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10780448 No.10780448 [Reply] [Original]

I can't find the links to post it on the OP. If someone could post it here that would be great.

>> No.10780461

how to get rid of acne marks

the red marks on my skin

>> No.10780465


That CeraVe lotion is good shit. I recommend it for anyone who has dry skin, especially in the winter.

>> No.10780484
File: 3.91 MB, 270x263, lol.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is there any way to get rid of scaring?
one one my elbow from road rash and one on my collar bone from having a cancerous mole removed

>> No.10780485

one on*

>> No.10780551

i stopped using all the creams, washes and moisturizers and now just wash with a little hand soap and water

my skin is noticeably less red although kinda flaky

>> No.10780606

here OP

/fa/ wiki and Skinacea:
Skin care basics: http://tuxbell.com/index.php?title=Grooming#Skin-care_Basics
Retinoids: http://www.skinacea.com/retinoids/retinoids.html
Sunscreen: http://www.skinacea.com/sunscreen/sunscreen.html
Ridding dark eye circles: http://www.skinacea.com/how-to/get-rid-of-dark-circles.html

General Guide: http://hastebin.com/raw/jakoyizayi
Dark circles: http://pastebin.com/t796eKvr
Soap, pH, irritants, and synthetic detergents: http://pastebin.com/51yse1NE
Popping pimples and blackheads: http://pastebin.com/MufDiSfy
Post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation (dark spots): http://pastebin.com/GXYPdwMf
Skin tone and diet: http://hastebin.com/raw/ehesotajaf
Diet and acne: http://hastebin.com/raw/zuqabalomu
Miscellaneous information (sleep, sun damage, et c): http://hastebin.com/raw/ezuzusoziq

you can always find old threads on warosu.org/fa/

>> No.10780626
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>tfw girls don't do that thing when two of them kiss your cheeks at the same time with me anymore because my skins gotten so shit

Who's had success with switching their diet up?? I eat okay but eat a fuck load of carbs so I am going to cut that and also cut sugar and dairy.

>> No.10780654

Is eating dairy really bad for skin?
Are those blackhead strips worth it? I feel like these things will never go away.

>> No.10780671

>Is eating dairy really bad for skin?

2 posts up

>Diet and acne

>> No.10780683

Dairy can be inflammatory for some, but I've heard it's more so because of the hormones found in animal milk messing with the hormones in our bodies

Also make sure what you're thinking are blackheads aren't just sebaceous filaments. Those pore strips will fuck up your pores in the long run. Chemical exfoliation or a clay mask are better options

>> No.10780687

eating dairy is p bad for you overall m8

>> No.10780723

>Also make sure what you're thinking are blackheads aren't just sebaceous filaments. Those pore strips will fuck up your pores in the long run. Chemical exfoliation or a clay mask are better options
Not the same guy, but will those clear up sebaceous filaments? And does it matter if I use a BHA vs AHA for exfoliating?

>> No.10780743

Not who you're responding to, but they will clear them up for like 4-24 hours depending on your skin. I have used them in emergencies (I had somewhere nice to go after working in the dirt all day, which settled into my pores and made them noticeably dark from a distance) but overall the damage they do to your skin is not worth using them regularly.

>> No.10780841

Thanks, but was asking about exfoliation or clay masks. I didn't plan on using strips or anything like that, I just wanted to know if exfoliating would get to the same result.

>> No.10780845

Niacinamide is supposed to be good for lifting marks, looks for something with it in.

>> No.10780848

That's because it's dry. Hand soap is stripping oil from your face and you're doing nothing to replace it.

>> No.10780860

Aha is more surface exfoliation in the upper layers of the skin (and increases sun sensitivity).
Bha penetrates deeper and is good for spot prone skin.

Speaking on a personal level, I've never found anything that has a lasting effect on sebaceous filaments but I notice a temporary effect after using an aha.
Others may find different results though, so if you take a look you'll probably find more opinions on it

>> No.10780879

what should i do to help rosacea? my cheeks are always red but i dont know what to do about it

>> No.10780919


use a spot concealer

as long as you don't over-do it, no one will know

try laser, too

>> No.10780926

I believe in taking care of myself, and a balanced diet and a rigorous exercise routine. In the morning, if my face is a little puffy, I'll put on an ice pack while doing my stomach crunches. I can do a thousand now. After I remove the ice pack, I use a deep pore cleanser lotion. In the shower, I use a water activated gel cleanser. Then a honey almond body scrub. And on the face, an exfoliating gel scrub. Then apply an herb mint facial mask, which I leave on for 10 minutes while I prepare the rest of my routine. I always use an aftershave lotion with little or no alcohol, because alcohol dries your face out and makes you look older. Then moisturizer, then an anti-aging eye balm followed by a final moisturizing protective lotion.

>> No.10780966

Cool, thanks again.

>> No.10780968

Concealer for rosacea would be a bad idea. Concealer is for concentrated areas rather than large patches of redness. Uneven skin tone is what foundation/tinted moisturiser/Bb creams are for.

However for skin redness I think it would be better to suggest examining by the causes and whether it's a form of rosacea than can be affected by diet or steroid creams or if it's simply an irritation caused by something being applied to the skin rather than jumping straight to make up.

>> No.10780974

I know its from the movie, but does this actualy help?

