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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 326 KB, 600x535, CL3HpXbUMAA4-BE.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10720570 No.10720570 [Reply] [Original]

how to dress to attract 8/10+ girls?

>in b4 dressing for yourself

>> No.10720571

Most girls prefer suits and menswear. This board doesn't exactly like that, but it's true.

>> No.10720572

Not weird, not feminine

>> No.10720580

what about casual tier stuff?


>> No.10720618
File: 12 KB, 555x368, 12193889_10153158545987109_3233931824017341865_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1. Be attractive (tall, fit, strong jawline, good hair)
2. Be rich
3. Be witty and relaxed in social situations
4. Wear clothes that reflect your personality and your station in life

Congratulations, you are now a male 8-10 and can attract female 8-10s.

>it really works!

>> No.10720625

Wear fitting clothes

That's literally it

Oh and have a 7+/10 face

>> No.10720656

you have to not be ugly first

youre on fa which means youre probably ugly

unless you have a great personality you're not getting 8+/10s, and we're on fa so you probably dont have that either

>> No.10720663

what stores/brands tho

>> No.10720671
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>to attract 9/10 girls

9/10 girls won't even let you approach them if you're not at least 6'2 and super handsome, which I assume is the case.

what to do
>be rich
>befriend with the owner and/or bouncer at a really select bar/nightclub where hot bitches hang out (which should be easy if you have some money)
>dress like whatever
>be confident
>when you go to said club, walk directly to the bouncer and smile to the hot bitches when entering the club without waiting in the queue like them
>inside, walk to said hot bitches and ask confidently what they'd like to drink, you can pay for anything
>chit chat, be confident, brag subtly about your wealth
>tell them you have a big penthouse from where you can see all the city and ask them if they want to see and pursue the party there

I'm french, this literally happened when i was visiting NYC, some 50 y/old guy did this, we were a group of 3 guys and 5 girls, all of us ended up in that dude's apartment, taking cocaine, he started making out with the hottest chick of the group on his couch and groping her, this started to deviate to a strange orgy, me and my other friend (the guy) we left because everything was weird as fuck (in b4 cucks).

>our faces when

>> No.10720677

Hot topic

>> No.10720690


>> No.10720698

I don't think you're getting the point, Anon.

>> No.10720700

I guess you're OP, well you shouldn't have started a stupid topic like this one at first

>> No.10720703

>9/10 girls won't even let you approach them if you're not at least 6'2 and super handsome
It's just not true, you have to level up your game.
When I was around one fashion week in Europe (I obviously didn't get in there), I approached around 10 model-looking girls and their responses were highly positive.
I am 5'9, when I did it I also had braces and acne, I was wearing Vans Sk8 shoes, jeans shorts and a plain grey t-shirt.

>> No.10720710

business casual. also that camwhore isn't an 8/10 more like a 5/6

>> No.10720711

>implying i dont attract 8+/10 girls

>> No.10720716

5/6 is 8.3/10 you dumb fuck

>> No.10720720

post fit

>> No.10720743

Lift weights and do cardio. Be 6'-6'4" and white. Dress like Ryan Gosling.

That's it.

>> No.10720755
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>he thinks clothes are more important than face/race/height

I've gotten a 7/10 blonde girl's number without asking for it in a tank top, baggy shorts, and roshes

>> No.10720763

you are all fucking retarded
just don't be socially awkward or a douchebag
also if u want to hit on tumblrinas u better be alternative/edgy otherwise just be normal and be urself

except if ur ugly then ur fucked

>> No.10720764

bad attempt at a cop out. post fit. let go of your fear.

>> No.10720771
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I'm not even that guy. He's just right.

>> No.10720772

Wow huge achievement m8

>> No.10720776

*tibs fedodo*

>> No.10720793

dress like a retard and be 6'0 with a nice car
also work out and wash and groom yourself like a girl and smell like a fruit

>> No.10720802


Actually I'm 6'3" hihi

>> No.10720849

Girls genuinely like nice guys, but not ebin gentlemen. You have to be courteous but still pure alpha material.

