> No.10808741

Got first gf at 23. There is hope.

(I'm single again, lasted almost 3 years.)

>> No.10808768

Jesus christ just get over it and fuck someone it's not that scary
Or just admit you are gay to yourself

>> No.10808819


>> No.10808836
File: 10 KB, 426x430, 1446931366975.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>handholdless never gf
>every one in the family jokes that I'm gay

Personally I think it's funny

>> No.10808859

27 year old virgin here.
had a gf at one point though.

>> No.10808860

19 isn't even bad

I got my first gf last year when I was 22

>> No.10808868


Just hung up some posters of lesbians snogging.

>> No.10808899

a gf should never be some sort of achievement.
>not virgin but never had gf
>above average looks
>people freak after finding out i never had a gf
I just dont fuck with that

>> No.10808904

What is this image from?

>> No.10809315
File: 1.68 MB, 250x187, 1376659780832.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>fashion board
>over 10 posters who have not lost their virginity

welp, no wonder this board doesn't have credibility any more... this shit should be on wizard chan or r9k.

>> No.10809322

20 here and same, though I'm gay

>> No.10809329

pretty much how I live life

>> No.10809330

Have you guys ever had a girl at all? Or youve just never been in a serious relationship?

>> No.10809331

>I keep getting told I look good but, tbqh, I just dont see it.

from whom ? Mum ? Grandma ?

>> No.10809339

The 24 year dude here
Just never had a serious relationship
I had few 'gfs' as a teen but those really don't count as they were hardly relationships at all.
I've had plenty of girls and even at the moment there are some that are really into me but they just don't do much for me.
I don't really worry about it, I don't know why the hell people think it's so important to be in relationship.

>> No.10809342

you embarrassing, sappy piece of shit. i hope you are satirising here, otherwise kill yourself.

>> No.10809344


Because she is doing it for the picture you fucking cretin. Imagine making this fucking post

>> No.10809350

what means to "have" a girl

>> No.10809351

unless you're a genuine sociopath, never having a girlfriend/physical relationship in your late teens to twenties is cringeworthy. you don't have to have sex with someone, but not even being able to have the chance means that you are too much of a social outcast or home-dweller, unless you like on a farm in like Montana or some shit and have no choices

>> No.10809357

why are Americans so obsessed with having a "gf" and going on "dates" ? You should focus on accomplishing something and improving the society you life in.

>> No.10809358

I agree about his try-hard prose, but he has a point, the image she is trying to create is even cringier than his post, handsome person pretending the weight of the world is on her shoulders. No wonder OP's a virgin, saving pictures like that.

>> No.10809368

I dont know, someone you talk to and hangout with and fuck but its not serious

>> No.10809374

>be 21 kissless virgin
>don't tell girl i'm a kissless virgin because i'm not a retard
>kiss her, finger her, fuck her over the course of a month
>she never realized she took my virginity


>> No.10809378

This boards so fuckin cancerous, its perfectly fine if you dont have a gf, hopefully in the future you find one but its whatever. Nobody gives a fuck

>> No.10809383

>nobody cares
I think if you're 20 + and you've never had a gf, YOU WOULD care. Insecure and underage gtfo.

>> No.10809390

tell me more - was she a pig?

>> No.10809395

>don't tell girl i'm a kissless virgin because i'm not a retard

why the fuck do people do this? i talked to a guy at work and he asked me on a date and said "haha i'm a virgin so i'm not used to this" as if it give him a reason for being so fucking awkward. right in the conversation. fucking virgins need to learn to keep their mouths shut

>> No.10809396

The fact she didn't told you doesn't mean she didn't know buddy

>> No.10809399

you can usually tell an inexperienced kisser because of how way too excited they are

she knows

>> No.10809400
File: 437 KB, 1508x1493, 1449230003517.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>caring about anybody other than yourself

>> No.10809405

no she was actually really skinny, borderline anorexic. she was 5'10" (i'm 6'5"). i didnt really find her attractive but i liked the affection she showed me. she had an apartment right on campus so i would frequently spend nights there just for convenience

>> No.10809406

But really at the same time I don't see why it matters if someone is virgin or not
if he is trying to excuse being a sperg for it though

>> No.10809414


>> No.10809416

What did this even mean? Are you special?

