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/fa/ - Fashion

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10714751 No.10714751 [Reply] [Original]

Do you have a style you can Identify?

I've just realised that while I have nice clothes, I lack a style. I dress like some generic inner city office worker.

How do you push past that and create something more unique without just looking stupid?

Can you create style just through consistency in your wardrobe? For example wearing normal clothes but only wearing shades of cream/brown?

>> No.10714796

I'm thinking the latter is possible as it somewhat applies to me. I wear a lot of "fuccboi", fast fashion, Americana and punk themes, but almost always wear a headband.

>> No.10714875
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>> No.10714887


>> No.10714900

if the way you dress has a name. you dress like shit

>> No.10714937


FYI that inst me and I don't dress like that. Tats just a random picture from Google. Try to read the words without getting distracted by the picture please.

I normaly just wear jeans, shoes and a shirt. Possibly with a bomber jacket.

>> No.10715117

post a fit fuccboi

>> No.10716455
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Mine is street prep and goth mixed together w/ anorexia chic

>> No.10716488

Gothic/ punk or something im edgy as fuck.

>> No.10716681
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Mixture of street wear and heroin

>> No.10716690
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Jackets a size up to layer with hoodies and whatnot but it was bigger than expected.

>> No.10716950

I dress like some un/fa/ random guy. No money nor interest in fashion as it is preached here.

>> No.10716973

I make a lot of my shit so I look like a homeless

>> No.10716974

Modern, feminine, minimalist. I guess. I don't know, I guess for women it's easier to give their looks a personal twist because we have insane amounts of hair and makeup options.

>> No.10716978

What jacket is that and w2c?

>> No.10717016

Guys what can I wear under a slim fit black jacket? A t shirt?

>> No.10717051

i would suggest one of these. They look great on everybody.


>> No.10717097

Where you buy this

>> No.10717100

ty baldchan

>> No.10717113

answer me motherkek

>> No.10718057


>Can you create style just through consistency in your wardrobe?

For sure you can, in the summer I stuck to only 3 pairs of pants when going out and maybe 4-5 different t-shirts all different colors but very basic, plain tees, paired with a nice watch and clean shoes.

All my idiot friends were wearing graphic tees and loud colors and I was getting compliments on my "style" which I wasn't even trying to establish.

>> No.10718086

>Do you have a style you can Identify?broke college athlete core

>longsleve tshirt/hoodie
>basketball shorts
>black/white nike socks, grey if im feeling fancing
>sandals, sneakers, moccasins
Such is life at uni

>> No.10718127

Honestly, if I had to give my style a name I'd call it gay streetwear. Ain't even gay, just like stupid patterns, and interesting colours.

>> No.10718723

Ivy/American heritage

is closest style I would want to be associated with.

>> No.10718728

I'm the guy that looks like he might be on drugs. I've got some pretty bad anxiety and the way I dress doesn't really help.

>> No.10718793

I enjoy looking stupid to many. Stop caring what people think. Who the fuck are they?

>> No.10719549

having personality and confidence trasforms your wearing "strange patterns and colours " in a style. Celebs seem to have one cause they are confident of every piece of garbage they wear, so : get fit feel confident and then rock your outfits. Good luck senpai

>> No.10720306

I want to be weeaboo heroin.

>> No.10720321
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I'm guy who copies the mannequin at the shops

>> No.10720339
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does anyone know how i can use this without looking dadcore

>> No.10720341

I wear alot of thrift, old navy, and meme brands like norse & raised by wolves I cop off grailed. Not because I'm poor, but because I'm a cheap motherfucker that hordes his wealth and I don't give a fuck enough to take fashion that seriously. I'm also 28 and fuck mad 18 year old qts.

>> No.10720346

I've struggled with this problem too. Sometimes I really feel like wearing shia core esque shit, ripped pants and oversized sweaters etc, other times I like wearing streetwear and bombers and stuff. I basically just try and get things I like from inspo pics and use them, but I don't have any real definite style. Sucks desu senpai

>> No.10720367

probably blk dnm if i had to guess

>> No.10720373

so you just dress exclusively in fa memes with short shelf lives got it

>> No.10720379

why would you wear norse if youre poor since you can find alot of basic shit that looks like norse and much cheaper

>> No.10720389

I said I wasn't poor, little buddy. I've copped a couple peices used tho

>> No.10720432

I dress however. Sometimes it's formal, sometimes it's casual.

Just whatever I feel like. People overthink fashion.

