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10605460 No.10605460 [Reply] [Original]

what went wrong!?!? Where are my French bros @@@?!?!

Stay safe

>> No.10605465

Best thoughts to the French.
Where are these hoodies from?

>> No.10605472

wtf is happening? i just got on the web for the first time today. 40 dead?
was it a terrorist attack. paris has a fuck ton of muslims...

>> No.10605486

40 dead pham
100+ hostages

>> No.10605489

nobody claimed them yet, and the 40 death thing is busted. 15 confirmed from the street shooting so far, they apparently open-shoot in a concert hall.
it's p scary desu, I was out is the same part of the city a few hours ago...

>> No.10605491

JUST IN, up to 60 dead

>> No.10605493

Oh shit oh shit. Come here French bros. Help us Rick senpai.

>> No.10605497

>gaddafi offers to keep all the mudslimes out of france
>france kills gaddafi instead
>france imports 2 billion mudslimes
>mudslimes kill whitey


>> No.10605498

kill all muslims

>> No.10605500

Deport all shitskins

>> No.10605502

46 dead according to TF1

>> No.10605503

Est-ce qu'on s'il est une attaque par les terroristes musulmans?

>> No.10605507

Ouais, deux kamikazes et des mecs avec des kalash.

>> No.10605509

Fucking sand niggers bringing their crap to Europe.. we need a new Hitler.

>> No.10605512

this fills me with hatred towards muslims
what other culture is as destructive and fucking despicable? how can you fucking defend this shit

>> No.10605515

The fits at that Eagles of Death Metal show will be reposted on /fa/ until the internet ends
Hoping for the best

>> No.10605521


>> No.10605522

Because it's like saying germans are all Hitlers. It's just a bunch of extremists, not muslims.
But I know what you mean.

>> No.10605526

la vie ya rien

>> No.10605528


>> No.10605529


>> No.10605532

Fuck off

>> No.10605533

Eh come on m8. Hating is easy but two kamikazes and a shooter =/= several millions

>> No.10605538


>> No.10605539

when hitler was about everyone assumed every german person was a nazi, how is this any different

>> No.10605540

just saw the french presidents speech. he is closing all borders. fuck yes it's about time
fuck off refugees you pieces of shit

>> No.10605541

not worth expressing rational thought rn duder

>> No.10605542

this whole thread.

wtf does that have to do with me? i am a muslim and i don’t approve any terrorist acts whatever the religion is. i didn’t do it. it is strictly forbidden to kill a person in my religion.

why do you bash me as a muslim?

when we got the individuality of crime responsibility in today’s modern world, why do you bash me for the acts of others?

you are acting irrational.

is it because you are the ones being racist right now and showing your true face to me?

why don’t we deport all whites or hang some of them because of school shootings? let’s just do that. come on.

we don’t. we won’t and because we shouldn’t. because it is being STUPID!

>> No.10605545

ignorance is bliss

>> No.10605546

Putain, c'est à chier.

>> No.10605547

Well every german person wasn't a nazi?

I know but blind racism isn't going to help. Shit all you want on extremism and isis and all that shit OH AND FUCK EM. Fuck those arab fuckers.

>> No.10605548

this is literally making me cry and very angry. watching live news about it now. normally a pretty "liberal" person but why is islam always behinf these things? killing innocent civilians is fucking disgusting

>> No.10605553
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>shooting a restaurant
>shooting at bar
>hostage situation
>bombings at stadium
>shots heard at Louvre ?!??!?!?

>> No.10605554

It's extremism. Like sects. It's not the real thing

>> No.10605556

every german was viewed as a nazi because of propaganda
same way every muslim is viewed as a terrorist by murricans now

>> No.10605562
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wake up pham

Riotwear / Nationalistcore is official new trend

>> No.10605564

its not extremism when the majority of the population supports it. That makes it the norm.

majority of muslims in muslim countries believe in sharia law

>> No.10605565
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I'm fucking paranoid every time I see a muslim or a burka since Charlie. This isn't going to help.

>> No.10605567



>> No.10605569
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>> No.10605571

Well fuck them then. People here are going to do something soon.

>> No.10605573
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>> No.10605575

M8 lots of people from muslim countries aren't even against shit like ISIS

>> No.10605578

some of my friends were near the attack, they managed to escape safely... erf...

>> No.10605580

Well shit I'm done trying to be nice.

>> No.10605587
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>> No.10605588
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Fuck off faggot. There are up to 40 innocent people dead right now and all you can talk about is how you're the victim here.

Kill yourself.

>> No.10605589
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those whole threads on 4chan right now.

wtf does that terrorist attack have to do with me? why are you all bashing me for being a muslim when my religion strictly forbids the act of killing. I am trying to be nice to everyone as much as i can to who i meet, my family and friends and anyone i encounter. why the fuck are you bashing me?

a fucking mad fuck goes mad and kills dozens of innocent people in my precious Paris and i am being responsible in here. have you ever heard of “individuality of penal responsibility” of modern criminal law?

what should we do with the white kids raging schools and killing innocent people here in the States? shall we deports all whites or hand bunch of them whites?

we don’t. we won’t and we shouldn’t because it is irrational to blame all whites and yes it was a fucking INDIVIDUAL ACT.

i am praying for those who are in paris right now and because my friend from high school has died there. but here i can see that muslims are the real victims of these kind of acts.

i will not give up on hoping for a better world. you cannot make me stop.

>> No.10605592

Shut the fuck up you self centered piece of shit.

>> No.10605594

i tried so hard to see if it was posted or not. after minutes i saw that it wasn’t posted.

in fact it was...

it is re-written and updated below.

>> No.10605597

go back to saudi arabia you fucking muslim piece of shit

the muslim holocaust is coming in the next 10 years, its for your own good

>but here i can see that muslims are the real victims of these kind of acts.

>muslims kill 60 people

a new crusade is coming you fucking mudslime shit, DEUS VULT

>> No.10605604
File: 214 KB, 1080x1620, Rick_Owens.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck arabs. Fuck muslims. Vive la France!

