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File: 609 KB, 1280x1762, tswift350s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10778615 No.10778615 [Reply] [Original]

How does it make you feel when you notice her shoes?

>> No.10778622

Like she's trying to distract from her literal no ass.

>> No.10778627

id still eat it tho

>> No.10778631

I guess I feel normal, they're just shoes after all. How does it make you feel, OP? Why do you ask?

>> No.10778636

I like you

>> No.10778638

>eating nothing

That's not eating, m8: that's called starving.

>> No.10778640

Naw mang that ass is alright, its not good being so judgemental

>> No.10778643

shes still cute tho

>> No.10778646
File: 126 KB, 650x885, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lmao white girls are fucking disgusting, yal need to get with a black girl if you wanna move up and become a man

>> No.10778647

u wanna take this outside, m8?

>> No.10778648

Nice roshes

>> No.10778663

totally would but black girls always stick to black guys
and black guys like everything but black girls kek

>> No.10778666



>> No.10778667

>photoshopped pic
>still visible stretch marks

>> No.10778668

>sickle cell
>horse pussy
Nah m8.

>> No.10778670

this girl went o my highschool.

>> No.10778672

tinashe got my ex gf's body and it makes me cry bc that was the best sex i had and will ever have

>> No.10778689

ur too pussy to do anything punk

>> No.10778742


>> No.10778782

Because Kanye shit on her on tv

>> No.10778867

what the fuck are those lines between her panty hose and those safety shorts?

>> No.10778902

You're a Virgin aren't you

>> No.10778927

They're called "beauty marks" anon

>> No.10778938

maybe hes never been with fat bitches
stretch marks from rapid weight gain/loss

>> No.10778955
File: 134 KB, 359x363, largeblackmaninpool.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

totally famb u rite af yezzir

>> No.10779012

This. Real niggas need some meat on a ass, not bones

>> No.10779033

real niggas only like she-boon monkey asses, not evolved white wimmin

>> No.10779159
File: 68 KB, 488x750, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Black girls > every other girls
Cumskins will disagree

>> No.10779160

my black gf begs to differ

>> No.10779177

>implying this picture is more than 50%

>> No.10779245

>muh there are no exceptions to rules

>> No.10779263


why talk up black girls n then post these lightskin ass hoes that could almost pass for white

>> No.10779274
File: 528 KB, 718x849, Tnkto.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I agree with you every step of the way brother.

>> No.10779306

Posting niggers in my thread

>> No.10779436

i feel about the same as i did when she wore keds.

which is to say i feel nothing.

>> No.10779443


>> No.10779447

>those stretch marks

>> No.10779460

whats wrong with stretch marks ;-;

>> No.10779498

Not to sound like a supreme gentleman but stretch marks can be sexy af desu senpai

>> No.10779580

Bored, utterly indifferent, whatever. A pretty good songwriter and horrible human being in random lazy clothes (including Nike's lamest sneaker model) she threw on, that proportionally she spent as much on as most people would spend on a dollar slice?

So how do I feel about it? How do I feel when I see someone I vaguely dislike in my social set grab a slice at a mediocre place at three o'clock in the afternoon?

>> No.10779605

>black girls
>mulatta bitch

These fucking threads need to stop.
Im sick of these "get with black" meme.
Not everyone is into bestiality you filthy pugs.

>> No.10779614

Post real black girls not mulattas.

>> No.10779616

and bitch, what if I am?

>> No.10779640

>tfw you'll never feel her hair in her afropunk-decal apartment filled with basquiat reprints she got off etsy while seated on a couch that looks like a coogi sweater

>tfw She'll never come through, have sex on rugs that's Persian

my kinda rich european gf is great but sometimes I just want an afropunk gf

>> No.10780553

Enjoy eating Jamals ejaculate.

>> No.10780566


>> No.10781335

>implying that's not the goal

>> No.10781384

>being attracted to non-whites

>> No.10781724

yes goy, race mixing good for you

>> No.10782082
File: 76 KB, 573x588, Tinashe4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tinashe is so fucking sexy.

>> No.10782101


they won't, everyone objectively prefers Caucasian facial features

>> No.10782149

She ain't got no neck

>> No.10782157


>being attracted to cum skin savage neanderthal DNA carrying no lip having flat ass pig skin peckerwoods

>> No.10782159


>> No.10782182


Pig skin neanderthal cave bitches gonna be tanning to look black, squatting for a black
ass, wearing their hair in upward buns like black girls, and outlining
their lips to make them look bigger like all white bitches. Every pasty, bird shit skinned, wet dog smelling neanderthal goes through a black phase.

>> No.10782302

Tinashe is the black r&b princess we deserve, especially since Rihanna's career seems to be kill