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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 43 KB, 500x500, feels.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10660901 No.10660901 [Reply] [Original]

it's that time again

>shit face
>socially awkward
>failing school even though i used to be a wunderkind
>the crippling realization that i've never slept with someone that had self-esteem

>> No.10660913

>got /fa/
>got /fit/
>got /smart/
>retained autism

How do I lose my autism?

>> No.10660921

You don't, it's your charm ;^)

>> No.10660925

But seriously how does one get rid of acne? Went to the dermatologist and been using the stuff they gave me for like two weeks but I barely see a difference

>> No.10660926

>he's slept with someone


>> No.10660930

>feel lonely and bored almost all the time
>cop new clothes constantly since I get bored of my current wardrobe pretty quickly
>always unsatasified with myself
>doing ok in school but could do better
>w2c motivation

>> No.10660934

>2 weeks
Give it some time. If you still dont see anything after 2 months THEN you might want to talk to your dermo again

>> No.10660938

>skinny, athletic body
>am told i dress well/good style
>short curly hair, kinda big nose, people ask if im jewish FML
>friends think i get girls but can barely talk to women
> trying to live up to expectations of successful father, grandfather, and friends, slowly realizing that no matter how hard i try i may not be successful.

>> No.10660943

>have reached super skinny and still have double chin
>will never have good hair

>> No.10660948

>shit facial genetics
>can't grow facial hair to cover up shit facial genetics

Why is god so cruel?

>> No.10660957

>be physically attractive
>be mentally attractive
>want to kill self
>major depression
>drugs arent doing the trick anymore

I need a fucking life change and a cool chick in my life who wont take me for granted

>> No.10661015

>Semester is over and i wont have to go to class until april
i dont know what im going to do with all that free time and i dont want to spend the summer browsing the internet all day like i've been doing since im 15.
But fuck,im probably going to end up browsing the internet all day anyway because i have no friends.

>> No.10661023

Work tbqh

>> No.10661047

>mentally attractive

>> No.10661049


no one has self esteem

>> No.10661054

This isn't r9k you fucking autist.

>> No.10661087

>little disposable income so i save images off rak, grailed and y!j and pretend im buying those clothes
>sometimes i make outfit grids with them in photoshop but i forget to post them in outfit grid threads, because theyre usually just shitposting anyway

unrelated but
>want to become close friends with someone i play online games with
>no way to approach them without seeming autistic
>scared theyll stop playing and i wont see them again nor have any way to contact them

>> No.10661091

post these grids gayboi

>> No.10661093

>be me
>mfw I still hate myself
>mfw I have less motivation every day to pursue my work and hobbies

How do I fix myself?
Should I just end it?

>> No.10661095

>bad skin
>bad facial aesthetics
>feeling lonely after girlfriend left me and friend killed himself
>need more money

>> No.10661105
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>acne scars
>high, receding hairline
>covered in body hair
>undefined chin

I know I will never be effay but dammit I'll try.

>> No.10661142

lets see your ugly mugs then

>> No.10661162
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>> No.10661190
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>poor as fuck
>extremely skinny because i dont like eating for some reason
>fairly short, would be considered manlet by internet standards
>social disaster + have to give a 15 minute class presentation tomorrow and i don't have my ppt slides ready and i really want to do good in this class
>still live with parents + cant drive
>have literally no nice clothes, shoes are old as fuck, extremely un-/fa/, and i need a haircut

>> No.10661191

nigga whats the point of being /fa/ if you're not getting bitches to want to bang you?

>> No.10661192

>hate women because they can falsely accuse me of rape and get away with it
>still a virgin

wat do?

>> No.10661193


>> No.10661202


Grow some hair on your head before your grow it on your face. wtf.

That being said, for some reason I feel like the beard look wouldn't be for you. The lower part of your face looks a little angular/too short for it, which isn't bad, but just not good for a beard.

>> No.10661210

why did you get a buzzcut?

>> No.10661219

don't have facial hair, just a grainy picture, I don't really have facial hair growth, at least not visible, too blonde >>10661210
had hitler youth, looked horrible

>> No.10661226

you need long hair or bangs. Short hair was a mistake i think.