>> No.10605608


no. i am acting rational. you cannot deny anything on my post.

you are still doing it. i am being self centered ha. how can you say that?

we should be praying or hoping well for those in there and all you people do is bashing us muslims.

>> No.10605609

die pls

>> No.10605616

let me ask you as question

have you been a Muslim since birth

>> No.10605619

Va te faire enculer. Pls.

>> No.10605620

>all these racist ITT


>> No.10605621


no. i was born and raised in US. i am a us citizen. i am an american. i pay taxes and have a good job and family in here. why should i leave?
france is france with its muslims. it has a nice harmony and multi culturalisation going on. you cannot say that. i think you are wrong.

>> No.10605622
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I hope rick is ok

>> No.10605625


youre still gonna be bleating about white guilt when your head is on the chopping block, kek

>> No.10605627

I haven't bashed any Muslims.

All you are talking about is the affect this has on you and your religion. You did not mention the real victims at all.

I hate people like you who try to make everything about you.

Kill yourself.

>> No.10605628

is rick owens alright
we need to save rick

>> No.10605629
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>> No.10605631


je ne peu pas faire ce mon ami ( entry lvl french. sori)

>> No.10605633
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>muslims kill 60 people in france

lmao, are all muslims this fucking stupid? oh wait, what am i asking, of course they are.

the day of the rope is coming you arab SHIT

>> No.10605635

The only places where I wouldn't go have a majority of arabs/muslims population. Everybody is getting robbed, raped etc by ARABS and MUSLIMS. They march in the streets with muslim songs on their phones with ISIS flags. Invaders MUST DIE.

>> No.10605637
File: 754 KB, 320x193, gtfo.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You. Shall. Not. PASS !!!
you blacks and muslims will NOT rape and murder our white women anymore.
Get the fuck out


>> No.10605639
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>it has a nice harmony and multi culturalisation going on. you cannot say that. i think you are wrong.



>> No.10605640

Marine Le Pen is gaining thousands of votes right now. With the regional elections in a few days, she's going to win so much.

>> No.10605641


>I haven’t bashed any Muslims

my post was about people “bashing muslims”

if you are not bashing muslims you didn’t have to react to that my dear.

i didn’t mention the real victims? are you reading my post with your arse or you are just a whole arse yourself? read my post carefully. i am not your 1st grade teacher who will teach you how to read.

>> No.10605644

>it has a nice harmony and multi culturalisation

top kek

>> No.10605646


>> No.10605649


well that is what my french book which is released by french ambassador tells me. i cannot know better than french state.

book is saison-methode de français by didier.

>> No.10605651
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Oh imagine that, the horror.
Riku, stay at home~~

>> No.10605652

Yeah this is quite worrisome. Hollande's popularity is going to decrease like crazy

>> No.10605653

Why is it always Islam?
serious question

>> No.10605654

they have the dough

>> No.10605655

Because the west is oppressing them.

>> No.10605656

>Yeah this is quite worrisome.
fucking pussy

>> No.10605658

Can you imagine buddhists saying Buddha akhbar?

>> No.10605659

because muslims live in backwards barbaric dark-ages tier societies. simple

>> No.10605664


your weak threats are not effective senpai. i am engaged to the States. i am one of you. i talk like you do, i wear like you, i eat like you, i walk like you do. i am like you. you cannot find me. you have to get into every house in the us and search for people praying as every muslim does every day five times. if you find them good luck. you can murder them in there.

vote for trump m8! whoohooo!

you racist piece of shits. showing your true faces now. i can see your real problem there. you are just being an irrational, racist, low level, uncultivated human wastes.

i pity you. i hope you will all heal one day.

>> No.10605665


>> No.10605668


>> No.10605674


it is just their time being uneducated just like europe was in the past. they are really bad at education and they are being ruled by western puppets.

also western oppression is one of the main reasons. take afghanistan and iraq.

take abu-grayb incident. the main reason isis is being supported in iraq is now about the war crimes united states did in abe grayb prison.

>> No.10605676

Donc va te pendre connard

>> No.10605679


because when a buddhist does it we don’t advertise it like “ OO LOOK A BUDDST DID IT WE SHOULD DEFAME ALL BUDDHIST DURR!”

>> No.10605680


>> No.10605683


qu’est-ce que tu dit connard? je suis désolé mon ami.

did i make you sad by SHOUTING the truth?

>> No.10605688

>. i am one of you.
you are not one of us. it's very easy to tell a muslim from an american of european descent. we don't want you, you'll always be a second class citizen

>> No.10605703


well i actually have a turkish mother (bulgarian descent) and an irish father. i probably am whiter than any of you people. so you can’t tell. i just have different ideas and us constitution provides protection on my ideas and the way i live.

secondly my mother is a surgeon and father is lawyer just like me. i am an ivy league member. you are the one who is second class here if the classes exist.

well, i don’t believe in classes.

>> No.10605706

Je suis Canadien. J'aime le France.
My country would not be what it is without you guys. I hope you're okay

>> No.10605712

100 victims, 40 dead, 60 hurt. Help us m8. ;_;

>> No.10605717

>its okay to be ignorant and aware of my ignorance because other people were ignorant in the past

hello reddit

>> No.10605719

me brise le coeur

>> No.10605722


>> No.10605730

>Pray For Paris will get more sales due to this shit

Smh, that brand blows

>> No.10605733

I am not your friend you fucking dense mother fucking thundercunt. This is not about you, this is about Paris and its people. Know that.

>> No.10605734

Oui, tres fantastique.

