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10626142 No.10626142 [Reply] [Original]

post yfw there are actually people here who buy rick owens shit

>> No.10626155

mfw theres plebs still not acknowledging rick as the GOAT of all time

>> No.10626156
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>> No.10626169
File: 1.85 MB, 386x345, rg4re.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll just post mfw richfags brag about how much money they have and how much rick they're wearing and yet....somehow....here they are on 4chan, friendless and alone.

>> No.10626173
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>> No.10626177
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>> No.10626181
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please explain this

>> No.10626186

this literally looks like something from an old world of warcraft dungeon.

>> No.10626208
File: 151 KB, 950x632, enhanced-buzz-wide-32321-1380559700-13.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i feel like he is intentionally making hideous, completely unappealing things just to see how far he can go and still sell clothing at unreasonable prices to idiots

>> No.10626240

Wow, imagine that, people on a fashion board buying high fashion.

>> No.10626309
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>> No.10626323

I like his shoes, layering tees, and some of the drape shorts. I have none though.

>> No.10626331

runway show

>> No.10626332

Wow, imagine that, faggots being faggots.

>> No.10626370

It's not even that high fashion dick supreme

>> No.10626379

Rationalizing this hard
99% of the people ive seen post rick fits on this board were in a really shitty, messy plebny room. Therefore 99% of rick fanboys are nonthinking, status insecure cuccklets.

>> No.10626383

Lol... All you could state is the obvious? Explain the appeal, the meaning of this aesthetic.

>> No.10626417
File: 82 KB, 677x894, Anubisath_Sentinel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10626485

Awesome kong

>> No.10626509
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>> No.10626613

rick owens actually makes super fucking quality shit
that being said, i don't like his clothes
they're not for me
doesn't mean he should cease to exist in the market and that people should not purchase his clothing
stop being a faggot because you don't like something

>> No.10626905

Yeah i know one person irl whoes bought multiple ricks pieces and hes a manchild chinese international kid

>> No.10626953

I agree with you to an extent. I would say most of it is very quality, but the fact that they sell cotton-poly ramones for 600 is fucking absurd. that's what you make windbreakers out of.

>> No.10626962

even if what he makes is super quality it all looks like literal hot garbage.

>> No.10628317

even yohji thinks it looks retarded

>> No.10628319

nah its too ugly to exist

people shouldnt purchase it but again if people want to have the fashion equivalent of a scat fetish OK i won't stop you but i will stay the fuck away