>> No.10780978

No actual product names are given so the actual efficacy is hard to say, but in general it doesn't seem too bad.

Acid exfoliation is generally recommended over physical and eye creams are generally recommended to be applied prior to moisturiser rather than sandwiched between two, but there's not many glaring problems. It does seem on the harsher side though.

>> No.10780997

you're right. turns out what I'm using is actually a kind of stick foundation, and not a concealer. that's what I would recommend.

it's a really excessive routine
some guy on here wrote about it and apparently it's too harsh on the skin

>> No.10781024

Have any recommendations for a good morning and evening routine for skin with acne. I have been trying out diferent thing's, but I wouldn't say a lot has changed..

>> No.10781037
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I have no idea how this giant ass dot got here. I don't think it's acne because I'm 18, but it could be. What do I do? I wash my face every other day.

>> No.10781045

> I don't think it's acne because I'm 18

lol wut

acne mainly affects teens

>> No.10781053

I thought acne was like 14-16

>> No.10781836

Acne can last well into adulthood, even people who are middle aged can get it...

>> No.10781845


Why don't you wait like 3 days and it'll probably go away

>> No.10781847

shit mayne i might just start washing with pure water nothing else then

>> No.10781988

That won't cleanse your skin.

Use soap as you have been, and then moisturize.

>> No.10782026


No don't use hand soap on your face.

Find a gentle cleanser, one with as few irritants as possible (there are a lot of online resources for this) and a gentle moisturiser following the same formula.

If you're peeling it's a sign that it's too harsh for your face. Just adding a moisturiser doesn't fix that, just masks it.

>> No.10782274

Yo does my dermatologist suck? He put me on tretinoin at night with a clindamycin phosphate lotion in the morning for my closed comedones. I don't feel that there's been any progress whatsoever. I go to see him every three weeks and when I come he simply pops the blackheads I have with an extractor and says ok see you next time.

>> No.10782303
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why is hydroquinone even recommended for PIH? potential side effects outweigh costs, in my opinion. at least, for mild pih.

then, what's a good peel that'd be useful for mild pih?

>> No.10782342

talk to him you fucking faggot. tell him you haven't seen any progress. ask how long it takes for it to take effect (most take a few weeks). ask if you could move to a different treatment.

>> No.10782348

I been using tretinoin and clindamycin for like 3 years. everytime I go to the derm I ask for something stronger and still nothing has fixed my closed comedones. I've been to 3 different derms

>> No.10782403

those are your battle scars, carry them with pride

>> No.10782449

I talked to him about the tretinoin not doing anything and he put me on the clindamycin to help with it. This was 2 weeks ago, so I'm thinking of waiting the 3 month period to see if anything happens.


>> No.10782726

no you guys
use a redness corrector try the one by makeup forever

it's not even really makeup so works for males too!

>> No.10782825
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The links are available here:http://pastebin.com/2R7JsmAJ

Skin care basics: http://tuxbell.com/index.php?title=Grooming#Skin-care_Basics
Acne treatment: http://tuxbell.com/index.php?title=Grooming#Acne_Treatment

Skinacea Links:
Retinoids: http://www.skinacea.com/retinoids/retinoids.html
Sunscreen: http://www.skinacea.com/sunscreen/sunscreen.html
Ridding dark eye circles: http://www.skinacea.com/how-to/get-rid-of-dark-circles.html

General Guide: http://hastebin.com/raw/jakoyizayi
Dark circles: http://pastebin.com/t796eKvr
Soap, pH, irritants, and synthetic detergents: http://pastebin.com/51yse1NE
Popping pimples: http://pastebin.com/MufDiSfy
Post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation: http://pastebin.com/GXYPdwMf
Skin tone and diet: http://hastebin.com/raw/ehesotajaf
Causes of acne: http://pastebin.com/tudaKWmN
Dietary studies: http://hastebin.com/raw/zuqabalomu
Miscellaneous information (masturbation, sleep): http://hastebin.com/raw/ezuzusoziq

>> No.10782930

I eat loads of carbs and dairy but it's mostly clean (/fit/ diet). The biggest thing for me seems to be sodium. I went home for xmas and had to eat my mothers trailer trash cooking that's all processed and salted to hell and broke out like crazy.

>> No.10782949

just got it, it's awesome. I got a big tub of cream

>> No.10782989

What the fuck do I do about splotchy face skin? Just use cleanser/moisturizer and sun screen?

>> No.10783040

Any of you know ways to clear up eczema? Winter is super dry and I get it above my eyes and it's awful.

>> No.10783051

>I don't think it's acne because I'm 18
lmao sorry to break it to you kid

>> No.10783629

I have the most stubborn black heads on my nose, any advice?

>> No.10783658

Aloe Vera. My eczema doesn't flare up that much anymore.

>> No.10783682

How do I keep my long hair from breaking out my forehead?

>> No.10783684

I've got a scar forming on my dick. It's small but it's been getting bigger for the past two years. I ordered some stuff called scarguard because I've heard good things. Maybe try that but I wouldn't worry about a scar if it's just on your arm.

>> No.10784151

Looked that one up because I can't think of any colour correction that's meant to be worn alone outside of a select few Korean bb creams and is it the redness correcting primer you're talking about?