>> No.10605738

Quran (4:95) - "Not equal are those of the believers who sit (at home), except those who are disabled (by injury or are blind or lame, etc.), and those who strive hard and fight in the Cause of Allah with their wealth and their lives. Allah has preferred in grades those who strive hard and fight with their wealth and their lives above those who sit (at home). Unto each, Allah has promised good (Paradise), but Allah has preferred those who strive hard and fight, above those who sit (at home) by a huge reward "

>> No.10605741

im crying a lot due to this, im sorry france
yo are in my thoughts

>> No.10605747


"COMPLETE CARNAGE" reported by police

>> No.10605748


>> No.10605752

don't need more hate right now guys. Need love right now.
I can't contact my family right now. I have no idea if they are safe

>> No.10605753

Live at Sky News pham

>> No.10605754

im watching live footage on cnn and seeing none of this big guy

>> No.10605756

The three terrorists of the Bataclan are dead m8. It's over for now.

>> No.10605757
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>> No.10605758

do they live in paris? im very sorry, i put myself in your shoes and am just crying more now.. i hope for the best for you. consuming my mind

>> No.10605759

>I got a great idea! I'll shit post about people being killed.
Oui. I'm safe living in Canada though

>> No.10605760


>> No.10605764


>I've got a great idea! I'll take guns away from law abiding citizens and let them get murdered

>> No.10605765

it seems to have ended. concert hall has been evacuated

>> No.10605767

it's not the time to make this about fucking gun control, christ man..

>> No.10605769
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It went rampage


People shot on sight at pubs, laying on the ground filled with red

>> No.10605770


>> No.10605771


>> No.10605772

if you are a muslim you can never be an american, you may get a passport from but youll always be an unwelcome cancer

>> No.10605775

No one cares about gun control save Americans man.
fuck man

>> No.10605776

>it is strictly forbidden to kill a person in my religion
your holy text literally encourages you to kill people at multiple points
your prophet was a warlord that rode around sacking cities and beheading people
isis are real muslims, you aren't

>> No.10605780

Not at all

>> No.10605784

you are not welcome here. people secretly hate you, and it will only be worse now.

>> No.10605787

Shut up

>> No.10605789

says it on the news right now. plus the 60 prior, so final count around 160?anyone know

>> No.10605790

@AlJazeeraUK reports of gunmen shouting "Allah Ackbar" before engaging fire #parisattack

>> No.10605792

Around 45 dead, 60 hurt. Says shit on the news.

>> No.10605793

It was very close to bars where I usually go to and some of my friends appartments
Everyone is really scared

>> No.10605796

go to english class shitskin, you write like u use google translate

>> No.10605799


evidently we're the only ones who understand the importance of armed citizens

>> No.10605802



>> No.10605803

>00h30 : les assaillants du Bataclan "ont tiré en plein dans la foule en criant "Allah Akbar" ("Dieu est le plus grand"), a rapporté un témoin de la scène interrogé sur France Info. "Avec ma mère on a réussi à s'enfuir du Bataclan (...), on a évité les coups de feu, il y avait plein de gens partout par terre", a raconté le jeune homme, prénommé Louis selon la radio, alors qu'un assaut de la police était en cours au Bataclan.

says p much
>the attackers engaged fire straight into the crows while shouting "Allah Akbar"

>> No.10605804

Last news, at least a hundred dead overall

>> No.10605806

apologize for poor english

where were you when diversity was kill?

I was watching concept in paris when achmed leaned over

>allah hu ackbar

and zu?

>> No.10605807

>I'll continue shitposting about people's deaths
"Jacques Chirac said yesterday that France was prepared to use nuclear weapons against any country that carried out a state-sponsored terrorist attack against it. In a speech aimed at defending France's €3bn-a-year (£2bn) nuclear arms programme, the president said the country's nuclear strike force was "not aimed at dissuading fanatical terrorists", but states who used "terrorist means" or "weapons of mass destruction" against France." -http://www.. theguardian .com/world/2006/jan/20/france.nuclear
France doesnt need to care about arming it's citizens.

>> No.10605809


how would nuking another country have saved these people?

>> No.10605811

THIS, if those frogs were armed think of the lives that would have been saved if the terrorists didn't just abandon the plan knowing their is a free well armed citizenry

>> No.10605812

More guns =/= less dead
Two of those guys exploded.

>> No.10605813

It would have to be state sponsored against France, to which France would have a physical country to attack. Not so with Isis

>> No.10605814

chirac isnt the president u fool, that was a decade ago, no one will ever use a nuke because of a terrorist attack that retarded no one sponsored this but isis u nuke raqqa they will still have followers in cities all over the world angrier then ever

>> No.10605819

At least 140 dead. Consequences will never be the same bruh.

>> No.10605822



>> No.10605823

why hasn't anyone mentioned yet the real powers that be that pull the strings

>> No.10605824


>> No.10605825


>> No.10605828

So terrible, all these racists are really annoying though

>> No.10605830

sjw kill urself

>> No.10605831

>tfw name is muhammad
>tfw atheist
What should I change my name to /fa/?

>> No.10605835


>> No.10605837


>> No.10605853

Any more updates francebros?
I'm not a sandnigger

>> No.10605858

They are CIA and western puppets. Think about it. Also often poor uneducated radicals see Islamic extremism as a way to get back at their perceived enemies.

WHO the fuck gives them the money and weapons?

The problem with Islam is that many if not most of its adherents believe the Quran word for word. It is currently used as a tool by the Islamic elite to control the poor uneducated masses who don't understand that a lot of its meanings are debated or metaphorical. They also don't try to pair the Quran with common sense a lot of times. This has been the same with Christianity until decades ago and still today in some of the third world Christian countries (see: African and Papua New Guinean witch beheadings).

>> No.10605862

Buddhists are already fucking terrorists. There's a fuckload of them in China and Burma. Not to mention half of the dalai lamas so called "peaceful monks". Buddhism does not speak against war. It's just as bad as other religions.

>> No.10605867

Hitler destroyed countries, your statement is extremely retarded and ignorant

>> No.10605870

No shit surprise they chose the date, Friday the 13th

>> No.10605873


>> No.10605875

im uninformed but can someone tell me if this is true?
so with EU open borders it is easy for refugees to come from syria. syria at the moment is an ISIS safe haven? they can be trained there then disguise themselves as refuguees and get into Europe? this scares me
could be more attacks

>> No.10605878

True aye? I always thought these terrorists acted like satan spawn. I hope God shows his hand and destroy these degenerates.