>> No.10661227

make their accusations not false?

>> No.10661236

>Hate my hair when it's short, but it's tough to manage when it's long
>Smart but can't remember important dates or set goals
>Best friends with girl I like, but they're in a relationship that started the day I was gonna ask them out

On the plus side she likes my hair. I got that going for me, right?

>> No.10661520


>> No.10661526

>always get stressed when shopping
>spend money on something thats okay
>end up regretting it
>now you still need to get something but you're down money and somehow need to sell your other thing

>> No.10661724

> 20 on the 4th
> still have acne

>> No.10661737


everyone should be prescribed accutane in their teenagehood imo.

miracle fucking drug, and the side effects are overblown.

>> No.10661919

story of my fucking life desu

>> No.10661928

>the crippling realization that i've never slept with someone that had self-esteem
are u me or what?!

>> No.10661934

and stream it

>> No.10662486

>everyone I know has moved away or lost contact
>completely isolated
>don't know how to meet new people
>did some volunteer work in the hope that I'd meet people but only people over 60 seem to volunteer

>> No.10662492

>keep buying clothes
>only wear them when I go to buy my groceries at midnight when no ones around
>spent 3k on this month alone

>> No.10662509

>6'2 white male
>160lb (play sports and lift weights)
>Literally a rocket scientist
>Used to model for Next when I had more free-time
>Decent wardrobe. (Mix of Ford/Laurent for work and outings)
>Cute fiance' of 5 years who is an architect

>However, I have a gross amount of backhair.
>Still occasionally get a pimple
>Terrible beard genetics.

>> No.10662513
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>never really cared about my hair
>would just cut it short or buzz it
>get into fashion
>get an undercut
>go from a 5/10 to a 8/10
>look good as fuck
>3 months later start balding

>> No.10662524

cancealer + foundation ^^

>> No.10662526

Hate feminists and fuck women. Made the same mistake by messing with feminist girls. Find women that like being a woman.

>> No.10662529

You're a god, never change.

>> No.10662545

Toppest keks, are you me?

>> No.10662578
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>too high to reply/hit up girls

thats ab it this time
i kinda ruined my chances w/ at least four v different 9/10s that even i knew showed interest in me, and am slowly fucking up the next

>> No.10662584

>tfw receding hairline finally reached pointing upwards-mode

I'm only 19, do I just kill myself.

>> No.10662598
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>quit opiates on august 8th
>quit drinking on august 23
>started drinking again on november 25



i donno, maybe i can chip with poppy tea and only copping off the darknet and not calling any of the local guys

>> No.10662604

Same here, not as much money, but I still spend a stupid amount considering I leave the house at best once a week (excluding work.)

>> No.10662648

>the crippling realization that i've never slept with someone that had self-esteem


>> No.10662666

>ive never slept with anyone

hold me /fa/m

>> No.10662686

just start puffin hella ganj bro

fuck opis, the inability to shit is not worth it senpai

>> No.10662690

>might be schizophrenic
>addicted to opium
>ex keeps trying to talk to me

>> No.10662696


w2c low self esteem girls to bang

>> No.10662700

thatts tru i gotta get some weed

>> No.10662750

Hang out at hot topic

>> No.10662765
File: 34 KB, 540x516, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw your dope fit gets slept on

>> No.10662806

>tfw all I wear these days are boston based sports jerseys (Patriots,Red Sox, Bruins), shorts and nike SB's.
>Get called fashionable


>> No.10662813
File: 174 KB, 600x941, 1395937548816.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

weed just makes me paranoid now

i dont wana be a junkie again but life sucks now without it unless i'm drunk 24/7 and my lil sis said my skin looked perfect after not drinking for 3 months

>> No.10662815

>tfw you hope your dope fit gets slept on

I fucking hate when my friends notice I have new clothes desu

>> No.10663098

>poor, can't afford nice clothes/shoes
>can't even walk in heels properly in the first place because fat

>> No.10663124

>>failing school even though i used to be a wunderkind
$10 says you need to put in more effort. Being a wunderkind in highschool is VERY different than in college. Change your study habits and buckle down.

