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/fa/ - Fashion

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10721711 No.10721711[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Old ones hit its limit

>Fall hard for a beautiful Hispanic girl I met at a gym
>Find out she's literally evil
>Try to pull out my feels and just hope she eventually lets me fuck
>Pull up to her house
>bunch of dudes playing pool in her garage
>"who the fuck are you essay"
>"here to pick up your sister"
>"my sister?"
>realize she probably has a boyfriend
>try to pull off
>throws pool ball through my rear window
>I get out to fight
>two of his friends join in
>I lose hard but I put the bf on his ass
>when they finally stop kicking me she runs out to check on him and ignores me after leading me on for weeks
>black eye bruised ribs
Why would someone do this to someone.

>> No.10721718


>> No.10721720

Thats what you get for trying to fuck a chola dude. Just stick with whites and azns.

>> No.10721721
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>I'm ugly

>> No.10721731

>the person I love lives 12275 Km away from me
hurts imo desu senpai

>> No.10721739

She didn't look like a chola but she was definitely trying to set me up to get robbed I'm pretty sure.
I'm not looking too hot right now but I normally don't have problems with girls. I got too caught up in her looks even though my gut was telling me it was a bad call. Like she gave me her phone number the first time we spoke to eachother and then she got kind of mean but I just hoped she was trying to play hard to get after giving me her number so fast. I was wrong though.

>> No.10721741
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>> No.10721749


>> No.10721803
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>some fags in school somehow has beef with me and try to start up some shit
>ignore those irrelevant shits since they don't affect in anyway
>one day they start a rumor that i'm racist and shit (my college has 95% chink student)
>people now start giving me stares and the girl i like even start to ask me if what i said was true
>every nerve in my body twitch and i tense up every time i see their asses in college but my mind clears up and stop me since i know this is all petty teenage drama

the amount of unholy pent up anger inside me is consuming me everyday,i guess staying silent and keeping to yourself in college is now not enough for some people

>> No.10721820

that's some good kid, maad city shit

>> No.10721831

wtf? this story sounds retarded OP im sitting here just thinking what the fuck you just said

>> No.10721852

I'm a white kid in Georgia

>> No.10721873

>tfw HIV positive

>> No.10721902

I'm guessing you're also a shit surfing homo.

>> No.10721947

>one day they start a rumor that i'm racist and shit (my college has 95% chink student)
>chink student
Maybe you are racist

>> No.10721950

I really like my clothes but I hate the person in them

>> No.10721957

yeah this

>> No.10721967

>tfw no friends
it's to late to make friends junior year of college everyone has an established group already.
>go to school,work,home everyday
>haven't been out since Halloween

>> No.10721971

>trying to put your dick inside a taco

>> No.10721984

Are you sure?

>> No.10721988

you Kendrick trying to hit Sherane OP?

>> No.10721994
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>be March 2015
>see this really cute girl in city
>solid 8, in a flecktarn parka 2013 effay look but still good
>I randomly get brave and compliment her fit
>"aww thank you, zis is my favourite jack-et"
>fucking european, sounds like a mix of Esmerelda and Alizee
>I end up taking her out to coffee
>we hit it off, we both listen to shitty meme rap and we /diy/ eachother cute clothes
>she's probably sleeping in my Basquait-inspired painted cream cardigan rn
>be May
>"Anon... I don't actually live here"
>she's from romania on vacation
>lengthened trip to be with me
>we spend the rest of the day just crying and cuddling in bed

It's been 7 months now... we're still doing long distance and I'm still sure I love her... but goddamn this is honestly worse than my days of heartache over girls I can't have... cos I have her but I cant have her

>> No.10722000

>tfw so depressed ive been in a weird hazy/foggy state of mind
>emotionally dis-attached for the most part
>only feel sadness or joy in humor from time to time

at least baggy/dark circle eyes, a screwed up appetite and addictive habits are all /fa/

hope I dont die or kill myself soon
I like living

>> No.10722011

>tfw not bad looking but awkward as shit
>fucking cuck who only feels confident in social settings/parties while drunk/high
>know no grills
>put on a happy face for people but honestly feel pretty shitty about myself most of the time

>> No.10722012

Tfw find out you're adopted at 21.
Not sure what race you are but now understand why you never really fit in with blacks.

