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/fa/ - Fashion

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10577366 No.10577366 [Reply] [Original]

I am 24 years old, and at the start of the next school year I will be in my first teaching position at a school. I currently have long hair - past my shoulder blades - and a fairly robust beard. I wear flannels, chunky sweaters, etc. and generally aspire to look sort of..cozy.

Anyway, the school district hasn't asked me to change - I'm really well qualified and they all absolutely loved me during the interview process. However, I'm going to be working with 10th graders as a writing teacher. I want these people to become close to me, because I want to make good writers out of them after experiencing how terrible people out of HS are at it in my college years.

What advice does /fa/ have to pull off "nice teacher" as a 24 year old without going too far towards looking like a dad or like a preppy tryhard?

As far as my facial hair/long hair I think I'm going to go for medium length hair and shave down to a very short beard. I have good coverage and my beard is pretty thick and neat even when it's shaved down to an inch or less. Is that good? Should I go clean?

To reiterate, this is more about appealing to/not intimidating the 15-17 year olds I will be dealing with than looking strictly professional.

>> No.10578268

no one?

>> No.10578273

You're fine as you are, you sound like you look like a chill writing teacher. If I'm wrong, post a picture for critique.

>> No.10578282

You don't think a big lumberjackish dude with long hair is going to be too much for 10th graders?

also I can't post a picture currently, though I understand that would help. I'm on a trip and having some slight anxiety about this that I wanted to vent on. Plus I'm in a city right now if I decide I want to go out and buy things/get a hair cut/etc. so it's convenient for me.

>> No.10578292

quit 4chan.

>> No.10578293

Not sure if relevant

>> No.10578305

10th graders are in middle of puberty so most of them will most likely be little shits

Looking a bit intimidating is important as they will respect you because of that. You can still be nice to them as a teacher and have them like you but there needs to be a certain distance

>> No.10578312

I had an experience like this today hahahaha. Accidentally went to a test with no pencil. A girl gave me mechanical pencils, but she had to give me like four before I got a working one.

>> No.10578313

You look like a fucking pot-smoking hippie fresh out of college, not some grisly lumberjack used to hard labor and bitter-cold winds--you're not scaring anyone unless you bring in that ax you hang on your wall but don't know how to properly use.

>> No.10578327

No matter what it takes, you have to be able to give your students what they need. If the circumstances insist you shave/cut your hair then you shave and cut your hair. If not, you don't. You will be able to tell. Trust yourself and trust your students. Be receptive and open and you will be fine.

>> No.10578332

This guy just really reminds me of the situation. He has long hair, but I guess he dresses normal. I think he has a very commanding presence though even if he dresses normal, his "I'll Fight You for the Library," is probably better at getting that across.

>> No.10578350

I've been a construction worker off and on since I was 16. I paid for my college out of pocket by doing 3-5 day commission jobs building barns, sheds, kitchen cabinets, whatever over weekends and only having Tuesday/Thursday classes. Hippie isn't on the list of vibes I give. I'm a 6'2, 215 lbs white guy. I'm just afraid of being too much visually compared to older, more tame teachers I've met from the school so far. They're all clean cut guys wearing sweater vests and chinos.

Right, yes, thank you. I just thought there may be better terms to start on, if that makes sense.

>> No.10578366

That does make sense, and I know how your feel. Honestly you will know after the first day what you need to do. Its like a trial run. Just try to keep in mind that nobody is judging your abilities to teach based on your appearance including your students. It helps me to keep in mind that your position as a teacher, and as an adult, affords you a certain credibility in the eyes of students. Obviously this doesn't merit any abuse or laziness on your part, but, for the most part, kids will automatically look up to you, believe you, and listen to you.

>> No.10578374

Thank you for taking your time to post these things. Really from the bottom of my heart I'm thankful. I had a weird school experience, so despite my strong desire to teach myself it's a bit foreign to me. I had extensive internship to get my degree so I've done it, but I've never..like..had my own class room. Been the exclusive teacher. I'm worried about the image I put off in that scenario. I thought it would be best to show up the first day and stay that way for the entire school year to not throw anyone off. But I understand this perspective, and if I don't have any inspiration to change before school starts(I have a while) I'll just go in and wing it.

>> No.10578377


Sure you did buddy, and I helped build the railroads with my bony chinese hands! No help from mummy or daddy for us manly men

>> No.10578379

Keep beard -> consider haircut -> Jeans -> shortsleeved or rolled up button ups -> brown or black formal belt -> colorful tie with pin or clip -> nice pair of shoes or sneaks

Source: Had lumbersexual but really chill teacher who I learned a lot from

>> No.10578381

>one year from now I'll be 24

Holy fucking shit

>> No.10578383

You think a tie is really a good idea in this scenario? A tie with jeans and sneakers seems off to me.

My parents are dead. That's why I started working when I was 16. My grandfather, before he passed, got me in with his old construction job and I learned from there.

>> No.10578386

No problem. I had similar stresses when I started teaching this semester. I honestly believe your physical appearance is the least of your worries. As long as you maintain the ability to be fluid and flexible in your lesson plans and role in the classroom you should be fine. I think your background will allow you to empathize with students who may be harder to reach, or who demand more attention. I think you will do a great job. I included my email if you feel like you need anything else. Good luck!

>> No.10578389

He made it work, don't know how. Consider bowtie? I don't know, he shaved his beard to a 'stache once and stopped wearing the tie, looked like a straight pedo and classmates made fun of him.

>> No.10578390 [DELETED] 

or I suppose I didn't because I am still getting used to 4chan's quck reply option, apparently. hopefully this works.

>> No.10578393

hahahahaha y

>> No.10578399


>> No.10578402

Oh god. The stache. I did that once and I was stuck in public with it for a couple weeks because I've been growing my moustache for years and didn't want to lose it. Beard grows sufficiently in like a week but a good moustache is a real commitment.

It worked! I'll keep this offer in mind, and at least maybe email you an update some day.

>> No.10578456

r u kidding me a writing teacher with long hair and hug beard would be inspiration as fuck

>> No.10578460

>You don't think a big lumberjackish dude with long hair is going to be too much for 10th graders?

sounds like it would be akin to having ray bradberry or one of jack kerouac's characters teaching you writing

>> No.10578478
File: 357 KB, 750x500, based DFW.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Honestly it's so much more about the way you teach/approach the students than your appearance while you do it. I have had some pretty un-/fa/ teachers who have influenced me so much. If you're teaching at a public school just make sure not to try too hard, you aren't going to reach everyone and don't let that upset you. If you can influence just one person a year that will make it all worth it. Don't be a faggot, tryhard, or niceguy- just live your life and teach.

>> No.10578509

in HS we had no respect for the russian physics professor with a doctorate. and had all teh respect for the intimidating English teacher who made us real bullshit books and coached wrestling.

idk if that's relevant or not but high school is a fucked up time and kids don't respect anything important.

>> No.10578604

>Don't be a faggot, tryhard, or niceguy- just live your life and teach.

>> No.10579531

My 10th grade biology teacher was 6'5 with shoulder blade-length hair and a beard down to his sternum who played a ukulele in the hallways between classes, and he was the most popular teacher in the entire school, not just with the students but parents and other teachers too.