Primers are still make up, and although you can wear primers alone this one is strictly supposed to be under make up because it's green toned you ninny.

Ignoring those three or so Korean ones, anything labelled colour/redness/shallowness/dark circle correction is supposed to be under foundation because it will contain a green/purple/orange-salmon tint and wearing anything to correct redness alone makes you look pasty af.

>> No.10784274

Yeah and I asked about accutane and they all said my acne isn't severe enough. Yet I'm still stuck with fucking acne most of the time.

wash your hair

those aren't black heads. they are called sebaceous filaments and they will never go away. just use a cleanser and rub your nose well

>> No.10784732

Mine went away for a couple years and then came back with a vengance

>> No.10785473
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At what point in your skin routine would it be good to apply Aloe Vera? I've been usually putting it on last after my shower cleanser and stridex acne pads.

It seems to decreases redness caused by irritated/popped pimples pretty well, as well as moisturizing.

>> No.10786538

Thoughts on laser treatment?

>> No.10786740


>> No.10787128

So I was looking at my old pictures through middle school and early high school and noticed how much smoother and vibrant my skin was back then. Now some areas are off tone and no longer look vibrant.

I was thinking about trying this

My question is can I apply this over facial hair or do I need to shave it all off?

>> No.10787139

Does exercise have a positive effect on the skin? What about sunlight?

>> No.10787307

no, sunlight is terrible. wear sunscreen every day, at least SPF 30

>> No.10787440

red cheeks are kinda cute bby. Embrace it.

>> No.10787460

I quit using all soaps and moisturizers to see what was making my face so dry. No improvement in acne, or dryness. Am now only using moisturizer. Face is still flaky. What should I do? Thinking of trying cetaphil+mousturizer and maybe the aloe vera that people have been mentioning. Good plan? I only get acne on my forehead (bangs, even though I wash my hair often nothing helps) and on my chin.

Any and all suggestions appreciated.

>> No.10787474

The whole routine of cleanse, exfoliate, tone, moisturize, sunscreen, etc that we've all been made to feel is a crucial part of having good skin is definitely overkill

Our skin has the ability to heal itself for the most part, and if your skin is struggling it's best to try assessing the problem from the inside before wasting money on topical products that don't work or will exacerbate the problem. My skin has cleared up a lot since I've started going easy on it and focusing more on what I put into my body and minimizing my stress

Everyone is different as far as how they have to treat their skin, and for some people acne is just hormonal, but destroying your natural skin barrier with 4+ products a day while trying to compensate for whatever was lost by slathering on a bunch of creams and gels makes no sense. Let your skin breathe

>> No.10788040

I have red marks on my forehead, like if the skin was a bit damaged/irritated. And the touch is a bit more rough than usual.
How to get rid of it ?
I thought about going to a "skin doctor" (dont know the english term)

>> No.10788137

Try exfoliating. Sounds like that might be your issue

>> No.10788859

I use clinique moisture surge face spray whenever my skin feels tight/flaky and the acne took care of itself (no harsh cleansers or cloggy moisturizers to aggravate it). It's like a soothing toner.

>> No.10788864

drink Canadian milk cause they ain't got none, unlike the states

>> No.10789014

I haven't used any cleaning products on my face for about a year now and my skin looks better than it ever did. I NEVER get any, red spots or anything like that.

The only things I use are water and a towel.

>> No.10789019

I am a man, 42 years old, and i have rosacea.
I wash my face with alep soap and i use bb cream.
I think that you have to accept your condition, lazer and other treatment will destroy your face.
It's not that bad to be a bit red and no one never told me anything about it.

>> No.10789023

*no one ever

>> No.10789062

I never drink alcohol, i don't go outside when it's sunny without a cap or a hat, i never eat spicy food, i quit tabacco.

>> No.10789175


>> No.10789498
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Will a whole skincare routine actually improve my skin, really? Like what does doing all of this shit actually accomplish? Will it stop me from getting early wrinkles? Because I don't have a problem with dark spots or acne.

Honestly i just want to have softer skin and prevent early wrinkles.

>> No.10789519
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Am I doing something terribly wrong?
Each morning and each evening I first wash my face with cold water, then apply the foam, wash it off and use the toner. I recently noticed some spots around my eyes which look quite wrinkly and there is a spot near my left temple with scab on it.
Please help.

>> No.10789524
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There are also two spots under my ears.

>> No.10789542

I might add that I did get rid of a lot of the red spots my face had been plagued by before but the procedure seemingly does not prevent all pimples even though there are fewer now than before I started.

>> No.10789643

Thanks! I'll look into this.

>> No.10789714

most of them will actually just prevent acne and dry skin.

but if you want to have softer skin:
- moisturize often (and exfoliate if you want smoother skin)

if you want to prevent early wrinkles:
- use sunscreen in the mornings
- get your hands on Retin-A

>> No.10789859

is this stridex stuff worth it even when you don't really have acne anymore?

>> No.10790295

>- get your hands on Retin-A
What's this supposed to do, just prevent wrinkles?

>> No.10790357

I drink 1L everyday and I'm fine.

Anecdotal evidence but yeah.

>> No.10790382

The only problem i have with my skin is blackheads, in my T-zone. any advices/treatments for blackheads? I use a normal skincare routine everyday..

