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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 169 KB, 620x948, d339ee5c-e01f-478e-8a3c-ea6666c371ad-1334x2040.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10718136 No.10718136 [Reply] [Original]

So is he actually good as a fashion designer?
What's /fa/'s take on Kanye's personal style and his designs?

>> No.10718145

if you've been here longer than 2 days you would know

>> No.10718173


>> No.10718181
File: 19 KB, 348x332, Kanye-Shrug.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


good enough for streetwear designer imo. not even close to an actual designer.

he doesn't really experiment with anything new he just makes slight modifications to things that already exist. he is more a stylist than a designer

>> No.10718195

Personally, I'm fucking in love with his dress style. To me, its really refreshing and aesthetically pleasing.

>> No.10718260

Overhyped and circle-jerked constantly
Doesn't do anything new, just rehashes old stuff with a twist. This isn't necessarily bad, but the price you're paying for it is yuge

>> No.10718285

i personally wouldnt buy any clothing from kanye because he changes his style so often

>> No.10718380

too expensive but i guess he's not the one that dictates the prices.

>> No.10718384

You deserve to be executed, but it's ok because only broke cuccklets spend their NEET allowance on them.
Seriously... No actual intelligent person owns clothing made by kanye west. It's just apex consumerism. Money = stuff is how you idiots think.
Thank you for contributing to the dystopia

>> No.10718425

fuck off, style is more than that.

>> No.10718443

Black people who can read go ape apeshit over his stuff though.

>> No.10718454
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Kanye memeslippers are not even stylish. The only reason you buy them is because he (with the help of jews) promotes himself as a genius and visionary. Makes objectively horrid clothing such as those shoes with the frills on them (seriously what the fuck) and you fall for it, happily giving up what is probably a large chunk of your income to feel validated. You are figuratively a cvck.

>> No.10718523

Literally an ape. His long ass arms extend past his fucking knees!

>> No.10718524

Dude, you're way over exaggerating. Just because it's Kanye you don't have to be over dramatic over a simple disliking.

Does Kanye's clothes look good on a lot of people? No, and I could agree with you to an extent. I don't think Kanye pulls it off very well, nor many of the people I see wearing. But it's not bad. You need someone like MC Ride to make some of that shit look good.

>> No.10718542

>objective opinion

Just tell me straight up if this is bait but none of this has anything to do with the clothes except for saying the shoes have frills on them. They just straight up don't like what

>> No.10718551

>fucking in love

Manlet detected. No matter how much you support him, it's never going to make hideously short stocky legs and beer bellies below gyno manboobs aesthetically appealing.

>> No.10718559


Literally white people. They're supposed to be cornrows.

>> No.10718568

at first i wasn't feeling it but overtime, i just started loving the certain pieces and the overall color palette that was chosen. nothing revolutionary or new and its all pretty over priced imo but some pieces are very nice. if youre going for yeezy aesthetic, just buy some shit from the army surplus or thrift store and fuck it up. eazy yeezy for da cheapzy

>> No.10718572
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I like his style and his designs, although I can't afford to cop any pieces yet. I hope he continues to improve with each line and eventually earns the respect of the fashion industry at large.

>> No.10718611
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I meant the ones second from left. That whole fit is unbelievably hideous and autistic. "Literally white people"
Why dont you go wear a straw skirt and nothing else then, nigger

>> No.10718621


>> No.10718627

Those are Visvim, and they've been around much longer than Kanye's fame you stupid fuck

>> No.10718629

thats what i like about kanyes line. the mute colors are nice but im not really into the oversized aspect of it.

>> No.10718640

Is it fun to have severe autism

>> No.10718646

If i ever see kanye in person, i am going to scream "what are those" at him

>> No.10718662

The insistence of sneakers being a fashion staple is holding blacks back more than systematic oppression. Why is that? Wear real fucking shoes and give up on the street wear hybrid fits it's all so lame

>> No.10718667

*black fashion staple

>> No.10718672
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enjoy getting your ass beat by a black manlet and roasted online since its going to be recorded by the paparazi

>> No.10718708

It honestly sounds like some of you just hate the fuck out of Kanye. It's priced the way it is because people want it, simple as that. In terms of design, it's unoriginal but the stuff ain't bad.