The reason people think nice guys finish last is because these nice guys are beta ccuks that don't know how to generate a presence. Its all about selling yourself as overly sensational but still approachable.

Also OP the girl in your pic is appalling.

>> No.10720870

got everything down except good hair (got a buzzcut) and the rich part
am I good to go?

>> No.10720895

age old be attractive don't be unattractive
too bad after the well dressed and attractive part they see through the cool demeanor and realize i'm completely dysfunctional. i guess i'm somewhat attractive because i still get some female attention while being a sperglord but my experience with life has fucked me up bad. i don't know how to interact with people which acts in cohesion with deep anxiety due to a perception that i'm constantly being judged. i've become pretty fucking agoraphobic at this point. honestly being attractive and dressing well doesn't help when you've got deep-seated issues. it actually debilitates me further in that i receive some of the attention that i'm desperately looking for but simultaneously i don't know how to handle it. it fucks me up further because it just reminds me that i'm lonely and don't know how to connect or open up to people.

sorry i needed to vent, this belongs in the feels thread

>> No.10720942


They literally thought you were retarded and were being "nice" to you out of pity.

>> No.10720973

Wear clothes that fit well, don't smell and aren't crumpled up and wrinkled. You can wear different looks to play up particular images but that is about it, the rest is up to you.

That being said traditional menwear tends to highlight strengths and suppresses flaws in the male form. Worn properly and appropriately I would say it's worth half a point.

>> No.10720996

I feel you anon, it's allright. I think everyone recognizes this problem

>> No.10721035


>> No.10721039


>good looking

pick 3 and you can get any 8+

>> No.10721044

The way I got rid of social anxiety was by acting like a book or movie character for the first 6 months getting out there. I just pretended I was acting out a role and thought "what would a casanova character act like in this moment?" I think you'll find it much easier to interact with people because they are judging your character, not you. You'll eventually become who you want to be sovially and it will come natural to act how you wish you could have before.

in other words dont be yourself, be the you you wish to be

>> No.10721054

I like the sweater.
The pants/shoes combo are faggot-tier.

>> No.10721064

>how to dress to attract 8/10+ girls?

more like

>how to show off how insecure and underageb& I am on /fa/?

>> No.10721066

I had no idea being basic was homosexual

>> No.10721080

>that color of pants + that fit + all white shoes
Try jeans or something a little loser fitting.
You honestly look like you should be hanging out at a gay bar or standing outside a high school.

>> No.10721087

They're slim fit and not particularly tight. Jay 1s are basic af. If anything it looks preppy and casual.

I also didn't realize all highschoolers were homosexual.

>> No.10721112

I actually think that what you're trying to say is that it isn't edgy enough for you. It's okay though, I'm 190lbs and own 7 guns.

>> No.10721138

sry m8 tall, clothes and personality aren't good enough for 8+

>> No.10721277

you people don't deserve love

>> No.10721381

lol you rretarded nigga the white shoes arent that bad

>> No.10721421

You hear that boys? 7 guns! Real life bona fide murderer i betcha

>> No.10721430


>> No.10721432
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>> No.10721438

lol fatty

>> No.10721469

i like guys who dress slutty and a bit feminine

>> No.10721475

for starts, and im going for a different angle to contrast the pickup angle everyone else is assuming, you need friends and you need a lot of them. you need a close circle who you hang with all the time, extended friends who your close friends either are or arent friends with, and acquaintances you see around town or frequently at events etc. you need to have social standing, all these people need to like you. now once youve got some friends, more likely than not 30+% of them are female, and likely youre either not attracted to them, or if you are theres something else stopping you from hooking up.

