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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 501 KB, 540x960, demhips.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10609362 No.10609362 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.10609420

#blackfashion #swag

>> No.10609422

baka senpai

>> No.10609447
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>> No.10609455
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>> No.10609510

that looks like Portland desu desew senpee

>> No.10609543

anything with this pose desu

>> No.10609558

I'm usually not one to fat shame, but damn. What he's going for just doesn't work at all.

>> No.10609576

EVERYTHING looks better on a thin person. This is proof of that the greatest thing you can do for your personal style is get into shape.

>> No.10609583

I love it when fatties try to be effay. They know deep inside being fat is a total effay killer but their love for food is stronger.

>> No.10609584

I dont like these threads, but this guy really isn't doing himself any favors. The worst part is you can tell all the stuff he's buying is legit and his parents are probably paying for it.

>> No.10609587

this is actually pretty cool

>> No.10609599

Kyle pls

>> No.10609613

ah yes if someone disagrees with your criticism it is obviously the person you're criticizing. well m'med

>> No.10609626

it is portland. lol

>> No.10609690

Fuck this makes me want to skip a meal and just have some coffee

>> No.10609765

chill out Kyle, it was a joke

>> No.10609777 [DELETED] 
File: 318 KB, 3360x3684, Are+you+retarded+_a1eab77e3a5c960a01684eedaf4b7081.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10609880
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>> No.10609996


>> No.10609999

he'd be a good looking lad if he got into shape

>> No.10610002
File: 400 KB, 1160x1540, bb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10610004


>> No.10610230

man I do envy him for his self esteem

bumblebee core

>> No.10610346

there's a fine line between having high self esteem and being delusional

>> No.10610393
File: 144 KB, 540x810, LjiZ0GY.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

literally vomited @ this, squad

>> No.10610437

actual cringe

actual insecurity

>> No.10610508

insecurity about what, a trash /r/streetwear uninspired, unoriginal, h&m basics fit?

>> No.10610512


uh oh triggered the meme fan

>> No.10610514

Thats Jerry Lorenzo wearing his own brand lmao.

>> No.10610523

it still looks like unoriginal early 2014 nonsense that has moved into the far right end of "early majority" on the scale that literally every suburban cuccboi wears now, unless you're in a culturally irrelevant completely uneffay dirt poor flyover state

>> No.10610534

I forreal might drown in the insecurity lol

>> No.10610542

Great cringe post

>> No.10610545

The dude doesn't look good, but the picture is pretty good

>> No.10610562

that pseudo psychology..

>> No.10610584

you're so insecure that you're drowning?

>> No.10610647

>tfw no high test gf

>> No.10610773

Cardigan has no place there and shoes don't fit. Rest is h&m core

>> No.10610827
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*honk honk*

>> No.10610839
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>> No.10610852

oi oi my boi how u doin

>> No.10610861


>> No.10610869
File: 110 KB, 640x640, kim jong un wears saint laurent.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this entire ig page is full of cringe

>> No.10610873
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>> No.10610880

the slim one looks okay

>> No.10610883
File: 70 KB, 640x640, 11015687_644002819060797_739498131_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10610890

scarra deserves a hotter gf imho

>> No.10610891
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>> No.10610895


>> No.10610903
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>> No.10610921

Peace, thx for knowledge

>> No.10610970

lol fat legs.

>> No.10610974


>> No.10610987

Jesus Christ those fucking legs

>> No.10610992

nah senpai, jelly rolls are trending heavy

>> No.10610994

There's literally nothing wrong with this guy's fit

>> No.10611005

Especially from this guy's size he dresses pretty good. Seriously guys, not a fat positive sjw tumblrina, but you don't always have to be a skinny lanklet to pull off fashionable fits.

>> No.10611017

hamlords should never wear saint laurent

>> No.10611019

Don't worry, this board mostly consists of 16-17year old, skinny kids.

>> No.10611026
File: 165 KB, 700x1050, 1446681003753.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These threads just make me realise more and more how little the way you dress matters when compared to the way you look ( skin / hair / face / body )

>> No.10611036

You don't. But fat people look like shit and their bodies look like shit, which makes their fits look like shit most of the time.

