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/fa/ - Fashion

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10672154 No.10672154 [Reply] [Original]

Admit it. Cigarettes are in a lot of ways /fa/.

I smoke softpacks/only light with my zippo. I feel like softpacks give the tobacco a different taste, has a motr classic look, and I feel op as a motherfucker when I light my ladyfriends cigarettes with my lighter.

So /fa/

Which stoges do you think make you look cool?

>> No.10672169

its not exactly the cigarette that makes smoking cool

its the expressionism thats associated with smoking
if you smoke youre in a special club not everyone is in

you could just aswell always hold a mcdonalds cup, makes you look just as cool because not everyone has a mcdonalds cup in their hand

thats how yung lean made arizona ice tea cool
not everyone has it even tho everyone could get it but its expensive and not actually worth it but youre sending out a message


>> No.10672168

Smoking is not at all fashionable. It makes you look like a gross idiot

>> No.10672198

Yeah the act of smoking looks cool, but smokers don't, you smell, your growth is stunted, your teeth rot, you look sallow, is it worth it? If you're going to smoke at least smoke weed, it actually does something

>> No.10672201



Yeah, it makes you act stupid and not natural.

>> No.10672208

We've established this already, smoking is effay, being a smoker is not

>> No.10672220

Okay you don't have to smoke weed, I'm just saying I can understand why people smoke weed, because it can physically change you and make you feel better in some cases

>> No.10672238
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Yes it makes you look cooler.

>> No.10672244

>h-hey anime fashion forum ciggies are c-cool right?


>> No.10672253

>anime forum

implying its not a chilean foot fetish image board

>> No.10672269
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>> No.10672487

I attend a fairly highly ranked fashion school and I'm literally one of the maybe 5-10% of people there that don't smoke. Make of that what you will, but to me it says that at least in the fashion world smoking is still big as opposed to other places where people are super butthurt about other people smoking.

Also 85% of the school is girls/women and they're no expection.

>> No.10672556

Except the weed part. Wack.

>> No.10672572

everyone hates it when you light their cigarettes with your fucked up tasting lighter.

>> No.10672597

Cigarettes are pretty /fa/

Zippos on the other hand, are not. Just makes you look like a neckbeard.

>> No.10672604

So if I become a social smoker, I can be effay without being a fag?

>> No.10672653

>99 cents a can

>> No.10672667

why don't you smoke?

>> No.10672679

No then you'd be a poser.

>> No.10672710

Only if you cant control your excitement. I smoke daily and practically no one can tell. In fact my boss thought I was high last week on the only day I didnt come to work high

>> No.10672832

I don't consider smoking /fa/, I smoke around 1-2 packs a day and I'd say im heavily addicted.

If i dont smoke for around 3 hours, I feel myself get agitated and having a shorter fuse,

theres been days i havent had smokes and it would result in me raiding my fathers ashtray and rolling the last bit of tobacco together to get that nicotine in. When youve reached that point youll start to realize you have a problem.

before i started smoking i always thought that it wouldnt be hard to quit it , and always asked my parents why they smoked and why they couldnt quit it. Now that i do it myself, i understand it and confronting it isnt easy.

Smoking isnt good for you, it has no benefits at all and it will only make you dependant on quite the costs that it brings along.

>> No.10672846

like smoke, which is cool
>growth stunted
I haven't grown in years
>teeth rot
yeah, if you don't take care of them and smoke way too much
fuck you
cigarettes get you buzzing, but weed is king

>> No.10672853

If you cant control yourself, that's your problem. Some of us actually are aware and able to take care of our bodies.

>> No.10672855


Fuck I've been smoking a year now with about 2 months off it this summer but came back to it because of school and stress

Should probably cut it down before I get anywhere near this point

At peak periods I had like 3-5 a day, nowadays I can go a couple days without one no problem but where it gets dangerous is when I start having them when I don't really crave one, then I end up feeling like shit and don't even enjoy the cigarette

>> No.10672859

im only sharing my experience so far, and trying to warn others from smoking, its not meant offensive mate

the only reason cigarettes exist is to have you get addicted to them , and some people are more prone to addictions than others, so just saying be careful

>> No.10672862

i feel you. i must spend £70 a week on fags and that just isn't right.

>> No.10672863

Man maybe the smoke smells cool to you but I've been around smokers and all of them smell like a must old attic but simultaneously like BO too, and your teeth are worse when you smoke

not to mention, you know CANCER which doesn't really look good on anyone

>> No.10672871

*musty old attic

>> No.10672875

>the only reason cigarettes exist is to have you get addicted to them
No, they exist so people can smoke them. They have chemicals inside them which can prove to be addictive.
What you're saying is like the anti-gun argument that they're only meant to kill people, when the vast majority of gun owners use them for hunting, target shooting, etc.

