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File: 425 KB, 600x900, molly.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10735726 No.10735726 [Reply] [Original]

No comfy thinspo thread?! Let's fix that.

/thinspo/ general

FAQ/glossary/links: http://hastebin.com/raw/qanedewaki

How are you doing through these holidays? What are your goals? Also pls post some female thinspo in addition to the guys pls...

>> No.10735730
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>> No.10735750
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>> No.10735751
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>> No.10735755
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>> No.10735772

lol wtf ugly bitch

>> No.10735925

Thanks senpai!

nice > rude

>> No.10735936
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>> No.10735978

Today: 4 Cups of coffee, cigarettes, 2 litres of water, a sardine can with soy sauce and 20 thin pretzel sticks

How can I improve? My stomach hurts, what can I do against this? I'm still miles away from being cut.

>> No.10735996

these boards always fuck me up ill never be skelly

>> No.10736021

yeah i was good for a month then I fucked up bad for like a week bc of midterms, trying to get back on it though

>> No.10736032

Eat more than that. I eat like 700 calories a day when cutting down, and I slowly transition. So if I'm eating 1500, then I go like 1300 the next week, then 1100 the next, then 900, then 700... that's just me though.

>> No.10736034

if your stomach hurts it means youre dying, which is a good sign, keep going kekboy

>> No.10736067


uh eat something with nutritional value ya fucking mong.

>4 cups of coffee
>soy sauce

and drink more water, you're dehydrated.

>> No.10736074
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A healthy thinspo thread

>> No.10736085
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it is unhealthy and stupid to be thin if you are not an ektomorph

>> No.10736093

>it is unhealthy and stupid to be thin if you are not an ektomorph
bullshit desu it's all about bodyfat and proportions
"endormoprh" : muscle mass +high body fat
"mesomorph":muscle mass +low bdoy fat
"ectomorph":tall guy with little body fat and no muscle mass

>> No.10736097
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>> No.10736099
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>> No.10736102
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>> No.10736104
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>> No.10736109
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>> No.10736113
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>> No.10736115
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Chewing gum does the job for supressing hunger as well. Just don't be obnoxious with the actual act of chewing haha

>> No.10736116

nah. it's about the metabolism.
There are huge differences.
Some people burn energy fast, others don't.

You should only be thin if you are at a normal energy uptake.

>> No.10736124


Or eating cotton balls dipped in lubricant.

>> No.10736125
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Yeah, gum does help but totally agree about the chomping. I kinda just leave it tucked in my mouth and chomp a bit when no one is looking

>> No.10736129
File: 65 KB, 500x308, tumblr_mhj5igfLyu1rkx260o1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The metabolism myth again .. metabolism don't differ "THAT" much between people to make some people being healthy while being skinny and others not ( there is some few rare cases tho).
Correct me if i'm wrong but with some evidence not by some "research" done by a psychologist about bodies .

>> No.10736135
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>> No.10736139
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>> No.10736144
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>> No.10736146
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>tfw overweight father telling me that age makes a huge difference in metabolism
>tfw 30 and according to the charts I burn only like 50 calories less than I did when I was 20 or something.

>> No.10736149
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>> No.10736153
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Oh sorry i was talking about young people ( not meaning that you're not young but like young adults-late teens ) then yes you're right the older you are the higher your body fat have to be to be healthy .

>> No.10736155
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>> No.10736160
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>> No.10736162
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>> No.10736164
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also smoking isn't effay

>> No.10736167
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>> No.10736172
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>> No.10736180

I'd like to be this thin, but I don't know if I ever could. I'm probably considered fat now at 206 lbs, and 6'0.

>> No.10736183
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>> No.10736196

>I'd like to be this thin, but I don't know if I ever could. I'm probably considered fat now at 206 lbs, and 6'0.
You can do it anon i was 90kg 3 years ago now i'm 66kg ( my goal is 56-58kg) it took me this much time because i'm a lazy faggot but i'm sure you're better than me .
also exercice so your skin don't become loose and try to lose weight slowly so you don't get stretch marks DO IT .

>> No.10736199
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>> No.10736202

It's a myth though. It's basically the same as you age, you just burn calories a bit slower as you age and have to eat a tiny bit less, but not as much as people make it out to be.