>> No.10790394
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It looks like I have cancer on my hip cuz I'm clumsy af. Any ideas to make it less annoying

>> No.10790402

>l-look at me!!!

>> No.10790406
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>> No.10790419

Every couple days or once a week I'll get a big pimple. I don't ever pop it but sometimes it pops itself and it scars. What do I do put on it to kill it.

>> No.10790429


>> No.10790469

Nobody knows anything bout blackheads?

>> No.10790623

You're black, right?

>> No.10790653

I'm asking because you seem to be unable to communicate properly, and you seem too lazy to read a few posts in the thread and find the blackhead part of the faq

>> No.10791167


>> No.10791525

Does anyone know how I might improve the quality of my skin? I don't have acne. No matter how much or how little I exfoliate, wash, etc., it seems like I have some kind of dirty layer. If I squeeze my nose, there's always a bit of white puss that comes out, although I can't see it from the surface. I can see what I think are blackheads, but impossible to squeeze out with my fingers or any tools. Pore strips don't work. Exercising hasn't made any positive or negative difference. Cutting carbs, increasing water, decreasing sweets and all haven't really made a big impact from what I can tell.

I had super shitty hygiene (none) from ever until now, being 24. Is this something I should go to a professional and get resurfacing done to start over?

>> No.10791595

>tfw got used to Vichy products
>can't use anything else now

>> No.10791880

Schedule an appointment with a dermatologist

>> No.10791884

Is there any way to get rid of fordyce?

>> No.10791891



>> No.10791892

want to piggyback on your post – will stridex help with blackheads (sebaceous filaments, open comedones) thanks!

>> No.10791969
File: 24 KB, 250x250, 433.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there a way to get rid of spots/flat moles/freckles (not sure what they're called, english is my 3rd language), they're really annoying.

pic related, I have like 12 on my face

>> No.10792046

pregnancy induced hypertension?

>> No.10792062

Ive got a problem, after I apply acne scrub my face feels like its been subjected to the 7 layers of hell and after drying occasionally gets a little flakey in places, should I be using lotion afterwards?

>> No.10793356

I can't tell if my skin is too oily or too dry.

I live in Canada in the driest province so it clearly seems to be a dryness problem, but I have trouble believing that moisturizer will help? Ive always been taught that water or oil=bacteria.

I tried the scotch tape test (Rubbing clear tape on your forehead and quickly ripping it off) to see if I needed to exfoliate, and it was almost all white. But even after I exfoliated/moisturized I still had white flakes on the tape after trying the test again. Even with this, I still feel oily on my nose and forehead?

It feels like a sick joke and I can't tell if I'm retarded or not.

Should I exfoliate or keep moisturizing? I have a bunch of tiny pimples on my forehead (Barely noticeable but it could be better) and once in a while I get big pimples on the sides of my nose. I just don't want to have to be so cautious about what happens to my skin.

>> No.10793423

It's probably combination skin if you're oily on your t-zone and nowhere else.

It doesn't have to be a choice between exfoliation and moisturisation. Generally a good routine had exfoliation once or twice a week and moisturisation twice a day. And neither is a quick fix. Exfoliating and moisturising once won't fix anything. They're routines for a reason.

>> No.10793426

>should I be using lotion afterwards?

Jesus fucking Christ does common sense go to die in this thread sometimes.
If it puts your skin through hell then it's probably too harsh and if you're harshly stripping all the oils from your skin then of course you need to moisturise afterwards.

>> No.10793965

>Multivitamin supplement with importance on Zinc and Vitamin A
>5% Benzac AC facewash
>Eat more vegetables, if you can't do this drink 2 cups of V8 juice

And very important:
>Strong camomile tea before bed (2 teabags)

This post sounds like rubbish, I wouldn't have believed it a few months ago as well, but it works.
Take it from someone who has tried everything.
If you do this shit I guarantee 99% of your acne will disappear.

>> No.10793968

Throw out the acne scrub and get a konjac sponge instead

>> No.10793994


are you saying drink the tea? or put the teabags on inflammation? I've heard of both, just wondering which worked for you.

>> No.10794036
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Is it any good?

My skin's pretty sensitive.

>> No.10794046


cetaphil gentle skin cleanser to be honest with u family

>> No.10794075

I meant drinking the tea. Putting the tea on your face wouldn't do much I think.
I have done a bit of research on camomile but never seen it mentioned as an acne treatment.
I'm not sure why it works but here is my guess:

>Camomile contains a number of anti-inflammatory compounds
>Some of these compounds inhibit enzymes which act on steroid hormones

That second point is probably the most important one but also makes me wonder about the safety of taking camomile tea for long periods of time.

I'm continuing to use it regardless since I couldn't find anything which says it is dangerous. Having clear skin after such a long time is a confidence booster but now I've just realised I'm ugly.

>> No.10794550
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>> No.10794587

Is there any scientific explanation as to why cardio helps get rid of acne?

>> No.10794744
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Has anyone used this stuff? Keep seeing it advertised everywhere and it seems to get good reviews.

Should I cop?


>> No.10795017
File: 8 KB, 284x178, default.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a lot of little dots(idk how to call them) on my nose. I can squeeze it all day but it doesn't help, how to get rid of them?

>> No.10795031


They're called blackheads, use a good facial scrub every day or every other day

>> No.10795099

Not blackheads, subaceous filaments don't worry about them.