>> No.10672878

>implying you shouldn't shaman-core smoke a joint walking on the street to be /fa/

nothing's more /fa/ than breaking the law and getting away with it.

and cigarettes are a compensation for lack of self-esteem and contentedness in life

>> No.10672881

If you smoke shit then it'll smell like shit
Cancer occurs after years of heavy smoking.

All it comes down to is self control. Just don't be a fucking idiot.

>> No.10672888

In Sweden it's like $4 for a bottle

>> No.10672890

I think you're in denial here... Smoking is just stupid, if you'd really risk your health AND looks in the longer term

if your "coolness" depends on smoking a cigarette then you really need to work on your fashion, style, attitude, etc.

>> No.10672903

tobacco smoke smells terrible, and the lingering odor after you finish smoking is even worse

>> No.10672910

Cancer occurs after years of heavy smoking.
I've never stated that smoking is good or wont have any negative affects, however plenty of people smoke daily and are able to live healthy lives. People smoke because they like to and because it is addictive, but if it were a purely negative experience then no one would fucking do it.
Smoking can be relaxing to some people, smoking can be a stimulant to some people. Either way, there are tar and dangerous chemicals entering your body and you are allowing it. Some people are completely conscious of this and choose to partake anyway because of the benefits they perceive.
This isn't about me, this is about smoking and what it actually does. I'd prefer it if you didn't resort to personal attacks to back up your shitty propaganda.

>> No.10672911

lol OP you're smoking because it's an addiction. You're pretending you're doing it out of some fashion statement, as if you have control. You're weak willed.

>> No.10672915

That's subjective

>> No.10672916

This. There is no cool smoking. You guys are such faggots trying to romanticize smoking.

>> No.10672919

I don't think there is too I'm just saying you're a poser if you smoke to look cool, smokers all start off as posers until they smoke because they're addicted

>> No.10672924

People don't like smoking. The only reason it feels good is because it feels better than withdrawal. "Smoking is bad" isn't propaganda it's common knowledge.

>> No.10672929

>plenty of people smoke daily and are able to live healthy lives
>cancer-free must mean healthy

You're in denial. Smokers can't do any sort of physical activity. Stop trying to make light of smoking.

>> No.10672934

Nope, no one likes smoking
yeah, it only feels good because you're not feeling bad

>> No.10672940

Because I care about my body. I know, quite a shocker, huh?

>> No.10672941

no, plenty of people are still active and able to smoke, just like plenty of active people are able to drink or smoke pot
I know it's just b8 at this point, but there are some real faggots shitting up this thread

>> No.10672948

>plenty of people are still active and able to smoke
*literally* no one who smokes regularly is able to engage in rigorous physical activity.

>just like plenty of active people are able to drink or smoke pot
...okay? Those are completely irrelevant to the discussion. They don't impact your health the same way cigarettes do.

>> No.10672964


Drinking affects your digestive system, liver, and brain cells. Smoking is to an athlete like alcohol is to an engineer. Pot actually has 4 times the tar levels than cigarettes and you're still taking smoke into your lungs (though it is overall healthier than cigarettes).
It's completely relevant in that there are plenty of toxic substances which people consume and are still able to function properly.

>> No.10673041

I smoke lavender in with cigs and people seem to like the smell. It brings a lot of compliments my way cause the lavender smell lingers a bit.

>> No.10673432

Finally something in one of these threads other than being a poser or calling people out for it.Thank you anon.

>> No.10673512

> Pack a day smoke since 2010
> 6'1, dont even know my weight but I'm thin as fuck
> Used to have amazing skin but now it blemishes and cracks really easily
> Hollow, dead eyes
> Headaches due to the absurd amount of ciggies I smoke
> Dizzy most of the time
> Probably stink too
> Lungs feel fucked and obstructed, breathing isn't fun anymore
> Sinuses too...their all clogged with like dry smokey snot and shit
> Somehow my teeth aren't that yellow..
> but really just feel like crap inside 24/7
> Can do like six press ups max
> Only smokers dig smokers

Yeh nah smoking sucks and it's a terrible habit. /fa/ is having the confidence to better oneself by quitting that shit

>> No.10673632
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>> No.10673741

What this anon said is on point.