>>the crippling realization that i've never slept with someone that had self-esteem
Assuming you're under 30, this is normal.

>>feel lonely and bored almost all the time
Join a sports or social club and force yourself to go.

>>w2c motivation
It comes from within. Getting off /fa/ is a good first step.

>>friends think i get girls but can barely talk to women
Why? They're women, not goddamn aliens. Treat them like your friends except with more manhandling.

If you're still fucked up about it, join group salsa classes or something. You'll drop that shit fast.

Off the top of my head, I can name a lot of people who think they are physically and mentally attractive but who are neither. Make yourself impressive through achievement.

It's against the rules for you to use 4chan.
>>what to do
Do what I do: manual fucking labor for money. It'll help teach you discipline and will allow you to have cash to throw around.

Stop being awkward and talk to them.

Stop browsing /fa/, start working on the PPT.

Find new girls. You have oneitis.

Meetup.com, OkCupid, etc.

Stop smoking, duh.

>> No.10663164

>On the plus side she likes my hair. I got that going for me, right?

>> No.10663184

my hairline receded slightly at 17(thought im gonna be bald till 20, felt depressed as fck),hairline is still the same, so as thickness, im 21 now and solid 8/10

>Dont wash hair with hot water
>Shampoo every other day
>drink water

Ur gonna make it

>> No.10663210
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where do i find girls without self-esteem aside hookers

>> No.10663301

>pretty but baby faced
>starting to get clothes I actually like in my wardrobe
>constantly have to shave my mustache hair and chin hair because am Sicilian and it's dark

>> No.10663313

I can say this to my /fa/ senpai:
>Meet and fuck attached asian qt 3.14 from craigslist
>She contacted me again looking to hookup probably
>Don't want to fall in love with her
>I'm just looking for someone to care for that cares about me and she's clearly not looking for that
>Oh well, she's pretty pleb anyway

>> No.10663336

>Have huge ambitions and interests
>Too lazy to start any projects
>Dont want to live if im not rich
>Money controls my life

>> No.10663385

i go through the studying material 1-2 hours per day after school, take notes during class and my group of friends are calling me a workhorse
i'm just not performing well on any tests or exams and it's crushing me

also everyone else I know my age has sex with people that have great self-esteem and what makes it worse is that all the flirting and social skills I have are based on people with low self-esteem

but thanks patrick, I'll see if there's anything in my study habit that could improve

>> No.10663611
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> Oh well, she's pretty pleb anyway
story of my fuckin life man

>> No.10663634

nopoo m8

>> No.10663659

Same here man. Like where are all the interesting girls? And don't give me that regular shit advice: "Oh do what you love and they'll come to you", "They're all at home reading books and watching netflix"

The only girl I've been attracted to since school started is my professor. She dresses a bit professional tumblr core (but at least she dresses well) and she's a bit too far critical feminist for my liking (but at least I fantasize about the possibility of intellectual arguments with her). The depressing thing is being attracted to someone you have no possible chance being with.

This may sound elitist but all the girls in my classes are just uninteresting normies. My friend wanted to set me up with what he would call "a hipster girl", she was some quirky artsy girl who liked drawing tattoos. She got a bf and it never happened, but at least she wasn't basic.

Maybe it's just a location problem. Maybe I need to move out and go study in another city. Maybe when I do a higher degree of school I'll encounter more intelligent, passionate, and driven women.

/rant, sorry if this sounded elitist as fuck. I just want to meet grills who are into things. I'm not asking for a mirror image of myself, but just someone who isn't a pleb.

>> No.10663689


you need to go an elite university with girls studying quantum physics, Russian literature and who like computer programming. people in prestigious places are interesting as hell.

most of the women in my cognitive neuroscience lab are 8/10's. but i go to an ivy league, so a lot of people are top tier.

