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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 112 KB, 1280x853, 1449524774034.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10707421 No.10707421 [Reply] [Original]

post your ideal 'effay' lifestyle

-cold and nearly silent marriage, with sex, with pic related
-alcoholism + small manageable heroin addiction
-wear comfy all black all the time
-hyper minimalist house with almost no possessions except some extremely expensive furniture and art
-work is publishing marxist/poststructural articles in know academic journals
-no children
-grey hair by 29
-suicide around 55

>> No.10707426
File: 37 KB, 599x397, killMe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holy fucking shit

>> No.10707428

Hope ur ok op

>> No.10707430

that's your ideal lifestyle? lmao just kill yourself now, why wait until 55

>> No.10707434

see this in a cringe thread tomorrow, gj OP

>> No.10707436

Living on a farm with my gay lover

>> No.10707439

>-work is publishing marxist/poststructural articles in know academic journals
-no children
-suicide around 55

i threw up a little

>> No.10707442

being happy whatever i end up doing and looking good doing it.

>> No.10707443


>> No.10707444

kys my nigga

>> No.10707445

This sounds terrible, it's like you want to be miserable.

>> No.10707462

-rich by 25
-no friends, just employees and people who want something from me
-single but very active sex life with strange women and escorts
-do several sports to keep myself busy and dont think about life
-own many houses and just travel from place to place
-decide that i had enought with this life and exile myself in a remote place
-meditate till die at age of 33

>> No.10707468

This is the kind of stuff people say when they've been sitting on the Internet too long looking at staged photos and too little time living real life.

>-cold and nearly silent marriage, with sex, with pic related
Marry an FOB Asian girl, from what I've seen it's a pretty good way to guarantee exactly this.

>> No.10707500

Its time to stop posting

>> No.10707517

what u on about gaylord

>> No.10707519

I think many of you need to go back to reddit

>> No.10707536


>> No.10707560
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-shitpost on 4chan all day
-go out drinking at night
-wear tracksuit pants and op-shop sweaters
-be single, virginal
-live with parents, don't help out around the house
-die from injuries sustained while masturbating by 25

>> No.10707562
File: 106 KB, 847x960, 1448790178138.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not gonna lie, OP - I would not mind leading a life like that at all.
Don't listen to the haters, they just don't 'get' it.

>> No.10707581
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we're all gonna die lads


>> No.10707608
File: 299 KB, 733x832, 1449690361580.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looking for similar pictures to what OP posted - somber girls in suits smoking, drinking and craving a good hate-fuck to remind them of how it feels to feel something.

>> No.10707614


what the fuck is wrong with you

>> No.10707635

He's a postmodern existentialist.

>> No.10707639
File: 149 KB, 554x415, images.duckduckgo.com.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

- living in a cave, cold outside, yet warm in the cave
- silent contemplation every day and night of my life
- wear a comfortable cloak and preferably bearskin
- minimalist cave furniture, no possessions, living on very little food and water
- nature is art
- work is silent contemplation and praying for the sick and suffering
- no children
- grey hair by 27

>> No.10707662


being wilfully retarded isn't /fa/ ever OP

>> No.10707667

you know that this lifestyle completely hypocritical if you're actually cool with marxism, yeah?

>> No.10707682

How so?

>> No.10707684

there are a lot of contradictions in almost everything

>> No.10707695

How so? Engels himself was about as bourgeois as you could get and Marx never worked a day in his life

>> No.10707697

the living manifestation of the madness we call "/fa/"

>> No.10707698
File: 165 KB, 736x550, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>work as an advertising executive
>live in pic related with wife
>no kids or pets
>retire to tropical home in foreign country

>> No.10707706

>-work is publishing marxist/poststructural articles in know academic journals


>> No.10707709

this is around when i'm 25
-on test e 500mg/w
-6'2, 105kg, 10% bf
-undercut, wearing tight v-neck androgynous shirts while clubbing
-no tattoos
-job at a bank or something that has smart attire
-driving audi or bmw
-every 6 months go to either europe or america to take photos and fuck their woman
-live in cozy suburbia

>> No.10707733

would love to put like $30 000 worth of furniture in a room like htat

>> No.10707746
File: 2.71 MB, 5439x3744, 1449052525517.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

was with you until the last bit. Why bother dying in such a boring fashion. Hell with all that money + all that depression I'd fuck around and become a superhero. A dare devil faggot swearing to kick ass (for justice of course) as his last will to life.