>> No.10722018
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>been fat since sophomore year, at my worst I weighed 300lbs
>start dieting last month, working really hard
>finally seeing results, finally feeling halfway decent about myself, finally for the first time in my life feeling determination for something

>> No.10722019

ah shit it's a verbal tic to me,sometime i slip up deragatory remark in the chan

>> No.10722023

any other manic depressed/major depressed fags here?
sometimes I think im literally losing my mind because of it
nowadays its like im the only character without a script in my own movie that is my life
everyone is doing their thing and im just like man I want to die, dont let it show

>> No.10722029
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is she living in her Bucharest anon?
if yes i could go there and pleasure her on behalf of you

>> No.10722030

keep it up man. Its a lifestyle change but its totally worth it. Eat better, work out, and you will feel like a different person.

>> No.10722032

life is pointless. focus on just having fun instead.
helped me

>> No.10722059

>tfw end of first semester of uni
>still haven't made any friends (unable to make friends, I can talk casually, but how do people actually get a group of people to do things with?)
>my money for school will soon run out
>want to drop out and wageslave and skate when not working

I don't want life anymore, bros.

>> No.10722067

fuck, these are me
especially >>10722023

been this way for years now. i'm emotionally exhausted. i don't even have the energy to be sad anymore. it's like, my "glass" is constantly being poured out and never refilled. people have always dissapointed me, but i disappoint myself more than anything for the fact that I'm intelligent and talented and creative, but I literally cannot put any of that to use because the motivation to get shit done just isn't there. end blog post

>> No.10722076

elaborate on what having fun means

>> No.10722077

Damn, anon. It sounds like you've got something special, though.

>> No.10722089

yea im the last reply
you hit the nail on the head
im an overall well rounded, capable and attractive person
but as of lately its like I can barely muster what I have
realistically im fairly certain I went through my first serious manic episode
which has lead to my major depressive state
some anon told me that eventually youre brain chemistry recuperates and youre back to fairly normal

I just hope I can wait that long

>> No.10722090

i am a still creepy and ugly and stinky

moshed at the concert went crazy wild tore the dance floor up and some normie girls cringed at me and moved away to the other side of venue

my style is gangster but my mind is powerful with the spectrum

>> No.10722102

Matt? Matt fucking helders? How the fuck you you been man?!

>> No.10722111


blackest city in america

>> No.10722113

>tfw don't hit it off with girls in your class until the very end of the semester and then you never see them again

>> No.10722119

excellent man just drinking a cup of tea in merry old england

studying philosophies and laws at university of manchester college of arts and technology

>> No.10722128

Sieg when he's a teen:

"I want to dress well like everyone else in the world"

sieg in late 20's :

"fuck i still dress like shit, all i learned is how to buy better constructed clothing..."

>> No.10722133

Thanks pal. Down to just over 260 as we speak.

>> No.10722137

That explains a lot, man I need to move.

>> No.10722163

holy fuck this is me. Finally notice this qt in a class 2 weeks before the final now shes gone. tfw she probably getting dicked by some other dude over break

>> No.10722167
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you know what to do...

>> No.10722176

I'm being forced to take vacation or else I'll lose vacation days and I don't have any schoolwork to do until next year.

I'm so bored I'm going to fucking explode. I'm literally volunteering to do programming jobs just to have something to occupy my time. I can't stand wasting time with video games anymore.

>> No.10722211

at least I got to be one of her memories
im so lonely
I dont even like myself anymore

>> No.10722233


>> No.10722240

You guys are still doing this "feels" shit?


>> No.10722241

You're a comp sci dweeb? Gtfo man I've lost respect for you.

>> No.10722245

Are you still a nigger?

>> No.10722259
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Ow you got me

Go back to sulking in your own sorrow on the Internet

>> No.10722261

>You're a comp sci dweeb? Gtfo man I've lost respect for you.
lol nah. I just did a lot of freelance web design/programming in undergrad to make extra $$$. I still whip out those skills - which are increasingly useless - when I'm bored as fuck and want to help out small businesses I like. I'm also doing a lot of pro bono legal work, but that's a bit of a slower burn - just churned out a shit ton of wills for low-income old people.