>> No.10611038

What is SLP really? Just a high end ripoff of Punk influenced styles? Seriously, you guys can really fuck off. People were dressing like this long before Hedi made it cool for uncultured impressionable people to dress like Kurt Cobain or Sid Vicious. Literally nothing he's doing with these lines is inventive or inspiring, and it's definitely not limited to skinny pale lankets that look like they haven't had a decent meal in weeks.

>> No.10611049


try to last longer than 3 minutes

>> No.10611059

unless you're grotesque it's literally:
Don't be fat.

>> No.10611062

Being fat is not a healthy living choice obviously. But people like this guy in the mentioned picture seems content and happy with his current physical appearance. I'm not saying we should promote unhealthily lifestyles, but at the same time you don't have to condemn people for living a certain lifestyle.

>> No.10611064

look at this fat kek

>> No.10611075

no one should ever wear saint laurent

>> No.10611077

He's all over the place, he needs some adderall Jesus Christ

>> No.10611098

they're both looking alright. You can be fat and still be fashionable.

>> No.10611101

>wii u clearly visible in the closet
jesus christ

>> No.10611114
File: 69 KB, 610x406, 1301090292_hg_temp2_s_full_l1-610x406.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

True, but you can look great solely based on your looks. You can't do that the other way around with the way you dress. Sure you can look okay if you're regular looking and if you dress well, but you're always limited by your aesthetics. Put two guys next to eachother, the more physically attractive one will always look better than one who's not, regardless of what he wears.

>> No.10611121

I just fucked yo bitch in some gucci flip flops

>> No.10611191

I know he really looks like shit

>> No.10611272

I really wasn't expecting him to pull the fedora out. That was the kicker.

>> No.10611317

>this is a cash print
>you can only get these pants in america

fuck everything

>> No.10611535

Dubs and trips speak the truth

>> No.10612095


>> No.10612151


These channels are always fucking horrible.

>> No.10612163


>> No.10612181

i think it looks fine
how exactly are the coat and shoes out of place?

>> No.10612205

typical Canadian fuccboi. these guys and the beardies are why people don't take toronto seriously

>> No.10612251

I watched this cuz the clothes are cool. But jesus fuck that guy doesn't shut up

>> No.10612291

can't even hate... he's happy atleast. can't say the same for myself

>> No.10612298

he's just beeing himself

>> No.10612323

do you think this isn't common knowledge or something

>> No.10612336

really not a bad fit at all, id only change the shoes

>> No.10612366

his body and proportions are trash and fucks up all his fits

>> No.10612372

the pants overhang looks retarded af

>> No.10612375


isnt that what most of you dress like anyway?

>> No.10612377

>picture is pretty good

you mean the basic-tier tumblr photography?

>> No.10612382

Peace, thx for knowledge

>> No.10612383


>> No.10612400
File: 29 KB, 101x122, EffayIRL.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10612404

just gonna reply to this b8

>> No.10612410


>> No.10612411

Peace, thx for knowledge

>> No.10612417

lol you really don't know anything do you

>> No.10612521

Peace, thx for knowledge

>> No.10612627

im actually subbed to him, he's very informative and puts me on to new shit.

>> No.10612731

found the fuccboi

>> No.10612749


>> No.10612753

I'm assuming you know more huh?

>> No.10612757

>you don't always have to be a skinny lanklet to pull off fashionable fits
then show us a counter-example

>> No.10612762

here comes elf Ryan Gosling almost guaranteed

>> No.10612793

>10 pairs of supras
>taking fedora inspiration from al capone

>> No.10612852
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>> No.10612945

supposedly. watch his shit and tell me that you didn't find at least one thing you like

>> No.10613133

this guy is probably really nice irl, and has a social life and friends. I really can't imagine you as anything but a sad, insecure shut in, desu senpai

>> No.10613136

what the fucking shit

is this


>> No.10613142
File: 7 KB, 218x197, 1430739183892.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10613154

why are there shelves on a body part?

