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/fa/ - Fashion

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10746735 No.10746735[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

is there anything more anti-/fa/ than a white man fucking a black woman?

i can't even watch porn that involves black women. let alone actually fucking one. absolutely disgusting

>> No.10746738

Go back to /pol/, no one gives a fuck.

>> No.10746743

i've only fucked like 5-6 nigger bitches so im no expert

but the texture of their skin, hair and especially pubic hair is disgusting

i wouldn't recommend it unless dry spell

>> No.10746747

/pol/ is for politics

>> No.10746754
File: 91 KB, 410x750, tumblr_mgb3voXGSy1qzo395o1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Explain this op

>> No.10746756


>> No.10746762

its becoming more common around my college. a lot of black feminists love white guys. but all the guys who go for black girls are ugly as fuck. its a nu male thing where they've been rejected by white women. so they turn to the most desperate race

pretty beta

>> No.10746962

black women are ugly

>> No.10746969

yeah white guys going after asians because they cant get white puss is already pretty beta, i cant imagine being omega enough to consider fucking a nigger.

>> No.10746982

black girls have a whole different smell to them. its weird

>> No.10747000

Asian girls are literally god-tier

what are you doing

>> No.10747055

keep telling yourself that lol, you can't get the white p00s so you settle for the next palest race.

>> No.10747078
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for real tho there are black girls id fuck

>> No.10747103

Major dry spell right now.

>> No.10747116

asian girls are disgusting bro. better than black but still shit tier

>> No.10747117

the asian-white mix are the future

>> No.10747122

FKA Twigs is pretty effay tho

>> No.10747124


asian-white children are very ugly
same with white children

>> No.10747140
File: 114 KB, 1000x750, disgusting.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>monstrosities like this are the future

this is what nu males actually believe

>> No.10747144

>anything more anti-/fa/ than a white man fucking a black woman
>black man fucking white woman
>arab man fucking white woman
>asian smalldick fucking white woman

>> No.10747151


>> No.10747156

halfies either turn out reeally hot or fucking ugly. theres no inbetween

>> No.10747157

who said anything about males f a m

21st century belongs to eurasian women

>> No.10747170

I think the UN should consider forbidding interracial relationships all around the world.

>> No.10747173

i find it extremely fa to date a black women

>> No.10747174

He was a jewish industry by-product come on that doesn't count

>> No.10747176
File: 11 KB, 236x355, 7196400-interracial-surprise-creampie-thats-going-to-be-hard-to.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anons mother

>> No.10747178

beautiful black women that is

>> No.10747215

found the black women
>beautiful black women

>> No.10747234

It's pretty rare honestly, but usually when they are attractive they're extremely vapid and say really cringey things in public.

>> No.10747270

I think you're lost this is not /pol/ and this is not fashion related at all. let ppl fuck who they want

>> No.10747280

>implying gfs arent fashion related

reddit, please return

>> No.10747286

50% of white women are fat and looks disgusting after the age of 25. they age like shit. minorities are to poor to afford food and have more of a chance of staying slim and don't look 48 at 26

>> No.10747294


lol black women actually age alot better than white women

hell..literally every race of women age better than white women

white women age like milk

>> No.10747296

thats a meme created by black women to feel better about themselves. all skinny women age like shit. look at rihanna. her ass and titties are already saggy

>> No.10747312

light skin black girls have had the nicest skin in my experience, smooth and cool i get them to wrap around my pale skeletal body when im high and drunk then i cant help but roll my eyes back and drift away

>> No.10747335

Burn the coal

Pay the toal

>> No.10747342

I bet you're some assblasted white bitch that got c u c k e d or a salty black guy either way I doubt you're higher than a 3. also it's not a meme it's science white women age like shit due to lack of melanin + sun. and they love going tanning which fucks up their skin even more.

>> No.10747351

then why is there no such thing as a black milf?

>> No.10747395

you've already decided that you don't like black women so that's why.

>> No.10747440


>> No.10747444


>> No.10747459

made me chuckle t.b.h

>> No.10747460
File: 88 KB, 466x700, tumblr_lxqtvytVK81qds0eto1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What about white women with black men?

Pls say yes he's so dreamy. x.x

>> No.10747469
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>this'll get em


>> No.10747491

black dudes are probably the only race on earth that get mad if you say you dont like their women. i had a black guy i know literally lay out all the celebrity black women dating white men when i said i dont like black women. he was trying to sell black women to me

>> No.10747502

because you can only go up from black. having mixed kids is the ulitmate sign of success among the black community

>> No.10747508

>can't get the white p00s
any 4/10 beta can score white pussy, they are literally the biggest sluts of all races and want to fuck at least 3 guys a week while out clubbing
getting a god-tier white skin asian is hard as fuck. jungle asians are basically niggers and dont count

>> No.10747516

reminder that there is literally an organized ongoing movement to infiltrate /fa/ with right-wing/neonazi propaganda, this thread possibly being part of that (could just as easily be some rogue nerd though)

>> No.10747521

where is your source

>> No.10747523

No just all the original users are back on break from college

>> No.10747528

that's rare. usually black men are the first to completely shit on and dismiss black women. they date out more than any other race. they hate black women the most out of everyone.

>> No.10747532

Take off the tinfoil hat faggot, people are just waking up to the left's horseshit.

>> No.10747538

the average white man on every street corner say they dont like black women. is that neo nazi propaganda too?

how is your post on topic exactly?

lol black people

>> No.10747555
File: 51 KB, 960x778, PK01A3Q.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy moley shut up you neo-nazi edge fag. Muh evil left liberals. Can't you guys think of anything knew past "muh cultural jewish bolshevism".

>> No.10747557

they hate black women until white men dont want. then they try to convince you otherwise. ive had this happen many times. black dudes constantly try to sell black women

>> No.10747568

Dont have mixed kids, being a mullato is so confusing.

>> No.10747571


black men get more triggered when you say you don't like black women than if you say you do

>> No.10747604