>> No.10707748

>Living alone in a cabin far out in snowy (canadian?) woods
>only drinking tea and eating bread that I bake myself with exceptions of the occasional moose I shoot.
>Writing on a typewriter all day, no internet, computer or tv present
>eventually go mad from isolation and boredom and either become a creepy serial killer/canibal or just stop eating all together because I lost interest in the same repeating meals and just die at around 50
>get found 2 years later by teens that drunkenly explore the woods and decide to fuck my cabin up just to discover my perfectly preserved, moldy corpse

>> No.10707772

Sounds pretty fucked up t bh

>> No.10707776
File: 300 KB, 1920x1080, WIN_20150307_183712.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>kinda cute in an ugly way but more just ugly
>live in rural england
>rich mum
>work part time
>no real career prospects
>mild alcoholism/unbearably bored when sober
>no real hobbies except a couple of sports
>listen to entry level hipster garbage but too weary to discover anything new
>dont really enjoy reading cause my minds too bluegh and have trouble concentrating
where do i go from here. suicide is not an option

>> No.10707778

who is this sperm receptacle

>> No.10707803
File: 62 KB, 500x496, future.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

- European.
- In my 20's
- Coming from a poor background, everybody in the family is either alcoholic or in a mental hospital.
- Leave my shit-hole small ass town for the big city.
- Hang around at night in bars cause I'm alone, let any strange person get in my appartment but not in my pussy.
-Keep telling myself that my life is shitty not cause i'm a lazy piece of shit but because of my social background.
-End up meeting a boring but cute artsy guy and get in a relationship with him
-We both live in my small apartment and we are very sad together.
-Cheating on each other.
- Doomed to unhapiness because I'm the new Emma Bovary except I'm poor and I can't find a rich husband.
- Will never accomplish my dream of being famous and being sourounded by beauty in the form of art, fashion and people.

>> No.10707819

Get a full time job

>> No.10707822

OP here, do you really need to call her a name like that?

>> No.10707828

i had one but went part time in order to do some pointless studies, plus id been working full time for a while and was sick 2 death of it

>> No.10707876


>> No.10707897

Seconding this. Get a real job and a goal. I'd literally jump off a fucking building if I didn't have some short-term and long-term goals to achieve, so I can see where the ennui comes from.

(Also, this is a future thread, not a present one)

>> No.10707906

hermit/10 would live

>> No.10707910
File: 75 KB, 500x375, 1449930746245.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wow you guys are so depressing effay

it is because of the materialism

>> No.10707919

>plus id been working full time for a while and was sick 2 death of it
Welcome to adulthood my frend

>> No.10707923


ty anon

for OP, i have never read marx or engels but i think i should start, i tend to think they fail at communism

>> No.10707932
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maybe i spoke to presumptuously, still need to read marx and engels.
"If we have food and covering, with these we shall be content. But those who want to get rich fall into temptation and a snare and many foolish and harmful desires which plunge men into ruin and destruction. For the love of money is a root of all sorts of evil, and some by longing for it have wandered away from the faith and pierced themselves with many griefs."

>> No.10707933

This has been on my mind for a bit, and I think I have an answer.

You know how weeaboos tend to think living in Japan would be the ~greatest thing ever~ despite the fact that the country is kinda boring to actually live in? Or how girls in college tend to think that living in New York City would make them just like the girls in Sex and the City? Or how annoying fucking business students idolize how great their life will be in Palo Alto because they watched the Steve Jobs documentary?