I've always said only cowards hurt innocent people for political reasons. If these terrorists were so called freedom fighters they would fight the government instead of targeting the common people.

>> No.10605879

oh shit senpai first time I thought of this.....

>> No.10605881

No, Germany has confirmed that only 30% of their immigrants are actually Syrian. Most of these refugees are Indians, Afghans and Africans

>> No.10605882

This is only the kick off

>> No.10605884

actually theres a stigma against socially awkward white kids because of those shooters...

>> No.10605890

Brother, it's no coincidence stock market corrections follow Jewish dates like clockwork.

>> No.10605896

ok but that's germany.... and still 30% is a good amount of potential terrorists. they could be anywhere in EU. and I said that bc I am thinking that's how these terrorists got to Paris? maybe idk

>> No.10605908

>shit all over the middle east
>open your borders to the middle east
>cant understand why they hate you
>refuse to take responsibility for your actions
>pile all the responsibility on the shit skins whose countries you ruined and then housed in your own citys
>use your new shitskin attacks as a propaganda campaign so you can continue undercutting the shit skins in their own dessert
>cycle continues until every tangible asset in the middle east is gone
>pick your next victim and add 'ism' to the name

welcome to jewrope

>> No.10605910


>> No.10605912


>> No.10605915

This is actually a pretty nice brand.

>> No.10605932

The whole defend thing is just a rip off of another assumed rip off

>> No.10605935

Meh, I just like the designs.

>> No.10606026

/pol this is not the time

>> No.10606050
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>people wave away criticism of islam as "racism"
>a race

>> No.10606110

fuck you this is exactly the time
praying for widespread retaliation

>> No.10606114

Nope. It's because Islam is a religion of war and destruction. Sorry but there's not excuse for being a muslim.

>> No.10606139

did rick get shotup?

>> No.10606161

>this is literally making me cry
>normally pretty liberal
>no one calling him out
i dont even know 4chan anymore

>> No.10606169

>Having emotions and emphasizing with people who got murdered for no reason is wrong
Also it's fa, melodrama is pretty commonplace

>> No.10606170

>i am one of you. i talk like you do, i wear like you, i eat like you, i walk like you do.
no you dont man. you sound like an irrational, butthurt third world shit skin

>> No.10606174

paris is the liberal pussy-ville of france.

guns make the world safer

>> No.10606177

you sound like an idiot. english supposedly being your first language makes it worse. please post a pic of your face

>> No.10606179
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>making me cry and very angry
>normally a pretty "liberal" person
>fucking disgusting
Why do liberal men have such low testosterone and low libidos? I notice they are usually unattractive as well, I assume it's from low fetal and pubertal testosterone levels.

It seems as though most of the apolitical or far right naturally have high testosterone and attractive, harmonious faces.

>> No.10606182

>don't need more hate right now guys. Need love right now.
pls go and stay go tumblr

>> No.10606187

>what went wrong

Islamic Refugees. 150 dead according to dpa and rt

>> No.10606190

i guarantee you're posting this from a non islamic country

go back to the desert, scum

>> No.10606200

This hast to be bait. No way this is serious

>> No.10606202

I'm right wing asf and I shed a tear

>> No.10606209

I will not do that

>> No.10606211

You merely are going about your life in a womanly manner. I can't blame you though - our hormone levels naturally differ.

>> No.10606218

Talk shit post fit

>> No.10606350

It's not your fault dude. People will always look for someone to target with their outrage though. Sorry to hear about your friend m8.

>> No.10606356

>isis are real muslims

isis are the trve cvlt wvsliws, that nigga just a poser

>> No.10606357

Hey, Etienne.

If you see this, please reply to my email to let me know you're ok.

>> No.10606367

Fuck "befriending the school shooter before he goes off", I know a bunch of awkward white-ass kids who I've entirely cut off contact with because of that shit. And fuck all this awkward-chic Tumblr Team Sesh Earl Sweatshirt Bones bullshit rappers encouraging them, too. I legitimately no longer fuck with any white boy who doesn't have a girlfriend/boyfriend and healthy social life. Fuck that shit. A couple of them pressed the issue and I told them, straight up. I got my shit together, I'm not awkward anymore. I don't watch anime anymore. They either get their shit together or I stick them in they fucking jaw next time I see them near me.

>> No.10606376


but seriously, your holier than thou art speech is a reflection of your hatred for who you were. plus you seem like the kid who lost his virginity to a fat girl and now is better than virgins. I agree with your first two points, but then it becomes a pointless rant and Internet tough guy shit.

>> No.10606378

>tfw i figured out a way for my business to make heavy profits from the mass hysteria surrounding paris

i really cant sink much lower but whatever

>> No.10606380

You seem like the kid with 4 or 5 hunting rifles and a Garry's Mod map of your school.

>> No.10606395

>nigger detected
>stick them in they fucking jaw next time i see them near me

really? you are going to punch someone who already has issues in the face if they come near you.
sounds like you didnt get your shit together.
that's why you're on /fa/
how can i appear less niggery and more sophisticated? oh i know, ill overcompensate for my autism with expensive clothes, even though i have no worldly perspective at all

>> No.10606399

I can tell you're an overcompensating faggot by that alone.
>I-I-I only hang around c-cool white kids
not coordinated enough for basketball :///

>> No.10606400
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>I'm not awkward anymore.
>I don't watch anime anymore.
>They either get their shit together or I stick them in they fucking jaw
How does it feel having low testosterone and coping issues as an African American male?