>> No.10613213


>> No.10613627
File: 210 KB, 1080x1776, ki7O6Bv.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fresh from /r/streetwear

>> No.10613630
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>> No.10613643

he was the one that started that aesthetic bruh.. you got me cringing pretty hard

>> No.10613649

Peace, thx for knowledge

>> No.10613751


I wouldnt have it any other way

>> No.10613800
File: 66 KB, 539x960, 12208471_434425426752646_7941213987899898485_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10613806

not bad desu

>> No.10613829
File: 1.45 MB, 2034x1560, Screen Shot 2015-11-16 at 10.00.31 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10614104

i think thats okay actually, maybe not cuff like that however

>> No.10614139

This is not too bad of a fit.
The colours match except shoes.
The shoes are in focus even though they are the the least attention grabbing due to colour scheme.
The coat seems to fit nice over the cardigan.
The shoes are too bright. Maybe it would have looked better without the bright laces. It needs to be toned down.
Usually when making shoes attention grabbing, go for clean shoes with a dark clothing. But due to the colour scheme of the upper body, the white and the gray is too close to match.
The shirt isn't grabbing too much attention as well. I think it would be better to go with darker colours further down in the layers, kinda focusing on the coat->cardigan->shirt->inner lining of coat.
This would make a nice spectrum/contrast towards the other colour range of the pants.
To top it off, there could be a third colour on the shoes to match the combination of the green/the spectrum of gray.
Top: monochromatic gray scale.
Pants: Dark green
Shoes: Dark blue/violet or dark brown.

>> No.10614188

kim jong?

>> No.10614775
File: 1.45 MB, 1440x2392, QuickMemo+_2015-11-16-20-34-32.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This guy is a fashion designer.

>> No.10614781

nice android fagget hahahaha broke ass

>> No.10614810

he seems enthusiastic and happy

ok scratch that he is a fucking moron
>these pants were designed for girls


>> No.10614814

He's cute, why are you guys so mean?

>> No.10614870

Damn, thats the point we reached? Some nigger things that an iPhone is a status symbol? Truly pathetic.

>> No.10614889

>status symbol
lol the opposite actually

>> No.10614893

Then whats the point in owning an iPhone if its worse from a technical standpoint than the available alternatives?

>> No.10614932
File: 88 KB, 1202x679, tker.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

biggest cringe of them all

>> No.10614944


>> No.10614951

dope af t bh, f am

>> No.10614958

Who the fuck doesn't use adblock in 2015

>> No.10614965


>> No.10614983

wow, this is 2013 karmaloop tier

>> No.10615319

awful... just awful

>> No.10615342

support chan you cretin

>> No.10615500


>> No.10615750

Plus size market is niche. This ugly pear faggot seemed snake his way in. -10 points for lacking originality. Should kill himself

>> No.10615775

Same fag. Fuck outta here with ego feeding shit. Fishing for compliments you silly obese faggot.

>> No.10615947

I just noticed that people don't use the word Swag as much any more.

Today's a good day.

>> No.10615968

What are these pants that everyone is wearing all of a sudden?

because I want to cop them desu senpai

>> No.10615988
File: 27 KB, 396x385, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no one posts your fit

weeeww lads

>> No.10615996

oh wow, what a beautiful realization.

thanks man. today really is a good day.

>> No.10616004

because they are so unremarkable that people either pass right over them or forget about them entirely seconds later.

>> No.10616014

/fa/, what is the new #swag?

>> No.10616163

swag is for BOYS

#CLASS is for MEN

>> No.10616264


>> No.10616273

You are probably the first person to post those words since 2013, m8

>> No.10616413

they look like gta5 multiplayer characters (in a bad way)

>> No.10616475
File: 82 KB, 960x960, 12208616_10156214452145582_2071468549560697860_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fresh from high fashion marketplace

>> No.10616503

e-eggman's dad?

>> No.10617006



>> No.10617053
File: 1.36 MB, 3264x2448, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cringe so hard everytime this fget turns up on my feed

>> No.10617058

He looks pretty hot, I'd suck his cock.

