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/fa/ - Fashion

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10730992 No.10730992 [Reply] [Original]

alright /fa/

this board moves slow as hell sometimes

but I want to hear what the fuck is going on with your lives

whether it be getting a new job to live from or staying in your room for the last two days

if this thread goes to shit so be it, but I know there are people lurking with something to say

>> No.10731007

Dear Chloe,

I hate you. Every post you make, physically repulses me to the point of indigestion. My life was great till I saw this trash post.

Are you doing better, you're not still addicted to opiates are you? Hopefully you're not, I would not wish that on even the most yucky of people.

Wishing you the best,

>> No.10731022

Finals and just quit my job so equal parts stressed and relieved atm.

>> No.10731033


haha even with the negative sentiment I appreciate the post, because even with the bittersweet comment at least you're still here to see it

why did you quit your job? I quit mine because I had shit to deal with but the limbo game is the same as it's been

>> No.10731070
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Currently unemployed, the trade I learned is a dead market here so I've only worked a few times part time doing what I actually like.

Rest of the time I've been working as a cashier and in warehouses. I used to play music everyday and read at least 1 book per week but for the past 2 months I have been uninterested in any of my old hobbies.

I did take up Muay Thai which I guess is kind of the only thing I kind of enjoy doing still. I think all of this is due that net week it 'ill be a year since my GF left me, even though I've had short lived encounters with a few different women since then.

When I was younger I wanted to become a Buddhist monk but as I grew older and read a lot of philosophy I fell upon Krishnamurti who really resonated with me, he believes isolating yourself from society can never be real growth.

I feel like my life is stagnant and I browse 4chan all day because I'm always bored.

>> No.10731075
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do I see a trend here??

don't listen to that fag tho ur one of the cooler trips but mainly bc I don't recognize any of these new ppl :-))

also been NEET for a couple months, its been pouring rain for the last couple weeks, and I've gone 2 weeks today w/o internet
pls kill me

>> No.10731119


damn it's insane/interesting to read about people lives who pursuit to the betterment of all mankind, but it's hard to fully take it to heart when you can't even focus on what to do in one given day

it's not a trend, just the way of 4chan I presume. There will always be newfags that take up the culture as they see fit but never knowing the history.

So you've been a neet for the past few months? I could only last 3 months before i had to recede back into society. Although as a neet 2 weeks without internet is crazy, wtf did you do? lay in bed all day?

also I'll always be an addict, unfortunately that's something you can never escape once it happens

>> No.10731122


It was just a shitty retail job. It worked with my schedule and kept my bank account afloat but I wasn't getting anything out of it anymore. If nothing else I needed a change in scenery. I should be able to get a better or at least a different job after the semester ends.


idk Krishnamurti but it sounds like there's dissonance between your philosophy and your lifestyle. That shit destroys your energy. Hopefully you can find a way to put your beliefs into action senpai.

>> No.10731177
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Just finished getting an A.S. in IT and I want to try to find somewhere to work away from my current grocery store job even though everyone there is extremely nice and there is essentially no stress at all. This is difficult as I don't live near most IT-related work and am probably not quite as prepared as I should be.

Not enough money to afford some nice cops because I'm too into techwear and even if I did I'd feel bad about indulging since I'm still living with family and we don't have too much money for gifts for each other anyways.

Watching The Force Awakens yesterday got me all emotional and yearning for space exploration again, and wishing that I could find some greater cause for myself. My plan's been to focus on music production and experimentation as an artistic outlet, but I'm not doing good with that at all. I need to find more inspiration, but I'm worried that after I continue at another college and/or get a time-consuming job I'll feel trapped.

>> No.10731259

nice f a m
I was talking ab the digits but tru, weird to think how different it was just a couple years ago, except for red boards they're all shitty.

and ya ive been fiending for a convo with a stranger now. luckily I have pets that keep me from being super lonely, and I've been chugging along by buying drugs when i can, always <$15, and playing guitar in between the few pages I read from random books. Haven't lied in bed (my floor) much bc there's also a fucking mouse in here and I've seen it a couple times near where I sleep so the paranoia is too much which means I've been getting only ~4 hrs of sleep every 2 days. v uneffay life but w/e I stopped caring. surprisingly I haven't fell into a depression yet and I keep looking towards the future where something will occupy my life and I'll be able to buy FAT sacks of dope again

>> No.10731275

Applied for two jobs, got neither despite being told my resume looks good

Trying to decide whether or not to text this girl after I pissed her off, I took care of it but it's been a week and she hasn't talked to me, we were supposed to hang out

Do I just wait for her to text me or?

>> No.10731295

idk the nature of ur dispute or relationship but texting first shows you care or at least thought of them <3

>> No.10731314

With that logic, she's gone a week without talking to me, does that not mean she doesn't give a fuck?

I'll talk to her though thanks

>> No.10731341

nah womyn work differently

fuck it tho, rejection is better than uncertainty, etc

>> No.10731344
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Yeah you're right, just texted her and she seems fine, thanks again anon

>> No.10731347

text her dude. worst case is she ignores you

>> No.10731353

are u underage ? its a game bro, u text reply/text wtf ever u kids do now and u lost. theres millions of girls out there, forget about her ,

>> No.10731375

b i t t e r

C'mon m8, you really think that advice is helpful? Hurr durr forget about your friend there's many of fishies on the ocean xDD

>> No.10731409
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she doesnt give a shit about you so why should you? youre only setting yourself up for uncessecary hassle in the future since you need strangers advice on simple social situations that you cant handle or think of by yourself

>> No.10731435

I'll admit that's pretty spot on, lack of experience is what's fucking me over, but advice from here will at least give me another point of view to consider before making a decision

Its been useful in the past

>> No.10731446

I live in Victoria, Australia. It's currently 41.3 Celsius. Why anyone would want to colonise this oven of a country is completely beyond me.