>> No.10606840
File: 51 KB, 599x453, livet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this thread is actually the most autistic thing i've ever seen.
A bunch of 15-20 year olds using a terrorist attack, orchestrated by extremists and funded by the usa, as an excuse to sperg hate on all muslims.
Like me, and everyone else on 4chan, you're all awkward white boys, who would never dare to speak about muslims in that way in public, but you act like some fucking hitlerjugend member on a fucking fashion imageboard

Oh and btw this is a board about fashion, we're supposed to be ahead of the curve, and rascism is so mainstream right now :))

>> No.10606847

I hope your head gets bashed in while your family watches

>> No.10606849

but he was pretty effay

>> No.10606850

if you seriously fail to recognise that there is something fundamentally wrong with the islamic faith then your social justice hashtag facebook trendiness has far surpassed your rationality

>> No.10606875


embarrassing, please think long and hard about this post

>> No.10606876

i'm against all religion
>"peaceful buddhists" are butchering innocent muslims in Myanmar
>"good christians" are mutilating young girls and killing homosexuals

And "muslims" are doing all kinds of crazy shit aswell.
All religions are fundamentally fucked up, but do I know any religious people that are?
of course not, because these fundamentally fucked up acts are being carried out by a few fundamentally fucked up extremists.

So yeah, I agree that islam is fucked up just like any other religion, but blaming terrorism on all muslims is even more fucked up. Why not blame the usa, who funded both ISIS and Al-Qaeda and destabilized the entire middle-east?

>> No.10606877
File: 434 KB, 533x800, stainedrick2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Police is everywhere right now in France
Rick senpai, help us.

>> No.10606878

great argument :))
really makes me think

>> No.10606887

you're on 4chinchin

>> No.10606895

>a few
no that's false, the majority of the world's muslims are demonstrably radical


>> No.10606940

This guy is an orthodox jew, who suggested that all palestinians be expelled from the West Bank.
He gives no sources to any of the polls which already consist of very vague questions.
Objectivity is a myth. On both sides of the political spectrum t b h. I could post some videos about this same issue, but with completely different poll results because it was made by a muslim or liberal or whatever. I don't really care about the precise number of radical islamists because that's always gonna be subjective.
But you have to understand, that what happened in Paris yesterday, is what everyday is like in Syria. How can you blame the muslim refugees for being terrorists when they're running from the same thing as you?

>> No.10606954

are you that fucking dumb? no one says anything about how muslims are the real victims. for the same reason you are not a killer because a member of your family is, you are not a terrorist because you are muslim. also, to all those that say that islam is a violent religion, have you ever heard about cruisades?

>> No.10606960

>we're supposed to be ahead of the curve, and rascism is so mainstream right now

Right. Just ignore that nearly all terror acts are done by muslims. Because that's is not modern thinking.

>> No.10606965

Ever heard of saracens?
Yeah? But that shit was ages ago. And times have changed. Muslims didn't tough.

>> No.10606984

>no sources
all from the pew research center, pay attention
>orthodox jew, palestinians etc
he retracted that point and it's irrelevant either way
thinking people should leave somewhere dangerous with non stop fighting doesn't mean he can't present statistics to you
>vague questions
"do you think it's okay to honor kill women"
"yeah sometimes"
pretty good criteria for judging a radical imo
>objectivity is a myth
ok pomo retard keep trying to destabilize your own civilization
>every day in syria
muslims are escaping from muslims, i'm sure you see the issue
>muslim refugees
i want refugees to be safe, but i don't support retarded open border policies with little to no filtering and no rigorous background checking

i'm not a monster, lad, but facts have to be confronted

>> No.10606986

you mean the medieval crusades?
yeah they're over

islamists just crusaded pretty hard in 2015, what a shock!

>> No.10607006

You can't fight the media anon.

People will believe whatever they are told to believe.

>> No.10607033

>no sources
where does it say it? not trying to be a smartass just cant find it ://
>orthodox jew
But it's not irrelevant when he supports an apartheid state that literally treats muslims like 2nd class citizens. I'm not saying that we shouldn't listen to him because of that, we just take what he says with a grain of salt, like with any other news we hear.
>vague questions
there was this case in Denmark a while back, about an islamist who said that he was against democracy and wanted sharia law, and then he got his citizenship taken away (not a very democratic thing to do). Now this man, a few years earlier he had been a part of the Danish People Parties youth, which is a very nationalistic and racist party. A lot of the time radical islamists are troubled young men who don't feel like they belong to anywhere, and alienating them by saying that all muslims are terrorists isn't gonna help. It's us in the west who decide who's radical and who's not. Take the thousands of open communists, like me, living in Denmark. On paper their ideology isn't democratic either. Do they get their citizenship taken away? No, because they're not muslim. Just like one of the politicians who voted for taking away that islamists citizenship, when he was in his start 20's he said that all homosexuals should burn. People change.
>objectivity is a myth
I just looked at the pew website, and found an article about how less and less american muslims are radical muslims. Why didn't he include that in the video? Integration is working apparently, but a conservative probably doesn't want people to know that. Sure if you only look at direct research, you'll get maybe 99% objectivity, but there's always gonna be some subjectivity thrown in.
Also I don't understand what u mean with destabilizing my civilization?
link to article: http://www.people-press.org/2011/08/30/muslim-americans-no-signs-of-growth-in-alienation-or-support-for-extremism/int__slides-muslimamericans/

>> No.10607045


>muslims are escaping from muslims
Shouldn't that be evidence enough that the majority of muslims aren't radicalized?
>muslim refugees
glad we agree on saving refugees.
But I dont want to give the state anymore surveillance power, neither on refugees or europeans.

But most of all lets stop focusing on muslims in this thread? Let's maybe focus on the US who's keeping the conflict alive so they can earn money like always???? Again, i thought 4chan was supposed to be better than the average brainwashed goyim

>> No.10607047 [DELETED] 
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not trying to be edgy or anything, but I wish I could just block all news about this paris shit in my browser, on all sites, all social media etc.

I dont give a fuck about frenchies dying. almost same day 250 people died in lebanon or something, also because of terrorists, nobody gives a shit. I mean, I dont give a fuck about lebanon either, I wouldnt care if lebanon (or france) just disappeared overnight.

same reason I hate when some B-tier celebrity dies.

>> No.10607053
File: 381 KB, 800x556, Tadamasa_Kabuki_Calendar_10_b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not trying to be edgy or anything, but I wish I could just block all news about this paris shit in my browser, on all sites, all social media etc.