>> No.10721251

jacket is BLK DNM #5
hoodie is represent velour (ackermann ripoff)
denim is april 77 joey warsaw
boots are chain wyatts

>> No.10721289

What are they mad about

>> No.10721392

Yeah I guess so man. Not like I was boasting about it or anything

>> No.10721408


>> No.10721424

Im p sure you're poor if spending more than thrift and old navy prices is taking it seriously lmao

>> No.10721443

i'd call it street moth

>> No.10721464

everyone i know says i dress like a homeless samurai so maybe thats my style

>> No.10721474

baldchan sincerely thank you so much

>> No.10721510

For King
For Country


>> No.10721801

dont go shiny

roll the sleeves

have a huge watch

lighter chinos

>> No.10721882

That whole look is shit but it isn't dadcore.

>> No.10722885

Your that one guy who posted in that face thread right?

>> No.10723709


His scarf looks comfy as fuck.
How to tie my scarf like that?

>> No.10723720


probably an infinity scarf

dont wear infinity scarves

>> No.10723725

idk breh

>> No.10723837

cute :3

>> No.10723878

Dick ovens mixed with streetwear

>> No.10723881

Just colored tees with no pictures unless I'm really lazy. Slightly oversized hoodies in winter because no fitting ones for a skeleton like me. Regular blue jeans and grey tennis shoes I wear all the time.
I call it, "wait, this isn't my home board, where am I" chic.

>> No.10723895

I've been actually thinking this today
I'm kinda conflicted and can't really decide what I want to do
On the other hand I love the sorta Kapital/Visvim relaxed japanese sorta 'hippie' vibe organic look
But at the same time I feel like memechrome sharp silhouette edgy bit military inspired stuff is more what I am
And I really like both aesthetics they just contradict each other pretty badly.

>> No.10724249

no he's not you blind fuck

>> No.10724262

More like misunderstood transsexual heroin addict circa 1997

>> No.10724268

How to "get your own style":

1. Buy only clothes that personally appeal to you
2. Wear the clothes you have bought

Congratulations, you now have "personal style".

>> No.10724305



>> No.10724927
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>> No.10724979

Yeah I remember your bone structure, you have a great face for your style. Just striking enough for the dark overtones but your slight lower features are more pretty boy esque and compliment the sleek coloring

>> No.10724980

>romanticizing anorexia rather than treating it like the disease it is

>> No.10725009

I like to think that mine is Americana/Heritage-lite and adjusted for warmer weather

Lots of muted colors, boots, jeans, henleys, v-necks, flannels, etc. But I also have a lot of shorts and a pair of natural burlap toms for when the temperature gets high.

And before anyone says anything, keep in mind that I am /fit/ and so different rules apply to me

>> No.10725022


>i am /fit/

nah, you're just a fatass

i'm 6'2" and fit with 6% bf and i pull everything off without having to look like a fatass fucking hick like you

>> No.10725032

>projecting this hard

Boy golly are you mad

>> No.10725045
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I'm afraid to say my personal aesthetic is becoming more emo/goth. Please send help.

>> No.10725056

is that maggie from the walking dead??

>> No.10725076

Thanks man, I appreciate the kind words <3

>> No.10725084


you just had to reply and tell me so huh :)

sorry you're fat, fatty

>> No.10725172

holy shit that pic looks bad.
if you mean how to pull of a button-down tucked into slacks, just be thin & wear stuff that fits well.

>> No.10725420

Damn man, love your style, definitely using you for inspo

>> No.10725436
File: 50 KB, 470x450, 2009-04-29-SpikeLee-thumb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>treating anorexia with any degree of earnestness

>> No.10725499
File: 1.52 MB, 2592x1944, IMG_20151201_171655.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I only own black jeans and white t-shirts.

>> No.10725786

That means alot man, really. Hope you're having a good day <3

>> No.10725827

So basically, you're a poor basic bitch?

>> No.10725831

Cheers man, you too

>> No.10726184

Poor enough to own inasice x layer 0's
Kek /fa/ stay same.

>> No.10726792

Having one expensive pair of clothing doesn't mean much. It also doesn't change someone with plain boring attire. Sorry to break the news to you.

>> No.10727441

Get some tight shit in funky colors and oversized shit in od and do some hybrid fits where it's mostly style with the hybrid piece. Like a fishtail parka over deep purple cords and Burks or skinny cargos (bloused of course, for muh aggressive silhouette) then on top you have a half button floral print a size to large and potentially a vest of some sort or bomber

>> No.10727490

This is really all it is, as soon as you get confident and wear what you want, how you want, you'll develop a style. i took this advice a bit ago and have been getting compliments on my hair, shoes, shirts, etc.. ever since. you'd be surprised how good it feels to just say fuck it and dress how you think looks good.

>> No.10727500

sounds based as fuck.