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/fa/ - Fashion

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10718887 No.10718887 [Reply] [Original]

What does /fa/ think about plastic surgery? I finally have enough for a nose job but I'm scared to actually go through with it. Though I've been thinking about it for a long time. Anyways plastic surgery thread. Any anons who have gone under the knife? Anyone planning/wanting a surgery?
In my opinion you can't look effay with an ugly nose.

>> No.10718919

Post your nose friend. I'm curious.

>> No.10718930

No one is going to give you advice if you don't post the nose.

>> No.10718939

r u indian

>> No.10718941

It's the classic Jew nose. I'm pretty ugly so I'll save myself the embarrassment.

>> No.10718949

Go for it if you're unhappy with a specific bit of your face.

I want under eye fillers but couldn't afford the upkeep right now. One day though.

>> No.10718963

Censor your face man. Put your camera close to your nose. We don't need to see your ugly face, just your nose.

>> No.10718992
File: 197 KB, 640x1136, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright. Here is a side profile of my nose. It's so big, it throws my whole face off balance. It makes my weak jaw and chin look even weaker. I'll be getting orthodontic treatment for the weak jaw though. My nose looks okay from the front, but from any angle it looks ugly.

>> No.10719063

Been thinking about leg lengthening in Germany.

>> No.10719079

Hahaha faggot

>> No.10719088


>> No.10719091

i have undergone a plastic surgery because i had a crooked nose, it really bothered me a lot although if i pointed it out to someone else they barely noticed. i thought about it a lot and one year ago i decided to do it. i carefully picked my surgeon and read a lot of reviews and when i had the appointment, my doctor seemed very confident. i am very happy that i took this step and my nose turned out exactly as i wished for. just a straight, normal decent nose. make sure you pick your doctor wisely, and let him know exactly which outcome you want to have.

>> No.10719108

I think you're blowing it way out of proportion. At least you're a man, and a distinctive nose gives your face character. It's not like you have an insane hook nose, either. If anything I'd say your receded chin looks worse, but even then I actually think you have a very much okay profile. Not to mention barely anyone likes their profile and people will look you in the face way more often anyway. Seems like a waste of money to me.

>> No.10719123

it's not the nose that's the problem buddy

>> No.10719164

Did you notice any difference in the way people treated you?

>> No.10719165

I think you'd be better off getting a chin implant than a nose job.

>> No.10719172
File: 63 KB, 640x640, kiko-selfie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been thinking about getting implants, but are flat chests considered effay?

>> No.10719236

Big titties seriously ruin a silhouette in clothing.

>> No.10719278

id actually fuck this nigger, not even gonna lie. wouldn't be anything long term but we'd have fun.

>> No.10719548

no for me not, because people never really could tell before that i had a crooked nose.
but i noticed that i treated myself differently, i began to see my face as a whole after the surgery because my nose was now as i wanted.
important is too that you have realistic notions of what your nose will look like, so don't think it will change your whole face

>> No.10719554

no for me not, because people never really could tell before that i had a crooked nose.
but i noticed that i treated myself differently, i began to see my face as a whole after the surgery because my nose was now as i wanted.
important is too that you have realistic notions of what your nose will look like, so don't think it will change your whole face

>> No.10719560

nah ur p much perfect effay gf material, don't ruin how u wear clothes by getting shitty implants

>> No.10719562

this scene is so good

underrated show desu

>> No.10719564

i fucked up, i meant this >>10719560

>> No.10719568

Ffs don't get it
Large breasts only attract normies and chads
Small breasts attract men who understand aesthetics

>> No.10719573

what's up with the racism? who are you? why do you use a trip?

>> No.10719574

its fuckin kiko mizuhara the filename is literally kiko-selfie you babbling mongoloids

>> No.10719576

Yes, I will get a plastic surgery as soon as I have enough money.
The only thing I worry about is the money issue and my family noticing and making fun about me.

>> No.10719578

>underrated show desu
Agreed. Fuck, I need to watch that thing again.

>> No.10719585

But this girl... she IS a ten.

>> No.10719586

hahaha you fucking c.uck

>big tits aren't effay!!
>i don't mind small tits
>i actually love small tits!

You're a virign who never had sex and now you would settle with any girl that is willing to look at you
Only beta c.ucks and virgins will settle down for small tits

>> No.10719635

What? Where does the poster imply that is them?

>> No.10719677

Is there surgery for making your feet smaller? Mine are just too big and it's almost impossible to find feminine shoes that I can afford.

>> No.10719714

Theoretically, a surgeon can modify the fat, muscle, and other tissue anywhere on the body, including the feet. But it's not possible to change the human skeleton.

>> No.10719995

also have very small titty, I read about a plant called puerira mirifica and maca that supposedly enhance breasts which I just started trying out. I was reading a lot of forums about it and a lot of girls had success, worth trying out before spending big on a surgeon. Imo B cup is perfect balance between small and effay but still feminine

>> No.10720519

anyone got experience with hair transplant?

>> No.10720658
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>> No.10720730


your nose looks fine to me

ps - I did an otoplasty 2 weeks ago and 2 surgeons refused becuase they didnt think i needed one. Trust me, if I tell you your nose is fine, than its fine.

>> No.10720760
File: 27 KB, 630x420, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>In my opinion you can't look effay with an ugly nose.