>> No.10663719
File: 32 KB, 555x333, 1423910059753 (2015_09_18 12_40_44 UTC).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>wearing sick fit on the way to school
>get selfconscious
>turn around and go change
w2c confidence

>> No.10663725

clearly you haven't reached super skinny

work harder

>> No.10663732

feels except im also too broke to cop new shit

>> No.10663750
File: 377 KB, 800x1200, 70112vict3531web31.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you're not surrounded by top tier people
>tfw you could be
lots of times I feel the need to excel at something, to grow as a person, but I just can't seem to overcome this deep rooted laziness

I've never been this unhappy though, and it's slowly motivating me to actually put some effort into stuff

>> No.10663770

Man, how does meeting and fucking people from craiglist work? Arent you afraid of crazy people? I not from the US or Europe.

>> No.10663814

>tfw round slav face
>thin curly hair, looks like I'm balding in some areas because of shitty clumping
>look like the guy from the untermench poster when I cut it short

just fucking kill me

>> No.10663817

I'm wary that this is the solution. Maybe it's just because I'm Canadian and a humblefag, but I really don't like elitist people.

More feels:
>Meet Russian girl who is a friend of a friend at small drunk house gathering
>She goes to my school and studies something STEM effay (can't remember because drunk)
>She's cute tall, slim
>Go to club with all friends and her, she's constantly telling me to smile more
>Was outside having a smoke and some whiskey and heard them as they were coming to the house talking about Gucci
>Not really into that shit but whatever
>Pass by her on campus one time really quick, effay fit
>tfw you'll never see her again :|
>Oh well I'm a philosophical arts fag, she would think I'm the pleb anyway

Don't worry anon, laziness is a human trait, everyone experiences it to different steps. Overcoming it is an endeavour. Good luck.

Self-consciousness is a good thing anon. Think of it this way: you care about your appearance and how people might perceive you. On the other hand, self-confidence doesn't come from nothing. It's learned and it grows with you. Keep working up to those fits little by little and finding your personal style and taste. It will come.

The answer? It doesn't work. This was just pure fucking luck. Turns out this asian chick lives in my neighbourhood, goes to other uni in my city, went to another high school close to mine, knows people from my high school. I just got lucky, other than her I got one crazy girl and a lot of creepy men.

It also depends on your Craigslist, the normal etiquette is to exchange pictures, time stamps, etc. I'm in Canada and my Craigslist sucked, so I had no expectations. She didn't want to exchange pictures for personal reasons and wanted to be discreet as fuck so we just exchanged a ton of emails and built trust. It was scary when she came over but I got lucky that I didn't get robbed or something.

It's my first and last time doing it though.

>> No.10663820

Ran out of room, wanted to add that it was sketchy and awkward. But I got lucky it worked out.

Anyways, I'm procrastinating, will be back to check on this thread anon friends.

>> No.10663855

Who mixed feels here?
>poor uni fag
>finally get a job and makin bank
>bought my first pair of shoes in the last few years that weren't from payless
>replaced old H&M hoodie I've been wearing for a few years now
>been clearing out / donating most of the stuff in my closet so I can build a smaller wardrobe with nicer clothes

Only bad feels are
>Girls always flirt with me and I can't even like them back cause I'm gay
>Can't find any gay men to get with because every university guy is bisexual for political reasons but won't date men
University is filled with unique liberal teenagers :^)

>> No.10663877
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I feel you man. I honestly think all girls are uninteresting. And when they do seem interesting, it's just a relative placebo because of how rare semi-interesting girls are. I've been wondering lately why men even want girlfriends. I don't mean to go all red pill here, but the only thing women provide us with that we can't obtain ourselves is sex. And masturbation is a pretty good alternative when you think about all the curtails on personal freedom romantic relationships create.

>> No.10663884

shit I think I used the word curtail wrong

>> No.10663935
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I feel you, there's always hookers too if you want the real thing.

I've never actually met a girl that was intellectually compatible or had the same mindset as me. Also pretty much all of them are emotional fucks which is pretty annoying. It's also disturbing how superficial most of them are, and how they get away with it because there's too many thirsty betas that can't keep their dicks in their pants.

Honestly it all comes down to education, going from a private to a public school you could clearly notice the quality of people dropping.

>> No.10663970

it won't change anything. It's all about genetics.
>Drink water

>> No.10663980

Keep in mind that modern society more or less requires that intelligent people in their 20s bury themselves in work to the point where you're not going to find them easily. Online dating applications that let them vet men tend to be the best ways to find them - smart girls don't like wading through the shit that is OkCupid or Tinder, so they tend to move to stuff like Coffee Meets Bagel.

