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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 55 KB, 1024x683, flat_to_the_right_1024x1024[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10645128 No.10645128 [Reply] [Original]

150€ for a "designer watch", which is based on a 2$ Daniel Weelington Rip-Off.


Explain yourselves /fa/!

>> No.10645131

150€ isn't a lot of money you fucking poor fag.

>> No.10645147

You're the one who should be explaining why you're so fucking poor OP.

>> No.10645151

Paying 150€ for a product usually sold for 2-3$ is shit tripyfag!

>> No.10645172

do you actually make that little? 150€ is literally pocket change. I wouldn't pick up 150€ on the street if I saw it laying there.

>> No.10645184

You're trying way too hard to act superior.
>haha im so rich sometimes i just throw away 160 dollars.

>> No.10645206

Nobody who has that kind of money speaks so crass / trips on 4chan.

>> No.10645209

that's literally not even the point I'm trying to make. He said
>Explain yourselves /fa/!
I'm doing just that. I didn't buy the watch because it's obviously cheap but I'm giving an explanation as to why someone might.

>> No.10645213

lol'd. I know 5 people at my firm who make 6 figures and regularly post on 4chan.

>> No.10645227


>> No.10645241

what's cringier? The fact that you'd be opposed to shelling out 150 euros or the fact that I make enough to not care about some pocket change?

>> No.10645376

>he thinks he's a big shot because some of his coworkers make 100k

>> No.10645456

>reading comprehension level 0.

>> No.10645727

I almost undoubtedly make more than you.

I wouldn't walk past $150 on the street because I'm not a retard with no concept of money.

>> No.10645766

im amazed you trip for this

>> No.10645873

Salary and job?

>> No.10645884

hedge fund, 250 - 300k, 23

>> No.10645896

$180-250k commissioned sales.

It doesn't matter because you're going to call that amount plebian, go on some rant about how you make way more and I wouldn't understand that level of largess, and anyone with a shred of common sense will abandon this thread.

>> No.10645905

Literally thinking I care. I make 300-375k a year. Not much more than you. Isn't it assumed most people are being satirical and exaggerated when they post on 4chan? I wouldn't actually pass by $150 on the street. Its just a way to say that isn't a grand amount.

>> No.10645913
File: 186 KB, 1024x1024, alpinist.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>there are """"""""""""""people""""""""""" in this thread that dont own an alpinist


>> No.10645914


That's literally how a majority of watches produced today are priced. You are paying for a "brand" that doesn't even make the watches themselves. A middleman does all the watchmaking.

If you want watches that are worth the money then buy vintage watches or new watches from companies that are historical watchmakers. Companies that produce watches that are mechanically and aesthetically valued.

>> No.10645953

Well I make 750k every 3 days, so I guess you're just wrong. Sorry m9.

>Paying for a product that is 7500% more expensive than it should be, just because it has somebody elses name on it

>I can spend loads of money I'm so cool aren't I cool right guys look at me waste money why don't people love me

>> No.10645959

you're embarrassing yourself

>> No.10645968


>> No.10645973

Jesus that is pathetic. That's coming from a tripfag.

>> No.10645987


>losers lying about their income on a fashion board on 4chan
>these people actually live their lives doing this

>> No.10646010

Lol. Father owns large business and gave me VP title when I turned 18. No lies just luck. Go ahead and complain about being fucked over by the universe you sad sack of shit.

>> No.10646040

I was obviously taking the piss whan I said I earn 750k every three days.

Also >>10646010
>My daddy made me rich

No wonder you have no actual respect for money.

>> No.10646046

Never claimed to have had any respect for money.

>> No.10646053

I never claimed you did either. But that just answers OP's question.

The only people who would pay that much money, are people who don't give a shit about being ripped off, because they like to burn money.

>> No.10646080

>muh Japanese meme weaboo watch made from Japanese steel folded over 1,000 times
>muh heritage NATO leather strap
>muh outdoorsman watch that I can only wear when I am outside or else it would defeat the purpose

lmfao you watchfags are pathetic

>> No.10646106

I guess that's pretty fair.

>> No.10646271
File: 306 KB, 819x1024, rolex.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>actually buying nice watches
>not inheriting them from rich uncles

pic related

>> No.10646730

Why not both? You think people should only own one watch?

>> No.10646845

expensive watches only look good on people who can afford ti buy an expensive watch. most people who buy expensive watches can't afford it. you have to have the whole package to make it look convincing, otherwise you just look like an ass who saved up to buy one arbitrary status symbol.

lol at the guys i see at work with their rolex watches as they get out of their shitty nissan micras.

>> No.10646918

what do you work as tripfag
not trying to insult just wondering

>> No.10647029

Daddy owns large company. I got VP status at 18. Basically all I do is show up for the quarterly meetings and bullshit my way through those then I don't have to do shit.