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/fa/ - Fashion

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10747490 No.10747490 [Reply] [Original]

Do you smoke?

>> No.10747522


>> No.10747546


>> No.10747551

One time I jogged a couple miles around my neighborhood with a lit cigarette in my mouth

>> No.10747562

I stopped.

>> No.10747615


>> No.10747632 [DELETED] 


>> No.10747641
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fuck yea

>> No.10747666


Always wanted to do this

>> No.10747672

Legit question do models actually smoke?

>> No.10747707


Smoking is still big in the fashion world in general

>> No.10747735

Any particular reason?

>> No.10747747

It looks cool.

>> No.10747817
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Yup, I'm 6'2" age 22 and have smoked and drank since the age of 15. I admittedly started at first to be cool like my friends who were all several years older but now I smoke because it's the only way I can make it through the day without feeling like shit.

I actually try to keep it hidden away from my current group of friends because now I guess I just see smoking as something that I should be ashamed of. I'm constantly going through extreme lengths to live a double life of both smoking and telling my friends I quit ages ago.

>> No.10747916

I social smoke like a civilized person.

>> No.10747942

The only people I know who smoke are either poor and uneducated or foreign exchange students.

Mostly the former. It's on the same level as "having a Monster sticker on your 1995 Honda with rims" and "owning a Fox Racing hoodie."

>> No.10747967

nicotines got the hooks in on me. i pretty much started for the cool factor but i also grew up around it. i cant really tell you if predisposition is a real thing for tobacco but pretty much every adult male i know in my family smokes. our family of immigrants were pretty rural chinese folk so the opinions might be a bit different.

right now im in a period of stagnation in my life and aint quittin anytime soon. when i find out what i want to do with my life ill quit.

>> No.10747973

shave those pubes fag

>> No.10748074

I quit cold turkey as soon as I realized that was happening wouldn't have been able to do it if I was in school or working at the time. Was really depressed and slept 20 hours a day for two weeks.

>> No.10748091
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Occasionally smoking. Only when im out. 1 pack lasts me for a month,

>> No.10748111

>I'm constantly going through extreme lengths to live a double life of both smoking and telling my friends I quit ages ago.

Same here except no one I know has ever found out I smoke, and I've smoked for years. I'm not a heavy smoker (like 2 a day, maybe up to 4 on a bad day) so it's not that hard to hide. I also live with 2 smokers so if there is ever a smell I can explain it pretty easy. It's stressful and not worth it at all though. I want to quit and I've been smoking less (like maybe 4 or 5 times a week) but I know once school starts again I won't be able to resist it.

>> No.10748211


Packs taste like shit after a week anyway

>> No.10748216

fuck yeah i do

>> No.10748217


Keep it in an air tight jar with a damp cloth.

>> No.10748231

Those stale ass cigarettes why even smoke?

>> No.10748235

same guy you replied to but I know what you guys mean. I just finished classes and that was the worst part. I have a half hour commute so of course instead of going home I'm going to go to the corner and have a few cigarettes in between classes

I'm actually trying to find a new job because of how much stress my current one puts on me and causes me to only further my smoking habit. As douchy as it is, I've considered using vaping as a method of quitting only because a few of my friends have told me that it really helped quitting smoking altogether with them

>> No.10748784

yes and at this point i hate it. its a social wonder, but discipline is more effay and I'm too old for this shit

>> No.10748792

question here
do you guys plan on quitting before you're a bit older? yeah sure, you can look like a cool bohemian who smokes to ease his mind... but there's a cost for that later

i'm a month without a cigarette rn after being a pack a day for 2 years...

do you guys really use them to look cool? like hedi slimane is gonna snap a photo of you?

being out of breath and feeling like shit all the time isn't /fa/

>> No.10748797

and for real going this long without a cigarette is way easier than i thought it would be
the gum helped
occasionally smoked a j it to itch that feeling of inhaling

>> No.10748808

I smoked from 17 til about 23 (26 now)

I quit because I broke up with my gf who was a smoker and realised the only reason I was still smoking is because she was around me all the time.

That plus being constantly out of breath from just short runs was fucking shit. I'm in much better shape and feel infinitely better than I ever did.

>> No.10748815

tried a cig once, didn't like it, and it smells so bad, im 19 now, don't plan on smoking, it's just throwing money for something useless, i would rather spend this money on clothes or some other shit

>> No.10748823

This is me

Don't start, not worth it.

One thing I forgot to add - my erections were waaaaay stronger once I quit.

>> No.10748841

mexican budget mall-goth robert smith?

>> No.10748866

shave dem pubies. dig your hair though, if you lost 15 lbs i'd suck your cock desu.

>> No.10748872

I'm a PT and I smoke half a pack a day. I can't smoke at work because reasons, so I just inhale them to work and I suck back a couple at lunch. Pretty sure all of my supes/coworkers know, I'm so tired of pretending to hide it.

>> No.10748875

This, and my piss stopped being pungent af.

>> No.10748883

Yeah, I know it's shitty and sometimes when I'm having a cigarette I feel an overwhelming sense of regret. Used to smoke about 6 a day, down to 2 at the moment so I might slowly cut it out of my life.

>> No.10749163

or just smoke it you fucking sperg

>> No.10749170

Hi there!

You seem to have made a bit of a mistake in your post. Luckily, the users of 4chan are always willing to help you clear this problem right up! You appear to have used a tripcode when posting, but your identity has nothing at all to do with the conversation! Whoops! You should always remember to stop using your tripcode when the thread it was used for is gone, unless another one is started! Posting with a tripcode when it isn't necessary is poor form. You should always try to post anonymously, unless your identity is absolutely vital to the post that you're making!

Now, there's no need to thank me - I'm just doing my bit to help you get used to the anonymous image-board culture!

>> No.10749304

I don't smoke or drink or do any drugs, just not my thing I guess.

>> No.10749449


But ditch the fucking tripcode.

>> No.10750629

how did you cut back like that
i used to smoke 1 a day for about a year
then i started increasing by 1 every few months
now im at 5-6 a day

>> No.10750635

When I'm particularly anxious or depressed. I try to keep it to a minimum.

>> No.10750642

Is vaping /fa/?

>> No.10751133

Not in any way

>> No.10751159
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keeps weight down

>> No.10751167


>> No.10751176

6'2"? HA, fucking manlet. 6'7" superior male here. I'm a novelty to girls because they'll probably never be with a guy as tall as me. When will you learn?

>> No.10751185

how do you guys get addicted to shit? I smoked like 3 packs last weekend and haven't needed one all week