>> No.10718713


kanye go to bed

>> No.10718718

he has his own stylist though, and so does kim

>> No.10718791

Holy fuck! This is great!

Left to right:
1-father's coat
2-large black trash bag
3-women's theatre prop mock-coat
4-literally a bathrobe

Fucking nigglets are hilarious.

>> No.10718801

Where can I get a hoodie like that without paying ridiculous amounts?

>> No.10718815

he's a joke

>> No.10718821
File: 114 KB, 750x529, CO5wfvU.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kanye West is a living meme. Like Donald Trump or Rick Owens.

>pic obviously related

>> No.10718828

you dont aspire to be a meme? you fucking normie

>> No.10718830


>> No.10718838

kanye as a fashion designer sucks but boy you have no idea what the fuck youre talking about

>> No.10719242

really boring as a designer

>> No.10719264

I no nothing about his songs.

That said, I was shocked listening to a interview of his about fashion. He had the most delirious and clichés ideias, and somehow he seemed to believe they were genius.

His clothes are for basic bitches into status.

He loves marketing, status and sex. That's it.

>> No.10719282

That would be pretty great if that happens. I would not defend myself at all and make it look brutal... Sue him
Thats even more cringe

>> No.10719286

The middle two are particularly heinous. Left is basically just autism in cloth form used to cover a terrible fit (hideous shoes)
Right is basically a typical gettoniggerfit even tho kanye is not ghetto at all, but he is wearing an overcoat and is kanye, so impressionable niggers are like HE BE A VISIONARY

>> No.10719289
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Somewhere in the world, there is a neckbearded dungeons and dragons player dressed just like this

>> No.10719650


Drake is a meme.

Kanye is a living legend.

Get your shit strait normie.

>> No.10719656

>Dude, you're way over exaggerating.
the pill is hard to swallow

>> No.10719661

Kanye is an average musician and a bad designer.
The only reason he is so popular is because he is often discussed in the media while also being married with Kim Kardashian.
That's all.

>> No.10719665

You are actually autistic

>> No.10719737

Wasn't yeezy season 1 almost entirely designed by some finnish guy?
I dont think we can discuss Kanye as a fashion designer, when he's just an image tbqh

>> No.10719764

>Kanye is an average musician and a bad designer.
Lot of people disagree with the "average musician" part m8

>> No.10719767

Those are the rumors yes
Could be that he was just a creative director or assistance to Kanye though, no one really knows.

>> No.10719794

no, it's absolutely true.
when did kanye suddenly gain expertise in solidworks, industrial engineering, supply chain management, textile econometrics, let alone how to sew or how to draw.
to think that kanye actually designed and created these sneakers is just apex pleb.

A man named nathan vanhook actually created the shoe with kanye (maybe) sitting around/replying to emails with "i like this one, more than that one"

you niggers are so gullible, it's kinda fascinating

>> No.10719808

Are you 13? He's been a household name since the Katrina incident.

>> No.10719832


>> No.10720186

the guy is fucking intolerable

the clothes are pretty cool

>> No.10720245


>> No.10720533

But would Ride ever fuck with anything like that? It's consumerist bullshit. It doesn't look like it is, but it is.

You can get the same look by buying shit with a shia silhouette, but with blacks and muted colours instead of ones that are gaudy and ironic +
>muh stolen valour

Paying for yeezy shit makes you a cuck and an idiot unless you are a trendwhore with a massive disposable income.

>> No.10720537

You could walk into any thriftstore in a major city and come out with the same fit AND your wallet.

>> No.10720545

On shoes? I'll get some of those I'd love to wear shoes made of nigger-hide.