>now i suggest you dont bang any of these girls once its clear youre not hooking up from the get go unless you decide you actually want a relationship from them as the one night stand you would have would be awful, and probably kill or at least significantly alter the relationship


how do you meet 8+/10 hot girls? well unless you want to be a member of the group of men they probably despise, as in those who constantly approach them with whatever approach they think will work as they assume the girl must want to fuck any smooth talking hot guy that happens to have to egocentric confidence to inject themselves into her life(nope), and so what you do is meet them via a mutual friend.

and i dont mean you are necessarily introduced by a mutual friend, i mean you are somehow put into a comfortable social situation in which you are both in. a social situation where most people are (preferably) in some kind of sexually active relationship, where the girl feels reasonably safe enough psychologically to have emotionally connective conversations with strangers.

now this is where the "game" everyone obsesses over as the mucho importanto parto of the pickup. believe it or not you cucks, what you say to her actually is the least relevant part of the whole fucking ballgame. because if youre decent at convos, shes doing 80% of the talking.

>can continue but you get the gist

>> No.10721482

Doesn't really matter, just bring your credit card.

>> No.10721507


also picking up at a bar is ENTIRELY DEPENDENT upon what city you live in. and even in NYC theres still a lot of chance that goes into it.

parties are better, but, and i really really want to stress this, youre going for her number.

>depends on the girl and situation, as some of these 8+ are party sluts banging several guys a week but do u really want to bang that skinny ratchet pussy?

no you dont, nor could you, because if thats who we're talking about, who you are is even less relevant. they pick who they fuck, end of story. how do you become who they pick? i have no i-fucking-dea ive seen the craziest shit these girls have sociopathic tendencies and i can not with all my cerebral powers of observation and deduction can not fucking figure out.

youre going for a coffee date sometime in the next few days, thats how you get laid consistently.

basically the problem with this question is that, and this is the problem when it comes to talking about girls: everything depends on the girl.

and the aplomb of your lifedrum.

i suggest not being an arrogant, narcissistic asshole. that seems to work more than being aesthetic.

>> No.10721511
File: 24 KB, 620x348, 1440749083250.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

did you get a pair of these overpriced pieces of shit yet? that's the eff-a way, my guy

>> No.10721514

But how do you get friends?

>> No.10721529
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>> No.10721552


she wont even recognize them but if she does you at least got your foot in the door

if youre too socially awkward to make friends with members of the same sex with similar interests in life, you dont have the social skills to handle a girl whose entire life since you were still fucking around with legos has been socializing. who has been approached by so many guys in so many situations, you arent you before her eyes, youre a member of a class she holds a serious predisposition against: random guys looking to fuck her.

you are outclassed in every single aspect of socializing by these girls, and will crash and burn if you dont hold on to the one thing you might have over everyone else: cutting honesty. and you will still crash and burn, again and again and again. if you care if she likes, or far far more importantly, if she thinks you care if she likes you, youve lost. unless shes chose you before you chose her. and this is only true like 40% of the time, because if drugs or alcohol are involved everything changes.

8+/10 hot girls? either join the disgusting world of fucked up hookup culture and get fucking hammered and bang hammered girls, or become the coolest fucking guy you possibly can be and wait for the stars to align while every second fighting to make them align from your perspective (creating opportunities basically) because that is honestly all you can do.

on a side note i got a gf of two years by sitting down next to her at a coffee shop and asking if she cared for some company. so make sure you try that too. its 100x easier to get girls into conversations in the daytime.

goodluck /fa/ggots, im off to jazzland.

>> No.10721593
File: 57 KB, 785x800, 1448840816079.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this god damn thread

>> No.10721614

you should get /fit/

I've always been a poon hound and when I was a skelly I use to attract 6/10 grills at best, with long dry spells, and I longed for a gf. Now that I'm swolle I get 8-9/10 grills and almost never go more than 2 weeks without fresh new puss puss and dont want a gf

/fit/ body >>>> /fa/shion for getting qts

>> No.10721626

I'm socially awkward, ugly, and a douchebag

>> No.10721654

>4. Wear clothes that reflect your personality and your station in life

>> No.10721677

One for every day of the week my friend ;^)

>> No.10721681

I just wish I were 10lbs heavier so I could call myself a heavyweight :^(

>> No.10721777

Yeah whatever, frenchie but no.