>> No.10795190


>> No.10795207

It's normal if you're celtic or mongolian

>> No.10795241

shitskin here. What more can I do for lighter complexion? Already wearing sunscreen everyday

>> No.10796066

foamy stuff dries your skin up and probably tightens the fuck out of it

>> No.10796124

Don't listen to this person.
They're wrong about blackheads - it's sebaceous filaments.
They're wrong about using a scrub every day - physical exfoliation is generally not as effective as chemical. Scrubbing every day is just being unnecessarily rough with your skin.

>> No.10796142

>physical exfoliation is generally not as effective as chemical
So recommend a chemical exfoliant?

>> No.10796243

What are some good face moisturizers? I'm tired of my face looking like a dried up cat turd...

I'd be pretty attractive if it weren't for the dark circles under my eyes and my dried out skin. They're the only things stopping me from getting an online girlfriend.

>> No.10796296

I have really bad dry skin, and every other day I'll steam my face, exfoliate, and then moisturize, though I moisturize everyday anyway, works pretty good for me

>> No.10796299

What do you use to moisturize with? Keep in mind I'm a burger so I might have to get it online.

>> No.10796308
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I just use Nivea moisturizing cream, it's cheap but I think it still does its job well

>> No.10796363

Thanks anonkun.

>> No.10797123
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Anyone use face masks? Any recommendations?

>> No.10797134

I'm currently on epiduo, what kind of reputation does it have here? I use sulfur face on my soap and then it before I go to bed, and some neutrogena face wash in the morning. Is there anything I should change?

>> No.10797154

How do I get rid of sebacious filaments? They're fucking gross.

>> No.10797301

I use that Aztec healing clay. The only stuff I've used outside of the Neutrogena clear pore, which is garbage I never had breakouts until that shit. My ex girlfriend said the same thing. Stay the fuck away from that stuff.

>> No.10798073
File: 106 KB, 960x960, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm on my second month of accutane and my formerly really bad cystic acne (it was like a giant lumpy rash all over my cheeks) is clearing up, but I still have really bad hyper pigmentation to deal with and I've been getting 2 new cysts recently which is troubling

right now I just use the accutane and I also wash and moisturize with cetaphil cleanser and moisturizing cream

what 2 cop

>> No.10798075

Does the Aztec Healing Clay really work like every paid youtube shill claims it does? Planning on buying it for my gf since she can't find any product that works for here mild acne.

>> No.10798095

It's fine for most people, and the casein can flare up eczema.

>> No.10798100

I need to get rid of dark spots, any suggestions

>> No.10798113
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I've bought it after seeing it on amazon and it works really well. Normally once every 4-5 days and it just clears up most of my shit (nothing major, but the skin looks visibly nicer). I mix it with apple cider vinegar but you can use it with water too

>> No.10798125

I exfoliate with ACV 1-2x a week and the other days only wash with water... Really don't get acne at all anymore (got a shit ton when i was 13-17/18). Also use 1/2 ACV 1/2 water to wash my hair 1-2x a week. Gives my hair a nice shine and makes it really soft. Using ACV to exfoliate has also cleared up much of the scarring that I had left over from my acne days. I also use the 1000 roses fruit stem cell moisturizer in the morning. Really light skin cream that doesn't leave your skin with a glossy coating. I also think this moisturizer helped my scarring as well. It's good because it contains longer chain fatty acids that can't broken down to feed many of the inflammation causing fungi/bacteria on your skin flora.

>> No.10798173

Thanks anon.
She recently got some facemask containing bentonite from Lush so if that's helping, I'm just going to get her a jar of clay.

>> No.10798575

Way to get rid of about 5 gross ass red pimples on my back

>> No.10798664

Heard that consuming more zinc or iron (can't remember could be both), helps with dark circles, as well as improves the overall quality of your skin.

>> No.10798694

its zinc.

>> No.10798727


cetaphil moisturizer is bad bad bad bad IMO

I had the same type of acne and was on accutane as well, try spectro moisturizer for blemish prone skin, worked much better for me.

As for the PIH, I'm in the same boat, and I've been off it for years

>> No.10799060

Yeah man I only use it when there's a zit or some kind of blemish that's bothering me but it works really well. It's like 8 bucks. It's not a meme I only use shit that makes me see a huge improvement. I only use that Aztec stuff, fish oil, and multivitamins. I'm going to try out a moisturizer soon though.

>> No.10799080

wait doesn't this shit have alcohol in it?

>> No.10799784
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Is it okay/safe to buy benzoyl peroxide from random sellers on ebay?

>> No.10799800

ive used acne shit for years. finally i just went to the doctor. If i did that sooner i wouldn't have all these scars. Just see a dermatologist m8. hopefully i can get some of this https://www.google.com/search?q=isotrenton&rlz=1C1MSNA_enUS647US647&oq=isotrenton&aqs=chrome..69i57.2188j0j4&sourceid=chrome&es_sm=122&ie=UTF-8#q=isotretinoin

>> No.10799874

You're a nice bf. Hope your gf appreciates it

>> No.10800060

moles and freckles are effay

>> No.10800081

if you have to ask, the answer is don't do it. Shouldn't even have to ask.