>> No.10731454

nah she prolly really does care.
never forget that womyns is audisdic and dont understand basic things like this.
hit her up and shit but dont get attached cuz girls r evil.

>> No.10731464

I'm a volunteer EMT, training to be a volunteer firefighter. End goal is to be a career firefighter.

I've been reserved and softspoken most of my life. Just recently I've taken risks in social situations. I'm now dating a cute Latina. Feelsgoodmayn.

I've got a long road ahead of me, boys.

>> No.10731477
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I'm just going through the motions lately. I always get asked to do things by my friends but honestly I feel so uninterested in everything. Can't be bothered to text grills back

>> No.10731480
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>am a calm and collected dude
>want to be a paramedic
>volunteer as an EMT
>get shit on by hyper aggressive EMT for not kissing ass since I'm the new guy
>fuck this
>become a fire explorer
>get shit on by stolen valor engineer for asking a question after he specifically stated not even an hour prior that he encourages us to ask questions to better learn
>stick with it
>gets buzzed at a softball game were volunteering at
>tells me he was just like me when he first joined up
>shits on me again the next day when sober essentially for being me

Fuck dude how do you deal with these faggots that have a stick up their ass 24/7, its fucking pathetic that he can only act like a decent human being after a few drinks

tl;dr, love the job, dont seem to get along with the people working in it

>> No.10731489

Good luck, man. That certainly sounds stressful, but I'm sure it'll be worth it.

It's been a year, man, don't think about your girlfriend. But yeah, I know that feeling. Do you have a particular dream job to pursue? I find myself slipping into that sort of ennui when I don't have something to work at. You need a goal and to incrementalize reaching that goal into daily tasks - it's what I've done for years and it basically keeps me from blowing my brains out.

How/why have you gone for 2 weeks without internet?

There is no such thing as inspiration quite like people talk about it. A lot of "inspiration" comes from hard work and putting yourself in uncomfortable positions. Get yourself out of your cozy job and do something ballsy - get something better than an A.S., and in a field that isn't as dead/low-end as IT.

Being "trapped" won't happen if you're working hard at it. The sort of end-of-like office jobs people end up trapped in are those that result from doing things like sticking with an A.S. and going no further.

Keep in mind she knew she wasn't texting you. Girls are astute to that shit. If she did respond, you're pretty low on her priority list. I'd find someone to replace her.

Latinas are awesome and fuck like they're built to fuck, it's awesome, props man.

Also, solid job.

Stop being a weak-handed manlet and make decisions. If you don't like people, drop them. If you're bored, find cool shit to do and invite your friends. That sort of thing. Stop waiting for some sort of magical excitement fairy to visit you and shove excitement up your ass in a cute little suppository.

>> No.10731501

Just got home from my first half of my junior year at college to find that my parent's marriage is currently in an extreme rough patch and they are basically living as room mates.

We have lost a bunch of money and only my Dad is working part time.

My little brother is completely apathetic about high school and only cares about being online with his friends, has no aspirations after school.

and so on and so forth; but, I guess most importantly, I'm happy. I'm doing well in school and I have a wonderful, beautiful girlfriend. So to Liz, I love you and thank you for putting up with my shit.

I'm going to make it.

>> No.10731532

20 y.o. math major here. Just got my exam marks back, all As.
shits cash t b h

Few months ago I came to the conclusion that life is completely pointless so I'm just
gonna be focusing on the making money and having fun part.

Have too many acquaintances, and no friends. Spend half of my weekends pulling and going out with random girls from tinder to alleviate boredom.

Sometimes I wish I was a normie

>> No.10731543

>p low on her priority list
Fuckin Bateman with your always helpful comments

part of me wants to believe this isn't true, that she's just really busy and tired after work etc. But I know if I were in the same situation I'd be able to find at least a fuckin minute to say hi. So thanks fucker, I'd been putting too much faith into her kind words instead of focusing on her actions

>"you're one of my closest friends anon"

Anyway now i'm curious, this isn't the first time you've helped me out, what does the average day for you consist of, is there more than one Patrick Bateman on /fa/? What's your favorite recreational activity outside of fashion

>> No.10731547
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Oh I didn't know I was going to get feedback lol but uhhhh thanks I guess lol not really gonna do what u said but alright lol

>> No.10731552

i feel real in tune with the other posters in this thread. my drunken heart is right with ya

>quit my job
>stressed but glad to have free time
>just started shooting heroin again
man it feels great but im gonna get fucked.
i deleted my dealers number and shit but i still have like 4 hits left, gonna space it out best i can and get drunk every other night im not high

here we go peace be with you

>> No.10731560


ach mensch

>> No.10731562

I work a dog shit part time job and despite my best efforts can't find a new one

I hate my life so I distract myself with many things, hobbies, socialising, etc.

My interest in fashion has declined lately, I'm more interested in watches and literature these days

I've got 14k words on the novel I'm writing

My 8 ball pool skills have came pretty far and I've been winning a lot of games lately

>> No.10731566


I just read the thread, still all the old tripfags getting about

I use to namefag here for a bit

>> No.10731573

go to treatment before it's too late

>> No.10731601
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went to asia a bit and now im broke
before that i went to school for 2 months and failed. trying computer networking
i moved to a new state for a fresh start. recently visited my home state for a bit, man i miss the homies.
i work at a restaurant now paying off my credit card. easiest job by far.
i tell myself to stop smoking the bud, but i love it.
i used to have a thing for raw denim, but now idc. money is better spent somewhere, like happy endings.

>> No.10731607

go suck a difk before its too late

>> No.10731614

Thanks! I mean, it's very possible, just low. Some girls just get nervous about texting guys they are interested in because they prefer voice chat, but in that case it's usually obvious because they push you towards calling/facetiming. Either way, I would be realistic about it - sounds like you're being that anyway.