>> No.10721819
File: 198 KB, 763x960, 422268_4775834365152_1363024753_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw getting laid in college like playing a game on easy mode, then when you drop out and work at a warehouse your social net worth plummets

>> No.10721853

be good looking, confident, or both. if you're good looking enough (and I doubt you are since you posted this question on an anime board), 8/10+ girls will be naturally attracted to you. assuming you're not an untouchable, though, social standing (real or perceived) in inverse proportion to ugliness will work fine too. if you're ugly as fuck, you better be rich, in a successful band, popular, or somehow fucking other hot girls to get hot girls to like you. if you're average looking, you just to have a dominant personality.

all that being said, it's completely out of your control. if you're not confident, cool, or popular, you're not going to be able to "learn" those traits through practice other than going out in real life and naturally becoming a functioning human being

>> No.10722039

well atleast you're aware. that's a good start

>> No.10722044

are you me 4 years ago? get your ass back in school m8

>> No.10722313

you'll know if you're "good to go"

>> No.10722749

This is good advice. Everyone has a different judgement about you. Your mom might think you're an angel, your close friends might think you're hilarious, but your co-workers probably think you're just some other regular/boring dude. Try and act with everyone the way you act with your close friends basically.

>> No.10722787

you all have such a narrow view on what makes a girl "hot"

>> No.10722791

the board is filled with 17-19 yos

>> No.10722793

and you?

>> No.10722805

Fuck this whole thread and their negativity. It is true that if you are a 4/10, then dressing well isn't going to make the 10/10's want you badly, but dressing well can make you look better, and can also give you more confidence which will help with attracting others.

As for actual dressing advice, it depends on your age demographic. I'm 18 years old, and I'll wear something like a plain white t-shirt under a nice jacket, black pants pinrolled (changing the sock depending on your whole outfit) and good shoes (this is a big thing, girls around me love my shoes, take a look at nike trainerendors) and everybody considers me "fashionable" and I "have good fashion", yet the people on /fa/ would just say it's boring etc. etc.

>> No.10722813

>18 yo
>thinking your advice matters
fuck off kiddo

>> No.10722825

Be confident
Be social
Have eye for picking up girls
That's it really

>> No.10722838

not girls with an empty void for a personality that fills it with makeup, hair, selfies, and clubbing. there are more women who are not into that stuff than that do.

>> No.10722843
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make yourself charismatic but don't be a douche
hint interest at her but don't come off as desperate
try to initiate a conversation which you can continue afterward
if you agree to meet her again do some mild stalking (go to her fb page,look at her likes and interest) so you could atleast get a rough picture
be sincere in your feelings toward her
dress at something that's nice but not too gaudy or loud

>> No.10723144

>f-fuck off, this is m-my 4chan!!11! i-im 32 years old, s-so gtfo kid

>> No.10723172

literally "fake it till you make it"

>> No.10723181
File: 23 KB, 192x256, 1450116243034.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tfw every girl goes on tumblr now

>> No.10723404


Buzzcut ain't that bad if you can pull it off.

>> No.10723418

but what if I'm ugly ass hell?

>> No.10723459

>said the 24 yr old

>> No.10723465

as a girl i just gotta say

ew no

>> No.10723492

>implying shitposting on 4chan is any better.
Know yourself before you shit yourself faggot

>> No.10723516

he probably meant 9/10 girls not naruto grunge shit

>> No.10723579

why don't you go after girls your own age?

>> No.10723592

>implying implications
naruto grunge IS 9/10 you peasant

>> No.10723594
File: 49 KB, 604x453, just flex my shit up.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you attracted to 8/10 year olds?

>> No.10723605


>> No.10724146

ahhhh man love this pic.

>> No.10724269

I thought you looked cute anon

>> No.10724320

This is the only guy on here that gets it

>> No.10724454

it's all marketing bro. what message are you trying to convey, what girls are you trying to get? don't say hot, be specific. like, I like quirky bitches, so i dress like a professor.