Like if someone older says 'Just wait until you get older, your metabolism will slow down' they are right, but it is only like 50-100 calories difference with even huge age gaps (so basically they are just using it as an excuse).

>> No.10736208
File: 164 KB, 566x230, Ideal-Body-Fat-Percentage-Chart2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Like if someone older says 'Just wait until you get older, your metabolism will slow down' they are right, but it is only like 50-100 calories difference with even huge age gaps (so basically they are just using it as an excuse).
Yes and no

>> No.10736215

Also anon you will get more attractive when you will lose weight before i was a 6/10 after losing weight i became a legit 8/10 and girls telling me that i'm cute even when i do autism tier shit .

>> No.10736218
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>> No.10736222
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>> No.10736226

Same thing happened to me. You gotta get thin enough for your bone structure to start to show though.

>> No.10736227
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>> No.10736230
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>> No.10736234
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>> No.10736245
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>> No.10736248
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I gained 30 pounds over 7 months in rehab and I've finally lost it. I'm 5'1 f so i could still probably stand to lose 10 or 15 but god im so happy ive finally made it this far

>> No.10736250
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>> No.10736254
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Good job anon keep up the good work , dat socks tho .

>> No.10736257
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>> No.10736261
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What were you in rehab for?

Fellow ex-junkie here.

>> No.10736262

Lol i know

>> No.10736263
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>> No.10736264


>> No.10736266
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>> No.10736267
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Hey Freddie.

>> No.10736273
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damn you must have faced some serious shit so you had to bond with heroin

>> No.10736279
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>> No.10736281
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>> No.10736284

My boyfriend at the time wouldnt sleep with me so i found intimacy with him by letting him shoot me up. Heroin is not /fa/ for me though. The shit is annoying and it makes me break out much worse than any stimulant
I lost this weight without stimulants though. Willpower. Ive been consuming about 300 cals a day for the past 2 and a half weeks

>> No.10736292

>My boyfriend at the time wouldnt sleep
I'll sleep with you if you are in miami

>> No.10736295

300 cals a day ??!! Please be gentle with your body try to lose weight more slowly it's for your long term health AND EAT MORE .

>> No.10736296
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Now we can be addicted to being thin.

>> No.10736311

Hell yes

>> No.10736318
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>> No.10736323
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>> No.10736326

I gained a bit of weight getting off heroin, benzos and cocaine... mostly getting off benzos... but right after dropped really fast. The post-withdrawal depression actually helped me drop a bunch of weight, was so bummed couldn't eat much

>> No.10736327
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>> No.10736333
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>> No.10736336
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>> No.10736338
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>> No.10736340
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>> No.10736366

Depression sure helps. Congratulations on getting clean. Drugs are for niggers.
I stalled at around 115 for about 5 months until one of my friends made a straightforward comment 3 weeks ago about how I dont look the same weightwise as I always had. That kicked me into gear

>> No.10736403

That shit just straight up isn't true. It's an excuse for fat people to "not be able to lose weight."

>> No.10736434
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>> No.10736449

You too friend. I was on drugs for a long time, so I can't really be to critical of other druggies. Now I'm pretty empty though, had to ditch my friends because they are still into drugs and now I live at home and just wageslave. Hoping I get hit by a bus or starve to death.

>> No.10736486

Where are you from?

>> No.10736516

i imagine you fat lying on a pile of meat, watching into the sky and seeing six-armed Schwarznegger posing

>> No.10736548

Miami, you?

>> No.10736958

>eat dinner
>feel guilty
Didn't eat much though

>> No.10737060

find a job

>> No.10737070

I got one. It's not a very social job though. Pays well though.

>> No.10737251

The same is happening with me like what the hell feeling fat after eating an apple or worse wanting to throw up just by seeing cookies or some processed food .

>> No.10737301

>2 litres of water

Are you one of those tools who gets cups and litres confused

>> No.10737332
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anyone else find it really hard to eat?

i'm 6'1, 135lbs, been trying to gain weight but I just dislike eating. I can eat till I feel "full" which is only like half of a regular meal, and anything more I feel terrible and nauseous.

it's kinda embarrassing because whenever I go out to eat with my friends I secretly dread it and try to make it look like I ate more than I actually did.