>> No.10721710


>> No.10721719

Extreme consumerism for the retarded

>> No.10721726

His clothes are shit but I personally find he wears alright stuff. He and Shia dress kind of similar, or have before, what with the whole trying to dress homeless stuff, but I prefer Shia. He dresses homeless on a budget, Kanye does it for $8,000 its just annoying.

>> No.10722324

Kanye is just annoying. That's all he is.

>> No.10722327


>> No.10722426

Kanye has more or less made it in my eyes.

His early work was pretty rough but he was also getting shit on non stop for not staying in his lane. You have to remember everything up until a year or two ago was shaded by the fact that he was a musician. It's only been VERY recently that the fashion community has come to accept that he's not just another bored celebrity playing their game.

He legit got non-stop hate at every turn. Fashion people made fun of him, music people made fun of him, regular ass people made fun of him. It would have been so easy to just stop. The whole argument in the beginning was he's already rich and famous so he doesn't have to grind like everyone else. I think that's now become a mute point. In a way he's had to work even HARDER to prove his sincerity than an unknown would. Yet he's never given up and has continually improved.

Do I think his clothes are all that great? No.

Do I think he's paid his dues and can now be considered a true designer? Yes.

The reality is that he's only going to improve more and go farther. I'm rooting for him now and I don't even really like his clothes / music. But I think in a weird way he's actually kind of the underdog in the fashion world and I really like that. I'm excited to see what his output will look like 3~ years from now.

If you compare his fashion career time wise to his music career, it took him 8 years from his musical career beginning to releasing The College Dropout. He's been doing the fashion thing seriously for about 5 years (marking the start as not his interest in Fashion but after his Nike collab when he began work on his first Womens collection and decided to work at becoming a designer and releasing collections like a musician would decide to work on music and release albums).

So I have a feeling in about 3 years we could see something like the fashion equivalent of College Dropout, a real hit. He just needs time to incubate like anyone making things.

>> No.10722433



>> No.10722441 [DELETED] 

i cannot relate to people who think kanye west dresses good and i cannot relate to people who like his clothing and shoes

>> No.10722448 [DELETED] 

>Do I think he's paid his dues and can now be considered a true designer? Yes.

lmao. is this even relevant?. anyone can be a real designer. just literally design anything and you are a real designer. i dont think kanye west got into fashion so 13 year olds on the internet would give him the prestige of being a 'real designer'

>> No.10722452

>So I have a feeling in about 3 years we could see something like the fashion equivalent of College Dropout, a real hit. He just needs time to incubate like anyone making things.

>> No.10722456 [DELETED] 

this is so cringe worthy

>> No.10722487


This was a big argument people had against him in the beginning.

>Didn't go to fashion school
>Has never worked for a fashion company
>Has no real design skills or background
>Just has a shit ton of money and fame
>Thinks he's a designer

Like I said it's only been within the last year or two that this kind of attack has let up and people are beginning to recognize him as a designer on his own and not just a celebrity playing designer.

Also yes it is relevant, explain to me how someone's fashion collection can be taken seriously and judged honestly if they're not even considered a designer. That's what I mean with the shit talking in the beginning, don't get me wrong Kanyes early stuff was nothing amazing but it couldn't even be judged fairly because there were so many accusations of him just being another celebrity pretending they're a designer.

Go re-read the reviews of his first women's collection, almost all of them were scathing and it wasn't even that bad. It's like viciously attacking a student collection. People thought he was going to fold.

All I'm saying is those people are already beginning to look retarded and it's only going to get worse. This is also probably the most moderate perspective you could have. I'm not saying his stuff is absolutely awful or fucking incredible, just that it's only going to improve.

>> No.10722514 [DELETED] 

you're dick riding

>hes a real designer now
>but his stuff is whatever


>people are gonna look retarded for making fun of his clothes
>but i promise i don't like his clothes either


>hes gonna improve

yeah that generally happens when you do something. cool, again

cool post kanye, very, very cool

>> No.10722562


My opinion on Kanye is ambivalent. I just think the hate he's gotten at this point is unwarranted and it's going to become more evident as he improves.