>> No.10809420

it is kind of an achievement though, you found someone you're willing to spend that much time on and they were willing to do the same.

That's fucking neat desu senpai

>> No.10809422

it doesnt matter, but it's kind of a self fulfilling prophecy

"hurr durr maybe she'll offer to take my virginity if i tell her i'm a virgin BEFORE WE EVEN GO ON A DATE OR DO ANYTHING REMOTELY SEXUAL :^)"

no that shit will just make you look like a sperg

>> No.10809426

28 here I just don't give a fuck. that's effay right ?

>> No.10809428

ya agreed, sex/relationships are all about the level of trust with a person.

if you're comfortable with someone sticking their dick in you, you're pretty close. if you've never had that type of connection with someone then you're kind of missing out

>> No.10809434

also this is why prostitutes are a really bad recommendation for losing their virginity. it only gives you part of the sex aspect..

>> No.10809435


>> No.10809436

>Have had three girlfriends
>Have banged 21 girls

I dress like shit tho

>> No.10809444

Yeah true enough it's kinda awkward thing to just spit out I guess

>> No.10809447

I'm 19 years old and I spend my time hanging around other fashionably dressed men so I'm pretty sure my parents think I'm gay. Too scared to go after a gf.

>> No.10809448

fair played anon, have always wanted to fuck a skinny girl. I think it's the definition in all the bodily features low bf displays.

>> No.10809450

I have a 26cm dick

>> No.10809451

I guess prostitutes are an option for the hopeless just to demystify sex

>> No.10809456

fuck super skinny girls tho, you need a booty to handle

>> No.10809460

That's REALLY not effay at all. That's like fratboy-tier.

>> No.10809466

tfw 18 and never had a bf
if any of u live in burlington vt ill be ur gf

>> No.10809467
File: 164 KB, 650x470, Based Conor.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not worth the headache.

This isn't a bitter virgin talking either, just a guy who fucked a lot and made the mistake of getting into a serious relationship at a young age.

Put this shit on record, if homosexuality was a choice, I'd choose it no questions asked. I don't think I've ever seen a sad queer in my life. I actually know one and he's the happiest guy I've ever seen. Women are parasites, senpai. They feed on you.

>Mfw have to go back to fucking random skanks while Jeff Buckley covers the Smiths and asks me why am I on my own tonight

>> No.10809475

you yourself are probably willing to spend as much time and effort on something equally stupid and fruitless, so are other people. just because you've captured someone else's attention long enough to fuck doesn't mean its an achievement at all. if anything, probably you both wasted valuable time and money figuring out that you both should have never so much as made eyes at each other in the first place.

>> No.10809482

Same here but I'm 18

Is coping with loneliness by buying yourself expensive clothes effay?

>> No.10809492

>I don't think I've ever seen a sad queer in my life
I don't think you're allowed to be sad if your life mate (or even just a random bf) is another guy. Playing games together, watching sports together, similar fashion tastes, he won't interrupt you every 10 minutes when watching a movie with stupid questions.
God knows I'm envious of gay people.

>> No.10809514

>have to go back to fucking random skanks while Jeff Buckley covers the Smiths and asks me why am I on my own tonight
is it weird that I got that

>> No.10809521

Believe it or not anon, they are both popular artists

>> No.10809523
File: 33 KB, 310x500, 1394607375383.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everything you do when you're lonely is coping with loneliness.

Why would it be weird. I don't even listen to the Smiths and know that.

>> No.10809529

take advice from this thread - don't tell them!

>> No.10809534
File: 9 KB, 231x250, 1426993266816.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Everything you do when you're lonely is coping with loneliness.
ah jesus christ that hit me hard

>> No.10809536

not talking about fucking senpai, talking about gf/bf, very different thing

>> No.10809548

>Everything you do when you're lonely is coping with loneliness.
That's the biggest load of bullshit I have read all day
Drop trip

>> No.10809550

>Everything you do when you're lonely is coping with loneliness
This is true. It's also true that if you want to stop being lonely you need a change of habits. And I really mean a 180º change of habits.

