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/fa/ - Fashion

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10800198 No.10800198 [Reply] [Original]

Sup /fa/ I'm fairly new to fashion but I've become really interested in it recently and want to become more fashionable/dress well but my indecisiveness and regrets kill me.

Anyone know how I'd go about getting rid of this indecisiveness when picking outfits, trainers etc.? I wanna look good, but my choices get swayed easily and I'm unsure on what'd go well with this or that and such.

Decided to ask here because despite the cancer I've seen well knowledgeable and helpful people on here and thought i'd ask for fashion advice.

>> No.10800228

You will make mistakes, it's inevitable. Just try whatever you like and wear whatever you like you'll make your own opinion on what looks or not and continue reading /fa/, sufu, etc

>> No.10800251

I know man, I just don't wanna look like shit. Currently in poorfag mode (uni is a bitch) but these days I'm unsure on where to pick up sense and make my own opinion.

My opinion gets swayed easily by others which is really shitty. I'll take your advice on reading more on here, I'll check out sufu too.

>> No.10800264


Choose an idea or statement that you decide best fits your personality and personal style, make it something you like.

We'll take a random example: minimalism

So now when you shop for clothes you try and create an outfit that fits that idea, and you buy clothes that are coherent to it. You'll look for minimal, unflashy clothing with little colour for example.

This will make your wardrobe coherent.

You will look terrible at first, but with time if you stick to one thing you will get better at it and begin to understand what looks good and what fits well.

Ask yourself why you want to be more fashionable, is it to get compliments off pedestrians? Is it to express yourself through clothing? Is it to get hot babes?

The answer to that question dramatically affects what you will be wearing. One thing for certain not to do is copy a specific person or style that you see, it's really obvious when someone is doing that and not being themselves.

>> No.10800266

Don't mind other's opinion (especially plebs) you don't need it. The more you learn about fashion the more you'll build your taste.

Try different styles if you feel like it, you don't have to go full goth ninja if you're interested in prep.

>> No.10800283
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It's really just a matter of lurking moar. I havn't been on effay that long either, probably around two years now, and I suffer from the same indecisiveness. During the time span I've been on /fa/ I havn't even made 5 /fa/ evoked purchases, it's a blessing and a curse in disguise I guess?

I'm mostly indecisive because of my annoying body type which makes it hard to find well fitting clothes, although I clearly know which way I want to go with my wardrobe.

Gotta take a leap of faith sometimes though.

>> No.10800294

Here's some other basic advice: don't buy your whole wardrobe at once. Your tastes change and you'll probably regret some of the stuff that you bought. Even simple shit like turtlenecks and vnecks can cause buyers remorse

>> No.10800310


And also look into runway shows, just pick things you like, and get used to how the "fashion world" is working, it is a lot of information and opinions at first, but you'll look through it after a while

>> No.10800329

Thanks alot, I'll definitely see what fits me the most. I guess I'd start with minimal since I reckon it's easier to mix and match with solid colors. I'll think hard about my answer to that also I'll keep in mind not to hard copy inspo.

I'll try learning more, where would you recommend reading up besides that tuxbell site and sufu as mentioned above? I'd have to check out alot of these styles but alot of the ones I've seen look nice but idk if they'd match me since some seem more race based etc.

I've been maybe 3 months or so now? Are you saying I should take some of their advice seriously? I know that some people just shit post and some don't give constructive criticism. But I'll lurk more definitely and just experiment while gaining knowledge.

Thanks man, I'll keep this in mind.

Should I watch LFW? I'd want to see it in person one day but aren't most of the runway clothes too "experimental" or is that just specific designers. Still I'll check out the shows and gain insight from them. Thanks.

>> No.10800415

Yeah just watch it man, don't worry if it's too experimental. You can see how different textures, colors and silhouette work together. Which will benefit you in your ability to form an opinion.

>> No.10800578
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>I've been maybe 3 months or so now? Are you saying I should take some of their advice seriously? I know that some people just shit post and some don't give constructive criticism. But I'll lurk more definitely and just experiment while gaining knowledge.
Just soak everything in you see here, but take it with a grain of salt and make up your own opinion about it.
Clothes are really easy though, either you like them, or you don't. Although stuff might grow on you over time, I used to hate the whole Rick thing at first but I'm at the verge of copping Ramones lol

And there's plenty of people on here that will actually contribute constructive criticism, just don't post in WAYWT threads, those are just a pool of shit, I prefer general threads (like the fuccboi one).

Especially Bateman seems to know his shit on pretty much anything, he's one of those good trips.

>> No.10800752

Alrighty, definitely will try this and not get so easily persuaded/dissuaded. Yeah, I used to think they'd be good but yeah I agree it's just shit and nothing constructive really. I'll browse more and take it what I see.

Will look out for him too. Thanks.

>> No.10800797

forget half of what this guy said, he just wants you to look autistic. read the sticky then find a style you like then cop clothes for it