Holy fuck I'm turning into a crack addict w/r/t this lack of work. Skydiving places are shut down for the rest of the year, I've already booked myself for 5 parties over the next week and can't find any more, and I have no good ideas on projects to work on. I'm like so frustrated I can't sleep.

>> No.10722266

Better then being being black 24/7, oh shit fucking burned bro

>> No.10722269


>hard to get

This doesn't exist you faggot, you're just ugly.

>> No.10722271

better than those reddit kids who think STEM majors run the world

they haven't figured out that comp science, math and chem degrees are not very in demand fields and that people that know how to deal with people not not just objects are more in demand than a society

>> No.10722275

this is not fashion
delete this thread


>> No.10722280
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Keep telling yourself that. Ya know... Whatever helps you sleep at night. Being socially inept and reliant of the Internet is a brutal life.

>> No.10722284
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>on holidays
>have spent the past month shitposting on 4chan
>bored af but coming to terms with it
>got accepted into honours
>still getting centrelink

eh lifes alright I guess lads

hang in there m8, first years always kinda weird, most of the people that you meet are either posturing really hard or retarded (generally both).
It gets better, by second year you'll see that you've started to make closer friendships and that you also feel a lot more comfortable with yourself.

>> No.10722286

STILL better then being black.

>> No.10722294

>Tfw about to straddle up for law school

>> No.10722311

What do normal people do all day? I'm so bored sitting in my house all day and night. Also, when someone says "just go outside", what do they mean? what does everyone one do "outside" when they aren't studying, working or with friends?

Help an autist out familia

>> No.10722330

If you're going to a T14, good luck.
If you're going to a T1 and have a scholarship for a full ride or near it, good luck.

Otherwise, RUN

>> No.10722355

>always chatting with qt in my classes
>never really find much out about her
>it's finals week so there's a lot of spare time
>she's a total neet plays Mario games all day
>no friends minus her roommate
>omg he's my bestie
>btw I smoke weed ever day
>I get it free it's so awesome my roomie buys it
>dawns upon me she probably gets a train run on her for free weed
>she's perfect minus weed addiction
>kind of a deal breaker but god damn I love super short girls and they're hard to find
>what do?

I should've stayed with my ex and her light h addiction.....

>> No.10722356

Idk if I was ugly I doubt she would have given me her # so fast but then again she did kind of invite me over to get jumped, I did show up early though.

>> No.10722363

T14 but I think I can hang.

>> No.10722367

they mean with friends, try and find a hobby or something try something out of your comfort zone anon-kun

>> No.10722373

Solid, congrats man.

Don't shoot so low just because she's short and cute. There are plenty of girls like that.

>> No.10722377


Just walk places. Go to a shopping district or a farmers market or /out/ or a park or a bar. Or just wander around and let your senses guide you.

>> No.10722394

go to the beach and read a book

>> No.10722402

>What do normal people do all day?
that's basically why you have people constantly asking what the meaning of life is

most people are bored as fuck most of the day

which is why facebook, tumblr and shit is so popular........but that's the beauty of life.....nobody to tell you what to do

you literally can do whatever the fuck you feel like doing any given day of the week because fuck it...............who is going to tell you otherwise

>> No.10722511

she literally schlicks to me over skype lmao so nah man

this is the closest I've been to feeling love... I'm a high functioning autist (why else would I be posting on a feels thread on an alaskan bull worm puppet show forum) with sociopathic tendencies... I kinda feel like that generic cliche of the robot being like "what is this... love?" so I guess that's good

>> No.10722569

you sound like a huge pussy

>> No.10722731

Yo, pass Dot the bottle man, you ain't the one that got fucked up. What you holding it fo?

Niggas acting all unsensitive n shit.