>> No.10809562

sorry, just thought they were a bit more obscure
none of my friends listen to them, let alone that Jeff covered Morrissey

>> No.10809569

The only relationship I've had was with a girl, but turns out I'm gay

>> No.10809573

Be glad you're not eating your sorrows away like I used to. It's not a healthy habit, but out of the unhealthy ones, it has to be on top closest to the healthy ones.

>> No.10809575

you just need to engage desu

what I usually do is start creating. It's very easy to start creating from the bottom

>> No.10809580

>It's very easy to start creating from the bottom
But I'm not gay, anon

>> No.10809582

LOL, they're a fucking plague.

Also probably if you want to fuck a "cool" chick you need to know who the smiths are

I know someone like this, where are you from?

>> No.10809589

I'm eighteen and have had a gf for 2 years now, but i remember when i was 15, i was so goddamn lonely and depressed - the way i dealt with it then was through exercise (proven to alleviate depression,) learn the guitar, and I read relentlessly. I have always seen that as a major transitioning period in my life for developing my personality today - i may speak from my experience when i was 15, but it was truely a rewarding and enlightening period. Seek permanent change.

>> No.10809590

>had a gf when I was 18
>havent had one since, 23 now

if life drops me a 10, ill take it but otherwise im good, no relationship is infinitely better than a shitty relationship trust me
having close friends with no gfs either helps though

>> No.10809598

21 and never had a gf

it doesnt bother me at all. most people around me just complain about their relationship

all i hear from my female friends is complaints about their bf and then they break up and come to me for sex afterwards

>> No.10809604

why lie on the internet?

>> No.10809609

I'm from Montreal

>> No.10809620

Holy shit are you me

>> No.10809630

Are you me?

And the worst part is, I actually WANT a gf. Every time I meet a girl I think to myself "she's pretty gf material, I hope it works out this time", but the longer I get to know her the less I want her as girlfriend.

Should I invinite her to my sports competitions? She doesn't really understand my sport.
Should I watch an art film with her? She's not that into that kind of thing.
I could go running with her! But she would just slow me down.
Should I introduce her to my family/friends? Meh, that's sounds encumbering.

Every single time. And I'm not even too picky with looks, and the girls are dumb either. I guess I generally don't like spending time with people.

>> No.10809633
File: 403 KB, 271x279, Greg.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Everything you do when you're lonely is coping with loneliness

>> No.10809655

Im a complete recluse, but whenever I for some reason socialize I end up with a gf within 1 month, I just fail to form lasting relationships because I turn back to isolation sooner or later and Im not very affectionate. I dont know wheter Im attractive or not myself but Im being told so frequently.

>> No.10809662
File: 38 KB, 319x462, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Im in the same boat anon

>> No.10809663

1. it's pretty normal really
2. nobody cares

>> No.10809666

Holy fuck, so much this. Always when I see a straight couple I feel bad for them. They have this "aura of jealousy" and desire to control: "Do others think that my guy/girl is a good catch?", "I hope my guy/girl doesn't look at other girls/guys", "I have invested much more into this relationship than I really wanted to, so I must tell everyone how great it is, especially if it isn't". I have never envied a straight couple in my life, only pitied.

But I saw a gay couple a month ago. Tall, fashionably dressed, constantly making jokes and giggling, super-relaxed, talking about marriage. I have felt an envy I have never felt before in my life for anything. I thought to myself "I would be so happy, if I could have just a little bit of this".


kill yourself

>> No.10809667
File: 47 KB, 604x403, 14YearOldGavin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10809672


>> No.10809676

Usually faggots take better care of themselves or at least people have that notion so not having a girl and acting bit "gay" is easy recipe to be seen as gay.

>> No.10809679

This isn't a question just for you but other anons who might be interested in answering.
Do one night stands do anything for people who have >tfw no gf besides a vapid comfort? Is this something I should try to invest in or it's just a denial branch to deal with things?

