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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 429 KB, 768x515, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10587337 No.10587337 [Reply] [Original]

Do you guys have more muscle on your front leg than your pushing leg?
Cuz I do and it prevents me from well fitting pants

>> No.10587348

Learn switch to even it out.

>> No.10587511
File: 1.20 MB, 2592x1936, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Laying in bed so fug you. But here's my leg

Pants rarely fit unless I go up a size or two

>> No.10587534

right leg only slightly bigger than my left, not noticable at all, but the bigger muscles do hinder pants from fitting well though

>> No.10587592

Does anyone skate in raw denim? Does it help or make the fades look weird

>> No.10587626

well, the point was to compare the both legs but thanks anyway

>> No.10587754
File: 1.08 MB, 2048x1365, 12227968_10208277486921907_2054625392_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is writing shit on your griptape /fa/?

>> No.10587779

>>10587337 I try to ride switch when pushing myself from place to place to avoid this. It's a good way to learn switch stance if you haven't already.

>>10587592 I skate in raw denim all the time, and I would say that doing so does speed up fades. Idk why it would make the fades look weird?

>> No.10588058

Writing on your griptape is normal.

>> No.10588190

Is focusing your board /fa/?

>> No.10588197

I write SHAKE JUNT on my griptape

lotta people have copied me i might start suing

>> No.10588226

What kind of raws do you use? I'm afraid of not being able to get rid of the smell after skating in them (I get major butt sweat kek)

>> No.10589462

Unbranded, they really don't retain smell that much, and when they do smell a little weird I just spray them with febreeze

>> No.10589542


>> No.10589554

focusing a board is the lamest thing you could ever do.

>> No.10589614

What is gross? The brand or the fact that they don't need to be washed that much?

>> No.10589679

if your pants "smell a little weird" it's gross.

wash yr pants

>> No.10589698

im flow tho so it's chill

>> No.10589726

i draw a little bear on mine

>> No.10589754

>hasn't yet focussed a board

>> No.10589802
File: 57 KB, 680x450, as_skate_senn_680.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

focusing is chill (and not lame) cuz i'm flow

>> No.10589822

What are you flow for?

>> No.10589842
File: 98 KB, 900x900, tumblr_m051frjyXY1qj9g02o1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not actually flow it was a joke

uhh lets post dope skate shit or or cute sk9r bois

>> No.10589868

I mean if they smell like shit or their is dirt or something on them then yeah I wash them. No point in ruining fades just because when I put my face inside them they smell a little strange.

>> No.10589879

Still kinda gross desu senpai lol

>> No.10589901

u got bacteria in your pants stinkboi

>> No.10591241

What are your guys on this new age of skaters that think they're fashion killers

>> No.10591320
File: 81 KB, 500x334, dae80f81b2e8259bd5e943e3a83ced60-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Trousers don't fit? well ya better get some of that 90s style going, get those baggy fits and oh so terrible pastel colours.

>> No.10591642
File: 868 KB, 3744x5616, Sean_Pablo___Backside_Flip_Houston_Park_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What size decks do you guys ride? Currently riding an 8.5 and thinking about going down..

>> No.10592356

i'm at an 8.0 with size 10.5 shoes and thinking about going up to an 8.125 or 8.25

>> No.10592419

Don't. Fat decks suck. I'm ~ an 11 foot and wouldn't compromise on a board that's a mm wider than 8.

>> No.10592420

I'm not too picky so i ride anything between 7.75 and 8.5 usually i stay in the 8s tho

current deck is 8.375

>> No.10592493

7.75 :^)

>> No.10592938
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>tfw pidgeon toed
It was never meant to be

>> No.10593020

Riding a 9 right now. I've got great control and the main thing hindering me at this point are my heavy as fuck indies that fit my board but prevent me from flipping as easily as I'd like.
size 13 feet

>> No.10593304

I'm riding an 8, used to ride a 7.5, i feel better now

>> No.10593329
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Board pics anyone?