>> No.10737380

Can natural thinbois get fit without having weird ayylien muscles? I want to start making gains but I am worried about my high metabolism and looking gross. I just want to have some shape.

>> No.10737389 [DELETED] 

5'9.5, 126lbs.
Trying to lose back down to 115 at the least.

I was on new meds for two weeks and they had made me gain almost 10lbs I had worked hard to lose : / Now I'm taking something else and I can finally diet.

>> No.10737406

6'2' 143 lbs

being skinny fat is the master race i look doughy as hell in the gut area but my ribs jut out violently

im gonna stop at 135


>> No.10737410
File: 36 KB, 306x524, ugh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

5'9.5, 126lbs.
Trying to lose back down to 115 at the least.

I was on new meds for two weeks and they had made me gain almost 10lbs I had worked hard to lose : / Now I'm taking something else and I can finally diet.

Right now my body is ew.

>> No.10737415

What will go when you drop the 10 pounds? hips get thinner? I realize it is all over but what in specific are you trying to trim out?

>> No.10737423

actually im 6'2.5" and 142 swag...

>> No.10737449

You look great right now

>> No.10737461

you're mentally ill

>> No.10737470
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Christ senpai

>> No.10737472

She's a little wide up top on the legs, not sure what she is hiding under that sweater either.

>> No.10737473
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>> No.10737475
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>> No.10737477
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>> No.10737507


>> No.10737520

looks really good. perfect body imo

>> No.10737614

smoking is effay as fuck

>> No.10737624

Yeah my thighs, I can't change my hips cause my bones are just that wide ):

>> No.10737631

Skinny friends, why am I still so skinny? I have eaten take out/microwave shit for 3 months straight and haven't eaten a single fruit either, but I'm still pretty skinny, no sports either am 19m

what's up with me? not complaining too much though

>> No.10737633
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starting 4 day fast
ate nothing today
even though I'm a girl bones is my inspo

>> No.10737636

what planet are you from?

>> No.10737659
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Hiding this

>> No.10737676

Sexy af, get out of this thread

>> No.10737711
File: 38 KB, 500x684, 630f885fbf7bb43a02c44e275ed1549f[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have thinspo too though

>> No.10737716
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>> No.10737720

w2c bathing suit pleasaseee

>> No.10737723

please help me i cant stop eating, i overeat or just eat when im bored. how can i supress my appetite or distract myself?? im desperate to be skinny i just cant help myself its a habit at this point its disgusting. ive atleast stopped drinking soda and im limiting my fast food intake to hopefully be nonexistent soon but still i waste so much money on food when im not even hungry and im just getting fatter im not even concerned about exercise at this point how can i suppress my appetite??

>> No.10737725
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>> No.10737726

listen I had the same problem. Literally thinspo whenever I get hungry I just look at myself in the mirror or looks at thinspo. In other regions in my life I have never been this strict or had this much control but it feels soooooo good losing a pound and hunger is just a feeling. Join myproana dot com ;))

>> No.10737734

You should look into why you need to eat so much. Maybe you're not doing great psychologically and should see a therapist?

>> No.10737741

Somatotypes have consistently been disproven and as a result, are now regarded similarly to phrenology and other pseudo-scientific theories

>> No.10737756

sit on my face before your ass disappears, please

>> No.10737817

I love this thread

>> No.10737854
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>> No.10737862

What is a /thinsop/ BMI/

>> No.10737880

Under 18 is thin, under 17 is skinny (although it depends on your bf%, if you have more muscle you might look skinnier at a higher bmi)

>> No.10737955

Why suppress hunger? Just eat. Literally no one on the planet (except angsty goth anorexic preteens) thinks malnourishment is attractive or effay.

>> No.10737961

no, it really isn't. It's vile. If you actually spent time around females, I can tell you first hand that unless they smoke themselves, everyone thinks it's repulsive.

Everyone thinks of you as less than a person. You're not capable of self control. You smell like sewage.

>> No.10738092

5'10 and 115
feels good man :')

>> No.10738107

Also I'm a teenager so no senpai I'm not dying

>> No.10738431

Being a skinny bitch is not /fa/

>> No.10738438

>feels good
Come to the Netherlands man.