It's all people buying bullshit images sold to them by their media of choice. /fa/ is no different - people on here tend to mostly check out shit on Tumblr and Instagram from girls pretending to be ~deep and heroin chic~ and shit, and they let that influence their perspective of a good life. And no-one has dispelled that of that stupid notion because they're sitting on their computers, not actually meeting these girls.

The reality: I've met a lot of ~internet famous~ girls, and they are real people like anyone else. They aren't constantly walking around dressed to the nines - it's all staged for photographs. A lot of them lead rather boring lives, make mediocre grades, and tend to be skilled solely at portraying their lives in a certain way online. It's an impressive skill - I asked one girl to explain how she was picking photographs of herself to upload, the thought process was fascinating - but one filled with conceit. It's like how actors and dancers wear stage makeup that looks good exclusively on camera or from a distance.

tl;dr: everyone poops and Japan is boring

>> No.10707987

>move from rural Iowa to Shinjuku, Japan
>get a comfy desk job at a trch company
>go to karaoke bars once a month with coworkers
>spend my free time watching anime and playing video games
>spend disposable income on manga and anime figurines
>date a qt but immature girl who shares the same introverted interests as me
>nothing sexual of course, but she could get a little saucy while olaying video games
>she makes sushi and ramen for me to eat every day
>she doesn't mind that I am a little chubby and shy
>she will rest her head on my belly and fall asleep, but not before she says "I ruv you, Kevin-senpai"

>> No.10707994

Everything is staged, every conversation and image. You might want to extend that to actual life as well and consider dramaturgical theory

More interesting I like to think about how everything is curated, either for profit, b/c it is literally someone's job, or we curate our own lives in a similar way.

If you're interested in images killing 'the real' you should consider reading Baudrillard.

btw my ideal effay life in OP doesn't really seem to suggest any sort of 'the grass is always greener...' it is far closer to masochism, and you should consider masochism of the proletariate in terms of postmodernism I think if you really want to get to the heart of the matter

>> No.10708002

So basically just be a pretentious cunt? It seems as though you have already achieved that OP!

>> No.10708003

The qt will be Japanese of course and so yandere for me

>> No.10708010

Always enjoy your posts Bateman, pretty good analysis desu. But I think these dreams of an isolated life may say something about the way our society.

Just a natural progression of how disillusioned and isolated everyone really is. Almost like a rejection of pretences that we as people keep, believing our society is functional or fulfilling.

Not that I completely believe all that but it's something to think about.

>> No.10708011

for real lmao op is a fucking joke.

>> No.10708012

>This is the kind of stuff people say when they've been sitting on the Internet too long looking at staged photos and too little time living real life.

exactly this. go out and experience shit, u fukken loser

>> No.10708019
File: 134 KB, 500x308, 031-talitha-getty-theredlist-e1424463324694.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll use this as a template

>-cold and nearly silent marriage, with sex, with pic related
Mixed on marriage, it's too final. Semi-permanent engagement would be nice to milk attention on the ring and newness of the situation - also to avoid my husband leeching my income, unless I marry up.
>-alcoholism + small manageable heroin addiction
Alcohol seems too predictable. Heroin is ok. I'd prefer routine dissociatives.
>-wear comfy all black all the time
Black yes, neutrals too? Something to remark my prep school past but some street sense too.
>-hyper minimalist house with almost no possessions except some extremely expensive furniture and art
>-work is publishing marxist/poststructural articles in know academic journals
Na, medicine, and some research.
>-no children
>-grey hair by 29
>-suicide around 55
40s<, older women are used goods.

>> No.10708029


>> No.10708039

the marriage part is meant to feel some connection to a past, and not like i some progressive into open relationships. but we'd probably not even necessary live in the same place much of the time, just in and out, not leaving notes or something leaving for weeks at a time etc.

plus loveless marriages are a great literary trope

>> No.10708054

>screenwriter/actor by 28
>play guitar or sing in an acid jazz/funk band on the side
>have personal trainer/ nutritionist keeping me ripped and healthy
>play a nazi in at least one movie

>> No.10708065

top or bottom

>> No.10708074

so what, like 1 herman miller biscuit tin?