There's only one of me. The latter half of this year has been light work-wise, and I sit on here when I'm fucking around waiting on other stuff. I do a lot of lifting and other exercise stuff, am studying for another degree for fun, go to a lot of parties here in D.C., etc. Just generic stuff.

Congrats man, that's solid as fuck

It's okay to lose interest in fashion and stuff. What are your skills and what's your dream job? Like many, many people in this thread, you need a target and the desire to make incremental steps towards it.

You are driving your life into the ground due to a lack of self-control and determination. Get your shit together or else you're gonna be that guy who is 40 years old doing menial part-time work and pretending like you were secretly talented/intelligent.

Check yourself into treatment ASAP.

>> No.10731622

just finished my last final
way too many stimulants these past weeks
ready for a wild break

>> No.10731625

I've been working a full time at a resident's home for the past few months. Besides smoking weed, and hanging with friends I don't do much. I should motivate myself to read or write, but never do lol

what's up with you guys

>> No.10731628

u shut ur mouth
how can you say?
i go about thing s the wrong way

i am human and i need to be loved

>> No.10731629

actually laughed reading this ty

>> No.10731649

Ahh Bateman. Still around. People ask me the dream job question a lot, honestly I don't know, the thought of working for a living depresses me a bit. If any asks I just say a writer, I'm starting to think I don't even like literature, I honestly think it just gives me a sense of accomplishment after I finish a critically acclaimed book, considering I've accomplished nothing in life so far

My skills are broad, I can weld and machine things, I've got a qualification in the Microsoft office suite. I Just can't seem to find anything amd it's really starting to get to me as of late

I never set any goals because I'm scared of Failire

Enough of my rant, how is your life?

>> No.10731747

You will always be picked on as the new guy. AKA "probie". Literally the only thing you can do is work your hardest, take what they say without backtalking, and get off probationary status. Cook meals for them every once and a while.

Yeah, it sucks. You lose a little dignity along the way. Just remember they went through the same thing when they were new.

>> No.10731754

Sucks about your family. Especially your bro. Don't let them keep you down. Keep your girlfriend and prosper.

>> No.10731791

going home for break tomorrow. What i havent told my parents is that I quit my job on campus (as an RA) and don't have a place to live when I go back. Also, I failed every single class this semester after not attending class for >2 months. t-minus 30 days until I'm a secretly homeless college student.

>> No.10731804 [DELETED] 
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Back in town for break. Just got together wuth friends for some late night breakfast, shot the shit for a few hours. Came up with some trips we're going to take together
>weekend in the mountains
>road trip to Washington
I'm awful at keeping peiple close to me, so the fact that I have these guys means so much.

Besides that,
>got grades back from first semester of college B+ average, honestly pretty happy.
>meeting tons of cool people and finally not being a shutin, growing network of people I can count on/talk to
>solidifying what I want to do in the future
>in the best shape I've ever been in, mentally and physically

Only kind of bad feel is also nestled in a good feel
>met cool guy
>lot older but fuckit he's cute
>go out a few times really fun
>Talk and text all the time
>talking one day, apparently I had met his ex before so we start talking about him
>he's still super into his ex, and his ex is into him
>he even wanted to marry this guy
>They only broke up because of external circumstances
>suddenly feel like I'm the person he is turning to to till he can get back together with his ex
>conflicted because I want him to be happy, but I want to be happy too
>mfw every guy ive been into has always had an ex that is crazy attractive and that they still want to get back together with
Honestly don't know what to do, this guy is great but I don't want to get too attached. I'm afraid if I ask if we're dating hell laugh in my face and just say we're fwb or something. I understand because of the age gap that anything serious would be really difficult, but I guess I'm stupid enough to still try anyways.

>> No.10731818

i'm happy as can be, though i've had some ups and downs lately

i try to make sure that every day i truly learn something, change something, define something. progress isn't always as fast as i like but i do feel like i'll get there. i'm just trying to work through and revitalize every aspect of my life, have a deep understanding of everything i do and know that i'm doing it to the best of my ability. maybe a bit too much nietzsche but i've taken it with an armful of optimism. been working through the stuff starting from the bottom, first with possessions and tools, clothing, and bikes. going to eventually move on to getting just what i want from cars, motorcycles, homes, careers... girls. i'm trying to be the person i envision before i really present myself to others, and the world.

i think i've got a pretty good handle on what i like aesthetically, what i enjoy, how to be happy, and how to be socially exceptional. i'd actually be pretty keen to share my vision if anybody happens to give a care. the only thing i'm a tad uncertain of is future work and action.

i'm pretty deep in cybersecurity at the moment. still in education, completely debt-free and transferring to a university. the money ought to be good, but i can't say i love it. i enjoy ricing out a linux desktop and doing a bit of terminal tooling but besides that it's just menial and soul-sucking labor. i might have a job at a most wonderful tuning shop, even though it might be a minimum wage addition to my other part time bike mechanic and freelance web developer work mishmash.


>> No.10731830
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Hung up on a guy who left me after three months for no discernible reason. He still wanted to be friends, sent all the mixed messages, but never bothers to text back or make an effort. At this point we haven't talked in over two weeks and I've cried twice this week at the thought of losing my only friend in college worth mentioning and the only guy who's really held my attention all in one spell.

I'm a depressed wreck who sleeps a lot and eats little. I wander around in oversized sweaters to try and get my mind off things. At least on break I live this effay lifestyle because it feels like I have nothing else going for me.