Either way, they exist.

>> No.10663990

accutane doesn't affect everyone badly, but a small % of people can just get REALLY fucked up from it.

>> No.10664008

Smart girls don't exist. If you swallowed the Red Pill you would realize that, but you're too much of a beta Blue Pill.

>> No.10664011

>>the crippling realization that i've never slept with someone
tbchwymf (to be completely honest with you my family)

>> No.10664167

This is too real

>> No.10664177

tfw no gf who believes in me even though i don't trust myself or have self respect or a job and dropped out of college and live with my parents and am not in awesome physical shape at age 23

>> No.10664606

>tfw you miss going to school because it was an easy and fun way to get to know your peers
>tfw never really talked to anyone while in school but talk hours to those people when I meet them at parties now
>tfw I wasted the best years of my life being an insecure badly dressed shut-in

also completely unrelated
>Have a large list of items I plan to cop
>Go shopping
>Cop one of the things on the list and 5 other things not on the list
>tfw you realize the list will never empty

>> No.10664713

i went from public to private, and it was so shit. pretentious assholes everywhere.
thank god i still saw some of my old bros.
i think everyone needs a "squad" to hang out with, just to do stupid shit together, you feel like you belong.

>> No.10664747

>body acne
>just large enough such that it affects my silhouette, so I can't wear my favorite jeans without having to compromise with a taper fit or >straight cut

>> No.10664789

>shit fits im sure, idk what a good fit even is
>too poor to buy cool clothes, literally just got my only supreme hat

My fashion inspiration is pretty much just 2012 Tyler the Creator with baggy pants and shirts

god help me

>> No.10664924

>Find new girls. You have oneitis.

I don't know if I could do that. I'm not really interested in anyone but her. She's the first person I've actually liked, and I'm not letting my beta-Ness get in my way.

>> No.10664937

What do you mean?

>> No.10664949

Buy some face wash and use that shit.Like twice a day.You won't get pimples if your face is dry as fuck.Once your acne goes away you can start using moisturizer aswell.

>> No.10664962


I agree the effects are overblown, but I think I have some of them. The dry lips are not a big deal but I feel like I'm depressed now more and talk less. I didn't talk much before getting on it but I talk even less now. Everytime something bad happens to me I dwell on it and compare myself to others who are in a better place than me and I get so depressed. Maybe it's all just my imagination but Idk. It is clearing up my acne though it does work but can't wait to get off. 3 more months.

>> No.10664970

>Studying /fa/shion at uni
>have to find an internship and we start after the holidays, send emails to a couple of companies.
>one of them calls me for an interview, yay
>I'm 30 mins late because I don't know how to use maps, makes me even more nervous
>it starts out well, the woman interviewing me is very nice
>she asks me how my Excel skills are
>"EXCEllent", I reply
>Got the internship

>> No.10665300

>2 fucking weeks
I have mine for 4 years and I'm somehow controling myself

>> No.10665302
File: 9 KB, 231x159, JUST.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw /mu/ is ruining bleep

>> No.10665322
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a real man doesn't speak that way

>> No.10665328

u got dubs
and yourself

>> No.10665332

You look 13

>> No.10665343

>6'0" 144 lbs 7/10 twink
>could be 10/10 if not for crooked hook nose and
acne scars
im actually debating dropping 7k on the procedures necessary to get nasal surgery and dermabrasions, anyone have any experience?