>> No.10593369

longboards > everything else

>> No.10593481
File: 695 KB, 386x217, tumblr_n27qm6mYZ61rg9n5co1_400.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that's just untrue

>> No.10593554

this is what an idiot looks like

>> No.10593600
File: 14 KB, 500x500, C75611_01_standard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what are some nice shoes for skating to get
you think low cut docs?
i want these adidas adi ease

>> No.10594084

riding a 8.18 put prefer 8.25-8.375

>> No.10594122

>never skated

How stupid will I look if I go out and get a board?

>> No.10594188

if you enjoy it go for it, my local park usually conceits of me and 4 25-35 year olds who are all learning basics. Its not about whos best but who has the most fun ;^)

>> No.10594195

yall dont even skate baka

howd u feel about bunker down pham? howd u feel about omfg? chirp me back

>> No.10594526
File: 62 KB, 277x930, wknd-skateboards-cory-topanga-81-skateboard-deck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone ever skated a wknd deck? Want to get this one

>> No.10594545


>> No.10594723

not stupid at all

>> No.10594736

I didn't like the insoles on them but other than that they lasted a long time I'd say at least three months

>> No.10594742

Gino pushing meme kek

>> No.10594868
File: 542 KB, 1800x1200, huf-and-thrasher-launch-austyn-gillettes-signature-shoe-with-new-video-0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey guys, I was wondering if you could help me with something while this thread still lives. i'm in need of a new skate shoe, I usually skate TNT5s dipped in pink paint overnight, which look amazing, but they're about to die and I need a change. I need something kind of avant-garde looking, not just an average sneaker. What do you guys think of these new HUF models?


>> No.10594871
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>> No.10594888
File: 1.69 MB, 3264x2448, IMG_2219.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

first skate sesh with new board :^D

if any you guys skating in projekts mcr hit me up

>> No.10595250

itt: posers

deck is practically pristine bar a few tail drag marks. You undoubtedly suck.

>> No.10595528

Huf is great but a bit over priced, try finding a sale or something.
The Dylan's in suede are really good.

>> No.10595534

>howd u feel about bunker down pham?
Enjoyable but low quality compared to Mindfield.
I know, dumb comparison.
kek, are you 12?
Fuck Nyjah

>> No.10595898

Frankly, I'd rather watch Gino push

>> No.10596004

Post pink shoes pls

>> No.10597130

since when does shitty => poser?

dont forget anon, you sucked at the beginning too

>> No.10597305
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Not him and unrelated but my shoes now

Waiting for doctors appointment

>> No.10597339

What tricks can you guys do?
As for me ollie/nollies and
fs 180/popshuvs though I just got back into sk8ing again.

>> No.10597751

Just got back into it too, learning to pump tranny and Ollie up curbs rn. About to start working on pop shuvs and fs 180s. Hardest thing about getting back into it was breaking the habbit of Mongo pushing.

>> No.10597853
File: 1.74 MB, 3264x2448, IMG_2221.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


just dislocated my shoulder
this stuff is no joke hurts like fucc

ollied on a big box but slipped backwards on top and landed on my arms, left shoulder popped like bubble wrap, it hurt


>> No.10597856

also thank god for nhs
public health care is wonderful

>> No.10597866
File: 22 KB, 400x300, 1255061083604.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jesus fuck. You posers.

Fashion-skaters, wtf. We didn't care what we looked like, wearing baggy ugly ass jeans and big marshmallow shoes, didn't give a fuck about our board graphic cuz it gets scratched up anyway.

I hope you can at least Varialflip before you post all these "skater" pics to your instagram to show your altsports lifestyle and cool skaterdude persona.

>> No.10597952
File: 3.00 MB, 2680x3240, IMG_2370.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here they are looking not so good, super beat, when they're new they look a lot like CCPs.

Disclaimer: They look really shitty with this fit, I was wearing white AF1 Mids with A-Cold-Wall socks, but replaced them with the TNTs for the photo

>> No.10598006
File: 35 KB, 500x408, 1438718563458.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what the genuine fucking christ

>> No.10598010

What's ironic about 7.75

>> No.10598012

Nollie tre

>> No.10598033

is that an actual fucking martial arts kimono?