>> No.10731835



of course, it all returns to that existential heap. i'm happy, and i've learned to be happy, and i think that's the most important thing anybody can do for themselves. death is in a sense what life is about avoiding, that's what makes having kids so fulfilling. it's about carrying on what you live for through your kids, but like at some point what you live for should turn into something worth remembering on the world's scope. i wanna see if i can be that point of my lineage, not just the one who passed the baton again but the guy who carries it over the finish line

i guess that's the other way to avoid death, immortalize yourself in history. invent something, change something, make some art, entertain some people... be remembered. i think of the people i look up to and wonder how i can be like them. i feel like seeking 'fame' is immature in society but people just look for remembrance and fulfillment in other ways, usually in the attempt at hedonism and eventual collapse if they reach self awareness out of their psychosis... i still love the james bond dream, but that sort of thing is almost more real on the screen than it is in reality. it's real because it's so shared and remembered, and while it might be a fun job it would just be an occupation if it isn't shared and broadcasted. maybe i could get into film or acting.

then there's the people who really changed something, publicly, who i look up to. fabled war leaders, anarchists and revolutionaries, adventurers and explorers... although i don't know how much room there is for any of those today. worst case scenario i'd just like to spend my life volunteering and making other people happy. lately i've been tempted to apply to some reality tv shows, maybe all this time i've spent working towards my nonsensical ubermensch dream will pay off by being a maniac on tv. i've been scouted for modeling, but without the guarantee of travel...

man i'm just rambling

>> No.10731865

got fired from my computer security job
stressed but i feel relieved
realized i hate working 9-5 jobs
havnt left the house in a week
no desire to find another job

>> No.10731866
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3/ fuck it i'll keep rambling if i want to

i've made some friends but unless we had shared hobbies to do together i just can't keep friends in that food/film/hanging out cycle, like where the hell is that gonna go you office job suburban house cowards. deeper and deeper down the rabbit hole of every facet of life, music, literature, fashion...

it's hard as hell to find some runway model type girl who's just as interested in weird shit as me

i bet i sound depressed as shit but amazingly i'm just up at 2am listening to gabber

i think i'd like to be somebody and somehow after all this time spinning through space i still think it's a relatively good possibility. i've been luckier than anybody i know all this time, no reason for the magic to stop now eh

i should get myself a horse

self-improvement ought to be one of the healthiest addictions possible though as far as i'm concerned

the world's a playground

>> No.10731910

Welding is probably your best choice for the short term. Writing is not a long term goal and is definitely something you should do in your free time around another job. I know people who have tried it and failed horribly.

That said, I'd think of something fast - even if you aren't making big money now, languishing around is going to guarantee you work for a living for the rest of your life.

Think of it this way: inaction is precisely the thing that guarantees your worst fear. That's scary, but a good impetus to get moving.

(1) Tell your parents, there's no way you can avoid that. Homelessness is not an actual option.
(2) Jesus fuck how did you fail the classes? College courses aren't that hard, you must have been not showing up or something. If you need therapy or a year off or something, get it. If you're in some sort of liberal arts major, you could literally have showed up drunk and high and managed a C.

He's not that into you and you should accept that. Stop acting like some kid with oneitis that posts on reddit. Grow up, recognize that there are millions of other people out there, and expand your social base. Go develop new hobbies with new people and stop mentally masturbating about how pitiful you are in your big sweaters.

Seriously, you're like the female version of people who post on /b/ whining about feels and loneliness and shit like that. You're ostensibly better than that.

Enjoy dying in obscurity, then.

>> No.10731923

Thanks bateman I know he's not into me; that doesn't stop me from being sad

I'm trying to get help rn, but life looks grey right now. I have hobbies, and distracting myself is a thing. So we'll see.

>> No.10731927

lost my virginity on thursday so there's that

>> No.10731934
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Feeling weird feelings.

Missing Japan a bit. Honestly every time I go I feel like I've never gone. What I remember from the previous trips felt different when I returned. Maybe it was the weather.

Boy, I'd love to own a summer home there.. Keep a few cars I can't get back in the states, and just bail out whenever I felt like going. Here's praying my education and career path (currently in college) will pay off to let me do that.

Trying to score some Yeezys, but we all know how that's going to go down. Will console myself with some Jordans or Y3s. Not sure.

Really just contemplating life and trying to figure out where to go from here. Who knows what'll happen. That's honestly the best part.

Trying to figure out how to make a ghetto kiln to fire some ceramic pieces in. Seems like it's pretty straightforward.

>> No.10731945

makes me feel weird that if I had used a trip code from when I started going on /fa/ I would be remembered /hated /adored because I would have posted here for 8 years but I never have and never will

>> No.10732026

well, gz then.

>> No.10732033

Recently realised through a conversation that I had no hobbies or any worthwhile interests. So there's that.
Trying to take up painting and continuing playing Bass again.
Working in a casual job, pay is decent for a uni student.
Looking forward to spoiling myself with new cops on Boxing Day.

>> No.10732064

cauz I have activities that are more interesting than posting on /fa/ which is basically a huge circlejerk with sometimes some interesting stuff.

>> No.10732091

I guess I can share that I recently just completed my BFA degree a few months late. Had super bad depression during the last 2-3 years of school and the worst during my 2nd to last semester where I basically failed. Luckily I was able to make up the work over the summer after I started seeing a therapist and getting meds. A lot of my classmates are doing well but I know it's on me for being a fuckup.

Applied for a few jobs and internships but no luck as of yet. Might have a temp job at an office front desk for awhile until I find something, quit my retail job cause it was miserable. Other than that, just some freelance art work and working on my watch designs to get some extra cash. Really want to move down south since that's where all the storyboarding jobs are.

