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/fa/ - Fashion

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10652761 No.10652761 [Reply] [Original]

hey fa
i browse this place every now and then, i've kind of developed opinions on fashion stuff but what actually makes a good fit, apart from just liking how it looks or not, what kind of guidelines/rules are there to follow to make a good fit?
In photography (might be a shit example) having correct exposure, framing, and focus make a good photo, from there it's based on opinion.

tl;dr what makes a fit good or bad?
pic unrelated

>> No.10652781



-color composition


probably a lot of other buzzwords you could use but those are the main ones that make or break an outfit.

>> No.10652867

Somewhat relevant, if you take a still of 90% of fits and look at them long enough they start to look good.

I don't think a lot of fits on the streets look that great until I see the same exact thing on /fa/, and admittedly it looks better. Photography is 90% of a good fit desu.