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/fa/ - Fashion

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10787629 No.10787629 [Reply] [Original]

I live in NYC and I seriously cannot take chinese ppl seriously. They are so vapid and prime example of fashion victims. Visited dsm ny today and fucking flock of chinese fuccbois with matching supreme beanies raided the store like the iphone release. Saw one faggot came to the supreme collection and try to snatch the 'not for sale' section without browsing. Fucking arguing at employee for some retarded shit. Are chinese people that conceited?

>> No.10787642

based on my experiences, the chinese trust-fund babbies that populate big cities and universities truly are complete idiots with no social graces

>> No.10787649

they always on that alibaba shit that looks so extra

literally the worst fashion victims of all time

>> No.10787689

Money money money

>> No.10787701

man those are CHINESE from china, there are other chinese people from other countries that are effay and not fashion victims. Please dont generalise

>> No.10787723

Filthy chinks with no idea how to understand societal norms are the niggers of this century.

We need a chink-hating hitler for this century before, like the jews before, they get out of control.

i fear it may already be too late.

>> No.10787725

Mao did it pretty well desu

>> No.10787728

You should be thankful for the Chinese. For their cheap labor producing your meme fashion. And their children paying resale on Yeezys 谢谢

>> No.10787731

I understand there are effay chinese somewhere but everytime you go to soho or various fuccboi stores, you ALWAYS see those plutocratic fresh off the 1st class air china mainlanders looting the same shit from the catalogue

>> No.10787741

lol there's no real cheap labor for clothes in China anymore

it's all moved to Vietnam, Sri Lanka, Cambodia, etc.

>> No.10787751

Where was the "Not For Sale" section in the top floor of DSM?

>> No.10787753

I feel you man, those china mainlanders who barely speaks english, wearing supermemes, mcm bags and their retarded gz shoes. I feel embarassed for my fellow chinese people.

>> No.10787761


>> No.10787763

They still make some fine iPhone :-D

>> No.10787766

Have you met ANY urban university trust-fund babies who weren't douche bags?

>> No.10787768

Pretty much the whole floor.

>> No.10787775


lots of plebs are brand whores

asians are particularly psychosocially conditioned to compete as brand whores with each other

while other asians are just fuccbois, no different from any other race of fuccboi

>> No.10787842

not that anon but i met one decent guy
obviously flushed with cash, lived in a good area in sydney and a hypebeast but not an asshole, did his group work etc.

he asked me if you could fuck ciri in the witcher 3 which was weird

>> No.10787887

I don't think it's limited to Chinese kids. Just about every child of a rich immigrant will dress in similarly gaudy, ostentatious, or otherwise flashily tasteless shit.

That said the only pair of ricks I've ever seen irl belonged to a chinese kid

>> No.10787896

>fat manlet asians who are obsessed with slp and think they pull it off

>> No.10787900

It's a natural phenomenon. New money.
Just think about it.
Black american rappers, arab oil rich, russians, chinese, indians.... All became rich and are tasteless as fuck but in their own way.
They have access to everything without having the perspective to not be impressionable and tasteless.

>> No.10787904

Hong Kong is quite /fa/

Mainlanders are shit

>> No.10787911
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THIS, dont forget taiwan too

>> No.10787929

I grew up here and a lot of them stick together like glue. They join asian frats, go to EDM clubs, it's pretty disgusting, theyre just bros, and a lot of them are ugly as fuck, Girls and Guys.

But those fobby rich asians are just as annoying, brand whores, walk by SVA or any uni, and therye just decked out in HBA, who wears that shit

>> No.10787972

I was born and raised in Hong Kong. And when I finally knew a thing or two about fashion, I realized the majority of people have a thing for fashion. BUT. Everyone just fuckin seem like a carbon copy of each other one way or another. fuckin fuccbois and memes everywhere. Yeah they have a higher sense of fashion than everyone else but it's like all of them go to /fa/ and literally just go through the same catalogues. Still better than Philippines though, where I currently reside. Holy shit these guys are fucking clueless. Can't differentiate what looks good and what looks expensive.

>> No.10787990

Most ethnolinguistic groups and social classes stick with their own for the most part. I grew up in brighton beach amongst self segregating russians and jews... Went to a russian school for many years, too. Really helpful for new immigrants, gives a feeling of secret power....move to jersey when you want to be a normal murican

>> No.10787994

This desu

>> No.10788031

it's never too late

>> No.10788109

anybody here go to Rutgers? it's literally FLOODED with rich international chinese and korean niggas wearing rick owens and driving audis

>> No.10788121

Need to start a luxury brand with high margins. Help separate these chinks from their $.