>> No.10732134

I'm coming into terms of how actually hard it is to be in a relationship. I'm sorta in one now but we've been together for less than 2 months. Women show interest in me themselves so I barely have to do anything to get them. Anyway, yesterday I snapped. We went to a club which played 1990-2000 pop music. My town really sucks music wise so I was really happy to be able to enjoy something different for a change. Okay, long story short, I got pretty hammered and ended up with some redhead from this club in my bed. And I was supposed to see my gf off to the train today cause she is leaving for the holidays (which I of course didn't do because I overslept and got a terrible hangover). I explained before and after that I have a gf, this is only one night stand thing and it's best if we don't see each other after that. She seemed really okay with it (this is Sweden we're talking about after all, the land of friday evening debauchery and random fuckbuddies). But I'm still pretty uneasy about this whole situation. Gf can get really jealous (I already experienced that) so god forbid she finds out. Should I come clean with her or sweep in under the rug and hope for the best? I've never been in this situation before.

>> No.10732159
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maybe some cuccbois might remember me but anyway after getting a coke and benzo addiction after modelling and subsequently getting dropped from my agency my life went to shit, got into debt and im finally getting help

been in a psychiatry for two weeks and its fucking awesome so far
also recently got cargobaskets

>> No.10732166

im gonna drop acid on monday for the first time with some friends. advice? any music suggestions?

>> No.10732196

My mom's boyfriend is in the hospital with a brain tumor and the prognosis has not been so good, he's been semiconscious for the past few days. I used to live with them when I was in high school

I just wish he had gotten checked up earlier so he wouldn't be in this situation. This didn't have to happen

>> No.10732200

No jobs in welding, no jobs in anything around here. Facing the prospect of having to move for work is daunting, it means having to give up the literal only thing in life I care about, my friends. But even though I don't buy into societies judgement of people, I can understand that a 20 year old working at mcdoanlds part time is pathetic

>> No.10732210

Adulterers should be stoned

It will enhance your emotions, make sure you are happy and in a safe, reliable place or don't take it

Personally I wouldn't bother bruh, it could be a bit of fun but I think it's best not to bother with drugs, but hey I've been there and done that, this is coming from a 20 year old, so it's not like I'm a wise old man, do whatever you want with your life

I'll say a prayer for him

>> No.10732219

Weekend so just chillin. Gonna get dressed and get some groceries and do some odd jobs around the house.

>> No.10732225

I live a pretty boring life but I'm going out for a modeling job on Monday so that's good i guess

>> No.10732227

reverend parris is that you

>> No.10732247

Hand modelling? It would have to be with a face like yours

Nope, you're talking to jesus himself

>> No.10732439
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Back in town for break. Just got together wuth friends for some late night breakfast, shot the shit for a few hours. Came up with some trips we're going to take together
>weekend in the mountains
>road trip to Washington
I'm awful at keeping peiple close to me, so the fact that I have these guys means so much.

Besides that,
>got grades back averaging B+s, honestly pretty happy.
>meeting tons of cool people and finally not being a shutin, growing network of people I can count on/talk to
>solidifying what I want to do in the future
>in the best shape I've ever been in, mentally and physically

Only kind of bad feel is also nestled in a good feel. Recently met cool guy, hes a lot older but fuckit he's cute. We've be out togehter a few times, and we had fun together. We talk and text all the time which is weird for me because I'm an awful texter.

We were talking one day while i was at his house, apparentlyI had met his ex before so we start talking about him. he's still super into his ex(who is hot af) and his ex is into him, the guy im seeing was SUPER into his ex, he even wanted to marry this ex.They only broke up because of external circumstances, now im suddenly feeling like the person he is turning to until he can get back together with his ex. Honestly don't know what to do, this guy is great but I don't want to get too attached. I'm afraid if I ask if we're dating he'll laugh in my face and just say we're fwb or something. I understand because of the age gap that anything serious would be really difficult, and that I probably should give up. But I really like being with this guy, I just don't want to be his "until we can fix this relationship " person.
>mfw every guy ive been into has always had an ex that is crazy attractive and that they still want to get back together with

>> No.10732458

>I'm coming into terms of how actually hard it is to be in a relationship.
>I'm coming into terms of how actually hard it is not to cheat. I derive pleasure from betraying my partner's trust. I have no self discipline. I will die alone.

Go away.

>> No.10732473

I'm recovering from a cold right now. Still going out for errands and whatnot though. Waiting for my Ultra Boosts to arrive.

>> No.10732638

How long have you been in Japan, really? Living there is a lot different than vacationing here. That said, the summer home idea is rad.

I've wasted a sad amount of my life on here, don't envy it.

Good plan! New hobbies are hard to start but worthwhile.

Congrats on the BFA!

You should come clean with it because (1) it was a mistake and you should own up to it and (2) there's always the possibility of STDs.

Also, you're kinda a dick. I've been in genuinely awful relationships before (no sex, cruel girlfriend, etc.) where I've been tempted to cheat, but I addressed the relationship issues way before cheating ever actually became a possibility. You should do the same.

Congrats, man. That must have been a hard step.

A family member of my own is in the same situation, and trust me, you can't beat yourself up over "what if" nonsense. The world if medicine is scarily probabilistic, meaning little "what ifs" always exist. Focus on making his remaining days - however many there are - good.

Dude, I totally understand. Still, move. Trust me, there are going to be equally awesome people anywhere you go, and the Internet makes keeping in touch with people easy. Most of my friends live hundreds of miles from me..

A good female friend of mine is in the same position as you. The fact that he's whining about his ex makes him (1) weak and (2) not THAT interested. Even if he did officially date you, you'd be second tier, and you know that. It's not fair to you.

Honestly, why not just tell him? And make it clear that the "wait around for the other girl" option is not an option if you are gonna continue dating/fucking.

(My female friend ended up getting taken to this guy's mansion, driven around in his Ferrari, and given okay-ish sex only to be told during pillow talk about his ex. Unfortunately, bullshit like this gets worse)

>> No.10732651

Have been a slave at UPS this past month.
It's been 4 months and I'm still not over ex.
New girl is the embodiment of the type of woman I wish my ex was but I am emotionally unavailable.
I fucking hate this bullshit

>> No.10732667

Every now and then it will hit me that we are not on speaking terms anymore.
We were bestfriends before we dated but she showed her true colors in the end of things.
I don't understand how someone could be so selfish and immature, yet she was the victim.