>> No.10708085

ive met that guy like 10 times at least in pic.
hes bishop of my city

>> No.10708091
File: 325 KB, 1920x1080, 41to6GM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>always jokingly said i'd get famous enough to die at 27 and be in the club
>now 27
>realize i wasn't joking and that actually was my life plan
>not famous, boring, unskilled, bad work history, no savings or investments
>almost 30
>have to find wife and have kids soon or im going to fuck up their lives when i need end of life care
>women don't find me interesting because all i used to do was rave and do drugs with shitty people
>all my friends are starting to do coke and some are even oding on heroin, don't know who i can trust to party with anymore
>don't want to party anymore
>can't attract new friends easily because im a wasteoid
>spend my alone time thinking of all the shit i should have done differently

even though i traveled, did all the cool drugs and "lived" i still feel like i waste my youth.

i have a feeling that my whole life is just going to be me feeling like its a waste.

>> No.10708108

I still don't understand the concept, sorry.

Ohai Patrick. :3

>> No.10708109

a best

>> No.10708142


what did you think you'd get famous doing? Go practice the hell out of that and do something w/ it

>> No.10708149

coming from poor family
/out/ /k/
far right
only nicotine and very little alcoholism
have conservative white gf and 3 boys
drive audi or some 90s jap shitbox
to save someone you dont know

>> No.10708226
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>> No.10708246

- browsing the same e-shops staring at the same clothes you'll inevitably purchase despite it being out of your budget
- thinking about killing yourself everyday
- posting on /fa/ about desired lifestyles without working to achieve said desires

>> No.10708256

Actually cool

>> No.10708311

Deja Entendu

>> No.10708332

I'd live in an airy old Georgian house with my gf somewhere in manchester. She's a director and I'm a writer and we're workaholics who treasure every moment we get with each other. We don't really have any other friends any more, but we don't care, because hers were awful anyway, and I moved away from mine. We don't want kids, but are always on the cusp of reconsidering and having one, as we feel ourselves ageing. We go to gigs in town wearing earplugs because we're sensible adults then go out drinking afterwards, each taking turns to be the one who gets roaring drunk so the other can keep an eye on them. We are both moderately successful in our own eyes but are outwardly awkward and scruffy so are thought of as losers by our now sort of estranged families. We are not a fairlytale romance (she tells me to be quiet when I get cheesy, but does it smiling) We are quietly happy.

Fuck I didn't expect to go this much into this.

>> No.10708423

I really liked Manchester. nice city

>> No.10708426
File: 35 KB, 189x179, 1446941971280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seek help

>> No.10708433

that's what I don't understand; What's the point of 1 and 2 without the 3rd?

>> No.10708513

This sounds(and based on your follow-ups) to be way more of a /lit/ life than an effay one.

>> No.10708596

>work is publishing marxist/poststructural articles in know academic journals
Ayyy lmaooo

>> No.10708627

Plen as fuck but w/e, I'm glad you're enjoying yourself.

>> No.10708669

>even though i traveled, did all the cool drugs and "lived" i still feel like i waste my youth.

I came to conclusion that it really doesnt matter what you did, man will always get this feeling.

>> No.10708677

me too. i want more of op's pic's aesthetic

>> No.10708747

>medicine and research

wanted that, too. are you also a practicing doctor? Studying biochemistry now and thinking about changing to medicine.

>> No.10708756

I think i needed this.

>> No.10708771

My undergrad is in biochemistry, but I'm in Med School. I originally got into biochemistry for genetic engineering but I have a passion for medicine - so it's been hard to take only one path.

>> No.10708853

>literally my current life
>sleep with that one qt ive been thinking about
>kill myself when 20ish

That'd be 10/10

>> No.10708866

You are absolutely the most retarded, vain motherfucker ive ever seen on this board. You want to live an objectively shitty life all in the name of being perceived as fashionable by other vain idiots. My god... Please just kill yourself now, holy shit.