>> No.10724468
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1. get fit, groom
2. wear a&f everything
3. ????
4. profit

>> No.10724623


listen to this >>10720942
It's like letting the autistic kid win a football game.

>> No.10724929

absolute poop matey
i can not lol

>> No.10724963


You're funny man.

>> No.10724985
File: 420 KB, 1280x1360, 1449118667650.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Someone please tell me how to find girls in college. I have a fake now but where do I go ;_;

>> No.10724992


girls are literally more than half of most college campuses' population. fucking loser

>> No.10724994

this, just go to a bar 1/2 the girls are looking to get dick anyways

>> No.10725014

im an engineer so its 88% guys

Im not an autist, I just can't find a group of guys who want to go out

>> No.10725021

go out with just one friend or by yourself, jesus christ it's not hard, why don't you have any friends?

>> No.10725067

all they do is play league

>> No.10725152

If girls aren't in your classes, join a club or hang out at the coffee shop and/or library (my college had a coffee shop *in* the library, which was perfect for talking to my type of girls - the ones who were there for the free wi-fi and quiet environment)

As far as clubs go, join a political club - I was in College Dems in college, and a friend of mine was in College Repubs too, and both had some single qts in them.

Join other clubs for things you like too. Even if there aren't qts in the club, making more guy friends is a good inroad to making more girl friends. Even the Anime club is going to have at least one of *those* guys - the type that will talk to anyone, is nice as hell, never meets a stranger, and if you play your cards right (and actually have common interests with him), will gladly hang out with you and be your friend. I mean, if you're not totally gross. Being this guy's friend means that if you go places with him, his habit of never meeting a stranger will work in your favor. He can be your best wingman in the world. He will walk up to a group of women without hesitation and introduce himself, and if he's stuck with you for the outing, introduce you too. Use this to your advantage.

> inb4 everyone assumes you're his boyfriend
Use an app like meetme or tindr to chat up girls around you online - if you sort search results by distance, you'll see girls who live on campus first (obviously), and if you're at a big college, it'll probably be a lot of girls.

Consult /soc/ and/or /adv/ if you have no idea how to approach girls IRL or what your first message to a girl online should be.

>> No.10725166

Stores and brands that fit your budget, have items that are of the quality and aesthetic you desire, and are accessible to you.

>> No.10725192

Read "The Game" by Neil Strauss. It has completely changed my outlook on women.

Link: http://bookzz.org/dl/699007/6863f3

>> No.10725207

>dating normies

lol irl

>> No.10725717

Don't fall for the le pickup artist meme
It will probably make you worse at attracting girls frankly

>> No.10725724

They probably thought you were a make a wish kid m8

>> No.10726045

tfw none of those things

>> No.10726372

have a strong and unique personality and hit it off with one you like and who likes you (both most important things)

clothes is too relative and subjective so just wear what you like changing how you dress would be barking up the wrong tree anyway

>> No.10726378

You date someone ugly.

>> No.10726380

youre a bottom feeder

>> No.10726385

>how to dress to attract 8/10+ girls?

Assuming you're 19-35 and skinny like most of fa, properly fitting (the key) prepcore/dadcore.

If you're jacked, flannels, jeans, henleys, and work boots.

>> No.10726387

>college dems
was it embarrassing get your shit kicked in by college repubs?

>> No.10726435

>be a 8/10 white tall guy
>use a 2k suit

there you go

>> No.10726707

Getting BTFO this hard. Oh I'm laughing

>> No.10726731
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Anyone else have a distorted sense of what you like with a girl?
Like the perfect girl who everyone says is a 10/10 isnt attractive to you, however the one you actually know is kind of not good looking IS attractive. Is this some kind of fedora mindset or something?

>> No.10726740

but aren't there only whores on tindr
if I want a whore I can get one for cheap

>> No.10726748

It means you're not attractive. I find ugly women sexually attractive....means my standards have shifted so low that I am further than one standard deviation from the Bell curve