>> No.10738444

>he fell for the high test meme

>> No.10738466
File: 197 KB, 804x1072, 1447121655322.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I didn't fall for anything. I've preferred thick bitches already before internet existed

>> No.10738488


>> No.10738528

>pretzel sticks
A regular pretzel stick has 100 calories. Pressuming your thin pretzels are half the size of regular ones, you are looking at the 50 calories per pretzel, which gives you 1000 calories in pretzels alone. Which is retarded since I keep 3 full meals a day just over that amount of calories.

Replace the pretzels with a cup of steamed broccoli, twice a day (55 calories a cup) and other green veggies or cauliflower, carrots and so on.
Next to it have some grilled protein or stick to chickpeas or canned beans cooked in plain chopped tomato sauce, with some herbs and spices.
Overall your meal should be around 250-300 calories, and you get a warm meal that keeps you pretty full. Have it at least twice a day and it will give you around half the calories those pretzels will give you, and the foods will keep you much healthier and fuller for longer.

Check reddit.com/r/MealPrepSunday/ for inspiration, but you should skip the starches like rice, potatoes or pasta if you are trying to lose.

>> No.10738532

I imagine (s)he means the tiny ones. I got some that are like 50 calories for 5. Big range in pretzel sticks. That said, I agree with your diet recommendations.

>> No.10738538

I used to think these threads were big in-jokes but you nutcases actually think this is good don't you?

>> No.10738544

pls be my gf

You're all I want to know

>> No.10738556

No these are serious. Why would I want to be fat?

>> No.10738643

>2016 - 10 days
>not being /fit/
fucking plebs

>> No.10738686

I ate horribly this weekend and my weight went above 140 again (6'2"m)... The holidays suck for trying to stay thin, the temptation is strong.

>> No.10738700
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>> No.10739279

It's almost over m8, just check this thread out before meals it helps tbchmasf (to be completely honest my anonymous starving friend)

>> No.10739350
File: 84 KB, 256x256, feelsgoodman2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"men" on this board will be wearing sneakers like that in two years and calling it high fashion

>> No.10739907

>tfw have only lost 11lbs in the past 3 months

>> No.10739924
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>> No.10739933

I've been bad this month, only 3 lbs.

I'm picking up pace though. I'm a fatass now (5' 11" 160) .. I'm not as extreme as some others in this thread, just want to get to 140 or so.

>> No.10739946
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>> No.10739954
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>> No.10739961
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>> No.10739966
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>> No.10739996
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>> No.10740006
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>> No.10740038
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>> No.10740046
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>> No.10740059
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>> No.10740066
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>> No.10740081
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>> No.10740082
File: 888 KB, 473x839, thinspooge.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

doing okay. want it to be summer again so people can see my thinness

>> No.10740087
File: 88 KB, 466x700, tumblr_n3m8vkwpPl1qdy98po1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10740126
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>> No.10740129
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>> No.10740190

Post more ana girls. Looks dope

>> No.10740219
File: 147 KB, 640x625, tumblr_ngy7jfOYIi1qh275wo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

D'accord senpai i will try to find some .
btw is it politically correct to fuck a thick/chubby girl when you're a skinny pale fag with 7-8/10 facial aesthetics ?

>> No.10740235
File: 17 KB, 200x300, large3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10740236

>all these images of skinny guys from tumblr

say, is there a tag for these?

>> No.10740238
File: 16 KB, 274x320, large-151.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>say, is there a tag for these?
it's not from a specific one but a some from each male thinspiration one .

>> No.10740241
File: 37 KB, 225x300, tumblr_lgles0d1861qczvmbo1_500_large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10740242
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>> No.10740245
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>> No.10740246
File: 31 KB, 500x334, large-8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10740251

Thanks man.
And yea, I would say so. If I can fuck ana girls as a bodybuilder, you can fuck chubby chicks aswell. I'm sure they'll dig you.

>> No.10740252
File: 462 KB, 940x1227, tumblr_lu5o5japif1qfjnv5o1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10740253

>from each male thinspiration one

and those would be?