>> No.10708893

Do you remember the time after tomorrow

When life no longer imitated art

But rather the raindrops against the windowpane

When you feel the warmth of life's burning embers

Think of me laying beside you

>> No.10708899

Have fun living like yr in a bad parody of a Bret Easton Ellis Novel ya dummy.

>> No.10708913

you'd get scurvy first, it's not very romantic, promise.

>> No.10708914

Bateman with the truth

>> No.10709007

I've wanted to get out of here for ages and now I am I don't want to leave.
K. Have fun having a "patrician" life like OP up there.

>> No.10709210

Who is this cock sock?

>> No.10709385

>Standing in sunroom, looking out into small, now marsh-like, backyard as rain comes down in thick sheets
>Smell of morning dew and taste of warm southern air yields catharsis
>Lover comes from behind, wraps arms around me
>We just be there, together

>> No.10709393

>small manageable heroin addiction

You don't seem to know anything about heroin addiciton.

>> No.10709433

not really effay but i want to move somewhere scenic and isolated and live a simple life after i'm 25/30

>> No.10709456

It's almost like doing what's cool and not what you actually like isn't fun

>> No.10709482


>> No.10709505

well the good news is it's attainable

>> No.10709514

>I saw trainspotting one time and I'd be just like the bleach blonde guy
kids these days

>> No.10709531

this is my dream too. I just want enough money to life care free and far away from life.

>> No.10709541

>-suicide around 55
that's a little late. to make it to ~30 is a good goal but past that is pushing it

>> No.10709548

no such thing as a manageable addiction OP.

>> No.10709935

that's true. but i assume I can do the heroin and liquor for about 10 years in the 40s and not really even be aware of anything during that time.

>> No.10709948

>publishing marxist/poststructural articles
>extremely expensive furniture and art

>> No.10709965

Fuck off. He wants a novel worthy poetic life. I can't imagine someone planning a suicide 30 years down the line, but at least he's honest about his fantasy.

>> No.10709967

no that room's furniture is worth about 30k (bought new)

>> No.10709995

Hnnnnnng that's a dream office if I ever saw one.

(Minus the floor, brick floors remind me of shitty small town courthouses)

>> No.10710013

have an affair with someone weird

>> No.10710018

>Complete my engineering degree
>Going to college in Silicon Valley right now, so shouldn't be too hard to get a job right out of college
>Girlfriend's studying in Santa Cruz, cohabit with her around San Jose once she gets her degree.
>Disposable income goes towards being more effay and vidya
>Feel comfortable with the knowledge that I'm a mid-20s member of the Silicon Valley elite, living in a simple apartment with my best friend.

>> No.10710029

this is way way more cringe than OP

>> No.10710044
File: 2.31 MB, 426x239, 1391287418769.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

-having a gf

>> No.10710057
File: 240 KB, 640x960, wallpaper_skeleton_king_queen_by_the_dark_whispers-d5licd7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>get wealthy enough to buy an island
>build or buy isolated island in Europe as far from land as possible
>try to start micro-nation
>recruit people
>build houses, farms, and my castle using ancient architecture techniques
>live life as close to the Middle-Ages as possible
>get married and have 7+ kids
>hopefully die in sleep by fireplace instead of getting assassinated and having my throne usurped

>> No.10710092

fuckin weebs i swear

>> No.10710096

watch The Comedy
become a monster
or try to cure yourself

>> No.10710192

Sounds like more of a nihilist.

>> No.10710261

You don't seem like you know anything at all. 70% of heroin addicts in western countries are functional users with jobs and lives.

>> No.10710274


>> No.10710283

so, you want to live a depressing, awful lifestyle in the slim, slim chance that someone will think you're fashionable? do you have a disability? i hate you so fucking much that i want to hold you down and vomit directly into your mouth. faggot. never come back.

>> No.10710293

Manc is lovely. Just moved here and adoring it.

>> No.10710317


Nope, too much of a faggy romantic. He's putting meaning in the meaninglessness of his fantasy as if it is only valuable if he tries to pretend he wants no value.