>> No.10800469

has anyone had any experience with lymecycline? recently got prescribed it

>> No.10800554

Accutane gets worse before it gets better. My other girlfriend is on it right now and she's miserable because she's breaking out like you.

All you can do is just wash, moisturize, and weather the storm. Dump your moisturizer, it's trash.

>> No.10800760
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Been using acne stuff for a while and its been clearing up until recently and now my shoulders and face, specifically my nose, are bursting with acne again and I've turned red

>> No.10800988

>Dump your moisturizer, it's trash


lol wut

highest rated on Amazon, reddit skincare-addiction, and it's even recommended in our skincare sticky

>> No.10802082


>> No.10802121

How do I remove bags from my eyes? Its due to sleep deprivation, iv read all the links and none of these do any significant change.

>> No.10802134

>How do I remove bags from my eyes?
> Its due to sleep deprivation

get more sleep baka

>> No.10802737

>highest rated on Amazon
>reddit skincare-addiction
>our skincare sticky
Better believe the sheep! Cetaphil's dermacontrol moisturizer is nice, but the normal moisturizer isn't even a moisturizer. It sits on top of your skin and basically locks in existing moisture. It also feels like shit.

>> No.10802909

It's only so highly recommended because it's so absolutely entry level and contains fewer irritants than a lot of others, so people who have had bad experiences with heavily perfumed or irritating moisturisers and then try that assume it must be amazing.

It's not the worst, but once your start knowing what to look for its extremely easy to replace with something far better.

>> No.10802916

Then stop using shit skincare.
If you were told it's too harsh why continue with your first bit.

And if you just call it "lotion" how is anyone supposed to know what you're actually using. For all anyone knows it could be body lotion.
You absolutely should be moisturising your face after doing things to it, but if you're using crap on it then it won't help.

>> No.10803100

can you name some of the better stuff?

>> No.10803252

I guess there isn't any solution to a face full of moles apart from surgery, right?

>> No.10803284

holy shit, retin-a is possibly the best thing out there for wrinkles and blackheads. id ask your doctor or dermatologist about getting tretin-x if you could because its the best retin-a on the market and isnt being produced any more but i used it and it worked wonders for my skin.

>> No.10803305


>> No.10803390

Not for you, no.

The problem with "better" is that you need to find it for yourself through looking at what suits your skin and what your skin needs. That's why everyone recommends cetaphil - there's no specific skincare concern targeted other beyond the obvious moisture element.

So without knowing what ingredients irritate the skin, what your individual skin concerns are and what works for you no one can recommend "better".

Just that better exists than entry level, but it's entry level because people can recommend it without knowing the above. You need to look for yourself past that point.

>> No.10803515


I heard this stretches pores and isn't that good for your skin but I don't know what to believe.

>> No.10803577

I started to put vaseline over 5% benzoyl peroxide for the night. To my surprise it starts to burn a little after application of vaseline and bp seems to work way stronger. Should I switch to some other moisturizer?
I use SPF30 paula's choice in the morning without anything else as my bp gel leaves noticeable white spots after it dries out. I also exfoliate every other day with paula's choice 2% bha liquid.
Is the routine good? Can I use bp and bha together for the night every other day?

>> No.10804107


Literally wait three days

>> No.10804148

I use BHA in the morning with a 2in1 sunscreen/lotion and BP at night. Every so often my skin is a little dry but it works wonders. It cleares 90% of my acne. I get 1 or 2 new breakouts a month but theyre usually gone within a few days.

>> No.10804166
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What's the difference between pic related and Paula's cock choice?

>> No.10804177

I never tried PC. I use the stridex pads personally.

People complain that the pads are exposed to the outside and environment and can cause acne, but my experience with them has been positive.

>> No.10804208

>the pads are exposed to the outside and environment
What does this even mean?

>> No.10804288


lol, I remember when I was in highschool

>> No.10804348

Im 25 and still get acne.

>> No.10804384
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Does anyone have experience with keeping their face clean and oil-free even with a beard?

I do my best to wash my face evenly but I never feel like I can the skin under the beard.

>> No.10804531



>> No.10806059

Very effective but strong. Must use with moisturizer and also use it for at least 6 months and your acne will be little to none.

>> No.10806128

I have a lot of skin tags/papules/red spots on my skin. My skin type is oily in the T zone and dry elsewhere. It is also reactive/easily irritated. I use Aveno moisturizer and SPF everyday as well as a Cetaphil wash. Once a week i exfoliate. Any got any tips about the papules/red spots (mostly under my eyes)

>> No.10806774

>Skin care basics: http://tuxbell.com/index.php?title=Grooming#Skin-care_Basics
I've been thinking about doing this. Anyone else believe acne is caused primarily by anxiety/stress personally?

>> No.10806785


Acne is generally mutlifactoral. Stress/Anxiety can be a factor for some people and for others it may not do anything at all.

