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File: 260 KB, 1024x683, 350boost.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10632859 No.10632859 [Reply] [Original]

Hey everyone, I just got a pair of fantastic 350 Boost reps and they look exactly like the real ones except for the back where the little loop isn't angled upwards very far enough.

Is this a tell that people will see? How noticeable is this?

>> No.10632865

Can't you post a pic?

>> No.10632911

These reps are getting good

Wew lad.

Don't worry too much about it, they're coming with energy gel pills on the sole next time so you should've waited

Re-selling market is about to meet it's match

>> No.10632923

they're probably made in the same chink factory,don't sweat too much about it

>> No.10632985

post pics of your reps

>> No.10632987

lmao i called some one out yesterday on fakes, you deserve it though

>> No.10633153

only for resell

>> No.10633161

lol you sound like a cunt, especially because you care about fugly shoes involving Kuckye.

>> No.10633377

haha nigga KTT already all talking and laughing about you

>> No.10633385

Most people won't recognize the shoes.

Some people will recognize and think, "wow he has the Yeezy 350s".

A very small select few might think it's a replica, but almost no one will both be able to recognize that they're fake and call you out on it.

>> No.10633394

no one cares. 49/50 people you meet wont recognize them, and only like people you're close to will even consider looking at them enough to think "are they fake".

if you look like the kind of person that would have real ones people will be like "yeah he knows what hes doing"

if you look like a dork in them your friends are probably going to think you're a tryhard

>> No.10633784

Where did you copped anon, I want the pirate black. Where I live only a bunch of people know about them and it's usually pretentious tumblr girls. Also post pics

>> No.10633906

For anyone interested, I've found this:

>on yt watch?v=83AF80Yui4M

Can anyone also confirm if DHgate is actually legit/has anyone ordered anything from there? What do you think about these replicas?

>> No.10633972

bump. any say about DHgate?

>> No.10633978

I work in a fairly high end store and a lot of people come in wearing 350s and they look pretty fucking great. I'm not a huge sneakerhead but after seeing a good few genuine ones, it's become really easy to tell the difference between them and the fakes. Depending on how much you spent, I personally think you should've just bought some genuine sneakers that you like the look of, rather than getting a replica to get on a 'hype'.

>> No.10633993

When I see someone wearing these I assume they are fakes simply because adidas create a fake unnecessary scarcity for a synthetic shoe that is too easy to replicate. It's like seeing Bape back in the day or HBA - even if it is not fake, it might as well be. At least Geobaskets are difficult to fake without it being obvious.

>> No.10634964
File: 507 KB, 1800x1800, 7iJlHMM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's only a few ways to spot a good replica from a genuine pair of Yeezy's.But only an Autist would call you out on them.

>> No.10634969

what exactly am I looking for here
or is that the point

>> No.10634985


if each shoes pattern is going the same way diagonally then that's usually a good sign of legitness. if the patterns are going in opposite directions, as if a mirror was reflecting it on the other shoe then they are definitely fake. if the patterns are going the same directions and are exactly the same with zero variation, like the same line on the left shoe is in the same spot as the right, then yes they are probably fake, because most TDS have a little randomized pattern as you can see in this pic

>> No.10634996

if you live around niggers then they will call you out
white people will know its fake but probably wont say shit

>> No.10635006

Unlike most collabstuff, this shoe actually looks pretty good.
Would wear if it had a realistic price.

>> No.10635084

If people recognise them....
>they think they're real and judge you for spending so much on meme shoes that are clearly roshe (played out) rip offs
>suspect they're fake and think you're a desperate mong

>> No.10635114

Some guy in my school wears reps, he looks like a clown

>> No.10635171


I will assume most expensive shoes I see are replicas automatically. If you aren't wearing other expensive shit then I will assume you are too poor to be able to afford them.

You dont have to be decked out in brands, but if your shit is ill fitting and looks cheap then you are going to be taking the L

>> No.10635180


>> No.10635233

lmao you can't afford a 300$ shoe?

>> No.10635274

Rather 700.
But no, I won't pay 700$ for a shoe that was made for maybe 5.

>> No.10635321

I would say the 350 probably costs adidas more than that. Primeknit, boost sole, and other fancy shit. They can afford to spend more on each shoe because they know people will buy every single pair for $200.

>> No.10635385

whens the next drop?

>> No.10635419

primeknit is even cheaper. It's 100% made with machines. They don't have to pay the chingchong girl in Vietnam and use comparatively expensive leather.

>> No.10635452

>implying the shoes' material is the only factor in the cost of making the shoes

Adidas has to spend probably millions on advertising, promotion, endorsements, etc. which increases the cost of the shoe astronomically. If they didn't spend all that money on getting people to want the shoe and only spend money on creating the shoes, no one would want the shoes.

>> No.10635473

>advertising, promotion, endorsements
And...how do I actually wear those things?

>> No.10635475

moonrock reps when/where

>> No.10635756

On the real ones the lines are going up and right on both pairs

On fakes it goes up and left on the left shoe, and up and right on the right shoe

>> No.10637323

December 5th, Yeezy 750's Black but don't get your hopes up. I heard that it's going to be in even less supply than the Gray ones.
Ali-express, Tao-Bao, FightClub and Rakuten.