>> No.10732672

Apartment got broken into a couple of weeks back and they stole most of my shoes and fragrances along with my laptop.

Confessed to a girl I've fallen for hard and she doesn't seem to feel the same way. Struggling with that. Not quite sure what to do, she's a pretty close friend but think my confession sort of fucked things up. Thinking about just disappearing from her life. Don't think she'll even notice I'm missing and that actually sort of terrifies me and depresses me. I'd notice if she disappeared and I'd at least try to get in touch if the positions were reversed but I get the feeling nothing of that sort is going to happen.

Biochem is completely shit

At least I'm home for christmas for two weeks

>> No.10732680

I know these things take time brahs but I'm getting so sick of it.
Since we've broken up I've gotten a car, a stable job, I've been going to the gym, I'm talking to someone new, but I still feel just as shitty.
I'm a loader for UPS and whenever I'm in a trailer I can't help but think about everything. How the people I were loyal to betrayed me and so forth.
I think of suicide to the point I want to break down in my trailer

>> No.10732686

He doesn't talk about him much, and really only continued to talk about him because I expressed interest in his past relationship. I do feel second tier, I'm home right now but when I fly back to school in Jan I plan on confronting him about that. Because you're completely right, no one deserves to feel like a placeholder to an ex or constantly reminded of how good past exes were. I'm cool being friends, but i want to make the distinction between friend and bf much sooner than later.

>> No.10732733

Stop thinking so much. Seriously. You're making the classic nerd mistake of sitting around stewing on shit and making grandiose assumptions about life based on small assumptions.

Go wear your overthinking self out. Like, go hit up parties every day for a week or something. Stop giving yourself time to be introspective and just refresh yourself a bit.

Sorry about the break-in and the Biochem. The girl isn't into you, find a new one and stop dwelling on it.

>> No.10732755

My life literally revolves around UPS right now.
My weekends are used for sleeping. My part-time job is practically full time right now

>> No.10732765

Looking for a job. Wanting to move to NC to be with a girl. Hanging out with my cousin a lot. Making jewelry on the side for money. Being in love, and navigating mine fields.

>> No.10732790

I'm working harder on getting better than ever. Tonight I'm going for drinks with a friend and I'm excited. I feel really good in general; ever since I started taking my zyprexa again, I've been making crazy progress. I'm learning to love life again. I've even started reading again. I haven't been hospitalized in thirteen months. Things are good. I'm going to keep fighting, and one day, I'll be back in uni. One day.

>> No.10732982

Work is solid but somewhat stressful as I have to learn a lot of things. Right now my wife is applying for med school and shit is really stressful, I hope she gets in this year and hopefully to the in-state school so tuition will be cheap and she won't need to move.

Still living at parents house. Actually we are house sitting because they are out of the country for half the year. I have been taking a real estate class so I can get my license and buy a house myself. Hopefully I can become an agent in the next few months and actually purchase a damn house of my own.

>> No.10732992


my new favorite scent. hulk cologne

>> No.10733040
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Through some black magic my friends have made this 10/10 super into me. Though i do not believe it will lead to something. All shes known of me are badly lighted snapchat images and jokes credited to me, and im also really introvertet, and ive heard shes like a fucking duracellbunny. Last night i went sick to meet up with some friends before going to a concert and i met their gfs and the girl, as they were drunk i gave them a hug each by request and later someone told me the girl had tought i was boring. Though they rescued it and we added each other on snap.
Honestly whenever i see the annotation on my phone i cringe to think of the fact that i HAVE to act normal and flirty or some shit. She also broke up with her gf. Not saying i would get the chance but i kind of just wanna hit and run because i know im no bf material atm. Does that make me a bad person?

>> No.10733043

Just finished supplementing my math levels two weeks ago with top grades. Furthermore I landed myself a full-time substitute teacher job at a local elementary school. Moving closer to starting university after two years of full-time jobs, travelling through southeast asia where I also worked as a diving guide, post-adolescent crisis..
Right now I am about to tie my newly bought Red Wing boots upon my feet, so I can go fetch my not so /fa/ gf and buy some ramen. We both are hungover.

Life's ok, /fa/.

>> No.10733046

I'm on winter break trying to figure out a present for my girlfriend of two years, gonna ask her friend no rush because ill just give it to her when i see her in january (shes in cali im in atlanta we go to university in arizona)

ive just been drinking and chilling the latter portion of this month, sisters having a party tonight that might be fun about to masturbate since ill be spending the night over there

>> No.10733050

>She also broke up with her gf

Elaborate anon

>> No.10733054

Sorry, BF*. And this was just recent too. Might be to fill up the void but i guess im up for some experience.

>> No.10733062

rescued a new puppy, teeth marks on so much furniture, she never chews the ikea shit just the harder to find MCM

down to 1 car

selling this house soon since the market picked back up and if i can manage to sell it at what my realtor promises i FINALLY come out ahead on it, but i don't think she can. She seems inexperienced and her comisson is suspiciously low, also she's just a coldwell banker realotor so.....yeah

Probably just do an apartment, a single male with 2 dogs in a 5 bedroom tract home is a lot of unused space, a lot of cleaning and a lot of maintence.

the garage is sparese and most of the home isn't even furnished i just pretty much live in one bedroom and the kitchen

>> No.10733072

I have no friends (not anymore atleast)

I have no job

No hobbies

I don't see myself having any perspective of a good life.

I'm not even a bad looking guy and far from fat either but just never know how to communicate with girls. I don't really sperg out but any interest girls have in me never lasts once they realise I'm not a very interesting person to most.

The only reason I'm interested in fashion is because I just it to validate myself whenever I spend money on clothing, which I in turn almost never wear because I don't go anywhere.

