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/fa/ - Fashion

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10619818 No.10619818 [Reply] [Original]

How do I smoke and not get addicted? Also newbie smoking tips...which brand do I even buy senpai?

>> No.10619820

I smoke cigs maybe once a month and I never buy them... not really hard to restrain yourself

>> No.10619825

Why do people even say things like senpai? Why is it part of the culture of 4chan. I do not fucking get it.

>> No.10619829

>woried about getting addicted
dont even bother smoking desu senpai

>> No.10619832

If you want to smoke them a lot you're going to get addicted to them, but that's the /fa/ part you desperate sheep.

If you smoke socially or whatever you're not going to get addicted as long as you have a drop of willpower in you.

American Spirit Blacks are the best, disregard what anyone else tells you.

>> No.10619833

dont inhale every drag.
if you are light-skinned, it is almost impossible to get addicted.
i have been smoking for years, have stopped for months at a time without any withdrawal symptoms.

i dont remember the relationship between melanin and nicotine, but the darker you are, the harder it is to quit smoking.

>> No.10619838

there's a wordfilter for f a m

>> No.10619840


Is there a filter for SENPAI. F.A.M. Famfamfamfam help me out senpai

>> No.10619849

Don't smoke if you don't want to get addicted. Not everybody gets addicted because of genetic differences in how we absorb the nicotine, etc. but you don't really know until you try if you might get addicted, and if you're concerned over addiction you're not committed to smoking, so I would recommend not to start.
Baring all that in mind, what country do you live in? In USA, you can't go wrong with Marlboros or American Spirits. When I went to visit my brother in the UK I smoked a few packs of Chesterfields, but I really don't know the brand differences there so I can't advise. Here in Canada I smoke Canadian Classics, but people seem to think Peter Jacksons are the way to go. It should also be noted that you can buy papers or tubes and loose tobacco, and smoking those always looks kind of crusty cool.
In many countries, cigarette packaging is flimsy and shitty and ugly and usually covered with health warning ranging from ironically funny (SMOKING KILLS) to unpalatable (pictures of tarred lungs), so if you don't like the packaging, or if you want to keep your cigarettes from getting crushed, get a cigarette case. You can get one as plain or as gaudy as you like.
One more tip, if you smoke with any regularity, you're going to want to watch your teeth by where you smoke, and take better care of your teeth and cuticles in general. It takes time to see the effects, but they can creep up on you.

>> No.10619874
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I'm in Australia. Thanks for the tips. I just want to smoke for the social aspect

>> No.10619901

Smoking isn't /fa/ anymore. Taste the smoke instead of just sucking it down. In fact, don't inhale it at all. You'll get some anyway, but it's best to limit your inhalation. Try as many types/brands as possible, and stick with the stuff you like to taste. Never smoke more than one cig per day. You'll get addicted. You MUST stop smoking completely before 35, as once you carry the habit past this point, your respiratory system will not be able to recover. Don't be afraid of going with pipe tobacco, if that's what you enjoy, no matter how many people call you a faggot. Avoid smoking indoors, and NEVER smoke inside your own home.

>> No.10619913

This whole thread is tl;dr

>> No.10619938

>smoking isn't /fa/ anymore
Smoking is becoming less mainstream by the day which only makes I more /fa/.
Ah, yeah, don't know the brands in Oz, but I believe the warning is just black words on white background on half the package, right?

>> No.10619950

I smoke once/twice a week
American Spirit is the healthiest cigarette you can buy, but weed also stops cancer

>> No.10619957

You, sir, are a raging homosexual while simultaneously being a boy-molesting la-la fairyboy fruitcake.

>> No.10619961

i smoke every single day for five years and i'm not addicted.

if you have the right organism i guess it works that way.

>> No.10620131

i've been smoking every day for 10 years and i'm not addicted, so you should be fine as long as you do it in moderation senpai

>> No.10620367

only smoke prime times like a g

>> No.10620369

desu i've smoked like 5 packs over the course of the past month or so

i don't really understand how someone could smoke a pack a day, 4 or 5 felt like a lot for me and i haven't noticed any cravings or withdrawals or whatever

>> No.10620372

Heres your reply

>> No.10620373
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the warning is the whole package, brands all look the same the only difference is the white text on the pack

>> No.10620375

>i smoke every single day for five years and i'm not addicted
>i've been smoking every day for 10 years and i'm not addicted
lol i know it sounds ridiculous but i used to say the same, had no trouble not smoking for days at a time etc

but eventually the cravings settle in if you, nothing some nice willpower can't beat but defo had to fight the urges

>> No.10620378

wow you guys are all pansies..