>> No.10722782
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>tfw I think I may have instilled false hope / confidence in myself in terms of my looks and a lot of the time I think I'm somewhat good looking even though I'm probably not and now I'm very conflicted
>still am V shit with girls tho, despite this possible 'fake' confidence
>idk man

>> No.10722858

That's not healthy m8 ur gonna go full school shooter mode if you don't release now and then

>> No.10722862
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ive had a good reputation so far and im not gonna ruin it and be branded as a hothead because of some jackasses,and petty revenge isn't my schtick
i think i exaggerated that unholy pent up anger part,it's more of like those people face flashing on me when i sleep and i have the sudden urge to break an object

>> No.10722871

whyyy georgia whyyyy

>> No.10722883

>end of 3rd semester at uni
>don't know what to do with life
>don't have any uni friends
>not even aquaintances
>finally rebuilding my life after I fucked it last year (too many drugs, too much booze, quit my job to do both, failed a class because I did both)
>got really good grades this semester
>doing really well at my new job
>stopped sleeping in until noon and staying up until 3 am
>started losing all the depression weight I gained
>life feels empty
>I feel empty
>Like I'm going through the motions
>school, work, come home and browse /fa/ until bed, repeat.
Is this a legitimate thing? I always thought it was just me being a fuck up but these alternating phases of feeling so overwhelmed with depression that I think I'm overflowing followed by long phases of piecing my life back together and feeling like an empty robot doesn't seem normal. It's like I hate everything and want to die when I'm "overflowing" with sadness but when I'm empty I wish I were at least sad because it would be better than feeling nothing.

>> No.10722897

I feel you man, I'm in the same boat. Started at 280 lbs in September, now at 240 and feeling so much better physically and mentally. Keep going bro.

>> No.10722908

Get over here bros ;_;

Knew this qt all semester through mild small talk, but finally got around to hanging out with her in the last month. She's gone forever now and I'm all alone again

>tfw constantly thinking of our last interaction

>> No.10722913

>tfw infatuated with very cute but narcissistic punk girl who I had disappointing drunk sex with two months ago
I think I can finesse this into a friends with benefits thing and we can actually have good sex if I can just hook up with her one more time. I think she's still at least a bit into me; if she doesn't sleep with me next time we party, I'm going to literally seduce her sluttier but less attractive friend just to make her jealous. Christ this shit is degrading, but the puss is queen.

>> No.10722920
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>not calling the cops and getting them deported

Mexican guy punched friend in the face for talking to his girl and he called the cops on him, guy did 3 months in jail for assault and was deported, he came back though but if he gets caught again he's fucked.

>> No.10723160

That didn't feel like the most masculine course of action at the time. I'll just think of it as a lesson learned.

>> No.10723177


>You guys are still having emotions?

>> No.10723180

>white man
>not being taller and stronger than 5'3 mexicans


>> No.10723182


Don't fall into the trap of using video games/the Internet as escapism from a boring life, Pat. Maybe you should try following a creative pursuit

>> No.10723187

let's see you win a fight against three angry Mexicans.

>> No.10723188

I've been thinking about my ex, about how much she hurt me, recounting every memory from a disillusioned viewpoint and seeing just how awful she is. All this has gotten me really angry and now I want to hurt her in some way. What do I do about these feelings?

>> No.10723191

>tfw will have to wear an ugly uniform to work everyday
>have to ride the bus because who the fuck needs a car in Seattle
>still afraid of looking like shit in front of strangers I will never see
>cant tailor the uniform

>> No.10723194
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>fell in love with Tumblr qt
>make inappropriate jokes about her heritage
>she's from Iran
>she laughs about them
>I guess she really likes me
>after my last gf I've been banged up pretty bad when it comes to committing to someone
>She's really sweet and doesn't treat me like shit for once
>Find out that I like being treated like shit by girls in general
>dating other girls who probably don't even know my last name while she really gives a fuck about me
>trying to fill the void with empty sex
>realising I'm a shitty human bean and a whore looking for validation where there's none

what do plz help

>> No.10723196

Listen to >>10723182

I had the exact same problem and was close to starting vidya, but picked up carpentry as a hobby.