>> No.10598083

>you have to be at least this tall to ride

>> No.10598167


>> No.10598209

you fucking know it

>> No.10598774

was thinking about getting these...what do u guys think of the dylans

>> No.10598781

you're an idiot varial flips are a dope trick if done properly

>> No.10598901

Only Brian Anderson can do them right.

>> No.10599353
File: 584 KB, 908x608, sk3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10599360

juicy the god

>> No.10599933
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>> No.10600015
File: 88 KB, 500x375, tumblr_mxm68gakUW1sitsoso1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wonder how many people here even have a board.

>> No.10600035

Probably none lol! They're all posers but I'm not, no not me I'm cool.

>> No.10600040


I met Richie Jackson at a bar in Hollywood the other day. Walked in and he was the only person in there. He invited me and my girlfriend over to his table to have a beer and watch Misled Youth in the window of the Supreme store across the street. Super sweet and funny dude.

>> No.10600070
File: 43 KB, 640x354, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

riding an 8.5. bigger boards are great for board control, but a lot of my friends agree that its harder to skate flatground but i dont have a problem with it. bigger boards are great for transition and i feel like they help improve style

>> No.10600235

Skating and fashion are well accepted as art forms (among skaters) so wouldn't that give justice for skaters to want to dress a little cool?
Anyways This is the least to care about in skateboarding
Vans literally advertises their shit to people who don't skate and its bugs the fuck out of me

>> No.10600240

I had wider decks before and when I switched back to a popsicle my kickflip and heelflip improved a lot but the shaped board made my thigh muscles uneven so my jeans fit weirdly now top kek

>> No.10600401

>Vans literally advertises their shit to people who don't skate and its bugs the fuck out of me

why does a skateboarding company trying to make money and survive bug you?

>> No.10600465

They don't even support the community in any way man except for some skateparks they built
Just because they have a long history with skating doesn't mean much when they're barely providing shit right now
They made a skating video but how long did that take?

I understand that they branched out in order to survive and I accept that but they should at least give back to the skating community in some way
For example Nike made a skate spot legal which prevents skaters from getting out of trouble and gives the community a better reputation
Levis is good too for making the first park in India that doesn't have to be paid to get in and for stuff in Oakland

>> No.10600484

also, they make you pay to get into their parks
I understand if a city's park does that but a brand like vans? Smh senpai

>> No.10600496

Well if you had posted that I wouldn't have disagreed but you didn't. you got upset they marketed to non skaters.

But they are "giving back" probably as much as other core companies. It's not like they have nike bucks or something. And it's not something I really expect out of a skate company in 2015(or care about really)

>> No.10600501
File: 22 KB, 769x745, 53.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Even for their skate shoes, Vans quality has gone to shit. They are cutting corners EVERYWHERE, like canvas side panels on shoes that used to be all suede (i.e. Sk8 Hi Pro), etc.

Every single pro model is suede+canvas mix now. Only the Era Pro and Rowley Pro has 1 colorway each that is all suede.


>> No.10600506


Thanks for the info.

>> No.10600507

>sponsors ton of skaters
>puts out clips and movies
>holds events and contests
>builds parks
Vans does more to skateboarding than you ever fucking will

>> No.10600517

Well, I don't think their quality was ever all that great. in my time of skating i've barely worn em to skate in. plus van Doren's food bill really takes a big piece of their budget

I just don't really care that they try to make money by marketing their shitty shoes.

>> No.10600522

Yeah, I gotta say, giving money to AVE, Crockett, Chima, TT, Andrew Allen, Daniel Lutheran buys them a fair bit of good will from me.

I still think their shoes aren't very good but hey.

>> No.10600528

I expect more from vans since it labels itself as skateboarding

>> No.10600536

What core skate company fulfills your wishes for what a skate company should be doing in the community?

>> No.10600560

I think that's only the indoor one right? The one in Huntington Beach is free.