>> No.10809693
File: 10 KB, 320x180, mqdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its happened twice, most recently after new years so that was good.

rang in the new year with some great sex with one of my neighbors cuz she just broke up with her bf

>> No.10809696

Right that senpai. Unless you can find girl that is real treasure then it's not worth be in relationship for sake of having relationship.

>> No.10809707

I guess it varies from person to person
I'm not really that in to one night stands, had a period where I had more of them and I just realized that I don't really get anything out of them really and there was naturally some drama with some girls who thought they were in love with me.
Still I would recommend it, I'd say you will end up realizing it's not for you and you'll be more content being alone as you realize it's not too bad or you will enjoy it and have plenty of sex and that's always nice.

>> No.10809708

>very senstive and artistic
holyshit your fucking faggot senpai. One thing is being sperglord and other is to say about yourself that you're "artistic" and "very sensitivy".

>> No.10809709

31 and never had a gf.

Come at me bro.

>> No.10809711

*aren't dumb mean to say

>> No.10809723

get a fucking wife bro

>> No.10809761


>> No.10809770
File: 61 KB, 586x586, 1446033244325.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's like alcohol. Quick relief, mild hangover, you feel good doing it and tell yourself "Fuck, I'm never doing this again".

Taking advantage of my "Anonymous" status, I'll admit that I do it out of insecurity. I fear that I don't "got it" anymore, so I push myself to fuck a random girl from time to time just to prove to myself that I'm still a man. Otherwise I'd jerk off and go for a nap.

I hate going out, I hate party environments, the music, the people. I'm antisocial as fuck. Take that as you will, man. I wouldn't advise it as it adds nothing to your life, but I guess sometimes you have to dive in shit to know it's shit. So do as you will.

>> No.10809799


>> No.10809806

You sound depressive as shit, m8. Take some antidepressants.

>> No.10809824

Figured I'd see this.

>> No.10809836

30 year old turbovirgin reporting in. Feels bad man.

>> No.10809847

Ugly, poor, abusive parents, growing up amongst murderers and criminals, dropped out of school and sold drugs, beaten, stabbed, set on fire, currently on my 12 year ongoing struggle to change my life, attending uni + working, still live with parents in poverty.

So yeah, a gf isn't really an option.

>> No.10809861

good for you man. Keep working your ass off its going to pay off.

>> No.10809921

I'm 18, had one gf almost literally so I could say I had one, and that was it. Lots of people in this thread have already pointed out a lot of my own reasonings, like 90% of women I meet having near nothing in common with my interests/hobbies. I've yet to try dating a guy though...

There's one girl in my clique who I'm really good friends with, we share a lot of musical interests and we both appreciate each other's fashion taste. But if we started dating and if something went bad it would just ruin anytime the clique got together and all hang out, you know? So better to be good friends in this case.

>> No.10809930

Currently senior in HS. Never "dated" anyone before.
Find out this girl is really into me and shes someone im also super interested in.
Probably most /fa/ girl ive met.
We made small talk for a bit and I finally grew the balls to ask her out.
Date went surprisingly well considering how nervous I was.
Continue small talk once in a while and she invites me to new years party where I fail to kiss her because I am a pussy.
I havent been talking to her as much now and im not sure how to approach the situation.
I still really want to get to know her but im a nervous wreck whenever im near her.
How do i approach her? I can make conversation fine but approaching her scares the shit out of me.
Yes I know im an autist but I really need advice on how you all talk yourselves into just going for it.
How do I become chad?

>> No.10809938


>> No.10809941

22 here
A lot of people that don't know me that well assume that I get girls all the time. I never confirm nor deny it tho

>> No.10809984

You fucking shit. I wish I was you.

>> No.10810097


No. Even if you're weird you're supposed to be weird in a way that attracts a weird girl. Get out more in situations where girls are drunk.

>> No.10810103

post pic of said fa grill

>> No.10810110

I did that in highschool, somewhat. I gained some weight but never got really fat. I'm avoiding all soda and fast food this year though.

I just signed up for a gym recently, I hope you're right anon. It doesn't open for another month though. I want to get lean and learn how to fight better.