You have a lot of retards who are vaping because they want everyone to get that "oh look, a rebel" vibe from them.
>girl walking by
>oh better take a hit of this vape and blow a sick cloud without looking at her so she sees how cool i am

>> No.10673753

>its the expressionism thats associated with smoking
This is more or less true. Part of the reason that movies featured cigarettes so much - other than the obvious tobacco money from RJR and equivalents - is that it gave the actors something to do during conversation. It's the same justification why you see a lot of "talking scenes" when people are also doing other things: it's not only more natural, but it reduces the weirdness of people just sitting around with their hands in their pockets talking to one another.

>Cancer occurs after years of heavy smoking.
>I've never stated that smoking is good or wont have any negative affects, however plenty of people smoke daily and are able to live healthy lives
Medical science doesn't exactly agree with you:

>> No.10673758

>on the internet
>after you lost due to actual science

>> No.10673776

>light smoking is all over the place
>counts some people smoking a pack a day in the "11 minutes off" test
>1 cigarette could make you addicted later on... if you're 11

>> No.10673784

Admittedly, there are a LOT of shit studies in the smoking world. I've always suspected it's an easy target for lazy researchers: just pick an unpopular topic (smoking) and rail on it with shitty methodology. I blame state schools.

That said, there's like a bazillion papers on PubMed on how shitty smoking is for you in various ways, so it's not like the volume of the studies don't point in an obvious direction.

>> No.10673788

Of course smoking is bad for you, literally no one thinks it's good or neutral to the body. But the point of several posts has always been that you can still lead a healthy lifestyle while being a smoker. It doesn't disqualify you from being fit or being active, it just makes it harder and less likely.

>> No.10673902

smoking makes water taste so good mates

>> No.10673923

>you can still lead a healthy lifestyle while being a smoker
Isn't that getting really fuzzy with the goalposts, though? Like, I can live a healthy life while eating McDonalds and soda all day, that doesn't necessarily mean that my diet won't have (1) long-term ramifications and (2) is demonstrably worse than a more balanced diet.

I mean, I see your point, but "this won't instantly kill you and you could be healthy" is basically putting the bar at the floor.

>> No.10674172

I'm not the guy who replied earlier, but I quit smoking. So hard to keep up with it as almost everyone I know now does.

>> No.10674198

are there any fruity hipster cigarettes that don't smell like literal death?

once in a while I burn incense which is pleasant but you can't just suck that shit down your pipes

>> No.10674202

also, I tried some swishers from the gas station and they were pretty cool but seriously nigger-tier

something like that in regular cigarette form would be cool

>> No.10674203

>*literally* no one who smokes regularly is able to engage in rigorous physical activity.
My mother smokes and runs daily and runs races every month
Shut up faggot

>> No.10674224

I smoke like a pack every two months, I just have some on hand because we trade them around at work as favors. I can't find any medical literature on smoking that little, is there any actual detriment to my health?

>inb4 poser
not trying to look cool lads

>> No.10674248

smoking a few cigs a week is /fa/ as fuck, I smoke one on my way home from work about once a week and have a few on friday or saturday if I go out. Been doing it like this for two years or so, with random month gaps where I just don't pick up a new pack because I can't be bothered.

Self control will always be /fa/, same as doing coke/opiates/other hard drugs once or twice a month. It also has little to no impact on the body if you lead an otherwise healthy lifestyle.

>> No.10674267

this is exactly the same argument the fat acceptance movement uses

>> No.10674390

>smoke voraciously erry night
>sometimes I wake up in the morning with the tail end of the high
>real bad hayfever most mornings
>boss gets used to me having red eyes, just fake a snivel and no questions asked


>> No.10674437

>Self control will always be /fa/
>I've been smoking cigs for two years or so

pick one

>> No.10674462

Smoking is fa but not if you smoke alone or with no occasion...
When you start to smoke alone it just looks depressing
I smoke when I drink at the end of a week of work with friends

>> No.10674599

lel a special club of addicts yeah

>> No.10674603


>> No.10674633

if you're attractive and skinny it will make you look cool

if you're ugly itll only make you look gross

>> No.10674698

I second this, I cut my joints with lavender to make the weed stench less noticeable.

>> No.10675370

It makes you act natural because it's inhibiting the superego

>> No.10676419

Only smoke when your drunk or on drugs. The "cool" factor of cigs wears off after smoking for a year or so and then you're just another slave for that nicotine

>> No.10676431


Who the fuck started this meme? Also, I'm searching those chilean feet, just for science.

>> No.10678164

similarly, i go to a pretty well-regarded art school and the vast majority smokes.