>> No.10600933


>> No.10600938

they either are or used to be ps stix

>> No.10600941
File: 37 KB, 640x550, 1445907360522.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10600945

I've been riding the AV classics, they are pretty nice

>> No.10600988

Huntington is free rest of them aren't rip

>> No.10601770
File: 102 KB, 1024x1024, huf_hol15_classic_hi_premium_black_profile_1024x1024.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone ever skate Huf shoes? This pair looks interesting.

>> No.10601839

The suede upper and sole burns through pretty quick, so it's more of a comfort shoe.
I had the Spitfire collab.

>> No.10602065

Get the Dylan'son suede.

>> No.10602254

Nada homeboy
Lil small tho...

>> No.10602277

And cyril jackson. That boned catch is unreal

>> No.10602293

Not him but imo emerica is the only core shoe company out there
Lakai and es too maybe>>10601770

>> No.10602345


>> No.10602477

You should see him push!

>> No.10603360

yo dude what brand/model of laces are those? i have a pair of stans that i kind of want to freshen up with some pink laces

>> No.10603536

Who /mongo here?

>> No.10603547

Dee sgus ting

>> No.10603769

i push switch mongo sometimes

it's tight

>> No.10604074

that model is ps stix

>> No.10604087
File: 1.32 MB, 3264x2448, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

New janoskis got for 20 quid on sale

Check out biglaces and their baby pink laces
I have the fat ones

>> No.10604442

When I was a kid I pushed mongo unknowingly and that really held me back when I got back into it. Now I can ride both stances from learning not to push mongo though. I really recommend forcing yourself to not push mongo, its not that hard but it improves style drastically.

>> No.10604470


>> No.10604497

used to, now it's really easy for me to push non-mongo switch

>> No.10605085


>> No.10605110

also, what size laces did you get?

>> No.10605322

afaik i got these ones: http://www.biglaces.com/mall/productpage.cfm/BigLaces/_FPK/343292/Fat%20Pink%20Shoelaces

i had the smallest size but you should probably go 114cm

>> No.10605373

why would you ever start pushing mongo

>> No.10605400

plenty of pros push switch mongo

>> No.10605737

Kek, whatever you say

>> No.10606078

I don't get the issue: The problem with mongo is that it looks awful; some peoples switch push looks worse than their switch mongo push

therefore switch mongo is perfectly alright. Gino, the guy with the sexiest push of all time has been filmed pushing switch mongo. I rest my case.

>> No.10606221

I'm sure Gino only pushed mongo once, and that was in the Yeah Right! video.

>> No.10606248
File: 185 KB, 1080x1845, 12242928_10208192133388022_586173767_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

skateboarding gets me rock hard ready for pcp overdose.anyone here not a park shark?

>> No.10606462
File: 134 KB, 800x800, BELMONTHIGH_S59503_BBB_Profile.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hm i like these

>> No.10607143

I skate street so not really. My town sucks for street though, theres one plaza 2 miles away that has a 3 stair with a tall marble ledge so thats always fun.

>> No.10607632

you should frequently switch between goofy and regular in order to avoid this, similar to how you should masturbate with the hand you don't write with.

>> No.10607646

>switch mongo

Isn't it 'fakie push'?

>> No.10607765

I'm skating these currently, and honestly they're not worth the price. the rubber on the side and the sole wears down really quick (Not to mention that the sole lacks grip straight out the box)

They look great though.

>> No.10608243

i have, i skated the classic lo's or whatever, they suck dick. dont get them
unless u skate tranny, go ahead and get them

>> No.10608456
File: 178 KB, 1024x600, isle_skateboards_curiosities_series.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

want this

>> No.10609338

Is there anything like them that skates well? Maybe PF Flyers.

>> No.10609378
File: 126 KB, 1000x1280, 001023681_a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cons ctas

>> No.10609464

I've heard bad things about skating in converse, I have an old pair of chucks I guess I could try them out.

>> No.10609855

Skating in converse shoes is great, just put in a different insole and you're solid.

>> No.10610157

I need a skate bag, a one that could hold my skateboard does anyone have any recommendations?

>> No.10610166

Put them in a plastic bag and in the freezer. Kills bacteria.

