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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 101 KB, 482x700, babe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10737226 No.10737226[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>> No.10737233

Who cares if it's particularly /fa/? Most mixed race girls are fucking hot, so it's awesome.

>> No.10737242

it's /fa/ unrelated


>> No.10737252

If it looks like that, sure.

>> No.10737255
File: 501 KB, 2048x1539, perfection.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10737581


>> No.10737675

only if she's east Asian

>> No.10737684
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>> No.10737688
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>> No.10737707
File: 289 KB, 1024x685, qtpie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10737709
File: 96 KB, 500x577, r84876lato.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10737718

don't dump pictures of mixed race girls
Please mods

>> No.10737771


>> No.10737774

fuck off man

>> No.10737786
File: 1.87 MB, 400x400, 1433691699225.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10737796

god dayum !

>> No.10737811


who is she? I fell in love with her and would enjoy masturbating to her pictures.

>> No.10737919
File: 28 KB, 259x359, 1448903228190.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah I'm mixed raced and I want a mixed race grill

>> No.10737927

Generic af

>> No.10738021
File: 158 KB, 640x640, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm all about that curly hair yo

>> No.10738028

anyone want a mixed race bf? hmu

>> No.10738036
File: 120 KB, 640x828, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

#mulattomafia in here

>> No.10738043
File: 21 KB, 313x470, 1450333663547.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nah, mongrels are abominations.

fucking them is alright, we've all fucked a few cuz they love that white dick, but LTR with shitskin is a no no.

although more respect for a white man dating a mulatto hottie than being a beta loser with a asian gf, neither is positive though.

>> No.10738049

haha this fucking guy amiright?

>> No.10738068

Does it matter? As long as you're not fetishizing the girl on account of her race or whatever, it's all good.

t. I used to be that kind of beta. I learned that mixed and minority girls have a built in [race]fever meter, and they will sniff out your beta, creepy shit from a mile away. Goddamn that was an awkward phase.

>> No.10738073


some races look better than others. black bitches try to mediate life by telling you how your dick should operate but thats not how a penis works.

only a black female would deny this

>> No.10738082

This is true. Nigger bitches are pig disgusting and I hope they die out as a breed. In all honesty, Nordic women are the best looking and only a nigress or a gook would deny this.

>> No.10738094

And only a Bluepill cuckold would deny this. It really bothers me how racemixing is promoted by popular culture and the media. All it produces is misshappened creatures, with no redeemable qualities, that follow no discernable culture. Mixed race people are a sad lot, and they cannot be saved. We should, as a society, stop the spread of race mixing.

>> No.10738101

well said, this sbreddit is always good for a laugh and a reminder of the evils of racemixing.


>> No.10738119

you can't stop race mixing because POC know their genetics are shit tier. they dont even deny it. kanye famously quoted as saying "every black person should have mixed kids". he hates himself, just like every dark skin and gook person

the only way to stop race mixing is to remove the shit skin the old fashioned way and the only way that will happen is if white peoples lives really start getting knocked by immigration. for right now white people just dont care. but they will again, even if it takes another 50-100 years of shitskin importation. white people need to feel uncomfortable again. when that happens 100-200 years of anti white propoganda will implode all at once and the world will never be the same again

>> No.10738132

I lament the end of the white race.

>> No.10738176

race hater

>> No.10738180

y'all gotta chill up in here yo...

>> No.10738209

Are you fucking retarded. The only reason mixed ppl are god tier is because they're black. Mix any other races and you the get average dice roll of attraction.

>> No.10738311
File: 283 KB, 623x469, 1425124382726.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It's a political PHILSOPHER thread
I know I shouldn't take the bait like this but have you ever even posted anything about clothing

>> No.10738320

I posted on there and told them that they are delusional and they said because my father was Chinese and it wasn't my mother that I could not comprehend their pain and then they banned me. Should be called r/betafathers

>> No.10738329

>People call us racist and hypocritical for being pro-AMWF and anti-WMAF. But no one on r/Hapas is for segregation or racial purity. If people would actually read our posts, you would see that our problems come from the WMAF relationship being based on white supremacy and oppressing half colored kids. If AMWF is not based on white supremacy it wont have the same horrible consequences.

Fucking lol

Every single white-male-asian-female couple I know involves the white dude getting fucking STEAMROLLED emotionally/financially. It happened all the time in Japan: the girl would pull some cutesy bullshit to pull the guy in, the guy would fall hook, line, and sinker, and then she'd begin to make demands (mostly good ones - "get a better job," "stop fucking around with video games so much," "dress better," etc.) until he was so beat down that she might as well wear the dick in the relationship. I'm sure 99.9% of expats in Asian countries could write similar stories without even trying hard.

Hell, it's the case over here in the U.S., too. I have a lot of "half" friends, and their (usually white) dads have long since been beat the fuck down by their tiger moms. Again, it's almost always good things (one dad is being put on some crazy ass diet, he needs it), but still, it's pretty clear who takes the reigns in the bedroom.

If that's white supremacy, we gotta do better.

>> No.10738367

you are a colossal faggot for asking this question

>> No.10738473
File: 164 KB, 425x417, 1356395163300.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You guys are fucked in the head, there are large benefits to genetically diverse offspring, look it up. I'm whiter than any of you trash on this board, my family have been lawyers for almost 1000 years in England. I wish I was part of the main house, but my family moved abroad long ago. Sorry for going off topic, you fucks are so stupid you think family prestige is a thing, so get trumped cunts.
I'm married to a Bulgarian/Niue-an who has the tall elegance of her Bulgarian side with the fat tits and arse of her Niue-an side. I've been with her since I was in highschool and I've never regretted anything I've done since. Would post pics but she has >5k instagram followers and I bet one of you thirsty shitlords follows her just to see what me and bae do on our holidays haha.
I've noticed a trend among people who are racist, they tend to be short, small dicked, beta bitchbois who almost always thirst after the race they're most racist about. I studied Engineering and this behaviour was very prevalent, so many pasty white and asian dudes hating on blacks and natives because they saw the alphas walking around being everything they weren't. I really feel bad for them to be honest, so glad I'm >6 foot and not dirt ugly.
They would cling onto this idea that they were superior due to their degree, or their pedigree. It was true comedy gold.
TL;DR don't be a beta bitch and confront your inferiority, and remmember suicide is always an option.

>> No.10738473,1 [INTERNAL] 

jesus fucking christ

>> No.10738473,2 [INTERNAL] 

>I've noticed a trend among people who are racist, they tend to be short, small dicked, beta bitchbois who almost always thirst after the race they're most racist about.

Or maybe they just see multiculturalism as a direct threat on their cultural and ethnic identity?

>> No.10738473,3 [INTERNAL] 

what the fuck is niue-an

bulgarias pretty though