I dont give a fuck about frenchies dying. almost same day 250 people died in lebanon or something, also because of terrorists, nobody gives a shit. I mean, I dont give a fuck about lebanon either, I wouldnt care if lebanon (or france) just disappeared overnight. but at least my media space everywhere isnt overflown by #PRAYFORLEBANON and shitty 100 pixel french flag/paris themed pictures

same reason I hate when some B-tier celebrity dies.

>> No.10607055

drop trip

>> No.10607058

you're an idiot. This is PARIS, the FASHION center of the world. what board do you think you're on?

>> No.10607061

> PARIS, the FASHION center of the world
kool meme new friend

>> No.10607065

You need to take a break from /fa/ man

>> No.10607081
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Yo dude I'm with you. Millions of innocents died in Middle East and no one gives a shit.
>lol muslims deserve to die

I don't give a shit about religion but seriously, >>10607045
>Again, i thought 4chan was supposed to be better than the average brainwashed goyim

>> No.10607105


first of all i am deeply for the recent terrorist attack in paris. i know how it feels. you will all talk now and only the victims mother or father will go on with the pain, the grief.

and let me tell you this you fuck head!

oh does that make you angry? my country was being bombed by yours every fucking day and night and 500 people per day were being killed and tortured.

i will never forget my father being tortured in abu grayb.

your soldiers killed him for nothing.

don’t talk about pain and sorrow to me you western fucks.

>> No.10607106


...deeply “sorry” about the recent terrorist attacks in paris.

FIXED. damn this keyboard.

>> No.10607112

>my country was being bombed by yours every fucking day and night and 500 people per day were being killed and tortured.
good im glad

>> No.10607133
File: 163 KB, 413x451, 78a73509-3fc4-47b0-b1ee-710958681a3c..png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Islam is a disease that must be cleansed from Europe

>> No.10607185

you can call that a crusade if you want to even though it's kinda different. christians crusaded pretty hard for centuries but you don't think that christians all christians are evil minded psychos.
all religions have had violent episodes but today's islamism is in the vast majority pacifistic

>> No.10607293

fuck white people thats what happens when u go around fucking shit up in other people's countries

>> No.10607295


>Europe is a disease that must be cleansed through Islam


>> No.10607301

it's a shame we didn't finish the job on your country. would've made a really nice parking lot for walmart.

>> No.10607315

You are not a real Muslim. You are an infidel who does not follow the Quran or the Hadiths, and you will burn in hell.

>> No.10607316

beginning of the video, he says all research comes from the pew centre (nonpartisan public research blah blah you can google it)
>orthodox jew
of course he's probably biased, he might hate muslims and want them all exterminated. but literally all he's doing is relaying numbers to you, and the numbers are factual. his ideology doesn't come in to it. he's telling you the information because it supports his personal beliefs, but that doesn't invalidate the information.
>shit anecdote
literally irrelevant, if you support the implementation of sharia law in your own country or think its okay to honor kill women or suicide bomb people / places you're a fundamentalist, your beliefs are radical.
>less and less americans
that's good, i'm glad to hear it. but a million or so people (or however many aren't radical) doesn't really affect the fact that the majority of the worlds muslims are radical.
>evidence majority aren't radical
you can still be radical and not want to be killed by other radicals, don't be an idiot. the middle east has been at war with itself for thousands of years for a reason.
>usa keeping conflict alive
yeah no doubt the usa loves an unstable gulf
but eventually you run out of white men to blame and will have to confront the fact that your religion is warlike at its core

>> No.10607322
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>mountains of evidence showing that Islam is inherently dangerous to the West
>always ignored
>we get a blatant Muslim terrorist attack in the West

When do you want to debate? Never, obviously. And that's because ultimately there is no debate. What you're afraid of is that the next step is banning Islam, and that would hurt your feelings.

>> No.10607340
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The contemporary Muslim is every bit as fair-weather and spineless as the contemporary Christian. Neither believe in the parts of their religion that require any meaningful self-sacrifice, and to the extent that they admit to being religious at all, it is only for attention.

Woe is me, I'm fasting during Ramadan in an infidel country like America with all of its McDonalds.

Woe is me, I am giving up Starbucks for Lent.

It's the same thing, in that respect. Most Christians are bullshitters, most Muslims are bullshitters. The big difference is what happens when you radicalize, or return to the actual fundamentals of your religion.

Radical Christianity means becoming more peaceful.
Radical Islam means becoming more violent.

That's why most fake Christians don't give a shit about going to war, and most fake Muslims claim they believe in a religion of peace.

>> No.10607356

>tfw i thought about rick when i heard about the shooting in paris
i really hope he wasn't involved.

>> No.10607363

>select all images with a stadium

>> No.10607364

are people ITT LITERALLY defending Muslims? The fashion holy land has been attacked

There's Paris fashion week, but no Sharia Law Approved Syrian fashion week

>> No.10607366

ex salafi here
>They are CIA and western puppets. Think about it.

>Also often poor uneducated radicals see Islamic extremism as a way to get back at their perceived enemies.
First point is false, second is true. They're not as unintelligent as you think. Think UBL, Qutb, Arawi, Baghadi, etc all went to fantastic universities. Most terrorists are recruited from university.

>WHO the fuck gives them the money and weapons?
Rich Muslims donors, or war spoils. Usama Bin Laden used to channel his fortune he got from the construction industry to arming his army.

>The problem with Islam is that many if not most of its adherents believe the Quran word for word. It is currently used as a tool by the Islamic elite to control the poor uneducated masses who don't understand that a lot of its meanings are debated or metaphorical.
It's all literal, its not the bible. It's not in parables the whole thing is very straightforward. Interpretations of verses come from either the hadith or/and from the early scholars.

Mohammed did not speak in parables. He was a law maker like Abraham.

>> No.10607370

*law breaker

>> No.10607389
File: 514 KB, 1755x2455, oswald.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i already got my turtleneck bruh

>> No.10607396

then why are nearly all modern religious motivated terror acts against innocents executed by muslims??