>> No.10610221
File: 284 KB, 1600x1600, socks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/fa/ tell me some socks that fucking stay up and don't cost too much(stance)

>> No.10610327

Rec me some cool board companies
i just ran into some money, and want to get back into skatingi
what are the cool brands

>> No.10610347


quasi is pretty cool

i ride welcome now i really like the decks they hold up very well

next deck i'd get would probably be a polar

>> No.10610360

these are very good
thank you

>> No.10610397

check out poundland if uk
pick girls socks
colors are cool too

'guys' socks are fuccen gay and boring :^)

>> No.10611000

w2c pants?

>> No.10611025

tailored pants from south korea

i think dickies and preme make similar style heavy wrinkless slacks

get that shit tailored looks much cooler dunno why people dont do it more over here, doesnt even cost much

>> No.10611045

How do I start skating? I'm British so I feel if I went out in public and started people would think I'm autistic

>> No.10611085
File: 9 KB, 500x129, 31D7HZddKGL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I always ride blank decks, way cheaper, and usually the exact same thing that the big brands use to print their shit on.

>> No.10611185

Go to your local shop and tell them you're interested in skateboarding, they'll help you out and you'll be skating like England's hero Geoff Rowley in no time.

>> No.10611570

I've the sylvain one, new isle video premiered last night, amazing and tom knox went pro

>> No.10611752

>How do I start skating?
Go to your local shop and buy a skateboard. I don't know what skating is like in the UK, but you shouldn't care what others think of you or your skateboard.

>> No.10611760

Do you know when Vase is getting released i wanna buy that shit

>> No.10611827

Theories of Atlantis

>> No.10612688

Best skate movie this year?
i buy one every year, to you know, support the industry and all

>> No.10612721

Buy Isle's Vase when it comes out later this month

cool company, good skaters, worth supporting

>> No.10612737

5boro is pretty raw shit

havent seen it nor am i sure that it's coming out on hard copy, but look out for 5bny

>> No.10612756

Not the guy youre responding to but....

I might be in the minority here, but I just cannot get into full movies that are filmed with VX (or stuff from the same era). I get using it for certain shots, or for edits, but if youre trying to film an entire video, and be taken seriously use fucking digital.

That being said,i can get behind people using it creatively, like Bronze and Palace.

>> No.10612809

as bro as it sounds OP hit the gym and even it out.
that or skate switch.

>> No.10613214

8.75, anything under 8.25 is pussy shit.

>> No.10613287

gotta be within the next month or so, double sided for us/uk and nice packaging apparently. lots of the same spots from 11th hour appearing which is cool

>> No.10613333

>all those untailored pants
cool editing and dope skating but prefer the more simple stylish and crisp style the preme kids roll with

>> No.10614356
File: 173 KB, 450x450, 150143C_standard.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Has anyone here skated in the new chucks? Would I be better off with a different shoe for $75?

>> No.10614373

never liked chucks when skating.
haven't tried the new ones hope they work for you if you get them bro.

>> No.10614411
File: 75 KB, 640x582, consleatherhi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If I do get converse I'll prob get the CTA high pros.. Really want some high tops, but I'm between sk8 his, that Huf classic Hi shoe I posted a bit back, or these.

>> No.10614470

He fell for the supreme truck meme

>> No.10614475

Please get the Sk8 Hi's, they are easily the best skate shoes I've had, I'm wearing them right now, Converse will die really fast and are pretty ugly and uncomfortable, Sk8 Hi's are some of the the best looking shoes out there right now.

>> No.10614514

Do you like the slims or the regular?

>> No.10614531

dont listent to the haters i think its dope as fuck you just have to have the personality to match

>> No.10614587
File: 1.06 MB, 2289x2937, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

came into some money last week and copped this cutie. idc that fucking awesome is for posers this thing is fun 2 ride boys

>> No.10614935


>> No.10614961

>fucking awesome is for poser
Doubt it, but they do get a lot of shit like Palace does.
They have a solid team though.