>> No.10665349

>this is who will be head of Dior


was driving a friend's panamera this weekend,nice car but an s8 is better at everything,why didn't you get an s7?
tfw falling for the 435 grancoupe

>> No.10665404

>qt 7/10 in accounting class
>only ever see her 3 times a week walking from class
>some shit always happens and she disappears
>only 1 week before finals
>going to ask her to study but she disappears
>only 2 more chances

got a huge crush on this girl but this shit always happens and idk if i should just add her on fb or something because i rarely ever see her other than class. got me feeling like im in 8th grade again

>> No.10665419


>> No.10665535

>asymmetric lips
>chubby baby face
>legs too short
>thin hair
at least my skin is clear

>> No.10665544
File: 227 KB, 837x888, IMG_20151201_030514.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw I look like shit overally

>> No.10665558

I felt like it'd have been a genuine-ass crime for me to get an S7 and use it as a generic commute-to-work car. I almost cry when seeing people drive goddamn Ferraris in D.C. given that they don't even remotely get close to 20 MPH. There was a part of me that wanted to throw down more cash and check out a wider variety of sports cars (the better versions of the 911, etc.), but considering my use case, it'd have been somewhat wasteful.

But yeah, the Panamera is nice but weird as all fuck. I feel like Porsche was on some drugs when designing it. It drives nicely, so I guess we can't complain too much.

>> No.10665564

no, that can't be you

>> No.10665599

big guy confirmed autist

>> No.10665619

you are pepe

>> No.10665627

Took you this long?

>> No.10665669

Add her but make sure she knows who you are before asking serious shit

>> No.10665729

Wtf dawg, are you me?

>> No.10665837

>meet 10/10 qt on Friday
Like holy shit she is so perfect
>chat for a while
>hung out with her and some of her friends today
>conversation at one time is talking about our problems and shit
>she tells me she is getting with someone but is too broken and hurt for a relationship right now
Fuck fuck fuck, I guess it doesn't matter anyways I'm probably in >the friendzone or whatever already

She did say she thought I would be really popular and with a lot of female friends tho
>that feel when attractive but autist social retard
Just kill me lads I feel like shit

>> No.10665886

Take more showers. Use cold water on face to close pores. Stop eating greasy foods. Stop touching your face with your gross hands. If you shave be more gentle when touching the shaved areas or better yet don't touch it at all. & did i mention cold water? Also wash your sheets and pillow cases once a week & wear clean clothes.

>> No.10665896

Dude grow your hair out you look like a man baby. No facial hair either you'll look like a pedo.

>> No.10665918

go to /brit/ senpai.

>> No.10665945

I have some fatrolls when I sit down

>> No.10665951

>she tells me she is getting with someone but is too broken and hurt for a relationship right now

That means she wants to fuck without feeling pressured into a relationship. Just make a move faggot.

>> No.10665989

What kind of move, I would do even the riskiest move but if I fuck it up I'm gonna feel like shit, I guess it doesn't matter, help me out /fa/m

>> No.10666056

>qt noise girlfriend
>desk job that doesn't matter but $55k a year
>just got new car
>nice apartment
>feels good man

>living in north carolina
>probably stuck here at least another year
>posting on /fa/
>feels bad man

>> No.10666086

stop drinking soda and change bedding once a week minimum

>> No.10666166

>extremely poor
>no money to be effay
>at least i'm skinny from not being able to afford food

>> No.10666204

>spend hours shopping for clothes
>sit all day in office where i see max 20 people
>come home and don't leave apartment

honestly not that bad bc I don't give a fuck about seeing anyone else in this town

>> No.10666394

>mfw only gay bros flirt with me
it's like, I don't bother but I want that girls find me attractive like gays do.

>> No.10666399

idk, maybe I am. Feels bad man.

>> No.10666908

>went to the gym a couple of years back
>come back home with raging itch on back of head
>start developing pimples on scalp
>can no longer have sides cut short out of anxiety of people staring at my scalp
>long hair makes me look like a bum
folliculitis sucks.

>> No.10667007

Ask her to hang out alone and introduce subtle flirting, if it's recieved well go for something a little more bold.

>> No.10667052

>decently attractive face
>used to be skinnyfit, but I've let myself go a bit
>broke as fuck
>no motivation
>hate my wardrobe but don't know what I want to do with my style

>> No.10667081
File: 51 KB, 500x500, 1407814403132.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the crippling realization that i've never slept with someone that had self-esteem

>> No.10667158
File: 325 KB, 1280x960, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that pic is a few weeks old, does current length look better?

>> No.10667161
File: 257 KB, 949x1125, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

goddamn rotations

>> No.10667567

goddamnit Bateman you fucking yuppie
(ps you're the best trip)