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10706305 No.10706305 [Reply] [Original]

What are your vices /fa/?
Mine: cannabis, occasionally dabble in psychedelics. Had great experiences on LSD and might try 4-AcO DMT soon.

>> No.10706315

Infrequent MDMA use and more oftenly Armodafinil

>> No.10706319

How were your MDMA experiences?

>> No.10706350

Cannabis, magic, LSD and DMT.

>> No.10706364

Use marijuana daily.
Mdma and cocaine weekly.
Pain killers, muscle relaxants, and benzos anytime they're available.

>> No.10706385


opiates will always be a crutch for me

but you if you want to lead a "productive" life, stick to weed and alcohol on the off hours and you'll be fine

>> No.10706446

First time was with a close group of my 5-6 best friends, sitting in my apartment listening to trance at first, then some more interesting audio which I can't remember right now.

Second time I rolled by myself and gave myself leg and forearm massages during the peak of my muscle soreness after gym and did yoga/stretching to music for the 5 or so hours.

Ever since then I've just rolled with my fwb and either smashed or had d&m's.

>> No.10706453

I should state that everything was tested to ensure it's legitimacy beforehand

>> No.10706461
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>What are your vices /fa/?

>> No.10706463

Caffeine and sweets.

I'm lame.

>> No.10706467


first time i took molly was at this house i just moved into

the apartment downstairs was throwing a party, my neighbor (also an opiate addict) who made a lot of money off online gambling, bought the whole party legit molly.

over 20+ college kids rolling their balls off

good times....

>> No.10706470

cigarettes, coffe and alcohol, none of that dope shit for me (only because i have had psychotic episodes from psychadelics in the past and i don't want to relive that)

>> No.10706472


and lots of it

help me /fa/mily

>> No.10706474

I sorta relate to this. I had a major panic attack when I got high and the next few times I kept spiraling and now I can't do anything but drink beer. anxiety has been off the charts. it sucks.

>> No.10706479

pcp, ketamine and alcohol mostly

>> No.10706480

sounds amazing senpai

>> No.10706484


Got that as well, fucking mindcrushing anxiety from weed. made the mistake of trying LSD. Sent me off the deep end for a few weeks. Never try anything harder if you get that from weed, could wreck you

>> No.10706505


>> No.10706507

MXE, it's incredible

>> No.10706510


it was a quintessential college experience that's for sure. too bad my addiction got the best of me

there are so many avenues of life it's redundant to even say, but seriously cherish these moments you have "alone with friends"

one day you'll need to grow up and assimilate into the workforce

some obviously are an exception, but for the most part most of us will go on to lead extraordinary ordinary lives.

>> No.10706522

fuck off

>> No.10706523


no u

>> No.10706564


heroic dose mushrooms 1 or 2 times a year
dmt to taste

kava for anxious days

keeps me fresh m8

>> No.10706702

Weed and nbome occasionally

>> No.10706707
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degenerates, the lot of you

>> No.10706718

Weed most days

Drink pretty rarely, usually new years and a few big weekends

Psychedelics and ecstasy a couple times a year

>> No.10706815

You're going to age very fast and die early

>> No.10706840

Weed most days. Poppy tea once or twice a week. DXM every week or two.

>> No.10706853

This was way to real for me at 2:30 on a Friday coming off of acid

>> No.10706888

Are you me? I had a ~3 month long psychotic episode from smoking pot. Started hearing voices and thinking god was talking to me. It's weird because I smoked pot frequently for about 6 years prior to that.

Anyways coffee and cigarettes daily. Alcohol 3-6x week. Coke when I can afford it and mdma when my friends want to bug out but we're collectively broke.

>> No.10706899

h is the best drug


>> No.10706925

yea if you wanna hit absolute rock bottom. to float on a cloud of warmth and happiness and nothing else matters; that sounds terrible

>> No.10706947

where my ketamine family at?

>> No.10706957

Coffee/caffeine pills, Xanax, occasional sip or two of alcohol

Everything else makes me absolutely fucking anxious. I've only gotten high a handful of times but those were probably the most nerve-wracking times I've had recently

>> No.10706960

xanax, love/hate it

>> No.10706969

ma nigga, would you say psychedelics has changed you as a person. If so, how?

>> No.10707034
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sugar and cigs and alcohol with friends

>> No.10707040

all drugs are subservient to opiates

but I ruined my life taking them*

so now it's the methadone clinic errday

*life was mostly ruined anyway

>> No.10707295

Druuugs oh man LMAO



>> No.10707674

Tried 2CB, was a shit tier pill so I didn't end up feeling anything. And 4FMP, which was cool. The feeling wasn't so noticable but at the same time it was... Also I was really clear during the entire buzz, I loved that.

>> No.10707681

hash, xanax, adderall.

>> No.10707683

Cigarettes, alcohol, and unprotected sex

>> No.10707685


>> No.10707693

cigarettes and alcohol regularly

mdma and cocaine occasionally

cocaine and alcohol combined equates in destruction which is my favourite release

>> No.10707696

beng 16

>> No.10707711

marijuana makes me depressed

i haven't tried any others, and i don't intend to

drugs don't seem useful to me, and i don't want my decisions now to follow me into the future

>> No.10708087

weed maybe 1-2 times a week

adderall when i need it, a few times a month

lsd or shrooms on the first sunday of every month

>> No.10708345

the golden drugs

>> No.10708352


>> No.10708397

Weed in its many variations, used to smoke daily but I haven't smoked in a few weeks

Alcohol a couple times a week

I've done 25-I and 25-c about 3 times each

I've done lsd once but I'd do it more often if I could

And I smoke cigs

>> No.10708429

I smoke cigars occasionally, when friends are in town.

>> No.10708449

cigs and yu gi oh

>> No.10708456

also hugs