>yeah that generally happens when you do something.

No. Go look up how many celebrity collections have failed vs succeeded. Better yet go look up how many celebrities have successfully left their lane. Someone doing two things as well as Kanye is doing is actually pretty rare. One of the only other people like that is probably Jared Leto.

Say what you want about them but having global success in two careers at once is actually pretty impressive, no matter how plebeian their output is.

>> No.10723351

Kanye has never been the underdog in his life, senpai. Especially now, since he has a captive audience of cucked, hip-hop loving whitey and basic bitches on top of all the black people already drinking his kool-aid. He can do no wrong.

Try criticizing anything he does on a music forum that's not anon and you'll be overwhelmed by a landslide of cuck downvotes and accusations of racism, rockism, jealousy. All for this narcissistic wanker.

>> No.10723361

youre a fucking idiot.

>> No.10723378

>Do I think he's paid his dues and can now be considered a true designer? Yes.


>> No.10723396


>> No.10723411

Thom Browne didn't go to fashion school and nobody gives him shit

>music forums are representative of the real world

I will say Kanye's label is mediocre at best. only reason it all sells out is because he's famous.

>> No.10723524
File: 92 KB, 444x440, 1HLGqaj.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>pic related
You can't honestly think that West is actually designing the clothes right? 90% chance he is just taping pictures of pieces outfits he likes to a board and having someone else recreate them for him. Of course you don't need to go to school to be an actual fashion designer, but that's what he is calling himself. Therefore he is lying.

He was attacked because he's an arrogant pig that came into a world that he had previously only spectated. That's literally the elquivalent of someone like Trump actually thinking he has an relevance in the political world, that being said both of them are having success right now because they have an intense awareness of how to manipulate their ethos.

For Kanye to come into the fashion world with the mentality that he can just "design" a line and have everyone love it is laughable. Everything the man has ever put out is derivative of someone else, he has never put out anything remotely innovative or original. The fact of being a fashion designer is that you need to know how to actually design clothing; anyone can imagine some pieces they would want to send down a Runway or an idea they would want to translate to clothing but if you can't make the clothing then you aren't a designer. Like >>10723411 said, many famous designers didn't go to any formal school many started as pattern makers or other similar simple design jobs, some came in with nothing. Passion will take you far in creative fields, too bad West has none. Those designers did not come into the scene expecting for everyone to be talking about them instantly. Rick has even said in an interview that he could've never imagined himself to be at the status he currently is at when he first started. This is my biggest problem with West, his arrogance and narcissism shine bright no matter how much he tries to hide it.

>> No.10723530
File: 35 KB, 422x563, 5401-9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Just because critiques originally didn't like his collections, and now they are becoming popular doesn't make them "retarded". His collections are garbage and have been garbage, loom at the people who love his collections very few actual critiques still. Mostly it's just dumb apes raping their keyboards and then posting it on twitter. Being popular does not instantly validate his work and make it good.

>> No.10723539

this is embarrassing
hes hideous

>> No.10723559

This tbqh

>> No.10723578

and he's famous because of his mass appeal to tasteless knobs

>> No.10723596

>Everything the man has ever put out is derivative of someone else
That's kinda what he does with his music as well however
>he has never put out anything remotely innovative or original
Isn't true at all.
Just cause you can see or hear his influence doesn't mean it's shit. Not to mention he has his very own vision on both accounts of those things and does shit the way he wants to do it, that's something I admire at least.

>> No.10724085

No many of his pieces in any line he has done have been derivative or even creeping up on direct knockoffs. Influence is fine, copying is a whole different beast.

>> No.10724090

>No many of his pieces in any line he has done have been derivative or even creeping up on direct knockoffs
Cool examples you have there, really hammered your point home.

>> No.10724091

I'd take him so much more seriously if he wasn't married to Kim Kardashian

>> No.10724096

>So is he actually good as a fashion designer?