>> No.10607410

don't be so edgy achmed! stop skipping mosque for interet time and you better gtfo the internet completely and fuck your goats.

>> No.10607419

tricky ricky will save us with cool clothes when the apocalypse comes

>> No.10607608


donne ton adresse, je t'envoie une corde et une chaise. cadeau

>> No.10607615


Get it through your skull we don't want your fucking guns, and we never will. fuck off

>> No.10607636

I'm too warn out to go on a rant of my own right now, but I'm 100% aryan and I agree 100% with you Muslim bro. There's more brainpower laying in the streets of Paris than in some of the heads of the people posting in this thread. Blaming the extremely vast Muslim religion for the acts of a few (unconfirmed to even have been Muslim) is like saying anyone white is a member of the west bureau baptist church. But I think I've had enough 4chan today anyway..

>> No.10607752

Race traitor

>> No.10607982


DAC camarade. bilkent 2 sitesi, f7 blok. ankara. TR.

>> No.10608692

That bike looks like it came bursting out of an arcade

>> No.10608701

One of the suicide bombers was a registered refugee ffs

>> No.10608746

>100% aryan
fucking kek

>> No.10608757
File: 258 KB, 1134x854, 1370212610127.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

damn i hadn't even thought about that

stay safe in your concrete palace rick

>> No.10608773

No he had a refugee's id near his body
But was also completely torn to shit and probably not identifiable
You think those passports are hard to get ahold of? American passports go for like 300 bucks. A Syrian one is probably the cost of a bottle of soda

>> No.10609149

>The problem with Islam is that many if not most of its adherents believe the Quran word for word. It is currently used as a tool by the Islamic elite to control the poor uneducated masses who don't understand that a lot of its meanings are debated or metaphorical.
The quran is supposed to be interpreted literally. The entire premise of islam is that god's previous revelations (the torah and gospels) had become distorted by misinterpretation and mistranslation, so god would reveal his word one last time and in a way that was meant to be taken literally so that it could not be misinterpreted.

>> No.10609302

the amount of bullshit posted on social media and plastered on TV

like buy this shit and come on out and show hashtag solidarity

makes me hope ISIL/ISIS wins

>> No.10609457

yeah because political killing from western country isn't happening right now...

>> No.10610302

its happening!


>> No.10610640

Imagine you're in a concert; there's no lights whatsoever. Thanks to your government, you carry guns and so do quite a lot of people around you because freedom. Four people start shooting the crowd and they are insde the crowd. So you and your gun carrying heroic friends start shooting in the concert hall. It's dark and you have no fucking idea where the terrorists are. You just randomly shoot around everywhere. Conclusion: you are a plain moron.

>> No.10610646

Pray For Paris is out of business now apparently.
these dudes are bad at jewing, i would've milked that shit.

>> No.10610653

pls just stop being muslim

>> No.10610686


Because muslim countries have been attacked for more than 15 years by occidental countries. Islamist terrorism is a reaction to that. Plus the religion is only something the members can feel related to, terrorism and especially IS are political organisations trying to rule over people and not to spread religion. I mean come on it's only basic stuff to know, stop trying to be racist only to prove yourself different or superior

>> No.10610705

I went to Paris last month and barely saw any ethnic French around. Get your shit together France.

>> No.10610706

You don't seem to get that in the Western world, anybody who is culturally religious is a fucking idiot because basing identity on religion is fucking stupid.

Sure, you aren't responsible for Islamic terrorist attacks, but you don't get to pretend to be oppressed when people criticize Islam because of its extremists.

>i am a muslim

There's your fucking problem.

>> No.10610707

ONE of them had a syrian passport. Six others were french or belgian so it's no solution. Are you even trying even if there is border control, someone who really wants to go somewhere manages to go there even if there is a fucking wall. Mexicans come in the us everyday and i'm pretty sure the borders are closed.

>> No.10610709

Can someone explain to me why a majority of Muslim countries are such shitholes? Even in Saudi Arabia most of the workers are slaves and you get whipped for carrying around a bottle of wine. Truly such first-world places.

>> No.10610721

taking gaddafi out of power was the absolute worst thing that we as the west could have possibly done and we did it anyway
fuck i miss him, he even said something along the lines of "without me, europe will be filled with blacks", and he was right

>> No.10610723

Where the fuck where you in paris?
I guess you went to a lot of touristic places and so mainly saw tourists from all around the world (and not so many ethnic frenchs as you say). In touristic areas there are barely any french people because these places are overcrowded and everything is expensive there

>> No.10610725

>pretty much all terrorist attacks are committed by Muslim non-whites
>surprised that people associate your bronze-age ideology with the ideology of the never-ending slew of perpetrators
Your lack of self-awareness disturbs me. Must be reason why there are 1.1 billion Muslims in the world and have barely any achievements to call their own. Croatia, a country of 4.5 million people has the same number of Nobel Prize recipients as your whole religion.

>> No.10610730

I'm surprised anyone falls for that anyway.

>> No.10610731

>Six others were french or belgian so it's no solution.
how retarded can two countries be?

>> No.10610736

>born and raised in US
>still speaking in broken english
you were probably raised speaking arabic instead of english at home, from a family that refused to assimilate to america

>> No.10610751

>i am one of you. i talk like you do, i wear like you, i eat like you, i walk like you do.
but you aren't, and your passive-aggressiveness and pathological delusion just cements that.
you're like that kid at school no one wants to hang out with just because you shit your pants everyday and is surprised about that and makes no effort to improve yourself.

>uncultivated human wastes
Yes, because Muslim countries are true representations of cultivation, tastes, and high class.

>> No.10610755

Pretty retarded. But even so six or seven people did these attacks (more collaborated) and belgium and france's population must be somewhere around 80 000 000 people. Islamists are just a fucking minority, it's not about the country it's about these people.

>> No.10610763

>it's not about the country it's about these people.
more than enough reason why France and Belgium should be kept homogeneous with an above-replacement birth-rate rather than importing people from third-world countries.