>> No.10620488

get a healthier social habit than smoking

>> No.10620490

nice dubs fag

>> No.10620492

im white as shit and ive been smoking since i was 14, im 20 now can i would say im definitely addicted lol

>> No.10620495

You are either a complete idiot or this is bait.

Still made me reply

>> No.10620523

just smoke in social situations like when ur drinking with friends or w/ever

u probably will start wanting a cig when ur drunk or when other people are having one

but like because it's just in those isolated situations u'll be alright all the time ur not in these situations u'kno

>> No.10620567

Don't make it a habit
Don't set a pattern in the times when u smoke

>> No.10620588

You're fucking pathetic OP. At least you're helping improve humanity by speeding up your death.

You need to seriously reevaluate your life if you're planning to pollute other people's air just to look cool.

>> No.10620599

Everyone starts off like that, very few don't end up addicted. I was a social smoker for about 2 years before I started smoking regularly

>> No.10620601

You two are either delusional, were dropped as children or both.

>> No.10620609

i try and not smoke everyday and havent ever had an issue if at the start of the day i tell myself i wont smoke, then i dont
depends on what drug im on tho, stims make me smoke like a madman and when im drunk or doing blow i always smoke a lot
at my house ill smoke weed sometimes when i want a cig
dont know if im addicted or not, maybe smoke 4/5/6 cigs a week? but not daily
OP, the brand I recommend getting is camel turkish royal, i love them.

>> No.10620734

is this real life? holy fuck that sucks

>> No.10620743

this basically. its how i got addicted

>> No.10620753

senpaitachi (f ams)

>> No.10620761

only smoke when im on other drugs, but im on other drugs a lot...
think doing so many stims is what got me. cigs are like candy on amphetamine

>> No.10620768

Smoke weed and save the planet.

>> No.10620779

what's the point of smoking then? like you want to smoke but don't want to? anyway, there's no such method.

>> No.10620792
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I want to look cool smoking mong.

>> No.10620800

senpai desu kek

>> No.10620805


Roll-ups are the only /fa/ way to smoke
and you have to roll them by hand

>> No.10620925

dutchfag detected

>> No.10620935

what amphs do you like?

>> No.10620943

How natural selection hasn't gotten you yet is beyond me.

>> No.10620987

winnie blues mate

or rothman blues if you're on a budget

>> No.10620992

also port royal if you're smoking rollies

>> No.10621009

>How do I smoke and not get addicted?
by smoking cannabis and not tobacco duh

tobacco is an enjoyable smoke but it's extremely addictive

>> No.10621017

did they really make it so you can't say senpai?

>> No.10621072
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Yeah Im the same

I've smoked every day for years and can quit easially. Same with drugs, I know people are just going to get uppity about this but hear me out.. I actually have started to smoke smoke heroin every evening to wind down for the last few months and am not addicted. I used to take oxycontin in pill form but I realised I can buy heroin for cheaper for the same effect, so I just take oxys during the day and save the heroin for the evenings. I quit oxys several times and when I could not afford them I just wouldn't even think about it really.

I've been like this my whole life, I can just pick things up and put them down no bother at all. It's all just genetic really. I have a really strong willpower too mind

>> No.10621108

>do drugs everyday
>obsess over drugs
>I'm not addicted

>> No.10621121
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I'm not obsessing.

Some people smoke weed every day, other people do other drugs. I don't see the problem.

At least I don't plaster myself with paraphanalia

>> No.10621127

if you do drugs everyday it doesn't even matter if you are addicted or not at the end of the day though.

>> No.10621164
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You're still denying that you're addicted.

Being weak isn't /fa/.

>> No.10621177

desu senpai

>> No.10621274

adderall for recreation
vyvanse for studying
will do concerta if nothing else there. or ritalin tried bezedrex but that's bottom of list. i love coke too if we include stimulants

>> No.10621337

This must be bait. A person this braindead wouldn't be able to type.