>> No.10615123

I'll sell you a size 9 lightly worn


>> No.10615136


remember you kooks, git gud and then look good. nobody wants to watch some fuckface in a $300 fit struggle to do no complies and ollie up curbs.

btw if you havent been skating your whole life its too late, you're a poser

>> No.10615144

I bet you ride Girl boards and wear Nike SB

>> No.10615150

too late for what?

>> No.10615160

>if you haven't been into fashion your whole life its too late
>if you haven't been into film your whole life its too late
>if you haven't been into photography your whole life, its too late
>if you haven't been into painting your whole life, its too late
>if you haven't been into reading your whole life, its too late
>if you haven't been into eating healthy your whole life, its too late
>if you haven't been into working out your whole life, its too late
>if you haven't been into watching sports your whole life, its too late
>if you haven't been into playing sports your whole life, its too late
>if you haven't been into music your whole life its too late

>> No.10615163

>if you haven't been skiing/snowboarding your whole life, its too late

>> No.10615187

>all this damage control

sorry you guys just copped your first $130 complete from Zumiez. i know the skate culture is cool and all but trying to assimilate into it as an outsider is impossible. we pick you kooks out faster than anybody.

enjoy your hugbox though, maybe you guys would fit into reddits skateboarding board too kek

>> No.10615515



>> No.10615594

hey fellas this shit rips

check it

>> No.10616530
File: 164 KB, 848x1494, idunno.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Which one, /skate/?

>> No.10616645

Have the 5boro deck on the right and I quite like it. Very solid and the shape is nice.

>> No.10616813

Nice. How much would you say the shape differs from a regular Popsicle? It's hard to tell from the flat picture, but it definitely looks subtle.

>> No.10616821

It's pretty different IMO, I am still able to do switch tricks and what not on it but the tail in particular seems to be much more pronounced than the nose. The tail being so large almost makes the board feel shorter than it is. I have really enjoyed riding it though, just ordered a new smaller 8.1 setup though, going to continue to use mine as a cruiser/vert setup.

>> No.10616908

Does inline still have as bad of a reputation as it used to?

>> No.10616911


>> No.10617305


Def regular, the slims looks strange and die soon

>> No.10617475

best b8 all week tbqh

>> No.10618628

id on shoes??

>> No.10618789

huf classic hi

>> No.10618837


>> No.10618866

this is siq

>> No.10619056


>> No.10619275

I've been skating since age 7 and I actually highly agree with this guy lol, reading through this thread you can't help but cringe. Get good... and then consider style. Spending money on skate clothing or skate accessories doesn't make you a skater. Going for companies like Palace, Bronze, FA, etc. doesn't make you a skater. "Skate fashion" means nothing, fuck off and pose as something else.

>> No.10619286

had the 5boro, really good deck, was skating a lot of shapes before it... closest to a popsicle I had for awhile, was trying to slowly ease back into popsicles as shapes were getting lame for me. Check out Solitaire Skateboards for a good, cheap shape (he sends you more than one deck if you're a returning customer, really awesome dude) my friends company out of Cali, don't pay for the brand or graphic, that's fake shit.

>> No.10619289

Fuck the fuck off poser

>> No.10619464

>not riding indies
>pink wheels
jesus christ

>> No.10619484

they were the only 52 mm wheels the shop had and indies can suck my dick t.b.h f.a.m materialism is cool in 2015

>> No.10619663
File: 71 KB, 475x534, hello.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Help me /skate/ i'm tired of walking across campus i'm ready to be that douche bag that skates to class. How do i start? What a good priced complete cruiser or normal board?

>> No.10619680

get a penny board friend :^)

>> No.10619690

if only i was i was a manlet like you i would be able to

>> No.10619691

Beginner question here:
Im pretty new to skating and have been using my board from like 7th grade. I want to get back into it but im not sure what size deck to get. Like I said im not good and would never really be at skate parks. Im also a 5'11 130lbs skelly with 10.5 US shoes.
I know I then want a smaller board but what size constitutes small? thanks

>> No.10619873

cop the board you posted a picture of.

