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10607749 No.10607749 [Reply] [Original]

Starting Uni soon, what are the most /fa/ majors/careers?

>> No.10607753

gender studies
african percussions

>> No.10607755

we already pick out your clothes for you, now you want us to choose your major for you?

>> No.10607760

i just need a direction, really lost and confused a the moment

>> No.10607783

just stop being a fucking faggot and study something you actually enjoy and give a shit about, and figure out how to make money off of it


you can go for job security and be a boring ass stem major and hate your life, slowly becoming obese in that cubicle you were assigned to

>> No.10607910

> boring ass stem major

Struggling to find work is not 'exciting'.

Honestly OP I would recommend looking into STEM fields that interest you. There are a lot of different options and you can have pretty secure work for a long time.

>> No.10607914
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>trying to base life decisions over the opinions of poorly dressed strangers on the Internet
El oh el.

>> No.10607919

unemployed STEM major here, it's not as easy as it seems

>> No.10607941

The unemployment rate for Liberal Arts majors is not noticeably higher than STEM majors. All of that nonsense is essentially.

And even if it was, why the fuck is life worth living if you're gonna be tied to something to you don't even like solely for the "job security".

>> No.10607948

*essentially a meme

>> No.10608023

Are you going to USF?

>> No.10608030

What major?

>> No.10608038

USF is so un effay its ridiculous. Wannabe fashionistas and "who do you know here" jocks.

Enjoy :^)

>> No.10608042

Philosophy desu

>> No.10608043


poor and /fa/:
fine arts
liberal arts

miserable and /fa/:
soft sciences

miserable and restrictively /fa/:

miserable and un/fa/:
hard sciences

if you were capable of thinking for yourself

rich and /fa/:
what you like and do well

poor and un/fa/:
what you don't like and do poorly in

>> No.10608058

Do what you enjoy. Enthusiasm, determination and direction in life are extremely attractive qualities.

Going into a major you hate just to impress others is fucking ridiculous. Knowing yourself and doing what you love is rare for people. Most people hate their jobs. And that's so sad to me.

>> No.10608080

User Experience Design my nigga

>> No.10608091

Can somebody tell me what an engineer exactly does? Doesn't matter what kind of. Do they sit in an office drawing some designs or supervise workers in a factory?

>> No.10608097

economics???? prolly restrictively /fa/ but twill jackets are neat.

>> No.10608116

IT! Decent pay, easy to learn unless youre an idiot, lots of job security because most people know nothing about computers or i.t., and everyone else in i.t. looks like shit, so youll always be the best dressed. Or gender studies

>> No.10608128

Problem is I dont enjoy any courses. I just dont want to be neet all my life so im picking electrical engineering because Im good at math and physics and it pays really well

>> No.10608132

economics is a liberal art

>> No.10608135


>Doesn't matter what kind of.

It actually matters a lot what kind of. There are engineers that do both, but I'd say the first kind is more common. Even in one branch of engineering you can do both those things, except you would be optimizing manufacturing processes instead of 'supervising workers.'

>> No.10608160

you're dumb as hell

>> No.10608161

What about electrical engineering

>> No.10609542

an /fa/ major involves creativity, dynamic ever-changing work environments, aesthetics/taste/style judgements, pay well and are aspirational.

Overall winner: Architecture

Commended areas:
Graphic Design and any design
music/art/fashion design

>> No.10609553

Deciding your major/career by how fashionable it is... god damn you're stupid.

>> No.10609557

Ahahaha too busy being effay to develop connections?

>> No.10609561


>> No.10609579

Architect student here.

We're /fa/af.

>> No.10609586

Bio major here, what is more effay than studying life while working in a research lab with a guarantee to work for the CDC?

>> No.10609651

>guaranteed work
i thought biology was the gender studies of the sciences, please tell me why I'm wrong

>> No.10609671

Maybe at your alma mater. I'm at HYPS helping in research that can potentially save your life later on.

>> No.10609679

I thought architecture was one of the highest paying careers?

>> No.10609689


>Modern usage
>social science (economics, ...)

wew lad, turns out you're the moron

>> No.10609902

Absolutely this

>> No.10610069

I got an English literature major and now I work a cool job as a food journalist.

architect majors have the highest unemployment rate out of ALL recent majors for recent college grads. it's not necessarily that high paying either unless you're jeanne gang or frank gehry or someone well-known like that

>> No.10610078

Sure, which is why it probably has the highest amount of graduates for the lowest amount of jobs

>> No.10610098

How did you get into journalism? It's an effay field desu.

>> No.10610115

Well after I graduated I took some odd jobs like being a line cook and also doing some copyediting for this shit catalog, then I applied to be a proofreader for a food magazine and after a while they started letting me write copy for it and then I got promoted and now I get to write pieces for it

>> No.10610125

May I ask what your major is?
In pharmacy at least, the last year of rotations makes it basically guaranteed you get a job through networking unless you're a total dipshit.

>> No.10610133
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Any of the following careers:
executive management
IT management
management consulting
professional engineering
real estate development
research and technology development

>> No.10610343

>please tell me why I'm wrong
because youre a clueless shut-in who gets his views on the world from memes on 4chan

>> No.10610491
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>management consulting

Mah niggah!

>> No.10610501
File: 17 KB, 284x339, No Hope.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It's an effay field desu.

Only in movies, bruh. Only in movies...

>tfw wanted to live the The Killing Fields -lifestyle when younger but then I noticed that journalists are whores of satan

>> No.10610502


Me too, Microbiology. Doing Web dev instead...

>> No.10611027

most /fa/ majors : history , philosophy, pure math, pure physics, classics

i hate being an engineer