>> No.10723199


I know this feel all too well. It's like I can only be attracted to girls I know will end up hurting me. Sometimes I feel like killing myself because I don't think I'll ever have a fulfilling, loving relationship.

>> No.10723208
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eat a ham and cheese sandwich

>> No.10723210

>tfw special snowflake
>tfw special snowflake problems
>tfw special snowflake problems have no possible solution because they are so, so special
>tfw downwards spiral of depression

>> No.10723214

I don't necessarily want to be treated like shit but it's hard for me to really cherish a girl that I didn't make me chase her atleast a little. Otherwise I would just bang whatever 5/10 chick that started talking to me about the weather out of the blue.

>> No.10723217


I think that's normal, you should want that little bit of chase. For me though, it's either girls that I know deep down will never truly love me back (something I'm always in denial about when I'm with them) or the random 5/10 chicks that I know I will never be able to love. I just want to get out of this fucking cycle, I'm tired of it.

>> No.10723224

If it makes you feel better OP, I have a sexy Latina girlfriend.

>> No.10723228

> have no friends
> nobody knows me
> no drama in life
> see high schoolers on break making posts
> feels lonely, man

>> No.10723239
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I agree on the chasing part but it goes much further than that.

Sucks when she even spurts out shit like this
>never expected to feel something for a guy again

and I all I could say is "we should hang out again very soon"

I guess loving someone isn't meant for me...

>> No.10723250
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>tfw have hobbies but no time to do them
>tfw gay and no bf
>tfw decent looking but manlet
>tfw job and still broke
>tfw engineering school but want to leave so bad
>tfw want to be financially stable but may sacrifice mental stability
At least I didn't bomb my finals..

>> No.10723257

>who is going to tell you otherwise

>> No.10723258

They really make the best girlfriends, either that or I'm a creepy racial fetishist. But really, most of them have a tendency to be family oriented, know how to cook, and embrace their femininity. But then again, this is a bit of a generalization. There are plenty of shitty Latinas, like in OPs story.

>> No.10723262

What kind of Latina, and do you ever feel like she only cares about you're money?

>> No.10723287
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>go to a random clothing shop in a village
>looking for some pants
>shop assistant comes to me asks if I need help
>I-Im looking for some pants
>Okay what size are you?
>says you need atleast 32/36 these pants you wear are already short on you and giggles
>T-This is supposed to be

>> No.10723298
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>tfw started to hate girls
>started to hate people
>tfw i just want a gf
>realize im just a shitty human being
>tfw people come to me and talk to me but im just too boring to talk to.
>ended up always alone
>want to kill myself but i know that isnt the solution
>dont want to have friends either

fuck this shit, i've been so fucking sad. and i really dont want help. i just wish someone kill me.

>> No.10723304
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>girl: Hey Whats your last name?
>girl: Nothing :)

What she want

>> No.10723308

Not previous anon but I'd say focus on things you enjoy whilst avoiding extended periods on things that make you more vulnerable ie 4chan, reddit, Facebook and whatever

Also go and dilvulge in people around you or go to helplines or therapists or something. Make use of something and don't keep your shit to yourself

>> No.10723332

she is trying to imagine what it would be like to be married to you

>> No.10723336

dude, R U ME?!?!?!

>> No.10723352

Just move somewhere together? I mean if you really think you found something special it'd be dumb to let it fade away just because of the distance it's 2015.

>> No.10723357

>tfw no confidence
>tfw very low self esteem, think I don't have it.
>tfw I fap 3 times at day
>every time I fap I feel the loneliness eating my soul
>No gf, no friends, no goals.
>Fat, ugly, poor.
why even leev?

>> No.10723366

To fap another day

>> No.10723391
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That's really subjective.

I've been trying to get out of my depression for years now. Trying to create/make things helped me and it keeps my mind off my existence. I try to make some stupid art/clothes/whatever/draw. It really gives me sense of purpose and that I spent my time in a way that makes sense.

You also don't need anyone else so it's okay to be socially retarded like me. Sometimes I even post it online and it really feels good when someone appreciate/like these things.

That works for me at least.

>> No.10723409

Why not save the money for her to move to where you live? I can't imagine it'd be that difficult of you put the financial/legal effort into it.

