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10619793 No.10619793 [Reply] [Original]

How do I go about obtaining such defined cheekbones??

>> No.10619795
File: 622 KB, 3000x2000, 2014-09-balmain-olivier.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Like Oliver as well

>> No.10619852

he sucks his cheeks in the hardest he can 24/7 because he wishes he was a model

>> No.10619890

>tfw defined cheekbones but ugly anyway

>> No.10619979

Lmao suckin that invisible straw

>> No.10620091

Go to Settings>Life>Under improvement section at the bottom press " Restart" and hope for better rng next time

>> No.10620177

Or there is that deus ex machina cheat you can type with money 'appointment with competent plastic surgeons'

>> No.10620194

literally worst feel. defined af cheekbones that just make me look like a crack addict

>> No.10620197

fetal alcohol syndrome

>> No.10620217

genetics + low body fat.

>> No.10620240

Cheater scum detected, you're the reason this game sucks.

>> No.10620248

rip them from the skulls of your enemies

>> No.10620263

What did you just fucking said to me, you littlr bitch?

>> No.10620273

sucking weiners. haha I am so funny

But for real, jump roping or box jumps help lean your face.

>> No.10620446

Pretty sure he got surgery to make his face look like that.

>> No.10620515

I swear on me mum you're not gonna see the light of day to be honest familiá

>> No.10620603

please explain how these specific exercises spot reduce fat from your face
genuinely curious

>> No.10620681

he trolled you

>> No.10620685


>> No.10620741

those are not his cheekbones lmao

also to answer your question OP, it's all genetics.

>> No.10620742

Plus low body fat %

>> No.10620746

well yeah that goes without saying. tho there are skinny people with fat baby faces too.

>> No.10620777

>tfw defined cheekbones long face and pretty blue eyes

trap when desu lads?

>> No.10620803

Go model senpai

>> No.10620806


>> No.10620810

Meant you

>> No.10620816

n-no, im also 6'1 and slim af but lack the confidence required to be honest with you kinfolk.

>> No.10620855

Go ahead anon I believe in you. What if doing modeling would boost your self confidence?

>> No.10620905

Wouldn't even know where to begin m8

>> No.10620950
File: 27 KB, 320x418, 3Spg8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

be Korean

>> No.10620970

where are you from?

>> No.10620982

mate you havent even seen his picture stop stroking his ego/penis shit is cringe

>> No.10621075

Its okay to be jealous senpai

>> No.10621083

commit suicide, hope to be reborn with defined cheekbones, repeat.
or plastic surgery

>> No.10621095

Lmfao he's the fedora of the industry. Thinks he's a celebrity giving all the kardashians rimjobs, and throwing out the same shitty designs the past few seasons, then regurgitating it all in h&m line like why?!

And good cheekbones =
genetics + body fat

>> No.10621101


Are people retarded on this board?

>> No.10621151

this looks retarded

>> No.10621373
File: 35 KB, 386x510, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay I look twice as good when I suck my cheeks in, so I if lost more bodyfat (I'm about 5ft 9, 69kg, quite DYEL and maybe 15% bf) would I look like what I look when I suck my cheeks in?
Pic related, cheeks sucked in

>> No.10621377
File: 36 KB, 389x539, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10621389

fuck off you indian cunt you're so narcissistic and pessimistic really cringe material

>> No.10621442
File: 34 KB, 737x390, 4L_Vt4ANeNz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw weak jaw
>mfw high cheekbones still make me look good

Native American genes are not that bad after all

>> No.10621635

look like a femme

>> No.10621651

You're always eager to post your ugly mug. Why? Not only that but you do that dumb smirk with your mouth.
Stop posting.

>> No.10621652

Did you break your chin?

>> No.10621737

the fuck is that? fucking disgusting

you cant fake high cheekbones. if you dont have them, you dont have them. they're a very attractive feature but you can look handsome without them imo. though the most attractive people will generally always have them

>> No.10621826

wore a brace for about four years in school. naturally skinny and your born with them i spose

>> No.10622534

Yeah some people have told me that I have an androgynous "half face" if that makes sense, the other half of my face is a lot more manly.

>> No.10622539

No. It is just the gay angle in which I took the picture that makes my chin look kinda to the side.

>> No.10622630
File: 165 KB, 2048x1327, 819164_10151231303900938_1651520987_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

genetics :^)

>> No.10622638

you need to suck at least 20 dicks at least

>> No.10622697

If your teeth are fucked up go see an orthodontist and it'll change the symmetry of your face for the better.

>> No.10622710

>tfw decent cheekbones but crippling rosacea
>tfw cheeks go beet red and swell considerably, and this is about 40% of my life

>> No.10622717
File: 102 KB, 768x473, tom-brady-gq-1215-02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The most you fags will ever aspire to is being effay, and that's pathetic

>> No.10622735
File: 898 KB, 1238x1128, 20151103_225636-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Be me I think

>> No.10622739


>> No.10622752
File: 562 KB, 731x742, Screen Shot 2015-11-18 at 8.13.59 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's all genetics. I used to be skin and bones before I started lifting and they were even more defined.

>> No.10622758

You look like you would suck out souls if you looked someone in the eyes. In a spoopy way

>> No.10622764

unblock eyes, could make or break face

>> No.10622773 [DELETED] 
File: 39 KB, 750x750, 10600593_10153182989806381_6163025088820460439_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The only thing I break is hearts

>> No.10622780
File: 553 KB, 663x735, Screen Shot 2015-11-18 at 8.27.01 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The only thing I break is hearts

>> No.10622793

check bones are objectively bad either way, the human face is just plain ugly anyway you swig it

>> No.10622815

Dam Son

>> No.10622850
File: 109 KB, 720x720, IMG_20151108_132318.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10622899

You look like an odd, jar-shaped clone of Rhett from Rhett and Link

And I'm pretty sure you have a droopy lower eyelid somehow (unless you're doing that on purpose)

>> No.10622902

how do i into perfect face skin

>> No.10622906

Your forehead is pretty big but regardless you're still quite qt. Your hair looks soft as fuck too

>> No.10622928

lose weight you fat piece of shitu

>> No.10622931

attractive af

>> No.10622948

math intensive degree x house dj. I forget what feeling rested feels like

>> No.10622949


>> No.10623014

If your hairs long enough, put it in a top knot before you sleep. Trust me, it works wonders

>> No.10623177

make eye contact or at least look at your reflection next time

>> No.10623198

Yep, I'm 94 lbs, can't afford to go any lower and I still have baby face :(

>> No.10623943

running does the trick for me.
i don't know how, it just does