>What's /fa/'s take on Kanye's personal style and his designs?

shit. It's hyped up meme trash that dumb people with no taste buy into.

Not only is "his collection" boring, but it also wasn't made by him but by some Finnish guy.

>> No.10724105
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>> No.10724116

I know I'm really cherrypicking here but the upper right stuff is completely different

>> No.10724120

>any line
Point taken, never really looked that much in to the APC line
Post some examples of Yeezy Seasons though, that's the most relevant one.

>> No.10724134
File: 572 KB, 723x538, Screen-Shot-2015-02-13-at-6.54.02-PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10724148

Oh please that's hardly a knockoff
Lang might have bought the sorta bullet proof vests to fashion but Kanye's version is way different and he isn't the only one running with that idea.

>> No.10724252


He's been doing this for 5 years now and has consistently been taking it more seriously. The type of thing you're talking about is where he might have been 5 years ago when he first wanted to do that Pastelle clothing line (which he dropped when he realized how much more he needed to learn). But today he's shadowed all sorts of industry people and been tutored by CSM students. This is what I'm talking about, he's arrived in a sense. If you don't think the Yeezy stuff is his own design you're pretty blind / stupid.

Why would he dedicate all this time, money, and most importantly for an egomaniac like himself; embarrassment only to end up with someone ghost designing for him. Just think about it reasonably it doesn't make any sense and if you look at the clothes and how much of an obvious extension of himself they are it's pretty plain to see he's designed them.

This is my point. He's still fighting accusations like this because he's a celebrity designer. An unknown would never have to debunk these accusations at every turn. This is what I mean when I say that in my eyes he has paid his dues. He hasn't just waltzed in and had everything handed to him. He's been constantly fighting an uphill battle to be taken seriously since day 1 and now I feel he's gained enough skill, experience, and has taken enough of a beating that to me he's no different than any other designer. He's not some celebrity that's completely removed from the process. He's someone who's fighting to make things just like anyone else.

And I think he's going to continue to improve. You can't deny that he's only gotten better over time, even if you think the current stuff is mediocre.

The biggest celebrity handicap he has is that he's had to learn while in the public eye, an unknown can make just as many mistakes as him if not more and not be endlessly judged for it (which is caustic to personal growth). All the money in the world can't buy that essential state.

>> No.10724267

all the fukbois on campus now are wearing timberlands or some type of boot and somebody told me kanye was to blame

then there's me who actually wears these type of boots when the weather calls for it and i seem to be the only one wearing them as then everyone else is wearing sneakers when it's raining and there are massive puddles (and when it snows the same shit will happen)

what the fuck

>> No.10724291

I agree with this

>> No.10724450

He is even worse at making clothes than he is at making music. His runways are 2 season behind everybody else. He fucking sucks and has no place in the fashion industry.

>> No.10724658

Yeah I'm falling for it. I could say just the opposite though. You hate him for the mere fact that he is Kanye.

>> No.10724678

>bad at making music

>> No.10724719

timbs have been go-to hiphop classics for decades
a lot of the stuff kanye wears is already established fashion, but his status as a prominent cultural figure popularizes whatever he does

>> No.10724758

helmut lang brought bullet proof to fashion in the 90s normie

>> No.10726092

i think he's pretty good

>> No.10726099

Can a single thread BE more reddit than this one? You cuckcore manlets need to FUCK OFF BACK r/hiphopheads

>> No.10726103

I don't care for the way he dresses because I don't follow celebrity news sites but his collection is nice.

>> No.10726106

I like the stuff that isnt all scratched up and covered in holes.

>> No.10726118

Kanye just rips off designs and markets them as his own using his name to hype it up. It's the only reason his stuff even sells.

>> No.10726125

Pathetic desu senpai
nice dubs tho

>> No.10726232

he called himself a curator instead of a designer in some interview

>> No.10726238

sasu kauppi worked on it and inspired a lot of it