>> No.10621812

Camel filterless, anything else makes you a twat

>> No.10621860

I'm going to smoke at crossroads in my life, essentially to make my life more interesting. When something seminal happens, I'll put on a siq fit, walk to a bridge or something, smoke a single cigarette. Guess I'm an autist.

>> No.10621885


The best way to not get addicted is to not do it every day.

>> No.10621896


>> No.10621918

Marlboro Golds senpai

>> No.10621969
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Never smoke alone, also keep a cigarette in your room in a visible spot. It reminds you how much control you still have over substance.

I smoke a cigarette every Saturday when I go out with my childhood friend. When I drink I have smoked up to a complete pack by myself but that's rare maybe once a month.

I also fight against the urge of inhaling as much smoke as I can, I know that fucks just as much as smoking a complete pack.
>pic related, the ciggie I keep next to my bed, it has been sitting there since May.

>> No.10621991

all american spirit cigarettes have a high nicotine content.

>> No.10622005

the fuck does you skin color have to do with addiction? all i know is that blue eyes people are more resistant to alcohol.

>> No.10622040

is smoking addiction like beating your meat addiction lmao

>> No.10622262


>> No.10622506

I've smoked cigarettes in the hundreds, if not thousands, and I was never "addicted". But that's smoking 2-3 cigarettes a day, never more.

I would say that's probably the maximum. Buy a pack, make it last the week before you buy the next one. You'll be fine.

Smoking is a little gross though, desu senpai. I haven't smoked one in over a year now.

>> No.10622522

baka desu senpai

>> No.10622545

>don't smell as bad
>don't make you smell as much
>fewer chemicals

>> No.10622556



>> No.10622572

smoking only looks cool in posed photos
in reality it makes you smell like crap and impotent

>> No.10622820

senpai. senpai. senpai,

>> No.10622936

Grow your own tobacco. That way you'll have a limited supply, seasonal availability, and it will be too much of a pain in the ass to grow enough to get addicted to it.

>> No.10623277



>> No.10623284

>if you are light-skinned, it is almost impossible to get addicted.
stay fucking insane, anon

>> No.10623392
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I vape, it's tasty as fuck and you can do it while shitposting. Smoked for 3 years but vaping is soooooooo much better.

I have this little guy

>> No.10623396

That's not even bud it's trimmed up leaf. Kill yourself.

>> No.10623401

Vape might be dangerous too

Google it they're studying it

>> No.10623405
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It's definitely not as good as not smoking but I've cut down my nicotine intake and mostly care about the flavor now. It's something enjoyable and it's a good distraction to stop from eating when I'm bored.

The latest studies that I saw basically said that it was 90 - 95% safer than smoking tobacco. I used to smoke cigarettes daily but I ride my bicycle everywhere (live in a big city), since vaping I have noticed that I can breathe a LOT easier. Also I don't smell like tobacco or really anything after vaping.

They just need to make some /fa/ approved vaporizers that look cooler than cigs desu.

>> No.10623516

don't smoke senpai. it's not cool anymore, you'll smell like shit and you won't be able to run without dying.

>> No.10623599

Just roll your own with papers that look like cigarettes, but use some non-addictive alternative herb like damiana or peppermint or some shit.

>> No.10623627

why does it filter to desu senpai?

>> No.10623718

Yeah it's what they look like down here, /fa/ as fuck imo

>> No.10623933

ITT : people that never completely quit telling people how easy it is to quit

>> No.10625202

hah senpai

>> No.10625246
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Consider the fact that heroin is bad for you

>> No.10625375


>> No.10625399

is it?

>> No.10625433

Smoking has no benefits other than killing yourself. Sacrificing your health over looking "cool" isn't cool senpai

>> No.10625435
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/fa/ vaporizer

>> No.10625463

>not addicted
>smokes everyday

>> No.10625487

>using /fa/ and vaporizer in the same sentence


>> No.10625697


>> No.10626801
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Smoke cigars

>> No.10626916

>/fa/ approved vaporizers

Get a billet box famalam

>> No.10626922
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looks like faggot cloudboi shit

>> No.10627325

Fellow aesthetic smoker from Aus. I smoke bond street blues, cheap and easy to smoke.

>> No.10627423

Don't buy your own pack
If you don't want to always borrow from a friend role cigs, don't smoke alone.
don't always inhale, take short breaks.

