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File: 21 KB, 585x390, Persistent-dandruff-issue.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10604580 No.10604580 [Reply] [Original]

Hey guys I just found out I have dandruff. Now its not bad at all and hardly noticable beceause its really small and by the scalp doesn't go to the top or fall off or anything like that. What can I do to fix this problem? I dont want girls to know. And of I use like a shampoo for it I dont want girls to know either because its embarrassing. Its just my scalp is dry I guess.. Idk I try to shampoo and conditioner all the time. I have very thick moderately long hair

>> No.10604586

>I dont want girls to know either because its embarrassing
I was about to provide a solution for your problem but reading this line made me realize how utterly pathetic you are. You dont even deserve people to pay attention to you.

>> No.10604590

Come on.. Please.. I am pathetic I know but I'm trying not to be

>> No.10604593

I use head and shoulders. Who cares? No reason to be embarrassed.

>> No.10604596

How do u know its dandruff and not dry scalp?

>> No.10604618

Literally just use head and shoulders you pussy. Many people use it as a regular shampoo because of how soft it makes your hair; it also smells very nice.

>> No.10604633

Interesting, does it help with dry scalp or dandruff?

>> No.10604639

In my experience it helps with both but my scalp has never gotten overly dry so don't take my word for it. It definitely helps with dandruff though.

>> No.10604640

not him but I had "dandruff", basically just dry scalp. just use head and shoulders normal shampoo everytime you wash your hair and make sure to dry them as much as you can with a towel

>> No.10604647

Nizoral is the nuclear bomb against dandruff. It also makes your hair grow fast as fuck and may help with thinning hair to a tiny degree. The downsides are it's expensive and strips your hair completely.

>> No.10604652

>just use head and shoulders
Go ahead. If youre unlucky youre on of the people who has severe hair loss due to it. I used it on almost a daily basis and lost so much hair over the course of 4 years it wasnt even funny anymore. Since I stopped using it both my scalp as well as hair have somewhat recovered. The hair just takes a shit ton of time to get to the length I want it to be.

>> No.10604658

I don't even use it for dandruff. I get this white build up on my scalp, and I read that it can prevent hair growth and I was thinning on my scalp so I started using h&s twice a week in addition to using minox

>> No.10604660

Also to add on: make sure you don't wash your hair too often, that might be why your scalp is dry in the first place. Keep it down to at least 2 days between washes depending on how quickly your hair gets oily.

>> No.10604663

Dry them? You mean the hair? Wouldn't rubbing hard with a towel cause dry scalp to be all over?

>> No.10604664

>Keep it down to at least 2 days between washes
Top fucking kek. Prime example of a basement dweller.

>> No.10604669

Wait... Head and shoulders shampoo causes hairloss? Wtf I didn't know that.. Maybe I can just live with the dry scalp thing

>> No.10604672

His scalp is dry, he should definitely minimize the amount of times he washes his hair per week. Unless he works in a coal mine or something but that's none of my business.

>> No.10604675
File: 229 KB, 720x1280, Snapchat--6625490150680303473.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10604679

There are plenty of people who lose hair due to it. However, this doesnt apply to everybody, its probably just a minority. I know that I was part of that group. The shampoo thinned the living hell out my hair and caused ridiculous levels of hair loss. After I stopped using it for ~1 month my scalp had somewhat recovered. Currently I have a shit ton of small hairs growing everywhere, especially in the front. The shampoo definitely suppressed hair growth for me.

I dont know what you do for a living but washing your hair a maximum of ONCE every 3 DAYS will get you fired in almost any professional environment. Unless of course you have really short hair.

>> No.10604680

OP get shampoo with coal tar in it, trust me. It's usually dark brown or black. Fucking love that stuff, whether i have dandruff or not I'll always use it.

>> No.10604683

I get oily within hours, maybe I have this dandruff cuz I've been washing daily lately

>> No.10604686

Well I have short hair and I wash every other day because I don't have scalp problems. Washing your hair every day is too frequent though.

>> No.10604692

Just don't use it every day. Shit is pretty strong. It's still basically a medicated shampoo. Don't overdo it

>> No.10604694

God I'm nervous now holy fuck

>> No.10604698

Idk if I have it or not

>> No.10604699
File: 89 KB, 500x500, T1OuaiXf8gXXcR4jAV_020954.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is what u want op

>> No.10604703
File: 223 KB, 720x1280, Snapchat-7584652691537555651.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot pic

>> No.10604708

A girl I know has been using h&s since she was like 10, her hair goes down to her ass and she doesn't even shed that much. It really depends on the person.

>> No.10604709

You have more severe problems than dandruff, trust me.

>> No.10604711
File: 64 KB, 380x380, Squanorm_dry_dandruff.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have atopic eczema and I use this, works really well and doesn't make my scalp dry

>> No.10604722
File: 172 KB, 720x1280, Snapchat-7315364252674061720.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's a better pic

>> No.10604728

I use it too, works great. I'm balding so maybe soon I wont need it, do you think I should apply it even after I buzz what little hair I got?

>> No.10604828


>> No.10605012


>> No.10605233
File: 17 KB, 350x350, lush-superbalm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Works like Magic.

>> No.10605255

will h&s conditioner do the same thing? i try not to use shampoo

>> No.10605256

probably no

>> No.10605399

i had and i got rid of it buy using head and shoulders. Leave it on for like 5-7 minutes on your head then COMB it out. Did that for like 4-5 days and got rid of dandruff.

>> No.10605415

>comb it out
interesting, i'll try that.

>> No.10605425
File: 49 KB, 600x600, 1444682556767.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw folliculitis has been giving me awful dandruff for years now
i want to die
shampoos don't stop the dandruff or make it go away
how the fuck do i get rid of it

>> No.10606284

Seconding Lush products. I went in a disgusting oily teen monster and emerged a nice-smelling adult.

I also recommend a shampoo massage brush for anyone of any scalp or hair type, even if your shit is under control. Feels nice, less work.

>> No.10606310


Momotesone - marketed under the brand name Zatamil (in Australia at least). Put a few drop of that shit in your head as often as required (I use it maybe 3 times a week and I have bad dandruff). No side effects or anything.

Combine with nizoral shampoo twice weekly if you need it.

>> No.10606496

nizoral is GOAT for dandruff. when my scalp was super inflamed and itched all the time, i used nizoral and it went away in a couple of weeks.

now if i feel that my scalp is too dry, i just put some coconut oil throughout my hair and it fixes it pretty well.

>> No.10606873


Try this, OP. I had the same problem with dandruff for many years. Tried several store bought brands and none of them worked. Finally gave this a try as it was prescribed by my dad's doctor for his dandruff, apparently and it worked in a matter of 2 or 3 days. Shit's a miracle. Highly recommended.