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/fa/ - Fashion

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10737115 No.10737115 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.10737450


>> No.10737555

good thread

>> No.10737575
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>op in a few days

>> No.10738658

>he doesn't murder normies and niggernormies when given the slightest reason to.

but that's just normiememes for you.
I kinda like "bye felicia" though.

>> No.10738667
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>go to the mall in my response trails
>snotty 13 year old in huaraches shouts "what are thoooose" at me
>go home and cry
why live

>> No.10738671

His shoes are literally better than yours, so I don't believe he would have actually said anything to you.

>> No.10738673

>thinking huaraches > response trails
why are even on this board

>> No.10738683

man this is why i'm hesitant to get rafdidas

dumbass teens thinking it's skechers tier

>> No.10738687

both are shit

>> No.10738688

yeah man
then again the only shit i get for them is from teenagers wearing tracksuits and superstars or air maxes, and i've learned not to give a fuck what they think lol

>> No.10738689
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That's because it is, and you can't honestly provide any explanation for why it isn't, other than the exorbitant amount of money you waste by getting Rafdidas instead of similarly-designed Skechers.

>> No.10738706


find me some skechers that have a silhouette like these and are made from similar materials like rafs and without any branding

why can't you just accept that people like stuff that you don't like, even if they like it just because of the internet if that's the matter

>> No.10738708

>being too embarrassed to wear Skechers

Don't be ashamed, you already look embarrassing enough with your Rafdidas autism shoes

>> No.10738712

that wasnt the point
the point is is that there are no sketchers that are similar to rafs

>> No.10738713
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>> No.10738715


these are hard uno
what happens when u press the button

>> No.10738719


damn bitch you can play Simon on your shoe
imagine how wet the bitches will get when u let them play at the party

>> No.10738745

i wish rocky or kanye gets these and hypebeasts start wearing skechers

>> No.10738763


lol they most likely will

you should hop on it early bro

>> No.10738769

Lmao, on preview I saw rafdidas, wtf. Btw, clown, what tells here about RAF MATERIALS didn't even saw them irl, lmao.

>> No.10738940

>Tfw wear adidas fluxes
>Tfw I wear the best neutral colored shoe that goes with pretty much every fit for like 60 bucks

Why spend hundreds of dollars on skechers lads?

This one kid got them a couple years back in my class and I complimented his skechers every time I saw them. They looked literally like skechers in person, and 9 times out of 10 the fit looks worse with them

>> No.10740240
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I think these are really nice, but I also understand people think they look like sketchers. I have yet to see sketchers that look as good in my eyes, but I'm sure there are sketchers out there that could pass as an alternative. There is nothing wrong with that, just be confident in what you're wearing guys.

>> No.10740263

if i had confidence i wouldn't need to buy weird clothes and shit

>> No.10740266
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>le funny niggermemes

good one, T B H F A M

>> No.10740270

Lol xd so funny le black people humor

>> No.10740280

being black is good retards

>> No.10740285

>le mad cumskin
Dude, put down the 9mm. Just jokes brah.

>> No.10740293
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>> No.10740306


>being black is good

Africa must be the best then, ay?


swer on me mum m8, ill rek u

>> No.10740309
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>> No.10740316

being black: cool and swag
being white: gay loser nerd

>> No.10740329

good goyim! whites are pasty and nerdy! everyone knows that the modern woman desires someone dark, masculine exotic! *rubs hands*

>> No.10740337

>Simon: the game: the shoes

>> No.10740338

>Two of your pay cheques

>> No.10740341

>this was actually posted by someone from /pol/

welcome to 4shill

>> No.10740476
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Sucks to hear, good luck with that.

>> No.10740490

What are you even talking about?

>> No.10740496

They are
>muh $500 shoes are so effay guys
>it doesn't matter that they look like a retard 2 year olds colouring book you plen!!!
>so what if they're ugly muh rafdidas!!!!!

>> No.10740704
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requesting more minority twitter memes

we've reached a point where normie humor is better than /fa/ humor

>> No.10740721

But your people are the ones with the 9mm committing a majority of the crime

>> No.10740745

Tell me, where is "fucking house of pies"

>> No.10740994
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>> No.10741043

/r/ing an ID on A$AP's shoes

>> No.10741090
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WHO UP?!?!

>> No.10741094
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who TF up RN fuck all these lames azz crackas ok hand

>> No.10741108
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>> No.10741138

it is now certified somalian season

>> No.10741237
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>> No.10741259

>someone does that to me at a party
>Random Black guy notices corny kid ensuing this faggotry
>Black guy comes up to me and says "nice margielas imma kick dis kids ass"
>gets up un his face and drags him out of the party
>throws him against wall across hall and tells him to fuck off

Thank you based bro.

>> No.10741261
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>> No.10741271

>things that never happened

>> No.10741274


>being too much of a beta bitch to do anything to the guy
>being literally cucked in a social situation
>having no balls
>being a pussy

i mean...if he went as far as throwing him up against a wall and telling him to fuck off the kid must have been agressive or threatening towards you...

but your story sounds very fabricated and fake anyway

>> No.10741276
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>> No.10741285
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>> No.10741286

just correct them. Be a snob.

>> No.10741288
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>> No.10741331

/fa/ humor has always just been stealing shit from black people anyway

>> No.10741345
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>low IQ and high crime rates

>> No.10741396

if you can't handle fucking strangers memeing at you then why did you buy expensive, flashy shoes? ffs senpai

>> No.10743066
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this one is really good lol haha :') black twitter humor ftw :') :')

>> No.10743074

no it wasn't
the influx of /r/streetwear faggots made nigger worshiping even worse

>> No.10743195

>tfw misunderstands weird clothes as something to gain confidence, instead of something with confidence already at base that's meant to bolster individuality

>> No.10743441

>Raf Simons in collaboration with Simon

>> No.10743475


how do get to be so autistic? its a talent