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/fa/ - Fashion

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10782977 No.10782977 [Reply] [Original]

Buying futures, what's the best color scheme?
Where would I buy them in a size 10?

>> No.10782990

hey nigger could you post this in fuccboi general
futures are nigger shoes
invest in something nicer or at least something wearable past highschool

>> No.10782998
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Alright shitcock what should I get? Given that your opinion is as valuable as the holy grail
>they are good casual shoes no matter who they're made for holy fuck

>> No.10783015

not other guy but buy colorway that you could pair most with rest of your outfits, i like the pic you originally posted. futures are probably most wearable jordans theyre versatile and go with lots just get them anywhere online you find them at a decent price. doesnt deserve own thread but done with now i hope

>> No.10783191

The colorway you posted is pretty good. Personally I think these are good looking shoes that matches well with jeans and shorts. Just go for the dark colored ones like the one in your pic SENPAI. As for where to buy them you're all on your own.

>> No.10783206

Only acceptable jordans are the ones jordan wore in game while with the bulls