>> No.10710321

I dont care about /fa/ness
Id give everything to just not be an autistic virginal weirdo

>> No.10710374

>craving a good hate-fuck
I'm 26, hook up with random girls when I can, maybe once every couple months

they all want to be hate fucked. they all want to be choked, atleast a little bit

is it just me or is that just how women are?

>> No.10710393



>> No.10710401

>spends time on 4chan
nigger please

>> No.10710426

Sounds pretty bad. Try AA.

-Returned from Big 10 school to study at a community college to transfer back to said school for engineering.
-Got sober over the summer via AA and found a purpose in life.
-Full-time student currently. Work as a receptionist in Student Life office
-Debate and speech team. New project for me, something I have never done before. New folks, new skills.
-Lived with grandparents but they died now I live in a large-house by myself. Have co-workers and speech team over for parties often. I don't drink.
-Try to pray and meditate every morning and at night.
-Lifted about 5 months straight starting with Ice Cream fitness into PHUL. Can't wait to start again.
-Forced to mostly wear running shoes because I have relatively flat feet.
-Own 2 pairs of the same sports khakis, a pair of Lucky brand jeans and random shirts.
-Thinking about having only generic single colored t-shirts and all same socks to simplify my life and maybe help my wardrobe.
-Wear black suit often, probably going to buy a dark blue or gray one soon.

>> No.10710436

Margot Tenenbaum in Wes Anderson's The Royal Tenenbaums is very much like that.

>> No.10710448

I'm down for this, where in Europe are you?

>> No.10710463

This isn't an ideal, it's actually in the works.

>live in Cambridge, Massachusetts with wife and two kids
>exercise every day
>sign a professorship at a local university medical school
>read as much as I want
>wear very nice clothes and have a pastoral/cozy house with my own study
>have my parents move in with me

I don't ask for much

>> No.10710496

>>have my parents move in with me

Why do you want that? Genuinely curious.

>> No.10710565

-become creative director of my own media company at 25
-start with fashion design
-show in NY, Paris, and Milan
-shit on the whole game cause my designs are the greatest shit to float down the runway
-make millions
-move to the country side
-build motorcycles
-get married
-no kids
-live off of my brand while consulting team of young hot new designers that I take advantage of and criminally under pay while getting credit for all their work.
-drink too much
-act like a belligerent nigger in public during NYFW after bumping too many rails
-get fired from my own company during a hostile take over
-exile myself and die at 75 from a combination of complications from chronic over drinking and recreational cocaine use.

>> No.10710620
File: 27 KB, 640x454, 1441496847559.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>-act like a belligerent nigger in public during NYFW after bumping too many rails
this is all i want. how come they get to do it and it's okay?

>> No.10710766

can't believe this pathetic shit got over 100 replies



>> No.10710827

You and I are in a really similar position. My big dream is neurological research, or telomeric research, both very medicine heavy. You'll figure it out, good luck.

>> No.10710829

>work is publishing marxist/poststructural articles in know academic journals

kill yourself

>> No.10710830

Actual autism

>> No.10710998


>> No.10711056
File: 994 KB, 200x300, eating_a_leaf.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Basara is the ultimate effay lifestyle
>live in the most derelict crumbling illegal apartment block possible with your 2 other effay friends with absolute povo furniture
>have incredibly expensive and fashionable vehicle parked outside your derelict apartment
>autistically pursue your interests in life despite fatal risks
>completely ignore women who make romantic advances towards you and instead seek tragedy by chasing women who cannot possibly have a relationship with you
>be rich as fuck but never buy anything
>occasionally travel through the wilderness for days trying to find purpose in life
>eat leaves

>> No.10711060
File: 68 KB, 620x400, 1449806817128.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my ideal lifestyle is really un-effay

>PhD in physiology
>open powerlifting /oly gym, coach/ rehab athletes, mentor new lifters
>study philosophy and religion in my free time
>qt housewife and like 5 kids
>enjoy life and spread wealth and knowledge
>leave everything behind once i'm 70 and go live as a monk in the mountains.

S lyfe

you're in my weightclass though so pepper your angus.