>> No.10637337

Those are some ugly-as-fuck slippers.

>> No.10638571

Where can I buy the best replica? I want to see how I can incorporate them in my fits, then maybe I'll buy the real deal.

>> No.10638663

>If they didn't spend all that money on getting people to want the shoe and only spend money on creating the shoes, no one would want the shoes.
It has Kanye's name on it, it will sell no matter what lmao.

>> No.10639221

what the fuck are you gonna say if someone asks you how you got them? are you just going to lie to their face?

>> No.10639237

Best place to cop pirate blacks?

>> No.10639242

love you for asking this

>> No.10639248

I'm not religious so I don't care lol

>> No.10639256

>not believing kawyay isn't the second coming of christ

pleb pls

>> No.10639264

this. there are like hundreds on aliexpress which do I buy?

>> No.10639460
File: 2.53 MB, 3264x2448, IMG_2260.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Goys aliexpress yezys are PERFECT

>> No.10639541


Knit material is white, not grey.
The heel tab is not the right angle and goes straight out.
8-9 red dots before the heel tab stitching. Original has 6.
The pattern is all wrong.
Midsole color is wrong.
Nothing is right.


>> No.10639634

lmao foh

>> No.10640198

These look like the generic Middle School nike shoes that every kid with a graphic t-shirt and cargo shorts wear.

>> No.10640220

No, they don't. Horrible generalization.

>> No.10640243

haha you are s faggot srsly. You took time out of your life to comment on somebody else shoes that are fake. Keep in mind these shoes. probably come from the same fucking building.

Think about how much of a life you dont have. Think about how shitty your self esteem is because make your self feel better for shitting on some who was smart to not spend a fuckton of money on something that wears/getfucked on the first day.

kill your self

Kill your self now

>> No.10640244

i carry my receipts around so if anyone says anything different, i slap em with it.

dot right in the middle of the forehead.

Try me.

>> No.10640257

reddit in shoe form

>> No.10641039

Ali or from any other site

>> No.10641076

Wow, really? Like you actually harassed someone in real life over shoes?

That's some top-level autism right there.

bye /fa/

>> No.10641243

Holy shit youre a faggot

>> No.10641299

You already do. Let's be honest, the adidas quality ain't that good, and the designs are mimicked by lots of other brands. You wear Adidas for authenticity, for status. Not just for the brand, of course, but the brand plays an important role here. It's the metaphysical quality of the shoe plus the physical shoe what you are buying and what you will wear.

>> No.10641455

ZZ top on AliExpress. They've even have the unmirrored pattern now

>> No.10641463


I need bred 1s. I was able to get shadows and royals on release day, but not the damn breds. From what I can tell compared to my retail pair is that the swoosh is a little thick. Whachu guys think. Fuck a resell price

>> No.10641589

Still waiting for Davids new edition

>> No.10641666

Maaan fuck that. His new ones look like shit dude. Toe is completely fucked

>> No.10642988

>ZZ top
I can't find the store, can you link me?

>> No.10643234

i copped the blacks from dhgate so I guess i'll let you guys know when they get here

>> No.10643273


>> No.10643285

Why buy replica meme shoes? The people who know what to look for are going to notice right away. Everyone else is going to think you're a spastic for wearing shoes that look like that. Fake or otherwise.

>> No.10643311

just go to dhgate and look for the seller yakuda

has moonrocks as well as white, red, purple shit too.

has a lot of transactions and reviews plus I saw a video for them

>> No.10643334

I have 4 pairs of real ones, get fucked you loser.

>> No.10643349

They're shoes.

>> No.10643352

Yeah man hold up I'm gonna see if I can get it off mobile. Ask for pics before you buy. Only some pairs are unmirrored as of now. Lmk if the link doesn't work on the mobile and I'll send you off the comp in like an hour.

>> No.10643357


>> No.10643372

Link to said video

>> No.10643530

They look hideous

>> No.10643583
File: 39 KB, 1280x720, kttfam.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.10643607

the pattern is absolutely wrong

>> No.10643733

but why so many?

>> No.10643750
File: 281 KB, 555x504, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wait are reproductions really $18?

am i reading that right?

>> No.10643771
File: 275 KB, 613x469, Screen Shot 2015-11-24 at 10.36.28 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10643902

yes on the cheaper end but they vary in quality

>> No.10643908


>> No.10644064

if you care about someone wearing fake shoes that are both made in china you're a future kek

>> No.10644102

i also ordered from DHgate yakuda's store some days ago, i'll drop some pics whenever it gets here

>> No.10644125

Replicas these days are like 90% there enough to fool most people who can even recognize the shoe. Everyone else will be like "nice roshes"

>> No.10644355

Please do so anon, I'm intrested

>> No.10644358


>> No.10644368


If you look like someone who is poor and people will automatically think you dont have afford real once

>> No.10644372

Since nobody answered, DHgate is safe. Ordered a fake htc one when the thing was 600€ and I had no problem.

>> No.10644492

no, people will just think you look fucking stupid, as they would if you were wearing authentic ones