Huge debt no-one but me knows about.

Literally the only reason I haven't killed myself is because I'm fairly certain it would hurt my family much more than the hurt I'd take away from myself. I suppose at the very least I'm not an egostical prick in that way.

>> No.10733082


>I have no friends (not anymore atleast)

poor as fuck dudes who just beg for money/shit

>I have no job

if you have the means to live life without one by all means don't get one

>No hobbies

hobbies just mean you're a consumer of X....when people ask what sort of thing are you into...they're asking you what empty ass product you buy.........fuck hobbies

>> No.10733092

I get what your saying but it doesn't really apply to me. I mean, it would be nice to have some friends I can talk about things with. Also especially this time of year seeing so many people around me having a good time it sort of kills. Knowing I'll spend new years on 4chan kind of makes me sad.

I don't mind being alone but the prospect of being alone forever is what I hate and I blame it on myself.

>> No.10733113

why not just get a smaller house?

Condos don't appreciate as well and you have to pay HOA fees.

Also why can't you just rent out your current house instead of selling?

>> No.10733120

I feel like I'm losing my mind whenever I'm around other people. I can no longer connect with my girlfriend the way we used to. She lives 2 and a half hours away from where I go to university and she works full time. She and her entire family are very religious. I don't personally care what any person believes in but we've been dating for several years and she fully intends on raising her kids Christian. I'm not raising my kids to follow a religion. I don't understand how a person can really believe in any currently existent religion without deliberately refusing to acknowledge facts. Feels like the relationships existence is futile if we both intend on having children at some point because despite my feelings for her I am not willing to lie to my son / daughter and support something that I believe has an overall negative impact on humanity. If either of my parents knew my views on religion they would probably disown me. My parents will never know my true political, moral or spiritual beliefs because it isn't worth severing our relationship despite how fake it can seem at times. They've done everything they could to encourage me to see the world through their eyes but by a pretty young age all I could do was fake it in their presence.

Can't remember why I even started writing this or what the original post even said.

I'm losing it guys. I feel like half of my relationships with people are fake because I can not help but consider peoples beliefs while I'm talking to them and it seems like most people are completely delusional.

anyone ktf?

>> No.10733136

Thank god I do not live where religion is actually important. Feelin' with you though. Obviously I cannot know your situation but I would not try to constrain myself to others silly beliefs.

>> No.10733444


At 4:17pm EST today, my mother's beloved partner passed away in the Sidney Kimmel Comprehensive Cancer Center at Johns Hopkins Hospital in Baltimore, MD.

I don't believe in God, but at least now he is forever oblivious to all suffering.

>> No.10733469


well that fucking sucks

Looks like everyone needs a little help during the holidays.

even though I didn't respond to everyone, I read it all and it's hard not to feel empathetic to a lot of your stories.

>> No.10733486

I'm right here with you UPS brother, at least you're making tons of money right? Only good thing about Peak.

>> No.10733492

Thanks man, it's hard but its going to be worth it. Thank you.

>> No.10734490

Well I asked this girl for her number...and she gave it to me! So I think she likes me back and I'm going to invite her to the movies maybe and then dinner! Haha...Friends are telling me to tell her that I like her before that point but I'm not too sure about that.

>> No.10734493


Just go on a date first and feel it out, imo it's best not to seem too "lovey dovey" until it's clear that's what she wants too or otherwise the inevitable "i like you as a friend" convo

>> No.10734555

Thanks for the advice!

>> No.10734559

I got a new job to keep my drug habits going. and to buy clothes obv. and im hoping to get a second job and move out.

>> No.10734565

Software developer that went from fat to fit this past year. Starting to buy new clothes and really trying to get into fashion. Bought some chinos, nice new shirts, and plan to get some red wings soon.

I live at home making a ton of money, but Im not in a city or anything. Im in my 20s and feel like I should move out. But I hate spending money, saving up everything right now just seems so awesome. Especially spending friday night on 4chan, why should I pay more to do that in a city?

What should I do?

>> No.10734781

Solid, congrats.

As someone who used to date a med student for a while, I hate to warn you, but it's gonna get worse before it gets better. Assuming the school follows the US style, her third and fourth years are gonna put a big strain on things. I'm sure things will work out well, just something to consider.

Stop trying to divine tea leaves with girls who find you funny online, that's super cringey. Your popularity with her on fucking Snapchat isn't some sort of indicator that she'll like you in person - and she's far from a 10/10, even from that photo. Calm down a bit and bring yourself back to reality.

Congrats, sounds nice!

I find it weird you don't have an idea yet, but OK

I'm jealous of your puppy, teeth marks notwithstanding.

You sound like an empty person in general. Develop goals and a personality ASAP. Talking about killing yourself is childish attention whoring.

Is "what our future kids will be taught in terms of religion" really the hill to die on? Many inter-faith couples do just fine. My suspicion is that there's more going on wrong in your relationship than just some child-rearing bullshit.

Sorry to hear that, dude, seriously.

Don't tell her you like her beforehand. DON'T DO MOVIES. Activity + Dinner. Not movies, not a play, etc. Something you can interact with. If you want to keep it cheap and fun: bowling, putt putt, laser tag, a goddamn yoga class, anything but movies.

Congrats on getting fit! Stop obsessing over money. The most valuable thing you have right now is time, and you're slowly pissing it away. Spend money for experiences and value, don't hoard it - you're only gonna have youth and energy once, so spend money to do things that have real ramifications. Get more degrees, go on trips, go on dates, do dumb bucket list shit, etc.

>> No.10734805

Oddly enough, this is the best thread on /fa/.

Good job, OP.