>> No.10617063

he looks like he'd sound like mandark

>> No.10617065
File: 172 KB, 1024x1024, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Faggots posing like faggots

>> No.10617069

I would love to shoot him

>> No.10617072

this is actually pretty nice desu senpai

>> No.10617079

huckleberry is pure cancer

>> No.10617091

Fucking boongas
s m h

>> No.10617147

>black pants and brown shoes
how can a sane person decide to wear this

>> No.10617198

peace, thx for knowledge

>> No.10617211


if the belt is brown too then it's actually okay

>> No.10617238


>> No.10617256

He looks like a guy who thinks he's cool

>> No.10617278

>Gucci sandals Gucci sandals Gucci sandals. I got these shoes at

>> No.10617282

Biker Jeans, but make sure you have skinny somewhat long looking legs or you'll end up looking like Stumpy McFuckface over here >>10613630

>> No.10617285

white people age like shit

>> No.10617287
File: 3 KB, 125x98, 1445968142332s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he's 5'1

>> No.10617429

Never thought I would be on /fa/ lmao. I know the off white doesn't fit me I thought the picture was cool even tho I look like a muffin. I can take the roasting it gave me some followers so it's cool. I am trying to lose weight to be more effay

>> No.10617433

I got a job my parents dont buy my stuff

>> No.10617449

He got the face to wear this ironically.
Pulling it off desu

>> No.10617455
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>very classy
>real luxury
>much aristocrat

>> No.10617459
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>> No.10617463
File: 48 KB, 603x921, damnson.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>logomania is so 2k13

Fun fact: last 3 pics feature items from the same "brand". I found it on facebook, it's hilarious seeing people interested in this shit.

>> No.10617473

>has a moderately successful youtube channel
>is actually employed in a fashion context
>/fa/ ragging on him

jelly is showing

>> No.10617489

>fat shame

>> No.10617498

He works at Machus here in Portland. Really cool guy actually

>> No.10617504


>Some people say it looks stupid, but I don't care

effay as fuck

>> No.10617505

lmao fat fucker

>> No.10617574


good for you

>> No.10617680

the only bad thing is his shirt

>> No.10617745

This needs more of a buzz, honestly a real stinger.

>> No.10617860

I'd offer Huck a blunt and we'd smoke and talk about how we miss the 80s though neither of us were old enough to remember much.

>> No.10618416

that fit is so sick tbfh

>> No.10618455

i dont like this guy's fashion choices but he's kind of awesome tee bee aych he's really enthusiastic like damn i'm not that enthusiastic about fashion

>> No.10619075

peace, thx for knowledge

>> No.10619494

Alright, which one of you faggots made this?

>> No.10619608

hi mfa

>> No.10619636

I'm sure there's a way to make a non-autistic lookbook video but that was vomit inducing.

>> No.10619653

so fucking cringe.
literally cuccore.
their poses all denote insecurity and weakness.
the faggoty weak stance, arm holding the other, rubbing the back of his neck.
just.. hypercringe.
would love to punt their testicles

>> No.10619656

Machus is the shit. owners are 6/5 nice + follow me on instagram.

>> No.10619681

tubby asian

>> No.10619699

facebook . com bottonilucente
l m a o

>> No.10619708

come on sweden

>> No.10619984

looks good actually

>> No.10620009

peace, thx for knowledge

>> No.10620022

Literally looks like a clown not done getting dressed.

>> No.10620062

I don't get it. Not that guy but like, I bought a Samsung of the most recent generation at the time, and an iPhone of its most recent generation cost the same. I bought the Samsung for the superior battery life and customization options.

>> No.10620160

>time to deploy the OiOi

>> No.10620953


>> No.10621473



>> No.10621867

but being fat is one of, if not the least fashionable things you could do for yourself irl

>> No.10621876
File: 930 KB, 1000x1510, Steve-OnojaDumbo_72.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>yfw he can actually wear the fedora

>> No.10621880

Peace, thx for knowledge

>> No.10621898

It works with the suit, if he was wearing street clothes with it he'd look dumb.

>> No.10621901



>> No.10622223

I fucking hate this guy. His fits suck and he wears those stupid dad glasses. It's like he can't dress without thinking it's Halloween every fucking day.
Agreed. And he's a dick.

>> No.10623785


>> No.10623856
File: 111 KB, 720x720, 11898789_864688823585630_3642189817353442251_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This thread is for CRINGE faggot.

>> No.10623886

that's creepy as shit
is he wearing a cheap david cameron mask or is that uncanny mug all natural?