Emptiness like that can come from a lack of a goal or drive. It's pretty normal in society nowadays - life sucks when you really don't have any purpose. Bootstrapping yourself into a sort of good position of life-togetherness is kinda tough if there's no proverbial light at the end of the tunnel.

Figure out something you're passionate about and pursue it, man. Always have something you're working towards privately - it's why I'm getting another degree, for example.

>> No.10723463

Get /fit/

Used to be fat fuck with no confidence myself. Wanted to do something, but going to the gym meant to meet people. Bought a bench and weights and had them delivered to me, watched online tutorials of what to start with, did some lifting and dropped bad eating habits. As I felt more confident after some months I started going to a gym, just went uphill from there.
Chances are, the ugly will sort itself out and you'll feel more motivated to do something about the poor too.

You can make it happen, believe in yourself m8

>> No.10723514

Post pics of girl, OP.

This girl must be something if she's worth ignoring red flags.

>> No.10723526

Rather not post pics of anyone I know or even myself here from experience, sorry if that makes this less believable.

>> No.10723527

t...thanks for the advice, m8. Actually I do some gym and cardio, also bike commute. The thing is: bad nutrition habits and bad genes.

>> No.10723683
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>not happy with my looks
>recently moved out of town
>mom misses me I suppose
>mom got a new phone
>tries to take a picture of me
>lose my shit pretty hard
>she starts sobbing
>I just want a picture of to look at when you're gone

I hate myself
I haven't achieved anything in life
Still being an insufferable asshole to my mom

When does it stop

>> No.10723726


>> No.10723760

get a nice picture done of yourself or your family for christmas desu i bet she'd appreciate that senpai

>> No.10723767
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>she keeps telling me that she loves me, but I've begun to see her care less and less

>> No.10723770

dude no latinas are the worst

>> No.10723771

>tfw the grill I like is getting fat
>tfw still no chance


>> No.10723808

Diepe iMessage berichten, man.

>> No.10723904
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Does anybody else feel super uncomfortable saying anything loudly around other people? Like when people say hey from down the hallway I can't make myself say it back till they're closer.

>> No.10723908

You, my friend, are fucking stupid. Why would you go through all that because of a girl? You don't even love her. Sex isn't that good.

>> No.10723910
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Actually what I'm doing now, got an entry level job at an accounting firm (the owner of the company knows me and made the decision that despite me not having any certification that I was goon enough for the job) and I'm working towards getting a place so we can be a de facto couple and she can go for citizenship. I sent her a versace necklace (she loves vintage versace don't judge) and I have a christmas present from her that I get to open

all I know is that she makes me happy, I hate office work but it's worth it if it means that I get to wake up next to her smiling face

>> No.10723911

sounds like social anxiety maybe, idk how to help other than suggest exercise if that's what you have

>> No.10723926

That's sad, man. I hope you find a way to visit her at least once in two months (or her to visit you). Otherwise, you better forget her.

>> No.10723938

Everyone can find someone no matter how fucking ugly/awkward you are. Actually, there are a lot of girls who like awkward guys. I go to geek events with a morphsuit doing crazy/stupid shit. Girls actually like it. (not that it has a lot to do with what you're talking about, but you understood me).

>> No.10723948

I already felt like you. Time will make it go away. I know everyone says this, but it is true. When you're not expecting, she will vanish from your mind completely. Just don't be a faggot and have some determination.

>> No.10723960


the only way you'll make your pain worthwhile is to leave her with a very lasting impression of you on YOUR terms

whether this means posting nudes, stalking her, or shitting on her fucking faggot nigger fucking niggers i fucking hate niggers i'm going kill you i'm going to kill a fucking nigger

>> No.10724015


>> No.10724021

When I got out to fight it was because the guy smashed my window not because it was her boyfriend even though that kind of pissed me off. I didn't go through that much until the day she called me over, I was like "haha, yeah" but I came over an hour early and shit hit the fan. I stopped being emotionally invested way before that.