>> No.10734817

baitman are you ever gonna post a fit
i mean i think you're an ok trip but seriously dude

>> No.10734819

>baitman are you ever gonna post a fit

>> No.10734825

y tho

>> No.10734826


lol I think bateman is like me where posting a fit just doesn't go well with a trip

I post as anon if I post a fit and the reactions are (obviously) polarised versus if I post with a trip

anyway bateman I appreciate your responses as well, you're probably the only trip on here that has something good going for them and it's good to see you sticking around

>> No.10734923


he's paranoid about being outed within the kakfaesque society of biglaw

actually, bateman is employed by a small firm, otherwise he wouldn't have the time for our dank fits

anyways, thanks for your condolences, guy. I'm going to spend some time with my mom tomorrow because I'm the only family she has at the moment. She's heartbroken and called me over the phone tonight to tell me how lonely she feels. I visited her boyfriend in the hospital on Thursday night. He was lying in bed with the channel turned to HGTV but he wasn't watching; by then he had been asleep since the previous day. He used to be so muscular but the muscle deteriorated and fat hung from his bones. He kept putting his left hand behind his head, which displaced the oxygen tube ventilating into his nose. My father and I kept replacing the tube around his ear. I felt his hand and it was so warm. Very warm. I kissed his forehead. I will never kiss it again.

I wish /fa/ had more experiences with death and self-discovery. The age of the average user here is so young. They don't know pain. They don't know what's important in life. Bateman, you're smart and have a promising future career, judging by your refusal to post identifiable information. I want you to remember that the only things that really matter at heart are making a difference in the lives of others and finding yourself. That's it. Don't become a myopic, vainglorious senior partner.

>> No.10734932


you know you're right in that matter, I guess I've been fortunate enough to not have death play a part in my life. But even then is death really that profound?

I guess things are what you make it, but in the end it's you yourself that you have to deal with,

>> No.10735646

>went to house party last night
>nights blurry
>remember at one point i had some 5/10 force feeding me cigarettes when mine finished
>woke up today
>lips are raw as fuck

i guess everythings going okay

>> No.10735651
File: 20 KB, 480x706, received_1640070552919949.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I copped this Beanie

>> No.10735705

I needed this thread. Thanks op.

Been working ridiculous hours at my job due to holidays. 7 days a week 12 hr shifts.

>tfw no bf
has turned into
>tfw no friends

friends back from home from school but i have zero time to hang out with any of them.

21st birthday is coming up only have 1 friend to celebrate it with wondering if going out is even worth it.

job is shitty but the money is nice...although i always face this dilemma

>when im broke
constantly think of new cops i want to make
>when i get paid
immediate regret and guilt after buying anything


guy i use to hangout with everyday in middle school and a bit in high school died over summer

he was dealing drugs hanging around the wrong people. only 18, got shot in his car. so young it's fucking terrible

1st time anyone i knew died besides old relatives

shit fucked me up at first went through a mild existential crisis, it actually felt amazing to not care about any thing for once. i could feel myself becoming more relaxed.

>realize im just another boring unimportant person in the world
>understand no one actually cares about my existence
>stop overthinking everything

somehow this made my depression better?

okay ill take it.

/end blog post

>> No.10735777

Feeling mixed, I might get laid, but bombed my finals. Also I wish I had some more money to buy my family some actually good gifts

>> No.10735787

I'm 24. I quit my CS master studies and moved into another city to study maths from first semester on.

Found a flat after 2 months of searching. Finally built my IKEA bed and it's heaven not to sleep on the floor anymore. Still have to build the closet.

Made also some really sick cops.

>> No.10735788

More or less accurate.

Doesn't exactly sound like you have your shit together.

The holidays are a weird point for everyone, don't read into it too much. Lots of people end up working crazy hours, few people have time to actually hang out.

Consider that you may be trying to fill a hole with your purchases. Some of my friends do that with tech gear - they're depressed and self-medicate with expensive stuff because there's a temporary excitement to it. Of course, it's not sustainable, and they feel similarly guilty. It's understandable - I used to do it - but a bad idea.

I've said this a bazillion times in this thread, but get outside hobbies and goals. Once the holiday rush is over, get your ass on meetup.com or pretty much anything and put yourself out there. You need to escape the cycle you've built, even if escaping it entails stuff you'd normally have no interest in.

Getting laid is easy, bombing finals has permanent ramifications. Your family is probably okay with thoughtful/cheap gifts, but will not be happy with the finals situation. That should be your #1 priority, man.

>> No.10735789

Your lips are sexy as fuck, but I think you might have brachydactly.

>> No.10735792

>>realize im just another boring unimportant person in the world
>>understand no one actually cares about my existence
>>stop overthinking everything

Amen. Only when you realize that can you become truly free.

>> No.10735825

im lazy and i cant excersize until my medication stabilizes or ill black out. i got a new 32 peice makeup brush set which im happy about bc i love makeup. :)

>> No.10735829

is anyone still listening?

>> No.10735849

about to go to college in 5 months, living in bangkok, dads away during christmas. Life is pretty good rn not complaining.

>> No.10735876

Also: Check my thread >>10735819 if you like, or it's gonna die.

>> No.10736274

I cannot find acid in this shitty small town. My friend doesnt have any for the next week, and my other friend is on probation. I want to die.

>> No.10736280

Good luck with the math work - ballsy move, but here's hoping it will pay off!

(But yeah, beds > cops, seriously, get furniture first man)

Congrats on that, I suppose.


Solid, man, I've always wanted to visit Bangkok but would never do so alone because of the implications.

If you want to die because you can't get acid, you're addicted.

>> No.10736286

I don't want to die because of the acid that has eluded me once again, but because this is just the most recent of silly shit I've dealt with lately.

>> No.10736289

Currently in the process of moving from the UK to the states. I haven't been home to the states in 3 years so I'm pretty nervous to go to my hometown and see all the same people who are probably doing the same shit while I've been living in Europe and traveling. Also I'm super stressed out about just life in general it's awful.