>> No.10810115

You kids are so pussy today that you can't even legally buy soda at school...

>> No.10810116

>Join a school club
>Be nice to all girls
>actually socialize
>eventually a single girl in the same boat will worship you

It's not fucking rocket science

>> No.10810119

nah. but tall skinny black hair and interesting facial structure at least an 8/10

>> No.10810155

Fucking most people are 'weird' as fuck when you know them enough
If you hang around people who can't appreciate or deal with your 'weirdness' then find some better people to be with
It's such a fucking cliche but being yourself is the most attractive thing to do and how people will like you. Of course you need some social skill so you don't come off as a sperg but that's not very hard at all. Rick put it pretty well
>Allowing yourself to be vulnerable is also one of the most attractive things you can do.
If you are being your honest self you are vulnerable as fuck.
Last time a girl fell for me was cause I started to go kinda too much in to detail about a book about art scene of 20th century european country I was reading and was super stoked about and the way I was excited as fuck about something so stupid just made her lower all of her defense as well.

>> No.10810259

>gets laid
>still manages to complain
Fuck you nigga

>> No.10810330

Holy shit, a real wizard. Could you tell us your story? Genuinely interested.

>> No.10810339

Do not listen to the other anon. Do not post a pic of her. Never post a pic of anyone you care about on 4chan.

>> No.10810348

well, you may have fucked it. but give it another go. If she did like you she may still. in terms of the last part, I'm probably the worst person to give advice on that: I mean I've had relationships before, one of 3 years, but I totally feel you that it's super hard - one girl it took me being absolutely off my face to ask out (she said yes but it didn't work out, I think she was just trying not to embarrass me any more than I already had). Worst was last year, I got totally obsessed with a girl, something in my head just convinced me she was completely perfect, every little thing about her and it tore me up every day, looking back it just seems totally mad how big a deal it seemed. In the process of trying to pluck up the courage to properly ask her out, we became friends and did a lot of stuff together and it even helped build a new group of friends around us and we all still meet up. Now I've gone away to uni I'm pretty much entirely over her, we text occasionally and we met up over Christmas but things have definitely mellowed to a platonic level on my end now and its good because I've gained a friendship where I could have just been rejected and never got to know her. Equally though, what I'd suggest for you is literally just do it, work yourself into a situation where it would be normal and casual to ask her to meet for a drink somewhere , just chill out the world won't end if she doesn't say yes. Sorry for the tl;dr story but I'm just saying either do it now or not at all otherwise it'll just build up and stop you being able to do anything.

>> No.10810437
File: 114 KB, 496x695, breds.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>22 year old virgin
>have never been hit on by women or really even gay guys
>have never been on a real date
>match with exclusively cute girls on Tinder but my conversations never go beyond my first message to them
>even with high marks as a Senior at a prestigious engineering school no woman wants anything to do with me

Currently undergoing a large caloric deficit to externalize my internal deadness

>> No.10810519

Got a casual thing with a girl in another state. She comes back for breaks and summer. Qt, similar music taste, and its something neither of us have to worry about. Fills a need without taking over life.

>> No.10810525

Tbh imo

>> No.10810572

thanks anon. really appreciate the advice.

>> No.10810580

heres what you do:

delete tinder its giving you an excuse to keep being a shut in.
talk to every girl you think is qt
dont have any intentions just talk about fuck all
confidence will follow trust me i was in the same place as you and i think its helping

>mfw dropped 10lbs over break and hope to bring qts home every weekend

>> No.10810615

For fuck sakes, all of you should just use online dating if you want a significant other.

It's really not that hard if you're willing to drop the obvious self-defense mechanisms.

>> No.10810619

>shit at talking to people
Teach me how to not be boring.

>> No.10810626

>Teach me how to not be boring.
Ask questions. People generally find themselves interesting, showing genuine interest in them will make them like you. Make it a game to talk as little about yourself as possible.

>> No.10810635
File: 49 KB, 700x454, aG94mB6_700b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i want to experience having a relationship but im comfortable being single

>> No.10810655

Hello South Korea