>> No.10724030

fucking lol probably to search you up on social media you doof. by answering "why?" you confirmed that you're not the type who would yield any search results on social media anyway

>> No.10724035

next time I see her is March, then later in the year I'm heading over there for a bit

>> No.10724053


>> No.10724072

do you even Yowamushi Pedal?

>> No.10724097

Sorry haven't watched it in a long time

>> No.10724273
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>walk out of store after buying delicious sandwich and see two qts that i know but not friends
>i've drunkenly made out with one of them
>other is girlfriend of my friend
>walk by and say absolutely nothing because i'm an awkward cuck
>feel shitty about myself now

>> No.10724279


>> No.10724335

Don't worry m8, first year was also hard for me. End of year no friends, but now I have more than enough and with same interests. You will be fine, it's okay if you have no friends right now. You will get some eventually. Lifelong friends.

>> No.10724368

Use how she hurt you to become a better person, man. Don't stoop to her level.

>> No.10724378

Good feels? Good feels.
>grandpa just died
>dad inherited all of his guns
>he keeps one piece for heirloom's sake and hands the rest to me
>I don't like guns and these are old anyways
>gonna pawn them for $$$
>tfw I can afford designer fits now

>> No.10724399

Are they cool? Post pic family

>> No.10724503
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>Selling personal heirlooms for clothes

>> No.10724526

been starving myself to look better the past month
im 124lbs 5 10 feet
tfw will never be cute :(

>> No.10724541

Absolutely nothing wrong with that
If I left sick ass vintage Rick wardrobe to my grandchildren after I died and they decided to sell them to get cool guns, I wouldn't give a fuck. Also I would be dead so I literally wouldn't be able to give a fuck anyway.

>> No.10724554

stop eating shit and you'll stop looking like shit

>> No.10724702


do it for your mom. you might look like shit, but your mom doesn't care. just bite your tongue for one god damn photo; she's your mom..

>> No.10724707

Stop being a bitch and fight them.

>> No.10724726

> I've never felt this way about any girl before, not even my ex
> I know theres something there but theres also too much missing
> Today I got JEALOUS of two fucking BIKES that had fallen over on top of each other on the wind because it looked like they were cuddling

Fucking end it family

>> No.10724752
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>tfw spend 2 years growing out my hair
>little bit past my shoulders
>sort of unhealthy, lots of split ends etc
>few days ago get the bright idea to shave it all off
>do it
>realize I look completely "normal" and boring as fuck now
>mfw realizing how far away 2 years from now is
>mfw thinking about whether or not I'll still be alone in 2 years
>mfw hair won't be back to the length I had it until I'm 23


a-at least I can techwear now, right?

>> No.10724793

nothing, you wait, you wait, then wait a little more

in the mean time, jerk off or lift weights. seriously. been there, sat around got angry/sad/whatever, but it has no pay off

>> No.10724814

bf cheated on me 3 times with gril uglier than me. not fully but he knows that it is cheating. hes acting sketchy about it and i love him too much that i still trust him. he wont discuss it with me for more than 10 mins.

>> No.10724819

guys help wat do

>> No.10724836
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>be me
>met this cute girl in class, never talked too much with her
>i like the way she looks and dress but she was kinda going out with someone already (her ex)
>end of the semester, no longer in class with her
>*4 months forward*
>we start talking even though shes not with me in Any class but she hangs with a friend of mine at school
>she saw me walking with a girl, not dating or anything
>“hey anon, is that your gf?”
>“n-no, why?”
>she starts saying that she doesnt look good for me and that i can do better
>“who should i date then?”
>tfw she says “me”
>drop all of my spaghetti and say some stupid shit
>“hehe, yeah, i should def do that”

It's been like 2 months since we talk more than ever to each other but what if she was just playing around?
Also, her ex bf was trying to go out with her again but she told me something about it and how she dumped him

Please help

>> No.10724848

unless you are a really strong person its fuckin over love. that shit will haunt you

>> No.10724850

>randomly being a bigot in a feels thread

You're making me feel bad family

>> No.10724854

Grass is greener man. Itll grow out yeah

>> No.10724882

If you don't call sherif a nigger every time you see him post you're a fucking idiot