>> No.10627425


>> No.10627446


you don't smoke.

i started because i thought i looked cool fitting in with all the indie dance kids and now my skin is shit. don't even smoke much really, a pack or two a month but do it for 10 years and it'll show.

vapes are incredibly uncool and encourage mold growth in your lungs. also, if you do it a lot you'll get addicted to nicotine. You don't often see people get nicotine fits these days but they're the worst.

You know how your parents used to nag you to shit until you screamed at them? well, imagine feeling like that all the time but there's literally nothing happening, you just haven't had a cigarette in a while.

Personally, after about 10 years of casual use but good dental maintenence, my breath smells like shit and all women i hook up with comment on it and it really shits on my self esteem. I eat mints all the time and it does nothing, my lungs are just disgusting and there's no way to clean them but quit.

real talk senpai, don't smoke. everything about it sucks.

>> No.10627484

Honestly smoking is just one of those things you dont know, my grandpa smoked for 60 years and hes totally fine, and he even smoked those filterless soviet sigs that have like 3 times the nicotine a normal cig has.
Yet my fathers close friend died at the age for 50 from cancer (he was a smoker)

>> No.10627713

desu senpai

>> No.10627719

i smoked for like 6 months (3 a day at least) when i lived in france and then just stopped. i didnt have any difficulty at all. now and then i'll bum a cigarette, maybe like once a month

>> No.10627736

more like tryhard edgy but w/e

>> No.10627742

>it's a good distraction to stop from eating when I'm bored.
just drink tea ffs

>> No.10627764

literally rollies are so good

>> No.10627820


>> No.10627914

>How do I smoke and not get addicted?
I just filled my retard quota for the year.

>> No.10627962

I've never found nicotine addicting.

>> No.10628071

senpai = sempai

>> No.10628098

me neither

>> No.10628099



>> No.10628140
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vape using mini e-cigs and always use either low-nicotine or nicotine-less cartridges

they still look effay but aren't terrible for your long-term health and looks, and you can vape in more public places compared to smoking. just don't use black batteries because they throw off the whole "cigarette look-alike" aesthetic. people also won't come up to you asking if they can have a cig because water vapor and smoke look completely different, and it's cheaper than smoking in the long-run.

it's a win-win-win-win-win op

>> No.10628142

yes senpai

>> No.10628145

You two have obviously not smoked long enough.

>> No.10628162

Which e-cigs look the most like cigs? Don't want unnecessary attention to my e cig

>> No.10628177

mistic, unlimited, and eversmoke are the ones i can recall off the top of my head

try a google search
"ecigs that look like cigarettes"
"mini ecigs"

>> No.10628327
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How to not get addicted:

>Step 1: Don't smoke.
>Step 2: If you do, make it not a regular habit of yours and never, EVER, smoke to fill some existential void or, even, to feel better after a shitty day. Smoking casually is all about having a cigarette when you're OK with life, partying or relaxing: don't make the act of sucking on rolled tobacco a session of nicotine-based therapy for the chores of your tortured soul.

P. S.

When I used to smoke (during three months in my early adulthood), Camels used to taste great. I'd recommend you Gudang Garam and Marlboro Blue Ice for partying. Your everyday issue should be either Camels or one the most effay cigarettes around, the Dunhill Nanocuts (Masterblend).

>> No.10628710

I want to smoke for the aesthetics, but want to limit myself to one cig per day, but when do I smoke it, what if I smoke it when nobody sees me? I'd be killing myself for nothing...
fuck this world

>> No.10630154

You don't 'find' nicotine addicting.

If you smoke on the regular you will get addicted.

>> No.10630506

then what do i do to fill the void damn it

>> No.10630513

back to pinterest

>> No.10630551

Drink, didn't you get the memo negro?

>> No.10630735


>> No.10631241

It ain't hard desu senpai

>> No.10631298

Get parliaments

>> No.10631322


>> No.10631344

>highly addictive
>really bad for your health
>makes you smell bad
>turns your teeth and fingers yellow

What reason is there to start really?

>> No.10631788
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>Why is it part of the culture of 4chan.
this guy
this guy right here

>> No.10631799

I've smoked a few times in my life and it's never affected me. But then again, I don't become addicted to things easily.