>> No.10806786
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K so I'm an 18 year old guy, and up until several months ago my skin care routine was just using a benzolperoxide wash in the shower every morning. My skin was decent, I never really had more than one pimple at a time and they usually weren't that noticeable. Most of the pimples I did get were either on my nose or on my chin. Anyway, I went through a couple weeks where my pimples got worse than usual, probably because of stress or something, and I got pissed off. I wanted to try something different, so I tried a bunch of different suggestions from research online but I just broke out even worse. I ended up going to a derm and getting put on tretinoin. I had a point where it got a little better, but in this past week nearly every pimple I had for the past month came back with a vengeance. I finally said fuck it and went back to the BP wash, and the pimples actually started to go away/shrink. I've also stopped using the tretinoin every night because my skin was getting super red and flakey, and I'm debating stopping it completely. Right now I'm debating just going back to my original, simple routine and deal with the odd pimple I get every once in a while until I grow out of it, which I assume I will as neither of my parents have acne. Thoughts/suggestions?

>> No.10806833

Say it is stress related, would it be beneficial to stop using all the products I do. Besides say moisturizers?

>> No.10807081

how to get rid of bags under eyes ?

>> No.10807089

Use shampoo.

>> No.10807092

Oily skin, get pimples once or twice a week, 19. Wake up nose/fsce is oily, throughout the day nose/face is oily again. I've been wiping with water on a cloth, seems to improve, but pimples still show up. Anything I can do to improve, cause less pimples?

>> No.10807130

The honey almond scrub after the gel cleanse actually clogs his pores back up

>> No.10807231

What is this shit and why can't I get it to go away? I'm WELL past the acne stage of my life (never had much), but I've got these deep, side facial red marks that seem intractable. Apologies for grossness.

>> No.10807236
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Forgot image.

>> No.10807243

He uses the scrub on his body in the shower. Not his face.
Plus it's just going to be rinsed off.

>> No.10807324

there is a thing called PRP treatment. Went into like 4 of those, they cost like 100 euro each in my country. You walk around looking like you have a terrible sun burn but after a week your skin is light as a whistle. smooth too

>> No.10807333

How to naturl, food-based skincare? Better living through food not chem bullshit fuck your life up but food on skin. Anyone use food on skin?

>> No.10807339

FOR ALL OF YOU STRUGGLING WITH ACNE AND OTHER SKIN PROBLEMS: just go to a dermatologist and get yourself prescribed the right medicine and skincare products. I was shit faced 3 years back,went to a dermatologist, got the skin cleaned, got skincare products prescribed to me according to my skin type and my condition. That shit was so throughout that even when you finish treatment they offer you procedures to improve your skin to godlike levels. I didn't see great results at first, yet looking before/after pictures I now feel like a new man. Better have a professional take care of your skin. Spend more money on things that are more potent and prescribed personally rather than look online and try wodoo magic. in the long run you'll save time and money.

>> No.10807569
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>tfw dark butt acne scars

>> No.10807619


Zinc oxide cream has worked for my acne and a small scar on my face. its still there but a lot less visible. I have a sunscreen cream that is 5% zinc oxide, I put it on at night because it leaves your whole face white.

>> No.10807649

>food on skin

food goes in mouth

>not chem bullshit

did you know that your skin as well as your food is made out of chemical bullshit?

>> No.10807657


there is no EVIDENCE of it in dermatology.
there is plenty of EVIDENCE of it being caused by other things, though.

>> No.10807662

see a dermatologist.
retin-a, dermabrasion, and laser will do the trick.
that shit is too deep and too old to treat with OTC products.

>> No.10807677

that doesnt really make any sense. acne can be caused by bacteria and stress reduces your body's immune system

>> No.10807754

>acne can be caused by bacteria
>can be

Bacteria are always involved in inflammatory acne. This takes place in the upper levels of the skin. Your immune system is not active on the inside of the follicles. Your immune system reacts to pro-inflammatory compounds, released by the bacteria during the breakdown of sebum/keratin, however - and reacts to these compounds locally. That's why you get swelling/redness/pain in the area - a response by the local immune system. A reduced body immune system would create less visible acne in this way, as the immune response would be diminished.

>> No.10807771
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>> No.10808056

Not that guy, but yeah chemical exfoliants are better I use Paula's choice 2% bha in my routine also use Aztec clay mask once every two weeks this really helped with the size of my pores and the blackheads, showering everyday helps too.

>> No.10808057

>showering everyday

is this not a given or did you guys grow up in the woods or something

>> No.10808130

What's a good water resistant sunscreen?

>> No.10808171

Personally I used to shower every other day cause of the way showering messes with my hair (even with a shower cap), but now I do it everyday cause I keep my hair short.

>> No.10808385

Anyone have experience with facial cleansers that have anti-acne like salicylic acid or benzoyl peroxide in them? Some sources say they're a waste of money because they don't have enough time to stay on the skin but maybe it has some positive effect?

>> No.10808469

Do you have to wash them off afterwards? Or just apply and be done with it?

>> No.10808490

Meant to just say outside environment.(outside of the container) Meaning, all the nasty stuff floating around. Wheras the liquid doesn't have direct contact with the outside environment until you put it onto a pad.

>> No.10808522

The chemical exfoliant I mentioned is a leave-on type and should be followed by a sunscreen of SPF greater than 15 if used at day time. The clay mask should be removed using warm water after around 30 mins of application.

>> No.10808528


I still get the occasional spot and I'm about to turn 30.

You're in prime acne phase lad. Mine only started to go away in my early twenties.

>> No.10808534

Can you recommend some cleanser/toner for anon who have dry/combination skin? I have used in the past some body shops tea tree cleanser, and i think its too harsh for me, but it didnt never really help. I usually get breakdowns only in cheeks where i have these red areas with past breakdowns, and jaw.