>> No.10711065

that's already your life and literally the objective opposite of effay

>> No.10711070

>getting wealthy enough to do whatever the fuck i want to do as soon as possible

>> No.10711076

regardless of your lifestyle, the MOST important part BAR NONE is having little to NO internet (if you MUST, 1hr a month maximum), a TV with only a VCR and old VHS tapes (no cable or broadcast), and an extensive book collection.

Regardless of the other shit, if you use the internet more than 1-4hrs a MONTH you will LITERALLY OBJECTIVELY AND IRREFUTABLY NEVER EVER EVER even be a FRACTION effay/fashionable

>> No.10711079

what if you use the internet to make $$$

>> No.10711081
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What >>10708010 said.

>> No.10711086

I mean recreational use. Multitasking while you work counts as your allotted time. You want to be effay and not some internet addict right

>> No.10711101

i agree. but i think it's more about how you choose to use the it. for shopping, research (even recreationally) and exchange of opinions (i.e. not 4chan) i wouldn't want to miss the internet.
majority of social media, TV, movies, games and all the other purposeless stuff can go though. i don't even own a TV anymore.

>> No.10711106


>reddit; the lifestyle

>> No.10711108

and yet here you are using 4chan. if you need internet for information only, get a kindle or whatever so it's text only. because regardless, the bottom line is that internet use is less effay than raw denim and peacoats

>> No.10711120

true. it's a process though. if you go from 0 to 100 in an instant it's just as easy to fall back on old habits again. that's why so many people go on extreme diets and go back to being fat again 6 months later. for sustainable change you need to gradually replace old patterns.

>> No.10711123

start with 45-30mins a day at max TODAY and taper it down every few days

>> No.10711124

jesus fucking christ what a pretentious faggot

why wait until 55 just kill yourself right now

>> No.10711139

i've done something to that effect already. i only really visit 4chan like once a week at the moment.
the next step is giving up porn.

>> No.10711167


>It's all people buying bullshit images sold to them by their media of choice.

The difference is, we're very self-aware of that fact here. We know we're on a Mongolian tapestry board discussing clothes, most of us are lonely, and sad, that's why the 'effay' lifestyle is so depressing. It fits the aesthetic, it doesn't have to be a "good life" at all. It's imaginative fiction.

I'm shocked you named yourself Patrick Bateman and you don't understand that. Bateman's life was basically the same thing, obsessed with appearance, no real interpersonal relationships, dysfunctional.

>> No.10711182

this website is so fucking pathetic holy shit

>> No.10711183

Germany sucks.

>> No.10711195


sum total of all posters, some so lame they'll take a shit on a pile of shit, won't expound on anything, thereby making it worse

>> No.10711212

I don't think you know what a hatefuck is

>> No.10711241

>tfw 22 years old
>starting to get grey hair and beard

>> No.10711276

le sigh, you just dont know me >.>

>> No.10711280

I think it's alright. Probably depends where you're at.

>> No.10711318

I dated a girl like that during a very shitty phase of my life. She was everything that you've just described: cold, nearly silent, with an appetite for sex. She could handle xanax mixed with alcohol. She had a cold kind of beauty, with her pale skin and waifish body, and preference towards dark clothing. She always dressed well. The girl considered herself an "intellectual", since she read Marxist works of literature.

Looking back, I'm not sure what I saw in her. She was a mess, and to this day she is even worse. She was like an dose of depressants--the valium to my vodka. Toxic.

Why would you want a girlfriend like this.

>> No.10711411


>> No.10711414

Well said

>> No.10711418

You belong on reddit to be honest with you family

>> No.10711420

this is very nicely written

>> No.10711427

>She was like an dose of depressants--the valium to my vodka. Toxic.

Jesus christ anon

>> No.10711526

>be retired at 35 with enough money to not be a wageslave
>live in a empty house in the suburbs
>drive a bmw e92
>spend all day shitposting, watching movies, reading books, playing games and drinking alone
>except for 3x week I go to a local gym to lift and 1x week to visit a high end escort
>every 6 months travel to somewhere abroad to fuck prostitutes

>> No.10711545

this is me but not dead yet at 28. u jelly?