>> No.10740255


>> No.10740260

u should be focused on bf% bc u could look skinny but have a high bmi as fat has a lower density than muscle thus it weighs less

>> No.10740262

>tfw when lost 5 pounds in 1 week :)

>> No.10740271

>thinspiration one
>and those would be?
99% of the pictures are shit tier

>> No.10740276

doesnt matter, ive got time to waste. danke schön

>> No.10740277
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>> No.10740281
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>> No.10740286
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>> No.10740292


>> No.10740298
File: 40 KB, 500x750, tumblr_nvr4907S3p1rpcn1eo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10740314
File: 247 KB, 836x557, tumblr_nut5n1Vrep1t11r9qo1_r1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10740318
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>> No.10740322
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>> No.10740334

5'10" 115 lbs male trying to gain weight. Am I too skinny?

>> No.10740335

being skinny isn't fashionable anymore, if you're too lazy to work out just accept it

>> No.10740394

Yeah that's why high fashion models are skinny and lean .

>> No.10740832

If you guys are trying so hard to lose weight why not just take DNP, it's muscle sparring and can turn 3 month cut into like 2 weeks.

>> No.10740841

>being skinny isn't fashionable anymore


okay then

>> No.10740892
File: 15 KB, 722x506, 1424787366066.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw going to bed hungry
Am I going to make it family?

>> No.10740918


>> No.10741749

except virtually all top male models, not only that but female models a becoming slowly less thin, look at Gigi Hadid, Nina Agdal, but also the 'thin' models mostly aren't as thin as the pics being posted accept Cara who is just a meme at this point

>> No.10741778

Nicest hands ever?

>> No.10742075
File: 143 KB, 1000x1500, m-2183_MIca Arganaraz - closed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nah these are just celebrity-models.
all the other actually professional models are still thin

>> No.10742091

what's your job?

>> No.10742114

I am 19 years old, male and skinny, which I like.
But my body looks like the one of a teenager or a girl, just with flat chest, I also don't have much body hair.
How do I make my body look masculine but skinny at the same time?

>> No.10742116

>Gigi Hadid
>yfw you realize you are almost the same age as gigi hadid

>> No.10742148
File: 21 KB, 466x530, Foto1[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


That's irrelevant today.

Kim Kardashian is on Vogue.

Drop it.

>> No.10742150
File: 20 KB, 236x354, 5b75c1bf6d045ecfe8a669030caefc9b[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10742285

I'm so jelly

>> No.10742586

Losing weight isn't even hard.. just stop eating.

Being hungry isn't that bad of a feeling, in fact, as I'm trying to go from 74kg -> 65kg at 6'0", I like the feeling of being hungry! It's a physical reminder of progress.

I also started doing exercise about 2-3 months ago, that's the only thing about undereating that sucks - sometimes hard to find the motivation to start the workout, and your energy during the workout is low.

However, as always, mind over matter.

>> No.10742622

thank mr skeltal

>> No.10742632

Of you wanna be skinny just go low fat high carb vegan and you can eat as much as you fucking want and you WILL get skinny. It's just gonna take longer than starving yourself, but it's fucking worth it. If you don't eat any fat and animal products, you will find it very hard to consume as much calories as you're burning since it takes a lot of energy to metabolize all the fiber. So yeah, don't be an idiot and stop eating while you can just go the easy way and actually get a lot of good nutrients.

>> No.10742757

Thanks for the advice senpai i can't starve myself it's very hard and i don't have enough will .

>> No.10742981

What kind of jackets to suit skinny bodies ?

>> No.10743086

So many fat vegans though, do they cheat? Is that why they are fat?

>> No.10743105

That's probably because they eat vegan cupcakes, fries, oreos, etc. You just gotta avoid the fat and cook without any oil. 1 gram of carbs: 4 cals, 1 gram of protein: 4 cals, 1 gram of fat: 9 cals. See?

>> No.10743250

If I did it is count calories at the same time just to be safe. I bet you take nice clean poops regularly, huh?

>> No.10743297

I want to beat this tiny bitch senseless.

>> No.10743301
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>> No.10743316
File: 85 KB, 439x376, Snapchat--6456890316128071965-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Judge it

>> No.10743328

When will my chest be as thick as my stomach bruhs? How do i lose the manboobs?

>> No.10743343

>before internet existed

go away dad.