>> No.10619883

stick around 8, 8.25 friend

>> No.10620138

materialism? you're losing out on quality, moron

>> No.10620152

I have one that's just plain without a graphic couse fuck it even if I did itd look fucked up

>> No.10620534
File: 23 KB, 400x400, zoom_8d401c1c997447ddadf1c22153287eb2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Big plastic cruiser master race. I changed the wheels for black wheels.

>> No.10620598

I started skating roughly 2 weeks ago but haven't had the time to start skating a lot and i keep getting a mild pain in my left ankle after pushing alot.
Anyone had the same issue when starting skating or any advice?

>> No.10621182

My advice is not to skateboard if you really find the need to ask such a stupid question. Anytime you start using a part of our body in a way it is not used to its is going to take a while to adjust. I used to play footy everyday, and every time I brought a noob friend by the end of the session their ankles would be so sore that it would hurt to unlock it.

>> No.10621518
File: 13 KB, 400x170, berraaa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


oh hey steve

>> No.10621607

>Get good... and then consider style. Spending money on skate clothing or skate accessories doesn't make you a skater.


I've been skating for 10 years, way before everyone started dickriding supreme and odd future but seriously, you're gonna call me a poser for liking a video??

bronze consistently put out videos that are more creative and fun than most other companies that use super slomo, ultra HD, and bullshit special effects. I'm bored of it, skating has always been about creativity and style.

every single fucking company pushes a certain 'image' through their board graphics, videos, and the skaters they sign, think about it

>> No.10621710

They're the highs from Huf x Thrasher collab.

>> No.10621914

8.25, reckon I'll stick with that size for a while, works well with my 149 indys.

>> No.10621927

Skating this exact pair right now. They're okay, could use more support in the insoles obviously, but they're grippy and have good flick, good sized sole and everything.

I finally got some Busenitz after lusting for them for years, and they fucking suck. Such a let down. Might be fine for a bigger dude who wears more baggy pants (Busenitz), but I'm not that dude.

>> No.10621933

how much you pay for those supreme indys, faggot?

>> No.10621941

truuuu aye skate life we in here!! all this longboard talk in these threads makes me wanna puke

>> No.10621946

k ooooo k

>> No.10622100
File: 77 KB, 200x350, 1391547925144.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Skaters are the whiniest people when it comes to their pastime, get over yourself.


I have a Landyachtz Dinghy, it gets the job done. Pretty cheap too.

Other than that go look at Sector 9 and Santa Cruz cruisers.

Also here, have some weeb inspo videos:





People need to calm down, a sport or your clothing doesn't define you as a person. If you want to join a subculture that's fine. If you just want to dress like that subculture that's also fine, but don't be surprised when people think you are disingenuous for doing that.

The obsession with brands in skateboarding is also beyond bizarre, just skate whatever setup works for you. Do you want to just cruise? Get a cruiser or a longboard. Do you want to do tricks? Get a typical popsicle, and if you are scared you will skating then just buy a blank so you don't feel bad about spending $80 on a deck.

A lot of the problems people seem to have here are solved really easily, but then again this is 4chan so it would be too much to expect someone not to sit in a thread for days shitposting.

>> No.10622116

Ty senpai just what i was thinking.

>> No.10622152


>> No.10622153

Who pays $80 for a deck

>> No.10622177


I'm Canadian, unfortunately that's what brand name decks cost up here now usually.

>> No.10622180

That sucks, I imagine buying a new setup is a pain.

>> No.10623181


>le skating is serious meme

>> No.10623224

buy regulare leather/suede ones, ones labeled "seasonal" have a harder rubber sole and just buy some skate insoles

>> No.10623237

Chomp on this of this era, AVE 4 SOTY also new Gino footy. all a round fun and the best thing to happen in a few years

>> No.10623301

any /r/longboarders here? :-)

was doing 40 down a big ass hill and power slided so hard i wiped out and ate shit but my slide gloves saved my face from kissing the pavement hehe

>> No.10623442

longboarding is no fa

sorry bud

>> No.10623525

As much as I respect true long boarding, its not effay.

>> No.10623677

this, buy fucking indies or you're a faggot

>> No.10624085


>> No.10624094

varial flip, top keks

>> No.10624183

haha fag, do you even read quartersnacks