>> No.10788124

The whole midwest/northeast is

>> No.10788145

Every university in North America is

>> No.10788148

Why do you have to go and make things so complicated? Just be friends with some

>> No.10788173

Lol dude, use a better picture. This picture is in LA and these are highschoolers memeing the shit out of Supreme, do you not notice that the shirts say "Sup12eme?"

Sorry you sat by yourself at lunch dude.

And second, how can you really be this mad against Chinese? This is literally typical blind materialism that happens in any race for the rich. People are saying the same thing in another apart of the country about a different race. And they are saying the same thing about your race in a different part of the world.

Don't be so naive dude, grow up. And while NYC is great, don't think you live at the center of the world. I am on the opposite of side the country as you and literally the exact same thing happens with Chinese where I am, but it happens the same way with other races too. Sure there are definitely a lot more Chinese where I am so I see it more often, but I don't get mad, I just stay smart.

Seriously your anger is as pointless and pleb as threads about raging at normies who wear museum shirts, wranglers, and water sandals.

>> No.10788179

chink detected

>> No.10788200

kek I'm a chink and can acknowledge how trash mainlander chinese are. No taste and no etiquette.

It's fucking only the mainlanders too, the ones who have never been to civilized society before.

>> No.10788229
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my nigga
can confirm truth.

>> No.10788274

Fellow Asian here (not Chinese). I think it's funny that even the backwater SE countries all look down on mainlander Chinese, why all the hate?

>> No.10788277

ethnic chinese here
not sure how mainlanders compare to SE asia, but compared to SK and Japan, chinese people are just rude and gross

that's just how it is

>> No.10788283

Yeah man. Hong Konger here. People don't know that Hong Kong Chinese hate mainlanders(china). They basically just fuck shit up when they visit HK. Kinda why there's a rule now which only permits masses during weekends lel. Fucking uncivilized fucks. This one time while I was eating in a fucking resto, a kid stood up and literally peed next to his senpai while they were eating and they didn't seem to fucking mind. Jesus christ.

>> No.10788284

That is pretty true in my experience. Why did there have to be so Chinese to ruin Asians for the rest of the world? I'm pretty sure all the Asian stereotypes come from the Chinese

>> No.10788289

pol pls go

>> No.10788288

>first day in beijing
>stuck in traffic
>fuckers have somehow turned 5 lanes into 8 lanes
>guy shitting by side of road
ah, china

I guess when you're too busy trying to meet work quotas and not starve for decades, improving etiquette as a culture goes on the back burner serviced by a rusty, leaky pipe with no gas running through

>> No.10788290

If you only knew how socially autistic they are dude.I've been living in HK my whole life and have seen the horrors of their ways.

>> No.10788292

New wealth. Money can't give you taste and manners, but it can give plane tickets to visit and fuck over everyone else in other countries.

>> No.10788293

How did they get rich? What does their parents do for a living?

>> No.10788294

Well, east asian here. That's just how it is, It is a cultural thing. Mainlanders have this mentality where they prioritize themselves over others, sort of like a me vs the world kind of thing. They often give little fucks about what others think and only concerned with their own wellbeing. This is, of course very generalised.

>> No.10788297

Corruption, getting rich so fast where your taste and class isn't there gives you what you see today. Of course the chinese you see are at the extreme ends, people are still rather poor in mainland. The wealth gap is rather big.

>> No.10788303

1. These Niggas are from arcadia high school where fuccbois grow exponentially
2. Bitch you know I got the juice
3. Taiwan #1
4. China #4

>> No.10788408

damn 626 bro here

>> No.10788417

Lol I hate 626 culture so fucking much. I'm glad my chink friends hate it too

I heard the night market is a bunch of overhyped overpriced bullshit. Any truth to that? Seems pretty likely desu

>> No.10788425

why are you so sensitive?

>> No.10788426

>OP post is obviously untrue
>all these racist ass replies
man /fa/ has really taken a nosedive in the past 8 months

have any of you ultra fags ever even been to dsm ny

>> No.10788434

Thank you for the common sense.

>> No.10788435

I'm pretty sure 3/4 of those racists posts are from other chinese people

I wouldn't be talking mad shit otherwise

>> No.10788443

Kek, I have been to dsm ny. But by your reply shows me you haven't met a mainlander before. It's not the Chinese you fucking cuck, it's the mainlanders that are trash.