>> No.10743349

>those feet


>> No.10743356

former /fit/izen 5'8 and 195 muskular down to 165.

storing fat in my chest, waist, buttox. hopefully getting down to 130-140ish and that will make it go away.

the road is long and i am tired.

>> No.10743364


Daily reminder that


Of you get paid to model. You people aren't even close. You just look anorexic and people feel bad for you and talk behind your back.

In the real world absolutely no one finds excessively skinny people sexually attractive




>> No.10743377

>muh genetics

>> No.10743385


(I am speaking from the perspective of a recovered anorexic who was once 6'3", 125)

>> No.10743393

What causes anorexia? Why do these anons do this? When is wanting to be thin cross over to a problem?

>> No.10743408

Fact is that I'm not an anorexic, I've never been able to keep my weight above 130lbs for more than 2 weeks. I love to eat and swim but nothing is working.
It took me a long time to accept it, so now it's just like "deal with it"

>> No.10743415
File: 221 KB, 497x750, IMGP0006.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10743427

WHO IS THIS?????????????

>> No.10743451

saved / 10

>> No.10743470

This so hard. Started eating and lifting recently and I realized how delusional i had been. Never felt better in my body than atm.

>> No.10743471



>> No.10743476


we have similar proportions & i have the same issue where I look thick despite being v underweight for my height (5'11" // 120 lbs.)

gotta run to tone up

>> No.10743492

taylor hill

>> No.10743497
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>> No.10743504


fat trash please go

>> No.10743506
File: 374 KB, 1039x929, img518.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to gain 5 - 10 pounds

>> No.10743510

thicc af she can hyucc me

>> No.10743624

>6'3" 125

Fucking casual.

>> No.10743655
File: 544 KB, 500x706, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pls respond

>> No.10743736

What is her name?

>> No.10743804
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>> No.10743808
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>> No.10743813

does a more mainstream woman even exist

>> No.10743816
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>> No.10743823
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>> No.10743829
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>> No.10743835
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>> No.10743840
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>> No.10743841

can u post stats pls? (ht, wt, & routine if you have one)

>> No.10743854
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>> No.10743855
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>> No.10743863

Since when does coffee not dry you out, speaking of tools..

>> No.10743864
File: 184 KB, 550x309, tn_posted-on-shock-mansion-496.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10743868

wanna eat cake out that booty

>> No.10743882

You are the guy with the shoes right?

>> No.10744070

not that guy, and not anorexic, but
there's just something satisfying about waking up and seeing a slim body in the mirror, seeing how low you can make the number on your weight go

>> No.10744082
File: 363 KB, 700x394, 1419105759007.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can understand that. Does it coincide with other mental illness? What about when you get into starving yourself or throwing up food? I can understand wanting to be thin, or even super thin, but what about the people who obsess over it or go to extremes? When is it an 'eating disorder' rather than just wanting to be thin?

>> No.10744094

i've always been a very skinny guy and my family, friends, my medical doctors, everyone.. they never let me forget that by going "you're flesh and bones, eat something" and joking along similar lines. i'm not anorexic or anything, i seriously can't help my weight. i'm not picky about food and i work out as much as i can. can't gain much, it's just genetics. and only recently have i discovered that there's a port of internet that finds this sort of look beautiful. but i don't really see that when i look in the mirror.
i'm 6'1", 138

>> No.10744108

you can change if you have the willpower

>> No.10744110

i really don't know too much about this stuff, sorry fa m

i only ever throw up if i drink too much at a party, tried forcing it once because i regretfully ate something that didn't taste great, but it just felt weird and wrong

i guess me wanting to be thin might have something to do with living with overweight people for most of my life

i'm sort of dating a girl who's been under psychiatric treatment for anorexia before, but even though i keep trying to understand, she just can't explain what it was like. i think the thoughts vary a huge amount from person to person

>> No.10744131
File: 6 KB, 300x168, 4keanu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i really don't know too much about this stuff, sorry fa m
No worries m8, just interested.

>i guess me wanting to be thin might have something to do with living with overweight people for most of my life
That makes sense.

>i'm sort of dating a girl who's been under psychiatric treatment for anorexia before, but even though i keep trying to understand, she just can't explain what it was like. i think the thoughts vary a huge amount from person to person
So perhaps it is a symptom of a wider mental disorder rather than the complete disorder itself?