>> No.10711866

so no one wants to actually work in fashion?

>> No.10711874

No we'd rather sit around all depressed while being in toxic relationships or participating in toxic communities

>> No.10711885

No bro... It doesnt. Germany is fantastic. People actually give a shit if their government is buttfucking them, you can drink in public, the police force does not have ticket/arrest quotas making them proactively cause much of the problems where there are none, it's beautiful, people are nice and not fake at all, universities are free for the most part, there is good public transportation, people are not racist for the most part, people know about other countries. Be grateful you dont live in a capitalist dystopia. Be grateful.
Sincerely, american who's lived in germany.

>> No.10711903

>People actually give a shit if their government is buttfucking them,
fuck, i audibly kek'd outloud. stopped reading there.

>> No.10711912

People are not mindlessly patriotic chanting MERICA USA USA USA, there is no mass mental illness, there is little crime (i think frankfurt is the worst city in germany and it wasnt even bad) it's next to france, benelux, denmark, poland, czechia, austria, switzerland... Which is better than just a vast country dotted by a few nice cities, vast VAST stretches of land populated by rednecks and some scenic areas in between.

>> No.10711920

Why is that funny?

>> No.10711950

Does he has a bear?

>> No.10712234

Tbh I like my current lifestyle

>uni 4 days a week
>work as a kitchenhand at the best restaurant in my (albeit small) city
>go on impulse trips around the country at the drop of a hat because why not
>run into people I'm friends with who are doing interesting things and get invited to come along
>unless I have plans always say yeah, because why not

Lead me to some fun situations and gave me skills I thought I'd never have so it's pretty cool.

>> No.10712360
File: 1.28 MB, 320x180, 1450038624288.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>People are not mindlessly patriotic chanting MERICA USA USA USA,
national pride is looked down upon in germany because of its association with nazisim, this is a bad thing. any form of national pride is construed as racism, so the germans have become a self hating people. gif related.
>there is no mass mental illness,
it's called cultural marxism.
>there is little crime (i think frankfurt is the worst city in germany and it wasnt even bad)
changing rapidly because of frau merkle taking in the fugees.
>it's next to france, benelux, denmark, poland, czechia, austria, switzerland... Which is better than just a vast country dotted by a few nice cities, vast VAST stretches of land populated by rednecks and some scenic areas in between.
yeah i don't know about that one.

>> No.10712768

ditch the marxist part and instead add writing about brutalist architecture and you cool


>> No.10713389

>finish degree
>move to stockholm
>get kids with current GF
>be somebody
fuck man. i wanna be comfy
both in fit and life. i wanna be constructive. do something. spread good vibes and leave this place well knowing I tried

>> No.10713434

max pleberous

>> No.10713497

Apprenticeship in farms after graduation.
Spend years moving from one farm to the other learning the trades.
Work in a farm, accumulate enough money to have one.
Marry an /out/ girl and build a homestead. House on top of a hill.
Have kids, have music instruments, acres and acres of crop.
Do carpentry and smithing in spare time.
Kids will grow up listening to Iron&Wine, Joanna Newsom, and Vashti Bunyan.
Death by a wild animal.

>> No.10713573

you all sound fucking miserable and all your life prospects are entry level narcissistic bullshit even when you're fantasizing

trying to pretend you're distanced from what you're talking about makes it even worse

god fuck this board

>> No.10713585

post yours cool guy

>> No.10713626

>cemetery caretaker
>dig graves by hand
>live on the grounds
>only own two fits, one for work, one for not work
>house filled with instruments i can barely play and books i've only half read
>watch anime on vhs
>local legend/bogeyman

>> No.10713658

only respectable option

>> No.10713727

rather reasonable

>> No.10713736

thanks, y-you too

>> No.10713756

Are you going to give gravedigging tours like Dampé?
>"What's gonna come out?! What's gonna come out?! When I start digging, we'll find out!"