>> No.10631899

aren't cigarettes $200 in Aus?

>> No.10631957

because it's the most /fa/ activity that has been discovered yet?

>> No.10631959


>> No.10632589

ok senpai

>> No.10632607

I used to be kind of addicted to cigarettes, I would get cravings and stuff and headaches if it had been a few days. One day I decided it would be cool to see how many cigs I could some in a row lighting a new one with the one I was currently smoking. I did this for 4 of them and felt pretty sick and now I can't stand smoking. I miss it /fa/ but I literally cannot even finish a single cigarette now

>> No.10632617

>trying to be cool
You're a loser.

>> No.10632671

Been thinking about picking up an e-cig, one of the ones without nicotine, can e-cigs be effay? I'm just looking at one of the ones that look like a regular cig, but the tip glows blue.

I can afford to smoke, especially if I'm only smoking a cig a day or whatever, or likely less. Are cigarette selections different in Canada than the states? What are good brands to try in Canada?

>> No.10632675

e-cigs are for faggots

>> No.10632677

Also I have bad anxiety which is my main reason to try smoking, but I don't want to get cravings too bad, I don't want to smoke dependently.

>> No.10633441

>"I have a really strong willpower"
>does oxy and heroin every day
ok buddy

>> No.10633468
File: 198 KB, 360x489, 3766198247_7d38a07fec[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

smoke these

>> No.10633473

senpai desu baka

>> No.10633519

you could just not be a faggot and not smoke because you think it will make you look cool.

'cool' comes from well-delivered genuineness. this is not genuine. this is faggotry. i hate you.

>> No.10633859

you're just a fucking kek desu senpai

>> No.10633873

If you actually enjoy tobacco, then cigarettes are like beer, while pipes and cigars are wine.

>> No.10634088

only smoke socially or just make a limit for yrself
smoke lucky strikes or parliaments, even americ spirits; if you really dont have money then smoke Mavericks

>> No.10634366

Rolling cigarettes? Champion Ruby 25gram Pouch.
TallyHo papers.
Venti Micro-slim filters.
$30 max. They tend to last me at least 10-14 days depending on how much I smoke.

Packaged? Fuck me, uhhh, JPS are cheap but smell like shit. EXCEPT for JPS duos, which are harder to find but have a filter you can squeeze to change it to mint/menthol.
They just discontinued B&H Demi (thinner and cheaper than normal cigarettes)
If you're buying pre-made smokes, get thin ones. I vote JPS Duo or Winfield Jets.

>> No.10634458

I only smoke when I'm going out for a big night 2bh. Love a smoke when I'm high or really drunk, plus smoking area is good for chatting.

Find them repulsive when sober, so it's working out pretty well.

>> No.10634644

test post senpai

>> No.10636333


>> No.10636356

desu senpai ur just a kek

>> No.10636363


>> No.10636367

chill senpai

>> No.10636373
File: 95 KB, 350x350, furongwang.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you want to smoke fasionable cigs, then smoke only the finest Furongwang's.

>> No.10636384


>> No.10636394

we are a senpai family to be honest

>> No.10636416

baka desu senpai

>> No.10636555

anybody heard of these before?

>> No.10636758


>> No.10637156

I'd wear heroin socks

>> No.10637252

desu baka senpai

>> No.10637265

plz senpai

>> No.10638234
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>If you actually enjoy tobacco, then cigarettes are like beer, while pipes and cigars are wine.

>> No.10638265
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pic related

>> No.10638744


>> No.10638765
File: 853 KB, 1276x738, Screen Shot 2015-11-23 at 22.17.39.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>google Champion Ruby 25gram Pouch

>> No.10638776

>not get addicted
Pick one

>> No.10638787

>I just want to smoke for the social aspect
being a tryhard isn't /fa/, /fa/m

>> No.10640171

Where do you order all your stuff? (tobacco, papers, filters etc.)

>> No.10640609

smoking is fucking stupid, literally the only reason to pick up smoking is because you're a mindless dipshit

>> No.10640617
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>smoke a few every day for a year
>party last week, smoke a little too much
>don't feel like smoking next morning
>forgot about it
>mfw I am 5 days clean with no drawback effects just because I fucking forgot

>> No.10640717


>> No.10640719


just why