>> No.10744133

My beautiful baby! The cutest of them all...

>> No.10744139

at least if you want to post thick girls post good ones , cuties and not trash tier ones.

>> No.10744144

thanks, i'll look into that

>> No.10744150

she was also depressed at the time, so that most likely had something to do with the anorexia

>> No.10744151
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>> No.10744160
File: 136 KB, 376x406, 1418692791905.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw depressed as fuck
>be 6'3" 115
>acquire glorious effay body
>less depressed

It's a good feeling.

My only problem is controlling my hunger (now that it has returned) in order to keep this godly body I have been gifted. What do you thin anons eat? Any tips? I have no problems dealing with the pain of being hungry, but I need to eat some stuff and I want to not gain weight.

>> No.10744161

>tfw gf is chubby but looks nothing like this.
>tfw not sure if she should lose weight or gain some more


>> No.10744166

i haven't eaten anything today for the first time in a while, but i usually eat stuff like broccoli, potatoes, toast and eggs

i also only eat once every day

>> No.10744177
File: 67 KB, 532x545, old.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah I have to find a way to lose fat without gaining muscle in my legs. They bulk up so fast, so even when I have nearly no fat on they look bulky ):

>> No.10744188

>tfw love being thin but recently developed a love of working out and a desire to be /fit/

>> No.10744646
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>> No.10744649
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>> No.10744657
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>> No.10744676

how can I feel more full without consuming many calories? I do fine until I have to go to work and mid shift I get hungry as fuck and binge eat everything around me. I have a current bmi of 16.9 and I feel like I look healthy skinny as of right now even though people tell me I look really thin. I'm sort of skinny fat because I eat a lot of processed/unhealthy foods. drink mainly tea and water though. For me personally, cigs don't really suppress my appetite and I don't want lung cancer. I've tried caffeine pills, and all they do is give me crippling anxiety and nausea so that really isn't an option either. fruits/veggies don't really make me feel full. any ideas on what to eat/take that will make me feel fuller without all the calories?

>> No.10744836

I think I just developed a collarbone fetish

>> No.10744849

Taking vitamins + fish oil like they say in the pastebins really helps me a lot if you're not already doing that

>> No.10745026
File: 852 KB, 1920x1080, 20151202_212458.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was there too; 190 at 5'8. Now I'm at 140. It can be done and it's not even that difficult.

>> No.10745098

Link to other bins?
Not him but I'd like an idea as to what vitamins y'all take. Currently only taking b12

Also, how to not be skinnyfat without looking too defined? Situps and basic firefighter training enough? I'm not even going to bother going to a gym

>> No.10745133

Why is she so perfect?

>> No.10745492

^ also interested

>> No.10745519


If you're not getting an adequate amount of salts in your diet then you will be dehydrated, regardless of how much water you drink.

When your salt levels are low, your body excretes the water to maintain the proper balance of salts/water.

If you drink too much water, without replenishing salts, you will eventually develop Hyponatremia which can lead to death.

I wouldn't condone the kind of shit you're eating, but you should at least eat an orange for the potassium.

>> No.10745526
File: 346 KB, 599x593, taytay-eeeee.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you will eventually develop Hyponatremia which can lead to death.

>> No.10745591

Who os this girl, please?

I think she is photoshopped, and want her name to verify.

>> No.10745594 [DELETED] 


Why are fat people so rude?

Someone should probably post pretty bones in every porn thread going on in this dump.

It sucks when people act like their are above everyone else and don't know their place.

>> No.10745605


Why are fat people and their enablers so rude?

Someone should probably post pretty bones in every porn thread going on in this dump.

It sucks when people act like they are above everyone else and don't know their place.