>> No.10624009


>River Island, H&M


>> No.10624148

jesus fucking christ

>> No.10624947


skip to about 4:30

>> No.10625133

Justin actually seems like a cool guy

>> No.10625196
File: 10 KB, 300x225, hiei huh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

incompetent but endearingly genuine, i kinda liked it

>> No.10625212


i feel like black people can pull off the fedora thing

they in general can do the whole suspenders 50's look while white people come off looking like some neckbeard off of fedoralounge

>> No.10625245


I bet 55 cents these are all from romania.

>> No.10625257
File: 195 KB, 960x1390, 1446609503724.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10625396

omg anon i watched the whole thing thank you

literally had my in tears at some points

>> No.10625427

Stay far away

>> No.10626798

pick one

>> No.10626824

don't like his cringy fashion choices but at least it makes him happy

>> No.10626826

fuck off. nxt lvl proportions. Looks dope af

>> No.10626830

represent clothing, weak ass shit

>> No.10626946

kek he looks like harry potter;s cousin

>> No.10626996

Italian core

Not gonna lie that I'm jelly

>> No.10627028

what the fuc

>> No.10627128
File: 90 KB, 263x479, Waluigi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10627979

At first glance I though this was 2 people; a BIG GUY(TM) holding his petite girl

>> No.10628422


>> No.10628924

He's small town, fuck off with the Toronto talk.

>> No.10628932
File: 1.36 MB, 1080x1920, 1423723990390.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10628937

>all that yeezy

no way he purchased

>> No.10628939
File: 65 KB, 214x195, 1446248170765.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck sake, I've got mandarks laugh stuck in my head now

>> No.10628942

>squeak squeak squeak

>> No.10628945
File: 15 KB, 76x120, thewholetime.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>his face the whole time

>> No.10629003

Fashion inspo from Al Capone, interesting

>> No.10629088

where should your slacks like this sit on your waist

Just under belly button?

>> No.10629156

shut the fuck up kyle

>> No.10630587



>> No.10632100

oh boy

>> No.10632310


>> No.10632343

what are those shoes hes wearing?

>> No.10632519

I dunno who seems more insecure the guys in the lookbook or the autist posting about how their "stances" denote "weakness". Maybe if someone loved you, you wouldn't get triggered at anything that isn't masculine. gb2 trp

>> No.10632526

has to be self aware

>> No.10632718


Looks like he came from a Bruce Springsteen lookalike contest.

>> No.10632809

That first fit already is beyond fucking shit. Jesus Christ.

>> No.10632838
File: 15 KB, 350x350, 1343160862933.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

iphones are totally toys for children

>> No.10632842

huck is the biggest faggot on this board

>> No.10632849

no anon
you look autistic

>> No.10632851

the idea of him wasting so much money on shit that won't fit if he loses weight makes me so fucking happy.

>> No.10632899


>> No.10632956

dope desu

>> No.10632959

Why are they so fucking smug?

>> No.10632963

If I was a coon I would end myself

>> No.10633059

went to a high school as MHS
wonder if its the same one lmao

>> No.10633271

shitty style but he's happy so whatever, he doesn't care about what people think either which should be the point of fashion and self expression i guess

>> No.10633286

this is a dope fit though and I always hate his fits

>> No.10633290

I respectfully disagree.

>> No.10633330


>> No.10633351


>> No.10633357
File: 29 KB, 480x360, hqdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Im 115 pounds and 5'8 am i too skinny. is this ok I fit in things great though

>> No.10633415

youre fine, david bowie was 5'10 96 pounds

>> No.10633451

that sounds anorexic

>> No.10633460

thats what cocaine and having sex with freddie mercury do to you

>> No.10633812
File: 222 KB, 750x1334, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck eddie huang and his fake ass
sad usage of a beautiful jw anderson coat

>> No.10633821


>> No.10633822
File: 204 KB, 499x612, kk.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10633843

Peace, thx for knowledge

>> No.10633858
File: 396 KB, 472x575, be009160ab84c0640bb8a5e372233e83.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hahahah fuck

>> No.10633865


>> No.10633922
File: 586 KB, 640x1136, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10633926
File: 909 KB, 640x1136, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10633940

Virgil Abloh would pound that ass ;^)

>> No.10634156

>following meme trends
>not cringe

pick literally only one