>> No.10809421
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>tfw when its get to the point that every waking hour all i think about is my acne

>> No.10809489

Then you need both a dermatologist and a psychologist

>> No.10809544

idk man it's just everywhere i go, everything i see on tv/internet etc, everyone has better skin than me

been really fucking me up

>> No.10809652

get off your lazy ass and do something. Literally, do something.

>> No.10809670

I can tell you what has helped me fix my acne.

Watching my diet. Cutting the soda, junk food, and fast food (mainly McDonalds, Burger King, all the other shitty ones) helped alot. I heard milk is shitty for people for acne so I'm gonna cut that for about a month to see where that goes. I barely drink juice now (so fucking processed) and drinking straight water now. Also, I just bought a multivitamin (Centrum) so I'll see if that has a impact on my skin in four months. All of this has helped with my skin clearin up but I'm not where I want to be. I still plan on makin an appointment with a derm.

Plus, I use Dove/Neutrogena facial bar on my face and baby lotion as a moisturizer. Not bad.

>> No.10809972

before that day I had no idea there was a difference between body lotion and facial lotion but now I know, going through a chemical peel currently.

>> No.10810131

can anyone tell me how to get rid of the white stuff in my pores

they're all over my cheeks

i swear its like i have these grains of rice

they're not pimples or whiteheads or w/e, and you can't even see them unless you get up close

>> No.10810136

sebaceous filaments? Pretty much everyone has them, I wouldn't stress too much about it, but I think using a BHA can reduce their appearance

>> No.10810141

cetaphil was fine for me on the tane


if it works for you its fine

i literally did cetaphil cleanser and moisturizer (morning and night). nothing else and my skin is quite good 1 year later

>> No.10810157

>the normal moisturizer isn't even a moisturizer

lmao straight bullshit. do u have proof besides your own meme experience


>> No.10810201
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What is this on the end of my nose and how do I get rid of it?

Shit's been there as long as I can remember. Should I just go to a doctor or is he just gonna tell me to stop wasting his time? Could just get concealer, but wouldn't mind actually getting rid of it.

>> No.10810365
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Starting my second course of Accutane today.
First took it when I was around 13 or 14 or so (now 21).

I know it will get worse before it gets better, but how long does the "worse" period last? I can't remember how long it took me 8 years ago.
The general consensus I got from Google was, "its different 4 every1".
I'm just looking for a ball park or experiences from people who have had it more recently.

>> No.10810463
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Alright anons, because of my idiocy and mistake I am having a horrid chemical peel and have to be somewhere tomorrow, how do I rid of this and its pain

>> No.10810736

You can use as a substitute for moisturizer in any regimen imo

>> No.10810806

2 or 3 months my skin was looking p good

probably closer to 3

>> No.10810834


>> No.10810968

I started using cream and washing my face a lot more because more breakouts started popping up, god this sucks. I guess it's just delayed from my lack of acne in high school, lol.

>> No.10811119

Right now I just use a cleanser, then an exfoliant, then moisturizer.

Do I need a toner too? How would a toner help and are there any you recommend?

>> No.10811275

constant application of occlusives-based moisturizer

a /light/ scrub to get rid of excess skin, after wetting the face with warm water (in, say, the shower)

using a discreet foundation

>> No.10811277

because half of all people still get acne in their 20s
and 30% of everyone still do in their 30s

>> No.10811360

doesn't go away w/o laser, even with a laser its only slight

>> No.10811368

i have a clarisonic and im on accutane, is it ok to use it?

>> No.10811452

Stridex pads are a good chemical exfoliater and salicylic acid has anti-inflammatory properties, so it helps with redness as well.

>> No.10811475

Few different uses for a toner but a common one that's starting to be outdated now because many cleansers are better formulated is to rebalance the ph of the skin after cleansing to prepare it for the next stages, eg acid exfoliation, and not leaving it too alkaline. If you can find out the ph of your cleanser that might be completely unnecessary for you. Or just waiting 30 minutes can often fix that anyway.

Sometimes toners contain a specific ingredient needed so are used in a similar manner to a serum. You might want one with vitamin c or e, or one with niacinamide.

Some people go for hydrating toners if the skin is particularly dry then go for a moisturiser with moisture trapping as well as moisture imparting qualities.

All depends on what you want. But they're not necessary if you feel your current routine is cutting it.

>> No.10811482

You'll get differing opinions but the minute you start getting the signs of over exfoliation then stop.

And the minute you get to lazy to wash your brush properly then stop.

>> No.10813119

Anyone know how to get rid of impetigo asap? Can't get a prescription for anything til tomorrow morning at the earliest, what can I do in the meantime?

>> No.10813179

god damn that's depressing

>> No.10813425

what's my skin supposed to feel like after putting on moisturizer. I use the cerave one and my face feels even more oily

>> No.10813527

is it oil free?

>> No.10813894

I'm not sure but cerave lotion is widely recommended

>> No.10813947
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This face wash is god tier- makes the skin soft, gets rid of oiliness, and is light enough to use however much you need. Combine with a light cream based moisturizer (neutrogena with SPF is good) and you're Gucci.

I haven't had a pimple in a year.