>> No.10745620

Not really, hardly see how its relevant either

>> No.10745632

Fruits and veggies not making you full is not something I believe. I think you simply don't like eating them or you don't realize that they are actually very low in calories, which means you'd have to eat more to feel full. The thing about fruits is that you can eat an awfully huge amount without gaining weight easily because metabolizing all the fiber burns calories. Besides, if you eat lots of fruits, your cravings will disappear writhing a week if you don't limit yourself and you will find that you can easily go without food for longer. My advice is that you go on just smoothies and whole fruits/vegetables for a week or however long you desire. What I do is I make a smoothie with banana only, or banana with any other fruit, mix with soymilk (no dairy milk ever! High in fat and disgusting hormones and lactose), but water is better. I often grind up fiber tablets that you can get at any health store and add that to end up with almost negative calories. If you add a bit of oats to the smoothie you WILL get full, no denying that. And don't count calories or limit. If you eat fruit you will pretty much always be good because of the fiber, and if you limit yourself your body will keep craving and you will never feel full. Success, this has worked for me a lot.

>> No.10745687

There's a thing going on in South Korea where they eat basil seeds as an appetite suppressant because they apparently enlarge in your stomach and make you feel more full.

>> No.10745710
File: 28 KB, 639x639, BTvS8NhOdPY.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10745713
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>> No.10745715
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>> No.10745717
File: 64 KB, 640x480, FLLSrP0G_ro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10745835

get cucked kiddo. its unhealthy but /fa/

>> No.10745864
File: 47 KB, 306x505, article-2679382-00F932A8000004B0-908_306x505[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Who cares about what "effay" wannabes think?

>> No.10745877
File: 824 KB, 480x270, tumblr_lz48uh7Bwc1r2zrueo1_r4_500[1].gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this person doesn't smoke because "effay" issues.

>> No.10745880


Lol, I can tell by the way you write that you're still a miserable autistic incel

>> No.10745883


lmao you're a fuckup loser
hope you die :)

>> No.10745885
File: 666 KB, 597x598, 576.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10745889


you just have an ugly girl with shit genes lmao

nice going, cuck

>> No.10745897
File: 42 KB, 600x585, CIUgymSUEAAQNp3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10745903
File: 118 KB, 321x500, Vlada-Roslyakova-Snejana-Onopka-and-Sasha-Pivovarova-models-10479165-321-500[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10745908


Why are the people obsessed about fat in unnatural and vulgar places out of control again?

Give them candy.

>> No.10745916
File: 100 KB, 640x640, 0f16fe40089e3558275e033070c6e02b4e6c5043.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10745922
File: 52 KB, 500x500, lWRWQJVbmXA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's wrong with her nose?

>> No.10745977

He looks like such a mess... Yet pulls it off perfectly.

>> No.10745992

thanks mr skeltal

>> No.10746005
File: 22 KB, 500x500, 6c7207a147644cf0250ba5865dd92e1f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10746011
File: 41 KB, 350x402, xin_120604191027935251996[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love how he wears fedoras, wich are a maymay on this board.

People who needs rules to follow on how to look like are the worst;

>> No.10746014
File: 182 KB, 876x618, lfU0eOnJ27I.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ok, what's wrong with her face?

>> No.10746021
File: 65 KB, 225x400, Alexa-Chung-Smoking[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10746100

I want to give her a hug 3:

>> No.10746206

You skinny faggots don't realize how much you're really hurting the world. The way you smugly show off your self harm only broods spite in the gen pop and makes them eat more, causing the average weight to be driven upwards. Its like your shooting heroin in a dark musty corner while the rest of the world suffers from your parasitism

>> No.10746238

Personally raw fruit and veg cause my stomach to build up more acid (sometimes I even get heart burn) so they don't fill me up since the acid buildup causes an "empty" feeling. Taking tums can work but not all the time.

>> No.10746239
File: 232 KB, 980x1470, c3[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just like being thin and thin looking people.

I agree with you people should stop pretending like big medias outlets that it's a burden or sick.

>> No.10746347


Obviously you can pick and choose what you need from this if you're not going for this whole aesthetic but it does have a lot of helpful info...


>> No.10747282

Is it normal to wake up thin and after eating you become a skinny fit ?

>> No.10747329
File: 29 KB, 250x334, 348087952.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10747598

New thread:

>> No.10747653

His (>>10736085) post is reasonable. I'm an ectomorph and I look thin even when I have 18% bf. Models are ectomorphs too, that's why they can look so super-thin.

But if you're not an ectomorph you'll literally need to starve yourself into skellington to look like a (healthy)-thin ectomorph. That's why most models aren't unhealthy, while most girls who try to emulate them are.

Just watch yourself senpai.