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/fa/ - Fashion

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10749077 No.10749077 [Reply] [Original]

What does /fa/ think about r/malefashionadvice ?

>inb4 back to reddit

>> No.10749079

Literally lurk for like two seconds. "Mfa" is an insult here.

>> No.10749085

It's a bunch of 20-35 year old dudes just trying to dress socially acceptable.

>> No.10749090

so /fa/?

>> No.10749091

OP here I am not a lurker in both boards desu just checked the highest rated posts and saw this and seems too try hard and pretentious

>> No.10749121

They're just yuppies. And they're pretty hostile to skinny guys.

>> No.10749124

>"Hello MFA, this is my first fit I know it's not good but pls no hate guyz!!!"
>"very good fit my fellow redditor!"

every single time, it's a circle jerk

>> No.10749125

cancer but less than /fa/

>> No.10749130

MFA are guys who wear Acne SJW stuff unironically

>> No.10749167
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they're all cucks that like m-muh chelsea boots, m-muh overcoats, m-muh minimalist monochrome, and m-muh milsurp

>> No.10749176


I much prefer the brutal honesty of 4chan, in general

>> No.10749181

You're describing /fa/ senpai

>> No.10749310


>> No.10749426 [DELETED] 

if you actually look at MFAs waywt threads you'll realize that less than 5% of the fits fall into those categories.

>> No.10749435

They serve a completely different purpose. /fa/ is into all sorts of innovative high fashion stuff that nobody would ever actually wear. r/mfa is essentially a board for teaching people who have no idea how to put an outfit together some tips for achieving a reasonably good looking smart-casual/prep/menswear style.

>> No.10749441

Fa is a bunch of autistic teenagers not manchildren

>> No.10749457

Reddit is more up to date with fashion. /fa/ thinks it's still 2012 - skinny jeans, really? Only Hedi Slimane does that anymore, and he's catching flak for being a one trick pony since '13.

>> No.10749462

Of course they are! Skinny is out! Today's zeitgeist is about being fit and athletic, neither skinnies not fatties fit into that. Add to that the ever-looming 90s revival with it's comfortable sizing.

Expect more wide fits and athletic wear pushing even further into the mainsteam in '16. This winter is pretty much the last time you can wear slim all over without looking too retro.

>> No.10749463

this is a very optimistic estimation of /fa/

>> No.10749466

>skinny jeans, really?
Get out fatass

>> No.10749468

ever-looming 90s revival?? hi 2012. fuck me /fa/ is so behind

>> No.10749475

/fa/ is full of hostile edgy teens /r/MFA is full of overweight manchildren they are both just terrible but in their own ways. MFA honestly has a better concentration of good fits. FA's waywt is a fucking minefield of bricked fits and skeletons trying to dress like Kanye.

>> No.10749489

if you actually looked at mfa's waywts in the past year you'd see they're quite prevalent peices/aesthetics, and that's why everything i listed is played out reddit tier trash

>> No.10749494

If you don't know how to dress yourself, learn some basic shit there and then leave. Business casual is a good starting point, but don't get sucked in like those faggots with their raw denim and clown boots.

>> No.10749508 [DELETED] 

95% of reddits fits are still raw denim and iron rangers or dadcore. You're just autistic.

>> No.10749510

>skeletons trying to dress like Kanye.
those faggots are crossposters from /r/streetwear

you guys realize that most the guys who post here in the waywt are fromr reddit

nobody who has any dignity would post in a waywt thread lmao

>> No.10749523

Since /fa/ is full of autistic teenagers

What are your opinions on /r/teenmfa

>> No.10749805

you're just full on cucked by the stereotype. probably the biggest cuckold in /fa/ history

>> No.10749832 [DELETED] 

I think you've spent too much time on 4chan m8, time to take a break.

Ask your support worker to take you out somewhere.

>> No.10749857
File: 61 KB, 620x387, junk_2680366b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>exists in grand delusions of fa memes
>spends objectively 16 hours a day online
>tells someone else to go outside

this cuck actually believes this you literally cannot make this up