>> No.10610774

"These people" was reffering to islamists, there must be around 10000 islamists maximum in france so i don't think the others are threatened by a suddenly islamic majority. Also it's not about preserving the french white race it's about living together with everyone in france. Politicians defending what you are saying are like the biggest jokes in the french political sphere. It's the same people that say that kebabs should be banned because they are not part of the white french culture.

>> No.10610778

>few days
more like weeks, they're in mid-december
their poll ratings were already sky-high before the attacks, they should have every reason to win.

>> No.10610786

>A lot of the time radical islamists are troubled young men who don't feel like they belong to anywhere,
stopped reading here
stop fucking making excuses for them you kekold, holy shit the left is retarded

>> No.10610787

It's not like Iraq has contributed anything to the world anyway.

>> No.10610843

>10000 islamists maximum in france
you say as if that's an understatement. there shouldn't be any in the western world. no Japanese blew himself up in America after the nuclear bombs that killed hundred of thousands of people. in fact, they forgave it as just a necessity of war and became a leading exporter and majorly industrializing country in 15 years after the world ended. Revenge is one of the ugliest and worst of human impulses, and it seems that 1.1 billion people who follow a 1300 year old book that condones that shouldn't be surprised that their view of thought comes under criticism and they're somehow "the victims" without backing up their position.
Stereotypes snowball together from cultural experiences, and there's a reason why people feel safer around Japanese than someone in a burka or anyone remotely Arab-looking.
>it's not about preserving the french white race
it's quite demoralizing when foreigners come slewing into the country and manage to outbreed you. I should be able to go to France and see a white French ethnic populace all around me, just as I should go to Japan and see the same. No one seems to criticize Japan for their xenophobic views on immigration.
>Politicians defending what you are saying are like the biggest jokes in the french political sphere.
you mean they're ostracized by a biased media for stating what a huge chunk of the populace has on their own minds?
>It's the same people that say that kebabs should be banned
no one is saying that, but people have been complaining about how Muslim children aren't assimilating in the slightest and are whining about how pork should be outlawed in school. The entitlement is absurd and anyone shouldn't be surprised that their neighbour doesn't adhere to their way of life. Immigration should be cut down massively and ethnic French birth rate should go up, and the only parties remotely campaigning for that are the far-right parties.

>> No.10610909

fuck islam and fuck these "refugees"
leave them in syria to die
not welcome in europe

>> No.10610961

Why are white people fucking stupid?

>> No.10610980
File: 55 KB, 627x663, 65GDyzk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>a religion started by a warlord which advocates genocide, slavery and rape
>but we're moderate!

>> No.10611021

They're stupid for wanting a secular, safe environment?

>> No.10611033

>biaised media
because your far right medias are any less biaised?
>no one is saying that
the mayor of Béziers litteraly said that, also Nadine Morano, famous for her defense of the white french race is also known for being often wrong, bad in politics and mainly supported by people not wanting to be affiliated with the front national but having the same ideas as them
>foreigners will outbreed you
Do you seriously think you should engage in a fight against people of other skin colors juste so your color can live? France was founded on the principle of equality between men, the white culture is not referenced in any of the original 1789 texts. Being french is not being white and it is pretty much the same for all countries. Culture and society are not meant to stay as they are forever they are meant to evolve and to integrate what is good from all the members of the society. We are litterally all issued of mixing of many diffenrent ethnicities.
how is accepting others a bad thing? Why would you want to hate people you obviously don't know? If we are going to reject muslims we may as well reject americans, their food their culture and the rest of europe as well. Nothing will be left then because in the long term no one is purely french or of any ethnicity or culture for that matter.

>> No.10611050

Also I said terrorism is political and not about religion. It is not about revenge it is about getting power and controlling. You could at least try and be logical.

>> No.10611053

Safe as fuck. The Middle East on the other hand is getting fucked by either Jews, American drones, or ISIS.

Why does noone seem to get this?

>> No.10611056

"That" is about kebabs btw

>> No.10611256


but people hang out with me. i am popular, tall, rich, white,... i don’t know why is it too hard for you to accept the fact that i am just a muslim. the only difference... i just believe in one god and read Qoran and respect Moses, Jesus and Mohammad.

>> No.10611260

> Muslim countries are true representations of cultivation, tastes, and high class.

THEY ARE NOT. yes. who would try to deny that.

and what does this fact have to do with me? am i defending the stupid muslim populated countries in here? is it my problem that another muslim is retarded?

nice argument desu.

>> No.10611275


well actually i am not. you don’t know me, you have never seen me, never talked to me. how can you say that? oh i know. it is because i am a muslim. right?

this is what makes you racist retarded.


i am not. i am just a decent human-being but believes in one god. i just want to die without hurting anyone in this world. i just want to be a good man.

is this really hard for you to understand?

>> No.10611279


thank you m8. i know they are the minority in today’s world.

>> No.10611412

Uh, the religion's holy book orders all Muslims to carry out violence against 'infedels', and the muslim extremist problem isn't just two kamikazes and a shooter, it's hundreds of thousands of Muslim clergy, men, women, and brainwashed children.

There are some who have fooled themselves into thinking that they can be Muslim and be peaceful. They could be pressured to become extremists at pretty much any point because of the hostility that western cultures show them and the fact that their own Qoran commands them to be extremists. "Peaceful" Muslims are ticking time bombs and must be converted from their hateful cult for their own safety.

>> No.10611418

Because their Qoran commands them to kill all infidels and wage Jihad. No other religion is so hate-filled.

>> No.10611528

i'm glad rick is safe
truly there is no better word to describe islam with other than "evil"

>> No.10611793


well you would be dead by now if what you say was true.

it isn’t as you say. you are wrong and you are clearly doing disinformation.

>> No.10611793,1 [INTERNAL] 

wheres my hairline ill trade u a new xbox 1 #freex

>> No.10611793,2 [INTERNAL] 

george w bush on her pussy yea